Rimi riga marathon. I have read and agree to the privacy policy.
Rimi riga marathon Rimi Riga Marathon /. Rimi Riga Marathon is the leading long distance running event in the Baltics! If you have never been to Riga then running a marathon or half-marathon could At the Rimi Riga Marathon 2024 we’ve crowned the best and fastest teams in the Rimi Teams’ Cup in the small, medium and large teams categories, as well as the best running clubs! Congratulations to the winners! Large teams category (more than 50 participants) Placement Team name Points ; Placement 1 : Team name Rimi labākai dzīvei : Points 699 : Placement 2 At the Rimi Riga Marathon on May 18-19, we will provide prize money for the top finishers of all distances – DPD mile (1609m), 5km, 10km, half marathon and marathon. februārī! Map of Rimi Riga Marathon 2023 42,195km course with elevation changes. Your e-mail. Ikgadējie skriešanas svētki, kas 2025. The marathon course has been measured and certified by AIMS, the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races and is categorized as a Gold Label Road Race by World Athletics. AbbottWMM Marathon Tours & Travel Age Group World Championship jeb Pasaules čempionātu maratonā vecuma grupās izveidojusi pasaules sešu lielāko maratonu apvienība Abbott World Marathon Majors, lai skrējējiem Not only Riga, but the whole of Latvia can rightly be proud that the most ambitious sports event in the Baltics takes place every year in our home, on the streets of Riga - the Rimi Riga Marathon is a great national sports event that has no similar in the entire region. The Rimi Riga Marathon stands as the only marathon in the world that unites five World Athletics Road Race Label races – the mile, 5km, 10km, half marathon, and Rimi Riga Marathon 2023. A flat, single-lap marathon course in the Baltics' largest city. 00 DPD jūdze (starts pie Latvijas Nacionālā mākslas muzeja, finišs – pie Brīvības pieminekļa) 9. gada 27. Created by Abbott World Marathon Majors, the label allows runners aged 40 and over to compete at the World Championships 🏆. novembra krastmalā. Training plans; Useful tips for runners; News . Laikā, kad daļa sabiedrības cieš no pandēmijas blaknes – mazkustīguma –, ir svarīgi atgādināt par kustību prieku ikdienā, iekustināt sevi, ģimeni, draugus un Latviju. Print the Rimi Riga Marathon gift certificate, and fill in the blank fields, indicating the purchased registration code. With a variety of distance options, including a full marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K, and Mile, there is something for runners of all levels. Paldies par atsauksmi! Ņemsim vērā jūsu atsauksmes, lai uzlabotu mājaslapā piedāvāto informāciju. Deribe ROBI: 26 SEP 1990: ETH: 2:12:07: 2. -18. Experience the magical aura of Vilnius’ Rimi Riga Marathon / Current news / Latest news. Shirt and medal designs by Germans Ermičs 5 April 2024. The Riga Marathon (also known as the Rimi Riga Marathon) is an annual road marathon held in Riga, Latvia, since 1991. If you missed out on purchasing the official Nike running shirt with German Ermičs’ design because they were sold out don’t Savu atbildību mēs redzam kopīgi ar Rimi Riga Maratonu veicinot skrējēju, līdzjutēju, organizācijā iesaistīto un arī citu atbalstītāju ilgtspējas izpratni ar mērķi veicināt ilgtspējīgus lēmumus un rīcības. 8 June 2023. Both professionals and beginners take part in the marathon. Duncan Cheruiyot KOECH: 28 DEC 1981 Rimi Rīgas maratona divu dienu programmu tradicionāli atklāj Bērnu diena, kas ļauj kustību prieku piedzīvot pašiem mazākajiem dalībniekiem un ģimenēm. Aizpildīt anketu Vairāk par ilgtspēju Rimi Rīgas maratonu (“RRM”) organizē SIA “Nords Event Communications”, reģistrācijas numurs 50003981501, juridiskā adrese Brīvības ielā 40-24, Rīgā (“NECom”), e-pasts marathon@necom. Map of Rimi Riga Marathon 2023 42,195km course with elevation changes. 11. 33003 participants from 104 countries registered for the Rimi Riga Marathon. 50003981501) signed contract No. Courses; Programme; Kids’ Day; Medals; Official Running Shirts; Rimi Teams’ Cup; Results; The most intense competition is expected in the half marathon at the Rimi Riga Marathon, where participants will attempt to surpass the time of 59:10 set by Sebastian Sawe, the winner of the World Athletics Road the spring of 202 4, which will not allow the Rimi Riga Marathon to be implemented in full. Pie medaļām tiks pilnīgi visi teju 15 000 Rimi Rīgas maratons iekļauts starp 350 pasaules maratoniem, kuros iespējams kvalificēties Pasaules čempionātam maratonā vecuma grupās. Register; Registration Changes Gatavojoties Rimi Rīgas maratonam, atbildes par ziemas skriešanas jautājumiem sniedz garo distanču skrējēja, trenere un uztura zinātniece Anita Siliņa, savukārt drošības jautājumus komentē Rimi Rīgas maratona Purchase a registration code for one of the Rimi Riga Marathon distances in our online shop here. The significant growth of the number of registered participants is an effective indication that the In 2006, when the team started their journey with Rimi Riga Marathon, they pretty much had to turn a dreaded activity by many – running – into an appealing social movement, by The two-day program of the Rimi Riga Marathon is traditionally opened by the Kids’ Day. The Rimi Riga Marathon next May is set to be the general rehearsal Programma “Mans pirmais maratons” dos 8 skrējējiem unikālu iespēju saņemt visu nepieciešamo gatavošanās posmā no janvāra vidus līdz pat startam Rimi Rīgas maratonā 15. Piesakies jaunumiem Tavs e-pasts. . At 8:00 AM, when the marathon and half-marathon runners will take off, the current available information suggests that temperatures might rise to around +15°C to +17°C, with the possibility of reaching up to +24°C later in the day. The race boasts a flat and fast course that showcases the historic streets of the Baltics’ largest city. Pirmoreiz kopš 2019. 3. janvārim. Pārliecinies par nākamajiem Rimi Rīgas maratona pasākumiem un sacensībām. This day allows youngsters as well as their families to enjoy the joy of movement. jūlijā – īsi pēc dramatiskajām barikāžu dienām. 00 EUR. Registration for the Rimi Riga Marathon, which will take place for the first time on the first weekend (6th and 7th) of May, has opened almost 11 months before the event. However, you can currently register for the ‘Sprint King and Queen’ distance. Teams will be evaluated in three categories: small teams with 15-29 participants, medium teams with 30-49 participants, and large teams with 50+ Šodien, 18. 8 March 2023. Germans Ermičs is born in Riga in Uz Latvijas simtgades krekla ir Latvijas visu laiku slavenākā mākslinieka zīmējums “Daugavas sargs”, kurā attēlots Lāčplēsis. The longest-running The Rimi Riga Marathon is also among the 350 global marathons where you can qualify for the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships 👍. Shirt and medal designs by World Athletics Events and Results. The registration of 2025 for the baby, 200m, and 400m races will Rimi Riga Marathon. Nosūtīt. After compiling the data, we will aim to establish the criteria for the Rimi Riga Marathon Hall of Fame for the first time. Vairāk nekā trīsdesmit pastāvēšanas gados pasākums piedzīvojis gan juku laikus, kas valdīja Last weekend, 17,033 participants registered to take part in the Rimi Riga Marathon, including 1,928 marathon tourists from 76 countries, making this the most vibrant running festival in Riga since the pandemic. Getting enough energy in is Rimi Rīgas maratons 2023 8. In total, in 2022, 17,000 people from 76 different countries came to compete. Rimi Rīgas maratona dāvanas kods ir derīgs līdz 2025. It was first ran in 1990. If you too want to get this magnificent medal around your neck at the finish line this year, don’t delay registering for the event! Related galleries. DPD Mile (1609m) We are excited to announce the Rimi Riga Marathon 35th anniversary courses! 📍 The marathon course is set to be a runner’s dream, featuring a single loop. Join newsletter Your e-mail On May 15 Rimi Riga Marathon will welcome world running stars who have climbed podiums in Berlin, Valencia, Eindhoven, Dubai, Barcelona, Cape Town, Ottawa, Lai patīkams treniņu process un padarīto darbu dodamies izbaudīt skriešanas svētkos Rimi Rīgas maratona ar citiem daudziem tūkstošiem skrējēju, kas tevi sapratīs, kas kaut kādā ziņā ir piedzīvojis līdzīgas sajūtas kā tu un kas būs ar Rimi Riga Marathon / Registration Changes. With a new slogan ‘Run Grand in Riga!’ the Rimi Riga Marathon enters its 35th season. maijs. Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand why data is being collected and what Lai iekļūtu “DPD FAST” starta koridorā, Rimi Rīgas maratona EXPO Tev jādodas pie DPD FAST stenda un jāuzrāda izpildīts laika normatīvs kādās sacensībās (uzstādīts pēc 2022. DOWNLOAD THE APP. May 18 at 11 November Embankment. Training plans; Useful tips for runners; News. Join newsletter Your e-mail. Shirt and medal designs by Paulis Liepa. 18:30 MEN’S Ja ir neskaidrības par iepriekšējo gadu pārreģistrācijām, sazināties ar Rimi Rīgas maratona rīkotājiem: marathon@necom. Tās būs 16 intensīvas nedēļas, aktīvi trenējoties gan individuāli, gan kopā ar komandas biedriem. 7:05 AM 42 km. A flat, single-lap marathon course Rimi Riga Marathon Riga (LAT) 15 MAY 2022 E. Men's Marathon. Ievērojama Visa nepieciešamā informācija par Rimi Rīgas maratona 2024. REZULTĀTU LABOŠANA Pieprasījuma The Rimi Riga Marathon is the biggest mass sports event in the Baltic States, gathering tens of thousands of runners from all over the world in Latvia’s capital city Riga every May. Četri dalībnieki būs Latvijā zināmas, sociāli aktīvas personības, kuras atlasīs īpaši Rimi Rīgas maratons 2025. Our friends from Nike Training Club, Science in Sport, Mangaļi and Rīgas meži will join us in On May 19, when the long-distance runners will hit the Rimi Riga Marathon course, meteorologists forecast very warm weather. Download . reizi, un tas neapšaubāmi ir Baltijā vērienīgākais tautas sporta pasākums, kas pulcēs ap 30 000 dalībnieku no vairāk nekā 80 pasaules valstīm. PAY FOR THE SERVICE. Starting from May 12, 2025, transferring the entry is not possible. 05 42 km. 1. Created by Abbott World Marathon Majors, the label allows runners aged 40 and over Pārliecinies par nākamajiem Rimi Rīgas maratona pasākumiem un sacensībām. Refer to section 12 of the Rules and Regulations for the conditions of registration for athletes from Latvia. maijā norisināsies jau 34. Final. The 35th anniversary marathon will gather both running enthusiasts, for whom running Rimi Rīgas maratona EXPO atgriežas 13. Skrien maratona, pusmaratona, 5km vai jūdzes distances Rīgā! Mēs esam sagatavojuši treniņu plānus katrai no Rimi Rīgas maratona distancēm, lai palīdzētu jums mērķtiecīgi sagatavoties izvēlētajai distancei – maratonam, pusmaratonam, 10 km vai 24. 3. 19 May 2024. Join free running training sessions in Mežaparks every Sunday morning from March 10th until the Rimi Riga Marathon to stay active and prepare for your distance together! To avoid forgetting about the training, we offer to add all sessions to your calendar! This calendar will provide you with the most up-to-date information about the training Since the first starting shot at the Freedom Monument on July 27, 1991, the Rimi Riga Marathon will be held for the 35th time in 2025. We have multiple running distances: Marathon - 42 km Half-marathon - 21 km Short races - 10 km The Rimi Riga Marathon offers a great opportunity for first-time visitors to get to know Riga, one of the most beautiful cities in the Baltics. Search. 1-1-L-2024/441 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) on October 18, 2024, to receive support under the initiatives “Promotion of International Competitiveness” and “Organization of International Sports Events in Latvia,” co-financed by the European Regional Rimi Riga Marathon is included among 350 world marathons, in which it is possible to qualify for the AbbottWMM Marathon Tours & Travel Age Group World Championship. Neste Latvija valdes priekšsēdētājs. 00 Bērnu diena (11. 5. Available races: Mile, Marathon, Half-Marathon, 10 km and 6 km. Esmu iepazinies un piekrītu privātuma politikai. Registration Changes. It’s time to seize the moment and set a goal for the New Year— your dream 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or even marathon on May 18th and 19th in Riga! Remember – we’ll have preserved the Riga’s World Champs courses just for you, so don’t let this unique We understand that the carbon footprint of the Rimi Riga Marathon, in a global context, is minimal. gada 31. In its more than thirty years of existence, the event has seen both the chaos of the 1990s, the the decline in the interest of sponsors and participants at the beginning of the 2000s, and the revival in 2007, the fastest Rimi Riga Marathon is an annual road marathon held in Riga, Latvia, since 1991. I have read and agree to the privacy policy. un 18. Register; Registration Changes; Marathon. The Rimi Riga Marathon is the World Athletics Road Races label holder. 8 km) course, which will take you on a scenic run near and along the Freedom Monument. Reģistrācija jau šobrīd ir atvērta maratona, pusmaratona, 10 km, 6 km un DPD jūdzes distancei, kā arī “Sprinta karalis un karaliene” distancei, savukārt Bērnu dienas bezmaksas distanču un Skolu kausa reģistrācija These Nike Running Club training plans have been prepared for all the Rimi Riga Marathon distances – marathon (18 weeks), half marathon (14 weeks), 10km (8 weeks) and 5km (8 weeks). 2025. 17 May 2022. jubileju, notiks 2025. 12:30 PM 10 km. 2. janvāris, 2024 Reģistrējies izdevīgāk pirms cenu maiņas 29. Iepazīsti Rimi Rīgas maratona komandu! Mēs esam “Nords Event Communications” – komanda, kas atbildīga par skriešanas kultūras invāziju Latvijā! Profesionāli sportisti pilnīgi noteikti I have read and agree to the privacy policy. There are several distances to choose from, including the marathon, half-marathon, 10km, 6km, and mile. Pēc šī gada maratona redzam, ka cilvēki ne tikai pamana mūsu aicinājumus, bet aktīvi iesaistās un arvien apzinātāk izturas pret resursiem, kurus izmanto DPD jūdze (1609m) Starts pie Latvijas Nacionālā mākslas muzeja, finišs – pie Brīvības pieminekļa Rimi Rīgas maratons norisināsies 2025. jūnijā, tieši 11 mēnešus līdz Baltijas nozīmīgākajiem skriešanas svētkiem, tiek atklāta reģistrācija nākamā gada Rimi Rīgas maratonam. May Saturday Kids’ Day, DPD Mile 18. gada atgriežoties tradicionālajos maija norises datumos, Rimi Rīgas maratons šogad dalībniekiem piedāvās Kristiana Brektes radītā dizaina medaļas un oficiālos kreklus. maijs 11. 00 for the first Rimi Riga marathon training of the season in the freshly opened multi-functional Daugava indoor athletics arena! In the training, we will combine the RIMI RĪGAS MARATONS (the “RRM”) is organized by SIA “Nords Event Communications”, registration number 50003981501, legal seat at 40-24 Brivibas street, Riga (“NECom”), email: marathon@necom. Rimi Riga Marathon calendar highlights key dates for runners and spectators. Cart (0) Rimi Riga Marathon. “DPD Fast” qualifying times: marathon (42km) – 3:15 for men, 3:40 for women, 2024. Find all race information on In 2023, we crowned the world champions in the half marathon, 5 km and DPD Mile tracks right here in Riga, these three official World Athletics Road Running Championships courses were Visa nepieciešamā informācija par Rimi Rīgas maratona 2024. Register; Registration Changes. On May 17, the Olympic Kids’ Day at the 11th November Embankment will allow even the smallest participants and families to experience the joy Mežaparks has become a favorite training spot for Rimi Riga Marathon runners and friends since the beginning of the marathon. Rimi Riga Marathon is the biggest and most international running event in Northern Europe! See you on May 17-18, 2025! ♂️ “Mans pirmais maratons” ir Rimi Rīgas maratona vēstnešu programma, kas 12 skrējējiem nodrošinās visu nepieciešamo atbalstu intensīvam 16 nedēļu treniņu posmam, aktīvi The designer of the Rimi Riga Marathon 2024 medal. Courses; Programme; DPD Fast; Kids’ Day; Medals; Official Running Shirts; Rimi Teams’ Cup; Results; Pictures; Programme. For someone, marathon a fight for a new personal record, for another, the opportunity to Rimi Rīgas maratons, kas nākamgad atzīmēs savu 35. Šī privātuma atruna nosaka to, kā NECom apstrādā jūsu personas datus. Reģistrēties Rimi Rīgas maratonam iespējams šeit. Participants have the opportunity to make various registration changes, but firstly, in order to apply for changes the following steps must be taken: REGISTRATION CHANGES FORM. 30 10 km. 7. maijā: DPD jūdze (1609 m) un Bērnu diena . If you’ve noticed that the official finish time for the Rimi Riga Marathon doesn’t match your recorded time, you can submit a request for a correction. 9:00 AM 21 km. gada Rimi Rīgas maratons notiks trešajā maija nedēļas nogalē – 18. maijā: maratons, pusmaratons, 10 km un 6 km. 30 6 km PIRMAIS vilnis Dalībai Rimi Rīgas maratonā nedēļas nogalē reģistrējās 33 003 skrējēji no 104 valstīm, Rīgas ielās dodot iespēju izskrieties rekordlielam dalībnieku skaitam pēc pandēmijas. Donation Opportunities. However, by setting an example and calculating and offsetting our own as well as participants' carbon footprints, we aim to Rimi Rīgas maratona 2024 ietvaros esam noskaidrojuši ātrākās un sportiskākās komandas Rimi komandu kausā mazo, vidējo un lielo komandu konkurencē, kā arī ātrākos skriešanas klubus. novembra krastmala). Menu. Get the official running shirt 22 May 2024. un 19. Distances maiņu uz garāku iespējams veikt The two-day program of the Rimi Riga Marathon will traditionally be opened by Kids’ Day, which once again, thanks to the support of the Latvian Olympic Committee, has become the Olympic Kids’ Day. Sīvākā cīņa par vietu uz pjedestāla gaidāma maratonā un pusmaratonā, kas starptautisku uzmanību izpelnījies, sniedzot iespēju Pasaules The main partner of the Rimi Riga Marathon – Rimi. Place Name Birth Date Nat. 18 May 2024. TOP 10 finishers Rimi Riga Marathon 2024 . Gift a run; Official Nike running shirts; World Athletics Road Running Together with the health partner and supporter of the marathon, Mēness aptieka, we are launching the special “Inclusive Marathon” program this year, providing unprecedented support and an opportunity for people with This is already the 34th season of the Rimi Riga Marathon and we know that although we have been gathering thousands of runners for years in the largest running event in the Baltics and running side by side each other, the marathon means something different to each of us. Piegādes ar DPD kurjeru vai Pickup tīklu šogad nenotiks. 11:00 AM DPD Mile (starts at the Latvian National Museum of Art and finishes at the Freedom Monument) 09:00 The Rimi Riga Marathon offers a great opportunity for first-time visitors to get to know Riga, one of the most beautiful cities in the Baltics. gada 17. Teams with at least 15 participants automatically qualify for the Rimi Team Cup. Join newsletter. On May 18, 2024 Rimi Riga Marathon ’ Day participants can choose from sKids everal With the support of our partner DPD we’ve created a special program “DPD FAST” in the Rimi Riga Marathon which will allow the fastest runners to take place in the frontmost starting corral to avoid the crowd and be set for a quick result. Everything you need to know about picking up your race bib at the EXPO, starting order for your distance, course 2024 is here and the price change for all Rimi Riga Marathon distances is approaching. 7:00 AM 21 km ELITE. gada trasēm. novembra krastmala) 18. With Šogad Rimi Rīgas maratons 18. On Saturday, May 17, the Kids’ Day will take place with short distances up to 400 m (free of charge for kids up to 12 years) and the DPD Mile (1609 m) meant for everyone, especially families with kids, while on Sunday, May 18, runners will take on the marathon (42 All-time greatest Rimi Riga Marathon achievements. 14:30 PM 6 km FIRST Rimi Riga Marathon / Marathon / Programme. maijā. gada reģistrācija mazuļu, 200 metru un 400 metru trasītēm tiks atklāta Rimi Riga Marathon / RRM_entry_fee_2025_v2_LV2. To As an expansion of the Rimi Riga Marathon’s traditional range of races, and to try and stimulate a faster recovery from the pandemic for public sporting events, the DPD Mile will debut in Riga on May 14th. The gift is ready! “RIGA 23” apzināti veidota atpazīstamās pilsētas robežzīmes “RĪGA” stilistikā – šādā veidolā “RIGA 23” jau burtiski sākusi savu ceļojumu pa pasaules klasiskajiem maratoniem ar mērķi uz Rīgu 2023. Distances maiņa uz garāku. RRM_entry_fee_2025_v2_EN2. The legendary runner together with thousands of other runners from all over the world will step on the start line on May 18, 20025. May 16th and 17th; 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Dec Entry fee change 17. 18. Half marathon historic winners. Kopēt saiti. 00 DPD jūdze (starts pie Latvijas Nacionālā mākslas muzeja, finišs – pie Brīvības pieminekļa). 00 21 km. Dec Christmas Run 09:00 Dailes Theater 31. Organizatoriem ir tiesības veikt izmaiņas un papildinājumus 2021. The course is through Riga city centre and is measured according to With a new slogan ‘Run Grand in Riga!’ the Rimi Riga Marathon enters its 35th season. The Rimi Riga Marathon is also among the 350 global marathons where you can qualify for the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships 👍. 17. Courses; Kids’ Day; Medals; Official Running Shirts; Rimi Teams’ Cup; Results; Pictures; Get Ready. Marathon. DISTANCE AND TIME CONTROL 5. un 14. That is why we are excited to welcome the Šoreiz programmai “Mans pirmais maratons” būs divas atlases kārtas – vispirms Rimi Rīgas maratona komanda atlasīs 20 spilgtākos kandidātus, no kuriem līdz 10 dalībniekiem izvēlēsimies publiskā balsojumā! Lai pēc iespējas objektīvāk izvērtētu dalībnieku atbilstību programmai, vēlamies, lai Tu iesniedz arī video (neuztraucies, tas netiks publcēts). gadā atvilināt rekordlielu Mūsu komandas pārziņā 2023. Rimi Riga Marathon offers various race distances to cater to participants with different running abilities and goals. May Sunday Marathon, Half marathon, 10km, 6km Welcome to Rimi Riga Marathon's online shop! Skip to content. Join. Last year, more than 15,000 runners from 105 countries came to the Rimi Riga Marathon and the World I have read and agree to the privacy policy. 04. Apsveicam! SIA “Nords Event Communications” (reg. maijā, šajā sezonā ar īpašu vērienu izskanēs par godu Rimi Rīgas maratona 35. The legendary and record-breaking courses from the World Athletics Road Running Championships in Riga in 2023 will still be the same – it means half marathon, road mile and 10 km courses will remain unchanged. Rimi Riga Marathon Riga (LAT) 15 MAY 2022 E Rimi Riga Marathon 2025 Regulations. Register; Registration Changes Iegādājies Rimi Rīgas maratona 10 km distances dāvanas kodu, ar kuru dāvanas saņēmējs varēs reģistrēties maratonam bez maksas. By completing the survey, you will have the chance to participate in the draw for 35 exciting prizes, where you could win amazing rewards from the Rimi Riga Marathon and our sponsors! The World Athletics Road Running Championships, which will have its premiere in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, on September 30th and October 1st, 2023, starts collaboration with the SuperHalfs half-marathon In honor of the Rimi Riga Marathon’s 35th anniversary, the most awarded long-distance runner, Jeļena Prokopčuka, will run the full marathon distance as an elite runner for the last time. RRM_entry_fee_2025_v2_LV2. 15. All courses are traff Rimi Riga Marathon is an annual road marathon held in Riga, Latvia, since 1991. 10. 14. There are several distances to choose from, including The Riga Marathon (also known as the Rimi Riga Marathon) is an annual road marathon held in Riga, Latvia, since 1991. Initially, the Riga Marathon medals were adorned with views of Riga, but since 2019, the design of the marathon medals has been entrusted to various artists, thus giving the medal an additional artistic value. 00 21 km ELITE. gadā norisināsies 17. TIME AND PLACE . janvāra). maijā! Visi dalībnieki ir aicināti savus starta numurus izņemt klātienē Rimi Rīgas maratona EXPO. The 202 2 Rimi Riga Marathon is the Latvian Marathon Championship and the Latvian Mile Championship. –18. gada maratona un pusmaratona trases The Rimi Vilnius Marathon takes place in Vilnius, Lithuania on the second weekend of September. Ņemot vērā, ka 2018. This year too, the marathon welcomes runners every Sunday to the Elektrum energetic Rimi Riga Marathon / Current news / Latest news. All donations for children with movement disorders can be made: Your opinion matters! As we gear up for the World Athletics Road Running Championships in Riga on September 30 and October 1, we want to hear from you about your experience at this year’s marathon. Bearing in mind that the 2018 marathon and half marathon courses crossed the Daugava on all three main Riga bridges for the first time, Klucis’ Lāčplēsis was really able to symbolically Thanks to the continued support of Garmin Latvia, the participants of the Rimi Riga Marathon will once again have the benefit of official pacekeepers for the eleventh consecutive Rimi Riga Marathon is the leading long distance running event in the Baltics! If you have never been to Riga then running a marathon or half-marathon could be a good reason to visit one of the Rimi Riga marathon stands out from other running races around the world with the spectacular and ever changing medals’ design each year, and 2024 is no exception! The Rimi Riga Marathon 2023 8 June 2023. 30 6 km PIRMAIS vilnis. EXPO (bib pick-up) May 17th; 11:00 AM. no. Izvēlies iemeslu. Treniņos sasniegtie rezultāti šoreiz nebūs pietiekami, lai Rimi Riga Marathon start will be announced organization rulesthe event, before informing participants via the event website, Regulations and e-mail provided in the registration form. Aicinām tevi aizpildīt aptauju par to, kādu pēdu tu plāno atstāt maratonā un piedalies izlozē par trīs Nike oficiālajiem skriešanas krekliem. 09:00 AM – 2:00 PM Kids’ Day (11 November Embankment). Regulations last updated: 22 June 2024. This will The registration of 2024 for the baby, 200m, and 400m races will be opened in the spring. Medal and shirt design by A new Rimi Riga Marathon half-marathon course record has been set. Mark ; 1. lv. A flat, single-lap marathon course Mark your calendars – Rimi Riga Marathon will take place on May 17-18 in 2025! And we’re counting down every single day because we miss you already! 2025 will also mark the 35th anniversary of the Rimi Riga Marathon Meklē fotogrāfijas no Rimi Rīgas maratona? Atrodi tos šeit mūsu attēlu galerijā! The inaugural Riga Marathon began on July 27, 1991, near the Freedom Monument, immediately after the dramatic days of the barricades. Until May 11, 2025, you have the option to transfer your paid entry to the 2026 Rimi Riga Marathon by paying an additional fee of 15. This privacy policy sets out how NECom will process your personal data. Your feedback The registration for the Rimi Riga Marathon is open! Register for your distance and join us in celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Rimi Riga Marathon on May 17-18 next year! In 2025, an exciting and eventful running All donations for children with movement disorders can be made: In your registration profile, when registering for any Rimi Riga Marathon distance; At Rimi in-store donation boxes (or with your “Mans Rimi” savings – log in to your Rimi account and select the percentage of your savings you want to donate at the end of the month);On the Children’s Rimi Riga Marathon is the most international and leading long distance running event in the Baltics. 2023. Vai šis bija noderīgi? Jā Nē. Rimi Riga Marathon 2022. Maratona pirmajā dienā, sestdienā, uz starta līnijas stāsies DPD jūdzes un Bērnu dienas dalībnieki, bet svētdienā – maratona, pusmaratona, 10 km un 6 km distanču dalībnieki. The international elite program of Rimi Riga Marathon works only with managers Learn about the Rimi Riga Marathon partners, that make this special annual event possible. Armands Beiziķis. The legendary and record-breaking courses from the World Athletics Road Running 9,105 Followers, 405 Following, 1,201 Posts - Rimi Riga Marathon (@rimirigamarathon) on Instagram: "👟 Biggest running event in the Baltics! 📆 May 17: DPD mile, Kids’ Day 📆 May 18: Discover the Rimi Riga Marathon, in Latvia on the 17-18 May, 2025 (Sat - Sun). Latest news; Event Calendar; Rimi Rīgas maratona 2025 nolikums reglamentē sacensību norisi 2025. 👏🏼 The legendary and record-breaking courses from the Ja esi konstatējis, ka Rimi Rīgas maratona oficiālais finiša laiks nesaskan ar Tavu fiksēto laiku, Tu vari iesniegt pieprasījumu rezultātu labošanai. We know that the app is super important for runners and their Schedule the morning of January 28 at 10. 4. I urge everyone who intends to run the Rimi Riga Marathon, especially those who want to run great distances, to see their family doctor and get regular checkups to make sure high-intensity loads are appropriate for their body! One should take their nutrition plan into account while planning their exercise program. Skrien maratona, pusmaratona, 5km vai jūdzes distances Rīgā! The Rimi Riga Marathon in 2025 will be held on May 17th and 18th! May 17. Nolikumā atrunāta reģistrēšanās, dalības atcelšanas, starta organizēšanas, laika kontroles, apbalvošanas, rezultātu publicēšanas un pretenziju iesniegšanas kārtība, kā arī dalībnieku atbildība piedaloties sacensībās. The most significant running event in the Baltics stood out this year with its extensive concert programme dedicated to Ukraine at the 11 Jau nākamnedēļ Rimi Rīgas maratons uzņems pasaules skriešanas zvaigznes, kas kāpušas uz goda pjedestāla Berlīnes, Valensijas, Eindhovenas, Dubajas, Barselonas, Keiptaunas, Otavas, Osakas, Sidnejas un citos prestižos maratonos. Registration changes are made within 24 hours if the steps above are completed. gada 1. 00-14. Latest news; Event calendar ; Frequently Asked Check out the best results of men and women who have run the longest distances at the impressive marathon record paces! Results last updated: 14. Children are invited to participate in the Rimi Riga marathon Kids Day at the Freedom Monument on May 14. As we have said before – 2023 will be a special year, because after the Rimi Riga Marathon we will prepare for the World Running Championship in the fall. An order confirmation and the purchased registration code will be sent to your e-mail. With the finish at the Freedom Monument, the winners of the Latvian Championships in the Road Mile distance were announced and awarded, which opened the Download the official Rimi Riga Marathon app for free from the Apple Store or Play Store, using keywords Rimi Riga Marathon. All you need to know – in the Event Guide 15 May 2024. jūnijs, 2023. Just like the Rimi Riga Marathon in May, the first World Athletics Road Running Championships, which will crown the world’s half-marathon, five-kilometre and road mile champions in October, will provide an opportunity for I have read and agree to the privacy policy. 30 6 km OTRAIS vilnis Rimi Rīgas maratons un Pasaules čempionāts skriešanā valsts ekonomikai pienesis 12 miljonus eiro 11. 24,315 likes · 84 talking about this. Registration. From April 4 to April 14, at the Rimi Riga Marathon season event center in the shopping center “Spice,” everyone interested had the opportunity to try out for the first time in Latvia the specially imported world’s largest running track, attempting to run at the pace of the men’s and women’s marathon world records. Get ready to be a part of the biggest running event in Latvia! These Nike Running Club training plans have been prepared for all the Rimi Riga Marathon distances – marathon (18 weeks), half marathon (14 weeks), 10km (8 weeks) and 5km (8 weeks). 4. Latvian national records. Until March How will the Rimi Riga Marathon medals and official running shirts look in 2024? You’ll have to wait a little longer because we’ll reveal the designs in spring! Get to know Germans Ermičs. The Rimi Riga Marathon in 2025 will be held on May 17th and 18th! May 17. --- Purchase the gift code for the Rimi Riga Marathon 10km distance, w When registering for the Rimi Riga Marathon, every participant has the opportunity to donate 5, 20, or 100 euros for children who are currently deprived of the joy of movement. You can find all the information about and around the marathon – from receiving numbers to the starting order and traffic restrictions – in the Runners’ Guide! See you at the Rimi Riga Marathon EXPO – on Friday and Pirmā Rīgas maratona starta šāviens pie Brīvības pieminekļa atskanēja 1991. For 35th jubilee Rimi Riga Marathon is introducing two major changes. 12. Nike Run Club training plans. Esi daļa no lielākajiem tauta sporta notikumiem Latvijā! Rimi Riga Marathon / About us / Gallery. Esi daļa no lielākajiem tauta sporta notikumiem Latvijā! Rimi Riga marathon is welcoming 23 751 runners to Riga, the Road Running Capital of the World, on May 6 – 7, 2023. The competition has been created by Abbott World Kopā ar maratona veselības partneri un atbalstītāju Mēness aptieku šogad atklājam īpašo “Iekļaujošs maratons” programmu, sniedzot vēl nebijušu atbalstu un iespēju cilvēkiem ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem un viņu asistentiem piedalīties lielākajos skriešanas svētkos Baltijā! Programmas ietvaros 400 dalībnieki – 200 cilvēki ar kustību un citiem veselības All income from the most attended 6 km distance, Rimi Riga Marathon will be donated to support Ukraine. This year, for both men and women, the prize Free pick-up at the EXPO (individually): Participants will receive bib numbers with microchips at the Rimi Riga Marathon ‘2024 EXPO on May 17th and 18th, 2024, from 10:00 to 20:00, by presenting the confirmation letter with the Rimi Rīgas maratons 2025. 11:00 AM DPD Mile (starts at the Latvian National Museum of Art and finishes at the Freedom Monument). Tāpēc pirms To darīsim gan stādot kokus, gan izvēloties kādu ilgtspējas projektu Rīgā, lai atdarītu pilsētai, kurā notiek Rimi Rīgas maratons. The workouts will be led by experienced coaches and pace keepers from Riga Runners and Nike Run Club Riga. gada Rimi Rīgas maratona oficiālo kreklu dizaina galvenais vēstījums ir Latvijas iekustināšana. The programme of events for the Rimi Riga Marathon runs on May 18-19, 2024. 9. 🤞🏼 Let’s appreciate the new “Jubilee 5K,” or rather an almost 6 km (about 5. gadā bija ne tikai Rimi Rīgas maratons, bet arī Pasaules čempionāts skriešanā tepat Rīgā! Vispasaules skriešanas svētkos Rīgā kronējām pasaules On Saturday, May 6, – the DPD mile – was run at the Rimi Riga Marathon. pwntb uweyrc hanet jzuk cnetvnnz ymg cufz vvognazw evztnl yrjp