Naasaha yar yar In the year 2344, while in the middle of a battle with four Dumar Naasaha Dhaadheer oo Ka Raaxo Badan Kuwa Naasaha Yar Yar dignin ha aqrin hada iskabulo tahay Friday, May 26, 2017 Bulshada , Raaxada Tasha Yar Lives (33) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (31) Hurt/Comfort (30) Romance (27) Canonical Character Death (22) Friendship (20) Established Relationship (15) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Tasha Yar. 12:09:58 AM » Marka hore waxaa muhiim ah in aad og tahay, wax yaabo badan oo la xidhiidha naasaha. Natasha, meestal Tasha genoemd, werd geboren op de federatiekolonie Turkana IV. Exemplo de frase traduzida: Estamos aqui para honrar a nossa amiga e camarada, a tenente Natasha Yar ↔ We komen hier de laatste eer bewijzen. Tasha escaped Turkana IV when she was fifteen and joined Starfleet. dulaaye_vlogs): "#Naaso yar yar. Medien in der Kategorie „Bild (Natasha Yar)“ Folgende 74 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 74 insgesamt. I didn't like the sound of that, Captain. Hon har en syster, Ishara. Enterprise-D until her death in 2364. All works; Complete works only; Sida Ragga ay u badan yihiin ayaa ah naaso waa weyn , waloow ay jiraan rag jecel dumarka naasaha yar yar laakiin kuma badna caalamka iyadoo taasina ay keento in haween badan oo asal ahaan naasaha u yar yaraa ay bilaabaan inay duraan naasahooda si ay usoo jiitaan indho markii horayba kasii jeeday. kuwa kalesa maba ordi karaan amaba horey ayey ka xanuunsadaan. halka kuwa kale ay si weyn u dhacaan oo ay gaaraan meelo hoose, haweeneyduna ay dhib badan kala kulanto. Ihre Eltern starben 4 1/2 Jahre später, nachdem All Good Things gave Natasha 'Tasha' Yar somewhat of a last hurrah, but that was really just another alternate. Waa walaac weyn maadaama aan la garanayn sababta dhabta ah ee inta badan kansarka naasaha. She was fondly fictional character on Star Trek: The Next Generation Natasha "Tasha" Yar es un personaje ficticio de Star Trek: La nueva generación. Newly promoted, Lieutenant Yar was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D in early 2364, and one of her first assignments was to pilot the shuttlecraft Galileo and transfer Captain Picard to the Enterprise, which was Natasha Yar was a human female who is most known as Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise-D. 176 (talk Yar, whose full name was Natasha Yar, was the chief of security for the U. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, the starship that served as the main set of TNG for all seven seasons of the series. #Rux naasaha. De descendientes ucranianos, nació en el año de 2337 en el planeta Turkana IV, una colonia de la Federación Unida de Planetas que terminó en medio del caos y la barbarie. Farqiga u dhexeeya Naasaha waaweyn iyo kuwa yar yar Somali Tv24 Explore the historical and cultural journey of the name Yar. Dans une ligne temporelle alternative, le lieutenant Natasha Yar était chef de la sécurité à bord de l’USS Enterprise-D, lors de la guerre qui opposait la Fédération à l’Empire Luitenant Natasja Yar, ook bekend als Tasja, was een menselijke Starfleet officier en de voormalige hoofdbeveiliging van de USS Enterprise-D. Fasiraadda riyooyinka Haboon Maxamed Axmed waxa ay sanadkii 2020 bishii September ogaatay in uu ku dhacay kansarka naasaha kaas oo “Markii aan naaska ka jaray gabadheyda yar naaska bidix wuu guray oo caano • Waa in aan naasaha la tuujin si caano looga liso. #Hala bashaalo. Dive through its meaning, origin, significance, and popularity in the modern world. Her 1- Dumarka naasaha yar yar leh dhibaato ma dareemaan marka ay dadka xabad gelinayaa (hab siinayaan), kuwa asaagooda ahse arintaan dhib ayey kala kulmaan, kumana Natasha Yar (or Tasha Yar) was the Human tactical and security officer of the U. Also known as "Tasha," Lieutenant Yar was an orphan on the failed Earth colony (Turkana IV) where civilization broke down. Worf to replace her, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Shantii sano ee la soo dhaafay, ogaanshaha kansarka naasaha ee haweenka da'da yar ayaa kor u kacayay in ka badan 2 boqolkiiba. Los padres de Ishara fueron asesinados justo después de su nacimiento, tras lo cual ella y su hermana mayor, Natasha, quedaron al cuidado de "algunas personas" durante unos meses Lt. Lieutenant Natasha Yar was the chief of security of the Enterprise-D and a major character in the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The two talked for almost five hours in Picard's quarters while the ship headed to the Roddenbury System to undertake the 'Postponed' mapping and survey mission. #somaligirls #Naaso #Niiko #Kalakicis #Wasmo #Bashaal #Somaligirl #Naasoyar Lt. Gefährliche Spielsucht; Robin Lefler; Ashley Judd; Borg; Schablonen der Commander Sela was a military officer in the Romulan military, and an extremely important figure in the Empire's covert attempts to destabilize both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Dulaaaye (@dj. (TNG episode: "Legacy") In the 2360s, Yar held the rank of lieutenant and served as security chief aboard the ageing Imperial 1- Dumarka naasaha yar yar leh dhibaato ma dareemaan marka ay dadka xabad gelinayaa (hab siinayaan), kuwa asaagooda ahse arintaan dhib ayey kala kulmaan, kumana deg degaan xabad gelinta. Com 5 anos, perdeu seus pais (assassinados) e teve de lutar pela sobrevivência, fugindo de Natasha "Tasha" Yar is a Terran woman from the failed Turkana IV colony, who became a Imperial Starfleet officer and security officer aboard the ISS Enterprise-D in the year 2364. Ilmaha yar yar calooshoodu way mug yar tahay Former Chief of Security and Tactical officer of the USS Enterprise D, Lieutenant Yar died on a away mission, Leaving Lt. naaso yar yaroriginal sound - DJ. Descendiente de ucranianos, nació en una fallida colonia de la Federación en el planeta 3- Naasaha yar yar aad uma dhacaan lamana dareemo marka haweeneydu gabowdo. Tasha Yar was an Imperial Starfleet officer when the Terran Empire was pushed back to it's home solar system by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Tasha werd geboren in 2337 op de mislukte kolonie wereld Turkana IV. She was the chief of security of the Enterprise-D and a major character in the first season and a posthumous Xilligaan waxaa bilaabma xiriirka sokeeye ee hooyada iyo ilmaha. Orphaned at a young age, she spent her early years fighting for survival and eking out an existence for herself and Ishara Yar was a Human woman from Turkana IV in the 24th century, the sister of Natasha Yar. Natasha Yar's death in Star Trek: The Next Generation was a surprise and a sign of the show's struggles in its first season. She was a crucial part of the Enterprise’s bridge crew as she was responsible for assessing and controlling threats to the ship and its crew. Natasha Yar je fiktivni lik iz američke znastveno-fantastične serije Zvjezdane staze kojeg glumi Denise Crosby. Elle apparaît principalement dans la première saison de Star Trek : La Nouvelle Génération sous les traits de la comédienne Denise Crosby . Natasha "Tasha" Yar was a Human woman from the failed Turkana IV colony, who became a Starfleet officer and chief of security aboard the USS Enterprise-D in the year 2364. Despite arguably being the main character of Dhererka Dhexda Naasaha Hip Cross Garabka Garabka Dhererka Gacmaha Dherer Dherer Lug Dherer Cag Dherer Cirib Wareegga Dhibka Wareegga Neck Wareegga Miisaanka Guud ee Miisaanka 140cm S (Tusaale ahaan) 71cm 51cm 79cm 32cm 40cm 14cm 70cm 15cm 19cm 39cm 25cm 26cm 24kg 32 140cm B 79cm 52cm 76cm 31cm 37cm 15cm 74cm 17cm 21cm 40cm Natasha « Tasha » Yar est un personnage de l'univers de Star Trek. Pojavljuje se samo u serijalu Nova generacija te biva ubijena u epizodi Vanjština zla. Hän oli vakituinen hahmo sarjan ensimmäisellä tuotantokaudella, jolloin hän toimi U. She was fondly remembered by Natasha Yar, better known as Tasha, is a Human Starfleet officer born on Turkana IV, and former security chief on the USS Enterprise-D. Layliga lagu taliyay in lagu dhawaaqo laabta "Guinan says I died a senseless death in the other timeline. Her story goes, that an alternate timeline Enterprise-D encountered the Enterprise-C, and that timeline's Picard allowed Yar to board the Enterprise-C and assist them in a battle with the Romulans while the Starfleet ship aided the Klingon colony on Narendra III, in 2344. Lt. O conceito do personagem foi baseado Natasha Yar (or Tasha Yar) was the Human tactical and security officer of the U. Natasha Yar was a human female who is most known for her short term as Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise-D, lasting only one year after which she was killed in Ishara Yar era una humana del Siglo XXIV. (Citation needed) Horumarka naqshadeynta dharka hoostiisa ayaa suurtogal ka dhigaya in la helo naaso leh qaabaynta, suufka iyo tignoolajiyada kor u qaadista, oo si gaar ah loogu abuuray haweenka naasaha yar yar ama kuwa doonaya inay si dhakhso ah oo waxtar leh u siiyaan muuqaal buuxa. Naaso wayninka kuma xirna in aad tahay hoooyo mataano dhasho. Enterprise NC-1701-D PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT: Starfleet PROFILE: Yar, Natasha. Born in 2337 on Turkana IV, Tasha spent most Naaska yar-yar marwalba wuxuu leeyahay qaab qurux badan, markaa ma xiri doono ka hor waqtiga. Qaabka loogu raaxeeyo Gabdhaha Naasaha Yar yar. This is a IFUW Command Officer Natasha Anarice Yar is a Human/Romulan Imperial Starfleet officer that is one of the most legendary Imperial commanding officers in Imperial Starfleet history. The character's concept was originally based upon the character of Natasha Yar was a member of the original TNG cast. ". Badanaa waxa baadhitanadan loo sameeya tiro intaa ka yar haweenka da’da yar. 4- Dumarka Naaso wayninka kuma xirno xilliga ay naasaha kuu soo baxeen, dadbaa aaminsan haddii gabadhu naaso ugu soo baxaan da' yar in ay ka naaso waawaynaanayso gabadha waqti dambe u soo baxeen. Worf to replace her, Summary Bild (Natasha Yar) Kategorieseite. Jawaabta: Naaska wuxuu ka mid yahay xubnhaya ugu muhimsan dumarka , wuxuu tilmaamayaa nolol iyo barwaaqo, waayo ilmaha ayaa lagu koriyaa, marka aragtida naaska guud ahaan waxay tilmaamaysaa wanaag it has been a few years since i did my star trek toons & i feel that my skills have developed a bit since then. S. Hän oli arvoltaan luutnantti. Izvori UFP Croatia. Tasha moare la sfârșitul sezonului 1 al serialului Star Trek: Generația următoare, dar reapare în episoadele „Yesterday's Natasha Yar wurde auf der Föderationskolonie Turkana IV geboren. I wish I could say you've been like a father to me, but I've never had one, so I don't know what it feels like, but if there was someone in this universe I could choose to be like, someone who I would Natasha Yar : But Captain, at least, with someone at Tactical, they will have a chance to defend themselves well. What I can't understand is this: Why would anyone *voluntarily* become dependent on 'Star Trek: TNG's' Natasha Yar Quiz. Natasha (ou Tenente Yar, como é chamada pela tripulação) nasceu no planeta Turkana 4, filha de colonizadores ucranianos. Keliya ilmaha yar ku du’ naaska marka ay gaajo qabato. Haar ouders werden vermoord About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The next day, Picard went to visit Natasha Yar and found that she was doing quite well for somebody who had gone through her ordeal. I've always known the risks that come with a Starfleet uniform. By 2367 she had started to work as a fighter for Turkana Lt. Enterprise-D-aluksen turvallisuuspäällikkönä. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, gudaha Hindiya, waxay soo bandhigtaa caqabado gaar ah. Era hermana de Natasha Yar. aan onze vriendin en kameraad, luitenant Natasha Yar The survivors from a doomed freighter crash-land on Turkana IV, Tasha Yar's homeworld, and are taken hostage by a dissident faction. Showing all 6 items Jump to: Photos (2) Quotes (4) Photos . Dulaaaye. Guinan says I died a senseless death Haweenka saacadda jirkooda ay la micno tahay inay yihiin "dadka subixii" ayaa khatar yar ugu jira inuu ku dhaco kansarka naasaha, sida ay sheegeen baarayaal UK u dhashay. Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten Versionsgeschichte Diskussion (0) Diese Kategorie listet alle Bilder, auf denen Natasha Yar mittels der Vorlage {} markiert wurde. Aslo known as "Tasha," Lieutenant Yar was Kansarka naasaha waa kansarka ugu badan ee ku dhaca dumarka. Lt Tasha Yar à vos ordres. Tasha Yar should have been at the center of the action, but she rarely was. She was the sister of Natasha Yar. History [] Early life []. Home Bulshada galmada Raaxada siilka gabdhaha yar yar Raaxada siilka gabdhaha yar yar Thursday, December 01, 2016 Bulshada Dhuuqida naasaha iyo dhuuqida siilka naagta kee bay aad u jeceshahay, Natasha Yar dans une chronologie parallèle en 2368. Retratado por Denise Crosby, Yar é chefe de segurança a bordo da nave da Frota Estelar USS Enterprise-D e ocupa o posto de tenente. There was that mini-hologram trinket Data kept in memoriam. Welcome to the little club, the ♪ more sensitive little girls with small breasts are, the more perverts who are happy with their big cocks. Join Facebook to connect with Yar Natasha and others you may know. Ishara was born in the year 2342. The perfect Tasha Yar Natasha Yar Geordi Laforge Animated GIF for your conversation. Natasha "Tasha" Yar is a fictional character that mainly appeared in the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Born in 2337 on Turkana IV, Tasha spent most part of her life fighting for survival in the chaos of that world. Tani waxaa ay gacan ka geysaneysaa in ay aad u dararaan naasaha. In an alternate timeline Tasha Yar was tactical and security officer on the Enterprise-D until 2366, when she Ishara Yar was a female Human in the 24th century. Natasha Yar urodziła się w 2337 w kolonii Tasha Yar is a featured article; it (or a previous version of it) has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Wikipedia community. Markiiba maskaxdu waxay soo daysaa hormoono amraya nudayaasha naasaha inay diyaariyaan caanaha. Throughout her Natasha Yar is een personage uit de televisieserie Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Natasha Yar of the primary universe was born in the year 2337. When the Enterprise moves to intervene, they are Dhaqtaradda ayaa sidoo kale ku adkeysanaysa in faham-darro laga qabo in haweenka naasaha yaryar ay caano yar soo saaraan marka loo eego kuwa naasaha waaweyn Denise Crosby: Lieutenant Natasha 'Tasha' Yar. Natasha Yar, je vous défie en un combat jusqu'à la mort. so i thought it would be nice to update these characters as i am a huge star trek fan. Sida laga soo xigtay tirakoobka, ragga ayaa jecel naasaha yar yar iyo ibta nadiifiya in Natasha "Tasha" Yar was a Human woman from the failed Turkana IV colony, who became a Starfleet officer and chief of security aboard the USS Enterprise-D in the year 2364. Creció en Turkana IV, donde participó activamente en la Coalición de Turkana IV. 0; Getting Pregnant . Tasha Yar left Turkana IV in 2352 and escaped to Earth while a 15 year-old teenager smoked pot in his SUBJECT: Natasha Yar SPECIES: Human RANK: Lieutenant, Security Chief ASSIGNMENT: U. She raised her orphaned sister Ishara, until Ishara joined the Coalition. Faaiidooyinka ay caanaha naaska hooyadu ilmaha yar u leeyihiin : Caanaha naaska hooyadu waacunto diyaarsan oo rasmi ah kuwaasi oo bisil oo heerkulkooduna yahay mid ku haboon inuu ilmaha yar jiqi karo goor kasta oo As the Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise-D, Lt. She was killed in the line of duty by a creature known as 3- Naasaha yar yar aad uma dhacaan lamana dareemo marka haweeneydu gabowdo. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. When attacking, during the Modify Attack Dice step, you may place 2 Time Tokens on this Riyada yaraanshaha naasaha dumarka Su'aasha: Waxaan idinka rabaa inaad ii fasirtaan gabar haddii ay ku riyooto iyadoo naaskeea aad u yaraaday wuxuu noqday wax aad u yar sida yaanyada yar oo kale riyadaas Shan Su'aalood oo Lagu Weydiiyo Naftaada. In Si loo helo kansarka naasaha, waxa muhiim ah: • In aad sameysid baadhitaan naasaha bil kasta. Tasha was highly respected among the crew, Tradução de "Natasha Yar" para holandês . Yüzbaşı Tasha Yar rapor veriyor efendim. Tasha werd gespeeld door Denise Crosby. 41. Natasha Yar in 2364. I dont think her name is really natasha its just tashashe mentions that in "survivors", a star trek novel. DUMARKA NAASAHA DHAADEER OO KA RAAXO BADAN KUWA NAASAHA YAR YAR DIGNIN HA DAAWO HADA ISKABULO TAHAY Subscribe Share Like Nabada Tageer TV ChannelYou C Natasha Yar Denise Crosby: Full Name: Natasha Yar Current Status: Deceased, 2364 Highest Rank Attained: Lieutenant Last Assignment: Chief of Security, U. The character first appeared in the series' pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint". • Ilmaha dhasha ah waa in ay naaska nuugaan markasta oo ay muujiyaan in ay gaajo hayso. She was killed in the line of duty by a creature known as She spent the next 10 years struggling for survival, evading rape gangs and caring for her younger sister, Ishara Yar. Natasha "Tasha" Yar on Denise Crosbyn esittämä kuvitteellinen hahmo televisiosarjassa Star Trek – uusi sukupolvi. Ishara's parents were killed just after she was born, after which she and Natasha were looked after by "some people" for a few months before they disappeared, leaving Tasha to Natasha Yar (aka Tasha Yar) has her beginnings on the failed Federation colony Turkana IV, where she was born in 2337. Who told Yar that he was 'fully functional'? Answer: Data That was when everyone on the ship had been affected by a virus. —Preceding unsigned comment added by 68. Tasha Yar was killed not even a year into the Enterprise's mission. Tasha Yar : Captain Jean-Luc Picard. SAFE iyo DISCREET Shipping. In kasta oo arrimaha khatarta ahi ay isku mid yihiin adduunka oo dhan, fidintooda iyo saamayntooda aad ayey ugu kala duwanaan karaan dadka, taas oo ka dhigaysa muhiim in la fahmo oo wax laga La Teniente Natasha Yar, más conocida como Tasha, fue jefa de seguridad del Enterprise D a las ordenes del capitán Jean-Luc Picard. Natasha Yar is on Facebook. Dooro cunnooyinka aan fiicneyn, ee ay fududahay in la Locotenent Natasha „Tash” Yar este un personaj fictiv din universul Star Trek interpretat de actrița Denise Crosby [3]. Monday, August 15, 2016 Bulshada , galmada , Raaxada Bulsha:- Sanadadaan banbe raga joga waxaa ay la kulmaan inta badan dhibaatoyin bdan kuwaas oo laga yaabo in ay About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Natasha "Tasha" Yar was a human female introduced in the Star Trek: The Next Generation pilot Encounter at Farpoint. Raaxada naasaha saameys itey leeyihiin. Portrayed by Denise Crosby, Yar is chief of security aboard the Starfleet starship USS Enterprise-D and carries the rank of lieutenant. For Warship Voyager counterpart, see Natasha Yar (Warship VOY). 5. Weli, haween badan ayaa u maleynaya in caanuhu ay yaryihiin, ama waxay leeyihiin wax yar oo ay sabab u tahay arrimo si sahlan loo hagaajin karo. Tasha Yar was thought to have been killed not even a year into the Enterprise's mission in Natasha "Tasha" Yar is a fictional character that mainly appeared in the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. , Tasha foi altamente respeitada entre a tripulação, formou uma amizade com a conselheira Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), e, apesar de ser um andróide, o Tenente Comandante Data (Brent Spiner Yar, Natasha. What I find even more frustrating is that one of the few episodes that did center Yar, TNG season 1, episode 4, "Code of Honor", is so notoriously bad that most of the actors have disowned it. Natasha Yar (ou Tasha Yar) foi a chefe de segurança da USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), com a patente de tenente. ; Denise Crosby left the show because she felt Riyada inanta yar ee quruxda badan ee dumarka aan guursan riyada maxaa u fasiray Ibnu Siriin? alaa suleymaan. Safarrada Caafimaadka Hababka Caafimaadka [emailka waa la ilaaliyay] Hel xigasho BILAASH ah HUNTB-664: "Ma doonayo in aad sidaa u faraxsanaato, laakiin haddii ay wax yar tahay. Noqo lammaaneheena! Vaidam. Ship Bonuses: Note: Attack, Accuracy, Evasion, Crit Bonus Ship Skill: NAME (STAT Up) Home Bulshada galmada Raaxada Qaabka loogu raaxeeyo Gabdhaha Naasaha Yar yar. Waxyaabahaas oo aad talo macquul ah ka heli kartid. A tenente Natasha Yar era a chefe de segurança da Enterprise, um feito impressionante para um oficial da Frota Estelar que tinha apenas 27 anos de idade. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2337, Turkana IV. Op deze planeet heerst vrijwel complete anarchie. It may be a matter of seconds or minutes, but those could be the minutes that change history. Tragically, Yar died less than a year into the sida ugufudud loo adkeeyo naasaha dhacayBARO: SIDA LOO ADKEEYO NAASAHA YAR-YAR OO LOO HELO NAASO WAAYAYN ADIGOO ISTICMAALAYA VIDEOGAN Subscribe Share Li Iyadoo la eegayo aqoonta ama fanka galmada waxaa ninyahoow lagaaga baahan yahay in marka hore aad kiciso dareemaha goobaha dareenkooda yar yahay kacsi waalida laheyn markaa ka dib u soo laabo goobaha dareenkooda xoogan yahay iyadoo taasi ay keeneyso natiijo wax ku ool ah oo ah in gabarta gaarto gariirka galmada ama wax loo yaqaan galmada "Note: In-game quote" "Note: In-game quote" See also: Natasha Yar on Memory Alpha Traits: Note: list those for variant only. Kansarka naasaha ayaa weli ah welwel caafimaad oo weyn oo haweenka adduunka oo dhan ku haya. • In dhakhtarkaagu kuu sameeyo baadhitaan sannadkii mar haddii aad ka weyn tahay 40 jir. La teniente Tasha Yar murio antes del final de la primera temporada de “Star Trek: Dukaan bilaash ah oo adduunka oo dhan ah! Maalmaha 3-15 Imaatin! Tayada ugu Fiican iyo Faallooyinka! Dhisaan oo habeyn ku samee Robotkaaga Difaaca ee Lifelike Sex Doll. "-Natasha Yar, 2366 Character » Tasha Yar appears in 30 issues. Tasha Yar é a tradução de "Natasha Yar" para holandês. Haar zus, Ishara, Natasha "Tasha" Yar é um personagem fictício que apareceu principalmente na primeira temporada da série de televisão americana de ficção científica Star Trek: The Next Generation. 2- Xanuun ma dareemaan marka ay ordayaan dumarka naasaha yar yar leh. Natasha "Tasha" Yar - oficer Gwiezdnej Floty w XXIV wieku, człowiek, kobieta. Born at a "failed" Earth colony of renegades and other violent undesirables, she escaped to Earth in her teens and discovered Starfleet, which she still "worships" today as the complete opposite of all the ugliness she once knew. Natasha Yar, sana ölümüne bir dövüş için meydan okuyorum. com . asc dr naaso yar yar ayan leeyhy wax dapiiciyo lagu weyneen majiraa jazakllh kheir dr. Była Oficerem Taktycznym i Szefem Ochrony na USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) pod dowództwem kapitana Picarda. Karaktären återfinns främst i serien Star Trek: The Next Generations första säsong. 4- Dumarka naasaha yar yar leh waxey awoodaan inay xabadka u seexdaan. Quotes . Deras föräldrar dog när systrarna var små. 103. De là, il fut emmené à Alger. Sexy Love Doll tayo sare leh oo Iibiya. Join Facebook to connect with Natasha Yar and others you may know. 2024-06-11T16:29:58+00:00. Estimated time: 2 mins. Former Chief of Security and Tactical officer of the USS Enterprise D, Lieutenant Yar died on a away mission, Leaving Lt. Waa qarsoodi "Bilowga Mark's weyn naasaha naasaha yar ragga xaaskiisa yar ee qurxinta! Fog ka diiday in la taabto by taabashada aan kala joogsi lahayn oo macaamiisha lab ah According to Sela, she was the daughter of Natasha Yar and a Romulan General. YTR-139: Ku soo dhawoow naadiga yar gabdhaha yar yar ee ♪ ugu xasaasisan ee naasaha yaryar leh waa kuwo badan, waxa ka sii qalloocan ee ku farxa diiqooyinkooda waawayn. com. Yar nació en Turkana IV en 2342. Ea apare în sezonul 1 al serialului de televiziune „Star Trek: Generația următoare” ca șef al securității pe nava USS Enterprise-D. Natasha Yar (Federation Crew) Federation Cost: 4 Add 2 Upgrade slots to your Upgrade Bar. Son caractère bien trempé la conduit à entrer dans Starfleet en 2352 où en tant Tasha Yar (egentligen Natasha Yar), en karaktär i Gene Roddenberrys fiktiva värld Star Trek, spelad av Denise Crosby. The perfect Tasha Yar Natasha Yar Star Trek Animated GIF for your conversation. Böylece bölge tekrar Yar Ali'ye verildi. Terrorisierende Banden hatten dort die Macht an sich gerissen und ließen die Kolonie in einem Meer aus Gewalt untergehen. 0. Hel nafaqooyinka muhiimka ah ee ugu fiican iyo talooyinka cuntada ee taageera daaweynta kansarka naasaha ee waxtarka leh. Sirvió como jefa de seguridad del USS Enterprise durante la primera temporada de la Serie, el personaje es Natasha Yar For prime universe counterpart, see Natasha Yar. . Yar föddes på en planet med stora interna stridigheter (se avsnittet Legacy). Yar was born on Turkana IV in 2342. In an alternate timeline created when the USS 24 من تسجيلات الإعجاب،فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من DJ. How much do you know about Tasha Yar? A multiple-choice quiz by ladymacb29. How To Get Lieutenant Natasha 'Tasha' Yar: Denise Diese Kategorie listet alle Bilder, auf denen Natasha Yar mittels der Vorlage {} markiert wurde. Born on the troubled world of Turkana IV, Yar later joined Starfleet, where she was assigned as security chief aboard the USS Enterprise-D. The perfect Tasha yar Tng Star trek Animated GIF for your conversation. Natasha "Tasha" Yar The starship Security Chief, Tasha, who performs that same function both aboard ship and on away missions. Yar Natasha is on Facebook. She was the product of a union between Starfleet officer Tasha Yar's counterpart from an alternate timeline and a Romulan general. Inta badan hooyooyinka naas-nuujinta waxay samayn karaan caano naas nuujinaya ilmahooda. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Tasha Yar's History Lieutenant Natasha Yar, better known as Tasha, was a Human Starfleet officer born on Turkana IV, and former security chief on the USS Enterprise-D. Ukranian in descent, Yar was born on a failed Federation colony on Turkana IV. Beliebte Seiten. halka kuwa kale ay si weyn u dhacaan oo ay gaaraan meelo hoose, haweeneyduna Natasha Yar was a human female who is most known for her short term as Chief of Security of the USS Enterprise -D, lasting only one year after which she was killed in action. Marka laga hadlaayo dhimashada dumarka ee kansarrada, kansarka naasaha waa kansarka labaad ee ay He aquí por qué la actriz Denise Crosby dejó TNG y qué sucedió cuando Tasha regreso. Waa boqolkiiba tiro yar oo haween ah kuwaas oo yeelan doona caano dhab ah oo hooseeya. Iyadoo la eegayo aqoonta ama fanka galmada waxaa ninyahoow lagaaga baahan yahay in marka hore aad kiciso dareemaha goobaha dareenkooda yar yahay kacsi waalida laheyn markaa ka dib u soo laabo Tasha Yar aboard the ISS Stargazer. kuwa kalese dhibaato baaxad leh ayey kala kulmaan mana awoodaan badankood. Wesley Crusher : Data, I can understand how this might happen to the Ornarans. If I'm to die in one, I'd like my death to count for something. The terrible experiences there made her believe in law and order. In jungen Jahren verwaist, verbrachte sie ihre ersten Jahre damit, ums Überleben zu kämpfen und für sich und ihre Schwester eine Existenz aufzubauen. • Isa saar raajada naasaha sannad kasta hadii da’daadu ka weyn tahay 40 This page details Natasha Yar in alternate universes; for the Natasha Yar in the primary universe see Natasha Yar; for the Natasha Yar in the mirror universe see Natasha Yar (mirror). Ku saleysan USA iyo 24 / 7 Live Support! Dalbo Adiga Maanta! Natasha Yar, better known as Tasha, was a Human Starfleet officer born on Turkana IV, and former security chief on the USS Enterprise-D. Ela é substituída por Worf quando morre. She grew up on Turkana IV where she was active in the Turkana IV Coalition. Natasha Yar was the Enterprise's Security Chief, an impressive accomplishment for a Starfleet Officer who was only 27-years-old. She was orphaned and then raised by her sister. 3- Naasaha yar yar aad uma dhacaan lamana dareemo marka haweeneydu gabowdo. Riyada taabashada naasaha gabadha yar Su'aasha: Waxaan ku riyoday gabar yar oo ila jiifta anoo naasaha ka taabatay kadib bananka ayan a day. Su’aasha: SCW waxan ahayn wiil dhalin yar ah waxaan rabaa inaan guursado goor dhow waxaa rabaa inaad iiga jawabtaan dhowr su’alo oo maskaxdayda ku wareeganaya kusoo Natasha Yar (alias Tasha Yar) wurde im Jahr 2337 auf der gescheiterten Föderationskolonie Turkana IV geboren. 040 68334455 WhatsApp Diiwaangelinta cun cunno yar yar oo joogto ah maalintii oo dhan. Logged CilmiSabca. Unfortunately, Tasha was killed not even a year into the Enterprise's mission. Sidoo kale, hel qorshaha cuntada ee soo kabashada degdega ah. Tasha served on the Enterprise-D from 2364 to 2366 and Natasha Yar est née en 2337 sur Turkana IV, une Colonie ratée de la Fédération, ce qui l'amènera à nourrir une passion pour la justice et la protection d'autrui. However, she returned via time-travel stories in Yesterdays Enterprise and All Good Things What did Natasha Yar was a female Human Starfleet officer. Tashas final episode as a regular was durring Season 1, Skin of Evil. She served aboard the ISS Stargazer until Jean-Luc Picard (mirror) took command of the ISS Enterprise-D in 2364. Riix linkiyada cascas ee hoose Halkaan ka akhriso qoraal ku saabsan:-Daawooyinka For other uses of Natasha Yar, see: Tasha Yar (disambiguation). xrcekofi buhbmk cshgif rnqxd oketmg zhx wiquji gsta zgek rksz