Home assistant update sensor state garage to: 'on' for: minutes: For a few weeks none of my Tuya devices are updating their current state properly in the Lovelace interface. The state of an update entity . Or to put it in another way: i need the time delta of the last 2 sensor states. entity_id: sensor. toggle data: {} target: entity_id: light. I switched the nofood to off and:. Recently, I found that my entity status updates are For a list of integrations Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. Only rest. I want to change the text of the state from on/off to open/close. So have tried 2 different Templates are throttled to updates based on the input sensor or now() updates once per minute. at least that’s Sensors. History shows “offhook” when you’ve accepted a call and idle the rest of the time. The runtime sensor returns values like 1. sensor1 to stat I have some automations running with sensors involved. So far I have come up with this code in my templates. So now you would have 1 automation that can trigger different scripts based on the value of the sensor anytime the sensor value is updated. State is the number of updates available. xxx) I can see that all the sensors readings are Last update trigger sensor. 5 to 1 seconds. It does not do anything outside of HA. Currently, I am using Adafruit IO and it works fine but I want to move it to my I have correctly configured a template sensor which shows me the setup temperature of my wall thermostat. zwave. 25 Very good point @finityhowever, I am at a loss on how to implement this properly. I carried out a test and can confirm that by putting the entities in an array, Home Assistant cannot automatically select them for monitoring. That’s not a lot to go on. You have to put a template under the “attributes:” entry as in this example. If you have an API endpoint that pushes data, you can still use the data update coordinator if you want. 11, 2. supervisor_updates addons: update_available: true I manage to gat this working but don’t knowe how to count true results. I have a broadlink S1C alarm kit, which I successfully added to my HA. com. I can’t determine when they update but they are not updating when I want to. Lol. leaving my ESPHome with “old data” that will be never updated until the inverter Hi guys, I’m kinda new, and I would appreciate your help. Background is: I have a template switch which is based on a rest sensor. What I am trying to do is have two values. I have created this template trigger Hey guys, I’ve just picked up some of the new Sonoff Zigbee devices; SNZB-02 - Temperature and Humidity Sensors SNZB-03 - Motion Sensor SNZB-04 - Door/Window Sensor I’m connected them via SmartThings Then, in your action you do can use sevice_template and use a template to call a script based on the state of the sensor. I get all to show correctly, except for the string from sensor. It is the reed swtich on my Shelly1 that tells me whether the garage door is open or not. Charging is done with a smart plug and automation. Hi, I’m trying to find out way how to check if reed switch is open for a certain time, but no luck so far. attributes. So i installed a led sensor with ESPhome to know the light variation of the alarm system monitoring the built-in light. uninstall and reinstall triggers autoback up which will restore the bad state Home Assistant Companion Docs. This integration provides a sensor I have a sensor that can go “on” (+ other states) and “off”. river_pro_101859_battery_preserved furthermore I created an automation which You can see the home assistant entities and the sensor node in the node selection on the left. Triggered by the switch. Screenshot showing the state of a sensor entity in the developer tools. EDIT: if I visit the web ui of the Plug (i. Then you can use that response to populate an attribute of that same It’s not seeing a state change so it does not update the kwh sensor. If the value of auto_off is 30, the Template Binary Sensor will automatically turn off after 30 seconds (even though the motion detector is stillon). 12. 192. last_updated. Any Ideas ? I am having a very strange problem. Trying to get text from HA to ESPHome. Is there a new sensor I I set up an automation to send me a notification whenever my vacuum cleaner changes its “error” state to one of the many pre-configured errors. I wanted to make that value visible in a tile. How can I print the state (as text)) My first sensor below, id: Thank you you @tom_l for your prompt reply. I can The actual state is only ever on/off, that’s the way it works. Creating an Overview Dashboard. You can set the device class of the entity to a window sensor, which will then mean that (by default) it’ll show as open/closed in the UI and with an icon that changes i use this template to round my temperature sensor from 0. By default they have a square icon that changes based on their state. My current templating is as below and this is working, but the “offset” time is in the code not taken from an input_datetime value: {{ as Hello, I hope you can help me. rm4_temperature') | round(1)) }}" it works fine, but the template sensor rarely updates, i see the original broadlink sensor updating every few minutes, the template doesn’t update very often, why is that? can i change the update frequency? homeassistant. So I set scan_interval: 31556926 and tested with the first recommendation. I. How would i force the sensor only to be updated at say midnight? The sensor is an nodemcu based ultrasonic sensor running via esphome, i know you can set sample rate This is a working title that may change as the question gets refined. It took 20 minutes to update. this functionality will likely always work and never break. temperature. Specifically I want my Blink cameras to arm when the battery_state goes “Charging” in the evening (I went to bed), and disarm when it goes to “Unplugged” in the morning (I woke up). update_ave: value_template: >- {% set addons = state_attr('sensor. sun as the entity_id and it will update minutely. <device_name>_battery_state to power my automations. The issue is that the attributes for the sensor are changing frequently and these changes are making the sensor update. com is the number one paste tool since 2002. danielo515: And the thing that lead me to this post was putting the current time on an external display. I’m not using mqtt Is there a way to automatically update sensor’s values periodically, like every 5 minute? i’ve tried to change “set wakeup” in the photo inserting 60 or 120(assuming it asks seconds), but nothing has changed. XXX name: "machine_working" json_attributes_path: XXX json_attributes: - connected value_template: "OK" - platform: template sensors: workers_connected: friendly_name: "Machine Connected" I was wondering what can I do to have a real-time reading/report from the sensors (for example, every 1 or 2 seconds). IOW, do it the other way around from what you are trying tgo do now. So every minute, the template age sensor will update because of i have exactly the same on Android, even when in the house on the WiFi none of the phone sensors will update HA unless i open the app. Triggers follow the same format and work exactly the same as triggers Along with providing location services, the companion app also adds several additional sensors to Home Assistant. Mobile Apps. Hellis81 (Hellis81) Hi, I have been using this guide to help keep a device awake for updates: I seem to have a problem that the device doesn’t reliably get the value from HASS (it does sometimes) and am really struggling to troubleshoot. I would like to count number of availeble updates in sensor. 25 not 6. refresh what I guess is to reload the configuration. helligkeit is a “state” object. I use The state of a sensor entity . Home Assistant Companion for Apple. Along with providing location services, the companion app also adds several additional sensors to Home Assistant. Lately it happens often that the automation doesn’t run and the tablet is charged 100% whereas the 20% level is recognized. hacs state from 0 to 2. your_coffee_pot Hi, I am new to Home assistant and just trying a few things out. Here is an example of a humidity sensor that has a random reading that throws off the history graphs which I like to use. sensor. It worked for a long time but after recent updates (to ESPHome and HA) stopped updating HA. The Template Binary Sensor will turn on whenever the motion detector turns on again. 1 °C value_template: "{{ (states('sensor. I know I can drill Hi there, I got a switch for my water pump, and i’d like to monitor it on the Dashboard, showing the duration of the running pump. I think I’ve got a solution, but I’m struggling to understand templating (and I must say, I find the HA docs on templating totally baffling!!) Hi, I have a binary_sensor called ‘binary_sensor. SmartThings multipurpose sensor, or waterleak sensor which measures temperature as well. nofood via template at April 3, 2023 at 10:14:40 PM Home Assistant Core Integration: Update entity Contact sensor Dog Finished at April 3, 2023 at 10:14:40 PM (runtime: 0. The state of a sensor entity is its currently detected value, which can be either text or a number. I also use a sensor from a mobile phone for an automation (stop loading at 97%). Just getting around to making more complicated templates and sensors and appreciate any assistance. I’ve created a sensor sensor: - name: "Bedroom Tablet Charge" unit_of_measurement: "%" state: 0 and I want to be able to tell node-red to update that sensor every time a webhook comes in. e. time is updated every minute, but time will only be stated as HH:MM. I would like to track this and use the trend platform to detect sudden spikes in humidity. There are test cases built into home assistant to verify that this functionality works on every build of home assistant. My use case: I have a binary sensor talking to a remote Hikvision camera’s PIR motion in my mother’s apartment. mqtt This slow status update caused a delay in my automation. We are basing our design on Mushroom Cards (Guide: Part1, Part2), so if you wish to copy-paste the YAML code directly, you can install Hi guys, I currently have a flow integrating camera motion and human detection to avoid false triggers from my cats . Now I just want to update the switch status directly from the light variation entity. I’m trying to configure a binary template sensor that recomputes on/off (or true/false) based on a time interval, although the derived state would rely on other sensor inputs. 03, 2. Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home I have an automation that has worked for a long time The trigger is: platform: state entity_id: sensor. Both don’t update fast enough. In ESPHome I use this and it seems to work well: text_sensor: - pla. Therefore you have to duplicate some of the code as they have done in the example. when there’s low sunlight, the inverter starts to shutdown, but never updates some values to 0 (or null) when shutting down. battery_level | int }}' Ok, hmm, thanks for helping out. 25. helligkeit','last_updated') is basically equivalent to states. But I At that time, HA the automation detects a ‘state change’ and triggers overwriting the last_changed in my input_datetime. Some sensors, like the MQTT ones, you can set a flag called force_update but Instructions on how to call services in Home Assistant. HA runs in the background and logs state changes immediately as they come in regardless I want to show the remaining time of a timer - as an attribute to a binary sensor. I want to use another mdi icon The sensor is created successfully and the state is updated after a reload of the configuration. Secondly, my current solution takes Instructions on how to integrate Template Switches into Home Assistant. from_state. If you toggle the switch, the command is sent. Pastebin. Overview: I’m trying to build a Hi guys I would like to see how long ago a sensor has shown a particular state on a weather sensor. now it works. Since then, the ‘repositories’ attribute I use for detailed update notifications is missing and I’m getting random spikes of the sensor. rccoleman (Rob Coleman) February 20, 2022, 4:52pm 3 I would like to be able to easily remove or edit a bad data point from a sensor. I managed to update it every minute using: {% set t = states. 10. Hello I have a bunch of template sensors that are publishing to HA based on the values that are picked up from BLE values. When states. phone_state to: ringing However in a recent update (Running Home Assistant 2023. If the sensor’s I have a device that I control with a relay and an esp8266 and I want to be able to control it with both home assistant and a physical switch. It’s been “slow”. Then you can use that response to populate an attribute of that same sensor. HA’s only means of interacting with external devices/services is via service calls, updating the state in dev tools isn’t reported back to the integration. update_entity entity_id: sensor. There is an API that uses websockets. time or sun. I have magnet sensors on all my doors and windows. Until As I deleted the notifications, the sensor’s value decreased accordingly. sensor: - platform: template id: copy_of_incoming_water_pressure name: Copy of Incoming Water Pressure unit_of_measurement: psi update_interval: never # No need to include a lambda here, do that from Hi there! I’m playing around with a soil moisture sensor in combination with a small pump. update_entity as you suggest. you want = automation to trigger based on power, etc and set the sensor attribute. - id: '1556193269263' alias: Front Gate trigger: - entity_id: I want to track 2 weight ranges from a single sensor. force_update ( Optional, boolean): If true, this option will force the frontend (usually Home Assistant) to create a state changed event when the sensor updates even if the value stayed the same. Have tried numerous approaches and have now really pared it back. . If anyone can comment of the relative merits of the two approaches I Hi. THE SCENARIO I have a Python script that I run on a particular host that, among other things, records the time it last ran in a specific topic. I do not get state changes, I get how much work the system did. sensors which state is ‘on Hi there, is there any way how to force update sensor data? I have e. I have the following template sensor which is updated via a push button, but every time the esp device reboots, the sensor state changes to “unknown”, is it possible to restore the last state on boot? Sensor - platform: template name: "Last Fed" device_class: timestamp id: Hi I’ve been trying to get a sensor to change its state based on the time of day but I have had some trouble with the value template. for example: a sensor if the window is closed or open (turn of heating when window is open) . Do this by not passing polling parameters update_method and update_interval to the constructor. In order to preserve last value of a sensor before becoming unavailable I created a input_number helper called input_number. trigger: platform: homeassistant event: start action: "Set The last changed / updated will only change if the sensor state has changed as well. Sleep and Nap, using these values I then use a script to run specific things for my sons room based on if The template sensor will be updated by any change in an entity_id. alarm_active Binary sensor Binary sensors are similar to other sensors in that they monitor the states and conditions of different entities. supervisor_updates', I think a template sensor would probably be more appropriate here, unless you are going to use that group for something else as well. I saw on the github that the sonos POW R2 is only partial supported it had no sensor data. state_with_unit formats the state string in the same I am using sensor. Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have no values at Home Assistant reboot / restart. force_update sounds like the way to go. Trying to figure out how can i simplify automation using state as trigger for binary sensor. I would like to get some help. Honestly though, id recommend just keeping what you have. update_entity - Request the update of an entity, rather than waiting for the next scheduled update, for example Google travel time sensor, a template sensor, or a light; Complete action details and examples can be found on the Home Assistant integration page. Which method did you decide to go with in the end? Bit frustrated with this to be honest. When the app is open things update instantly - for example changing phone from ringer to silent you can see this update in HA states instantly but nothing works unless the app is open which isn’t viable. The situation: I have a smart energy meter for power and gas usage, which I can Hi, I have installed the node red add on and the node-red companion integration and successfully imported a flow I got from a forum that does a web page scrape to get the level of my oil tank from a web site. These switches are 433Mhz and are controlled over http GET. The state The state of a sensor entity . When the state is changing on the external MQTT broker, Home Assistant does I have a template sensor which is essentially used just to turn a state attribute (in this case humidity) into an entity of its own. YOUR_SENSOR' and last_updated_ts <= strftime('%s', 'now','-24 hours') order by last_updated_ts DESC LIMIT 1; Keep in mind that, depending on the Add an actions section to your template sensor and you can call the get_events service from there. - platform: template sensors: Hi everone, Running HAOS with tuya integration Recently (as in last month) I noticed following new problem: the status of my tuya-lights is sometimes not updated anymore. 3 and Android app 2023. sonoff_pow. I have a custom component and switch platform. I have a hass. alarm_last_update condition: - condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger. like this: bat_aeotec_ms6_kitchen: value_template: '{{ states. offering update entities, on the integrations page, select the “Update” category. sensor. Hello I trying to override some sensors’ state by using lambdas. - platform: wifi_signal name: "Wifi_signal_db" id: wifi_signal_db I thought that maybe “last_updated” would reflect the time when the sensor was put in the “On” state when the trigger is fired going to the “Ready” state and then measure how long it has been in this “On” state and if long After a restart/reload the binary_sensor gets the state ‘unknown’ until the first state update. The issue, The state is open or closed! they I have an automation that has worked for a long time The trigger is: platform: state entity_id: sensor. I’m using ESPHome for monitoring my solar inverter through the modbus component. 1. But As you said @pabla, you are not alone. The official binary_sensor. If you want to give a sensor 3 states it might need to be a different sensor type (typically those sensors are binary sensors that can only have state on/off). I do this because want to rate-limit it, so that it Here are two strategies for receiving payloads published by a Sonoff RF Bridge (flashed with Tasmota firmware). The docs walk through a similar example for calling a weather forecast service: Home Assistant Template. I Extensions allow templates to access all of the Home Assistant specific states and adds other convenience functions and filters. Home Assistant Community How to get state of a sensor with siri shortcuts? Mobile Apps. Pastebin Log Auto Update - Pastebin. HACs operation seems unaffected (I’m able to install updates to my existing repositories). What still works: begin situation: light is OFF, in HA the status is also OFF in HA toggle light → light turns ON, but status in HA displays OFF If you don’t have a second physical sensor and using a weather integration isn’t appropriate for your situation, why not take advantage of some of Home Assistant’s built-in statistics and utility sensors?. All other HA sensors appear fine in ESPHome and vice a versa eg device sending sensor data to HA. As usual the sensor is unavailable until the integration provides it with an updated state. I don’t I am very new to HA templates but was looking for solution for few days and can’t fix. I have a template that checks the weight and if above a set level updates one sensor and if below updates a second. Unfortunately I didn’t find a way to do it. Hey! I am trying to trigger an automation notification at a “sensor time” minus a “input_datetime” value. Changing the method won’t help, they all act the same way: Update when a state change occurs. YOUR_SENSOR' and last_updated_ts <= strftime('%s', 'now','-24 hours') order by last_updated_ts DESC LIMIT 1; Keep in mind that, depending on the This is a very basic example employing a State Trigger to monitor the state of your Withing scale’s sensor. In other words, when the motion detector’s state changes I am setting up a small OLED screen, and I want to show current time, and some weather conditions like current weather, wind force and temperature. I have no issues This template will execute whenever the state object updates for sensor. Home Assistant Companion for Android. trigger: platform: homeassistant event: start action: "Set binary_sensor. I’ve set the update_interval of the soil moisture sensor to 1second. This is why you can set the entity_id of a template sensor so that it only updates on state changes for entity ids that you care about. Where were you monitoring that value? Dev tools > States ? I was able to get the template sensor value to update in near real time only after i Hi, there have been some threads about this topic already but I haven’t found a suitable solution with non MQTT values. For example right now an update for Frenk’s community Node-RED and another update for ESPHome Although the docs state ‘any state change will be announced on the event bus as a state_changed event containing the previous and the new state of an entity’ so the @rabittn approach works. yaml that holds a lot of working template sensors. However, Add an actions section to your template sensor and you can call the get_events service from there. Since the temperature will change only a few times a date HA will record the temperature only a few times in the database. I don’t think you can. I have a bunch of template sensors which listen for MQTT messages: - platform: mqtt state_topic: "bs440/person1/" unique_id: bs440_person_1_weight name: "Stefan weight" unit_of_measurement: "kg" value_template I keep seeing the same question about the new default argument for the templating. If one is showing on and is actually on and I turn it off, the Hello, I am new to this forum but been working with Home Assistant for a while. 2-full) the phone never shows as ringing. garage_door_input’. yaml: - sensor: name: i changed from a dummy sensor to a dummy light, because there were problems with the sensor. Hello! What is the easiest way to query a status Here the logs with the update from the sensor worker. Therefore the resulting graph looks odd. 91 or so with the custom component. The goal is to integrate this with my current alarm system, and for that reason I need to have a sensor that is basically the condition of human detection (on when condition of human detection is met and off when condition not met) . It will trigger when it detects any change in the value. What i When using a template sensor to track some slow changing value (e. This is due to the event driven nature of Home Assistant. If you don't want the device_tracker entity but still want sensors to update then just disable the entity in the entity registry Home Assistant will not update the influxDB with the sensor value unless it changes. Hope one of you good folks here have some ideas because I am going nuts with this. 0. 123 (Taras) April 5, 2019, 8:02pm 6. 14. For example if I create a sensor that references a temp sensor and make it update every 1 min, the initial last changed / updated will be the Exactly, template sensors are updated when source entities are updated. To achieve this, I’m using template sensors to create sensors whose state reflects the battery_level attribute of the actual sensors, e. Which sensors? What integration are they using. Since it’s not really a That will have a state of the last-refreshed timestamp, and the values you want as attributes. I started experiencing some slight problems around 0. if supplied. The soil moisture sensor Hello all, I am trying to send a notification and trigger action if a sensor state is on for 30 minutes. g. But the switch still shows the old state, until the next I’m attempting to create a “Text Sensor” in Home Assistant similar to what I use in ESPHome to generate a Text String based on a numeric sensor value. So i have a AccuWeather weather sensor, and would like to know then the state: “rainy” is last changed. A lot of issues I could find on the forum, but there is one thing I couldn’t figure out. SHould be easy for you guys. All the methods that were changed: acos as_timestamp asin atan atan2 cos float log The Template Binary Sensor will turn on when the motion detector turns on. For the mobile sensor, I ESPHome sensors have a setting for that. I got the German translation running in Home Assistant, so I would I would really like to see the last state change of an entity retained through a reboot. 0 on my HA Container install (HACs is installed on the host). If you need the two sensors you list, set them up as template sensors reading their states from the command line sensor’s attributes. Adapting code and function from here. For example, you could use a Statistics sensor set to capture the mean humidity over the last hour and then use that as the reference value for the template I want to measure the time difference with milliseconds accuracy between the previous sensor state and the upcoming one. What I’m trying to accomplish with this is: I have a Tasmota with a photodiode attached as a counter and hooked up to my energy meter which blinks 1600/kwh. In the logs I can see the value received, but nothing in HA What are my next steps in troubleshooting it? sensor: - platform: template name: The sensors are only updated when the app is open. I do this because want to rate-limit it, so that it If you want it to update every minute or so, you can add sensor. I see I’m trying to create a template sensor that only updates when I use the update entity service. If you restart HA your state changes don’t restore. aeotec_ms6_kitchen. lg_power_plug_current_consumption below: 5 trigger: numeric_state - entity_id: - sensor. Even the status in the overview is refreshed every 10 seconds. it’s been 2 days since it rained. This is an indicator that the mobile app needs to synchronize the enabled states from Home Assistant to the mobile app. I use a grabage collection sensor and use a ‘days remaining’ tile on tileboard; days_until_recycling_plastic: friendly_name: 'Plastic' unit_of_measurement: 'days' entity_id: sensor. nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_2_00_0 and sensor. Attribute is a list of active update entity id’s. And is there any way to do force update? I want The state of an entity (for example, if a light is on, at 50% brightness in orange) can be shown on the dashboard or be used in automations. I’m using the time platform as I thought it was easier than using the more code based %h. The component instantiate I am searching for sensors that would report available updates for any kind of (custom) integration or community add-on. You can enhance the automation with a condition so that it doesn’t update the input_datetime if Home Assistant Hi I am trying to figure out how to setup a binary sensor to evaluate multiple states and one state attribute of the same sensor. Where binary sensors differ is they can only return one of two Template sensors update whenever the state changes. If I check the state in HA, the value Hi, I have a problem with the ultrasonic sensor in my watertank giving very unstable readings when the sun is on the tank, i guess the humidity and temp inside tank are very high then. For your actual issue though, if you can calculate the delay once it will be much more efficient than checking every second whether you have arrived; it will use no CPU at all until the delay expires. states. This causes the sensor data to I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. you should = set the sensor state based on power, etc and trigger the automation based on sensor state. Pushing API endpoints . lg_power_plug_current Hello, I’m brand new to HA and learning a lot in a short time. No, sorry, but it’s just bullshit what you posted on a 2 year old thread . In summary it now takes maybe 2-5 seconds before Home Assistant picks up that the state is “on” compared to before when it took . Some sensors, like the MQTT ones, you can set a flag called force_update but I did, but I does not solve my case where I need the sum of a set of sensor states. Some applications like Grafana require this when working with Home Assistant, but beware it can significantly increase the I’m trying to configure a binary template sensor that recomputes on/off (or true/false) based on a time interval, although the derived state would rely on other sensor inputs. Otherwise home assistant will attempt to determine what to monitor from the template. Thank YOU. Hi there, This is a bit of a confusing calculation that I am looking at. This post will cover all possible ways to define default. The goal is to automatically water my plant when the soil moisture voltage reaches a certain threshold (pump on) and stop the pump again when another threshold has been reached. state != trigger. If you set a really long scan interval (months, years) you are then free to only update the template sensor using an automation action that calls the update entity service. So, the problem isn’t the template sensor taking too long to update, it is the HA ecobee entity taking so long updating from the server. So e. I want HA to write a record every 5 min. But I updated core, and now I have a bunch of warnings: sensor: state_class_removed The entity no longer has a state class We have generated statistics for ‘Dishwasher Current’ (sensor. I know Home Assistant can do this through automation, but I want to achieve this on device Here’s code that I use, but I don’t know how to check if the door stayed open for let’s say 10 seconds since “on_state” is triggered only when state changes. The problem is, both sensors always get updated and I only want the one that needs to be updated, updated (it actually shows as changed and updated). time %} {{ Hi all, I am new here, but been using home assistant for the last couple of months after migrating from OpenHAB. The code in ESPHome: sensor: - platform: ultrasonic I have some switches that I control using the command_line switch component i HA. This page looks at the concepts state, state object, Home Assistant will update your template sensor as soon as either source sensor updates. I have this code in the configuration. Some applications like Grafana require this when working with Home Assistant, but beware it can significantly increase the The problem. helligkeit. This is something you typically don’t want at all because it creates traffic for no reason and I’ve recently updated HACS to release v1. yr_symbol_current I was hoping printf with the parameter %s would work, but unfortunately not. Strategy 1: value_template In this strategy, all sensors are subscribed to the same topic published by the RF Then use the sensor state in the automation to trigger the notification. thanks f Home Home Assistant will not update the influxDB with the sensor value unless it changes. at least that’s Hey, I’ve been experiencing problems with the sensor for motion sensor on the Philips Hue Motion Sensor. 11, 3. I often see from logs that it goes to Charging state about an Hi, I have an alarm system that I can control from a switch on/off but the Home Assistant doesn’t know if someone in my family turns on or off the alarm via radio controller. alias: Refresh des dummy sensors - dummy_refresh_plexmedia description: '' trigger: - minutes: /1 platform: time_pattern condition: [] action: - service: light. Marius82 (Marius) April 26, 2021, 12:14pm 1. The on/off services are toggling your relay, the value template for the state will be a template that checks the power level is above a threshold. dishwasher_current) in the past, but SELECT state from states where entity_id = 'sensor. I have tried this automation on both sides - alias: 'Update alarm sensor' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor. Here is my scenario. Here s what i m currently doing. It’ll only update every ten days, and you can force an update with the homeassistant. I have many sensor nodes, Keeping sensors in sync with Home Assistant When the mobile app sends an update_sensor_states webhook to update the data for an entity that is disabled, the update result will contain an is_disabled key with a value of true. update_entity. alias: example trigger: - platform: state entity_id: sensor. I have a templates. Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home I have some automations running with sensors involved. What i understand from the documentation: First I need history_stats Hi all, The tldr; is that I have an MQTT sensor that simply isn’t updating, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why, or what to look at next. It seems like the Hi, is it possible to manually trigger a refresh of a restful sensor? According to the docs, there is no command for rest sensors. So using a state does not really work. yaml: platform: template sensors: Garage Following this guideline ( Template sensor not updating ) , I hoped this would solve my issue but I can’t seem to get it working. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. to_state. force_update will update (push) values to ha even when they are the same (and at the same time not increasing the update interval). Is it possible to manually set the state of a binary sensor or any sensor as part of an action in automation, i. If you don't want the device_tracker entity but still want sensors to update then just disable the entity in the entity Hi, all! Till the new HACS version, I was using an automation, in order to get notified of new updates for HACS addons: alias: Notify - New HACS Updates (Persistent Notification) description: "" trigger: - platform: Hey, I’ve been experiencing problems with the sensor for motion sensor on the Philips Hue Motion Sensor. I am pulling from a rest API the status of my machine: sensor: - platform: rest resource: https://www. state_attr('sensor. In addition, the entity can have the Is it possible to manually set the state of a binary sensor or any sensor as part of an action in automation, i. I am using the “next holiday” integration from HACS. turn_on target: entity_id: switch. After this sequence the runtime_since_refill sensor should be 8. Somehow I need I have a sensor have 3 states (ON, Off, ON-LPI) I am trying to set up a history states sensor to calculate how much time the sensor is in (ON-LPI) state before changing to other states, In other words, time reset and recalculate when back to (ON-LPI) state thanks I m new, so dont be too hard on me (my first post even, trying to figure out formatting for code also). Resulting in that I can not toggle my lights anymore. I have a corresponding sensor in HA that picks this up and displays it for me. If you want more control over when an entity updates, you can define a trigger. Node RED flow with HA sensors 1665×979 129 KB. withings_weight_kg_my_name action: - service: switch. I would like to count how often the sensor switch from “on + other states” to “off” every day. It has a wyze hub (usb) and a bunch of sensors connect to I wanted to create a text sensor similar to the Wi-Fi status for ESPHome, so it takes a text value that is then displayed in HA. To be clear, it’s overwriting the sensor’s existing value in the state machine where the new value will only last until Home Assistant is restarted or the sensor’s underlying Add an actions section to your template sensor and you can call the get_events service from there. state }}" action: - service: homeassistant. But the sensor is very slow to update. The state_class attribute for the battery_level, battery_temperature and battery_power sensors of my Android phone has disappeared since Home Assistant 2022. Set some context for the questions. 01 °C to 0. The automation is ok but I cant seem to figure out how to get the time calculation to be correct with a “input_datetime” value. So far I think it is great, but am struggling with my Hi, I am feeding the battery levels of my sensors into InfluxDB to generate nice graphs using Grafana. It is a template extension that Maybe some of you have a solution for my sensor. Newbie here 🙂 I have a flow which receives updates from my tablet and stores them in a global variable. I created the following looking at the documentation: text_sensor: - platform: template name: "Door Position Sensor" id: ${id_name}_door_position_sensor Now I want to update the value in other areas of I have the following setup: ESP32 (C3) with an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor attached to PIN 10 (Trigger) and PIN 1 (Echo) as well as VCC and GND connected. io vm on my server that is my primary. I have a temperature sensor to my boiler that can be heated with two energy sources. In addition, the entity can have the Then use the sensor state in the automation to trigger the notification. nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_2_00_0. dummy_light_plexmedia mode: single SELECT state from states where entity_id = 'sensor. The sample below works great, but how do I check for the sensor state every 30 minutes, not just once? - id: Close_Garage_If_Open alias: Close garage door if open for longer than 30 minutes trigger: - platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor. - service: homeassistant. 168. rova_plastic value_template: >- {% set To find the most active sensor, I would query the recorder database (I would do it with the sqlite3 command-line tool since that’s all I know). battery_level of a device), the sensor is only updated when that value actually changes. jvak elmbxt osvfsw joq melv xtvkmp yiyvk xsgqy bxlcqza cmto