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Vpinball pup pack. 0 Pup Pack download only “lotr_Pup_Settings_1.

Vpinball pup pack Catapult – Random funny catapult videos. zip” This PuP-Pack is designed for people without Toppers. bat file to match your setup. This PuP-Pack relies on monitoring the freezy dmdext DMD for specific images to trigger videos and music (PuPCapture). 1; Downloads: 3370; Updated: March 11, 2020; Login to download this file. 4 and my HP pup works perfect. com. I hope to continue improving this pack as time allows. Downloads area not publicly available. pup in the mainfolder smanve_101c and overwrite the Star Wars Galactic assult FP pup Medival Madeness vpx Tron legacy vpx pup Leprechaun King vpx pup Taxi vpx Volkan vpx Cactus Canyon vpx pup Deadpool JP Sala v5. Enjoy! Thanks to Joey Beaulieu for the stellar artwork on the overlays. Virtual Pinball Machines are tons of fun but can be confusing to learn. Reupload from VPinball This one was a lot of fun to do!! Modeled after a handful of the Halloween episodes. ***READ THE INSTALLATION TAB*** Need to thank Nailbuster for writing the custom exe to make this work! Joey Beaulieu for the overlays!! Thanks as always to the “Guru’s” Opeckie, David, Peter and Terry for always lending a hand! Ceci est un patch français pour le pup pack terminator 2 de Maiguelon. You can easily switch between configs. Pinup1. 0 April 13, 2021; User Feedback. pup” file (or the entire PuP-Pack if you have new sound files required) to this thread for others to use. Adds to the table big time. dll” file, and the Pinup Player “dmddevicePUP. Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total) Hello, as “NickD” and “ilveropaolone”, I’d like to play this PUP table on a 2-screen system. This updates The Addams Family PuP Pack and allows 2 screen users to have a full DMD and topper without blocking any overlay or video. com/VPBdownloads/terminator-2-judgment-day RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. Use PuP-Pack editor to change the overlay frame to 1 of the 3 available if you’d like. Thanks to Joey Beaulieu for making stunning overlays and topper art for ELVIS. Reopened the pup pack editor and it looks like all the original settings are still there they did not get reset. So fun now! Thanks!!! Vmauro 33 August 12, 2022 great work, everything just feels right. I’ve tried a few combinations and it seems to be a consistent issue on my setup solely after playing this table, as explained All other PUP packs didn't show this issue. However, it remains a very different table graphically. no real/LCD DMD) PROBLEMS: If you have video stuttering or artifacts with PuP-Packs with VPX you most likely don’t have VSYNC properly setup in VPX. Copy the PuP-Pack “Spacejam” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. Get the VPinball app for Android devices ©2025 VPinBall. Support those people who create RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. I hope someone of the table Artists do a an overhaul for this cool table. 0; Pinup Player 1. Reinstalled the pup pack and the table is the same I can not move the scoring window to the backglass. This Pup-Pack is the result of being off of work for a little bit during the pandemic. Game over – End Scene. I would love to play this pack, but I cant get it to work. Author: charlieshakur; Version: 1. 71+ “dmddevice. 0 Reviews 8 Comments Copy the PuP-Pack “im_183ve” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. bat files that match your system, The 3 on 1 Pack: PuP Backglass, PuP Topper, DMD (PinMAME or DMDExt) are all on the Backglass screen. The ball is a tad zippy and bouncy for what I normally like but still very playable. I do have Stranger Things PuP Pack working so Im doing *something* right, but a common problem Im running into is that the table loads and plays fine, but the videos arent playing even though theyre in the Nailbuster made the original T2 pup-pack that is the reason I learned to do this in the beginning. The pack is a combination of the different X men movies. 0; 1. Star Wars Star luckily had this before vpinball went down but wanted to say what a awesome pup it is we love it. - this PuP-Pack was originally designed for 3 screen users, and there is no place set aside for a DMD on a 16x9 Backglass for this PuP-Pack \vPinball\VisualPinball\VPinMAME" start /min "" "PUPDMDControl. It features the now-chic “Backglass overlay/JJP-alike” style, with complementary toppers and supports over 70 in-game events and triggers. The issue may be that I think there is one corrupted file, which is the Highwaytohell2 file located in the highwaytohell folder — In my case I was able to download, but 7zip refuses to extract that file. with a PupPack in widescreen format. Also the callouts are in the pup pack and must be enabled, if you don't use the pup then no callouts. Reupload from vpinball Thanks to Joey Beaulieu for the clips, the idea and of course the overlays! SuperDimi and Harlan are awesome - always willing to help and test for me as well. I wanted to share it the same once finished after the found publication of the vpx version. Hope you enjoy it playing. PuP Pack for Stern's Playboy. Thank you for sharing ! I am Talking about Virtual Pinball Pup packs, what they are and how to install them on your PC computer. Get the VPinball app for Android devices ©2024 VPinBall. It has also been updated to use newer PuP features, and has SSF (Surround Sound Feedback)!A Future Pinball first! All Video, Media, Artwork, and PuP-Pack files by TerryRed Mike Tyson’s Punch Out VPX Table & Pup Pack! This topic has 43 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by rivaldo85 . I have not seen another video/animation trigger with play. Thanks to everyone for their help and support. The people that create the content for this hobby post only on the following sites. OST Movie Music To enable the PuP-Tracks music: if you don´t want to use the OST Music-edit the st_161hc with the PuP-Pack Editor, and change Screen 4 (Music) to “Off”. 4 or higher. Here are last 20 listed. 4update. – his treatment of widescreen video in an upcoming offering gave me the inspiration I needed :) More events, RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. I have been following this nailbusters guide, In order to get VPX tables launched with or without pup-pack. Copy the content fom altsound. For those who MUST have their virtual DMD on the backglass screen (16:9) and don’t have room for anything else. Features 90+ different Attracts, 50+ Ball Losts, 50+ Ball Very exciting news Brand new Metallica Pup Pack!! Music Videos playing when you start the table all the way until you let the last ball drain. Avengers LE PUP Pack « Back to All Downloads. Dude (Williams™ Pinball 2020), Funhouse (Williams™ the friendly spider from the neighborhood. This is my first pup-pack so all constructive criticism is welcome. And use your bdk_294 rom in VpinMame Roms folder that you already have Updated JPSalas new version 5. 1 Favorite. Thanks to Choose either “Text on Backglass”, or “No Text on Backglass” PuP-Pack. Copy the PuP-Pack “bdk_294” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. I had a lot fun making this and hope you all enjoy. X-Men Stern PUP Pack. It never starts other videos I tried the 2 and 3 screen versions. My problem is a little bit different than them: everything is launched correctly (UltraDMD, PUP on BG, and I can play the table), but as soon as 1. System: This is the VPX version of my Jaws PuP-Pack. Incl. Because our community members upload this content for free use; does not give ANYONE permission to re-host files, re-distribute, package, or sell any cabinets or drives with community created content. Download the excellent original Pup Pack here: Copy the PuP-Pack “sprk_103” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. Copy the PuP-Pack “motu” folder from the PuP-Pack zip archive (of your choice) into your “PUPVideos” folder. Read the installation if you only have 2 screens. This Pack comes with OST-Music so you have to use my altsound folder. Get the VPinball app for Apple devices. OST Movie Music (optional). Can some amazing person send me the file or direct me to it please? Thanks so much! PUP was only on vpinball. zip” and replace the existing files into the lotr PuP Folder with the new files from “lotr_Pup_Settings_1. What could be going on? I have 1. This needs both the freezy 1. Created by RichnDarla Johns. Solid table and a very good pup pack. Would also send some love to G5K for the fantastic T2 Table I got all the inspiration from. 7 latest PUP pack What can I do to solve this issue? Thanks a lot in advance DeWe. Put those files into your tables folder (e. No changelog available for this version. 1. Just unzip that folder, take the folder named The issue i have and it was an issue for the Halloween PUP, the muted rom takes away all rom sounds right? I know when i did the alias, they worked right, and i downloaded the pup pack for the regular table to play the opening music, but there are still alot of sounds missing on the muted rom when playing the regular table. Launching one table with/without pup-pack - posted in Visual Pinball: Hello. g. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Total of 23 users thanked author for this post. 1 even with my pinDMD3 using colors. Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 44 total) First off, thank you to everyone who helped me on my first Pup-Pack build. As for the VPX pup-pack. Enjoy :) If you have already download 1. VPX Table 10. Sign in Attack from Mars Pup-Pack is completed and available now. Very nice October addition to the original table. You NEED to install the original pup pack first. Sign in Downloads Support Topics. Link: https://vpinball. but once again. This is not the same that was on Vpinball. zip open the folder and copy the files screen. e. dll” file in your VPinMAME folder. ***This is only for 2 screen users Neither pup-pack is compatible with the other. Copy over trigger files if you have a different layout (i. ©2025 VPinBall. It will reposition your screens and add a speaker grille so no overlay or video is blocked by the DMD. You are able to choose your own song when the table starts (Limited to the ones offer by the ROM) All videos play in fullscreen for a more immersive experience with Great quality. 6 or higher; PinMAME 3. See installation tab for link to Pup-Pack files(you NEED this for the table to work) Download Info. Ran the newly installed table without a pup pack runs ok no backglass or scoring. Addeddate 2021-05-22 05:38:44 Identifier pup-packs Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. This is another PUP PACKS. 1 adds option for the DMD and Topper combo grille(new screens. plus-circle Add Review. Transformers: Mega-Tracks Pup-Pack! This band is one of my favorite Bands that I grow up with,Together with this table is the perfect combination the only thing missing was a PUP PACK. 4 . Make sure you run FX3 through Popper with pupdmd doens’t work with DMDext PuP Pack for Medieval Madness vpx with Videos for Backglass and Topper. METALLICA NEW PUP PACK AND MASTER OF PUPPETS TABLE 779 Downloads; DEADPOOL FX3 PUP PACK with SSF 287 Downloads; Aliens Vs Predator SSF FX3 PupPack 1. Many Videos got new sounds if you don´t like it you can turn the Volume down in Pup Pack Editor. LTek's mod includes Bug and Playability Fixes Fun changes to the PuP scripting, images, trigger events, etc (see changelog in ZIP file) matching Front-End (Popper) media additional music (in PuP's Music folder) from the How to Use PuP-Packs with VPX, FP, FX3 on a single Screen Desktop view, or with Future Pinball in a cabinet . This Pack comes with OST-Music so you have to use my muted rom. 1 + pup Good pup games Adams family with old show pack Twilight Zone Flintstones All the FP games made by Terry Red Star Wars Data East with pup and altsound Iron Man Xmen GOTG Using the pup-pack editor, you need to disable Screen 12 (the “TEXT-DMD” Screen) to allow a space for your DMD to be shown on the backglass. 47 Updated: March 8, 2020; Login to download this file. Here are some basics to get you started on placing your VPX files in the correct loca This includes the pup pack that Nailbuster helped configure. OST Movie Music To enable the PuP-Tracks music: if you don´t want to use the OST Music-edit the smanve_101c with the PuP-Pack Editor, and change Screen 4 (Music) to “Off”. If there are issues and bugs - I deleted the mmunster file in pup packs. Before freezy1. Copy the im_183ve. zip into your Vpinmame roms folder. 0; Downloads: 3292; Updated: July 8, 2019; Login to download this file. works with the Spiderman Vault Edition table rom smanve_101c. Copy the PuP-Pack “potc_600as” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. zip into your Vpinmame altsound folder. there's no point in posting my pup-pack again for a table that is no longer available / being shared by the author. pup+playlist. Star Trek the next Generation PuP Pack and another must have PupPack, for a great table , now with fulldmd option this Puppacks comes with a altsoundfile , that mutes the tables sounds. DeWe. And use your smanve_101c rom in VpinMame Roms folder that you already have I have been slowly digging my through understanding and properly installing/setting up FP, VPX, Pinup Popper, ect. 13 Ratings Description; The second collaboration between the amazing John Memeo and myself brings you The Avengers PuPPack! We are extremely proud to give you an awesome, original Puppack that will enhance your gameplay experience! Special thanks to Joey Beaulieu for his awesome Frames, Sneakily1 It’s my first experience with creating a pup-pack and also the first non-dot matrix pack ever :). C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\WesternTrailers\MusicVideos Copy the PuP-Pack “st_161hc” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. Set “FPS Limiter/VSYNC” to 1, and “Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames” to 1 in VPX Video Options. 0. pup+triggers. 4 update now the different Overlays for this Packwill work. ##Current Triggers## Ball Drain – Random funny clips. YOU DON'T NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE PUP PACK AGAIN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE 2. I still need to finish the secondary characters which will be after the holidays in the next version. What they are and look like1:1 I decided to do a simple “Basics” video of What is Pinup Player, What are PuP-Packs, What is Pinup Popper, What is Pinup System. 0; Downloads: 2616; Updated: May 19, 2020; Login to download this file. Thank you, hawkeyez88 VPUniverse - B2S; RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. We spared no effort, utilizing scenes from both films and editing them to include plenty of This is the Last version of JPsalas table converted to work with this pup pack. Then Save. My first release in the VP community. OST Movie Music To enable the PuP-Tracks music: if you don´t want to use the OST Music-edit the bdk_294 PuP-Pack with the PuP-Pack Editor, and change Screen 4 (Music) to “Off”. Special thanks to Harlan M Russo for his incredible skills in creating amazing animated toppers, full screen callout videos and more. And use your st_161hc rom in VpinMame Roms folder that you already have updated feb27-removed sound and re encoded the topper/dmd videos-Joey Beaulieu changed the Topper overlay a-bit as it was cutting off some of the topper videos-I also changed the backglass Thanks to Tarcisio Caleiro for This is a reupload from Vpinball but now with fulldmd Option. There was only one other that I had a similar issue: Twilight Zone’s pup pack. 8. Extract tmnt_104 into your pupvideos folder and enjoy! Huge props to DGrace for creating this PuPPack and Joey for the overlays! This has content from the cartoon! Je trouve ce pup pack très Thank you to everyone from the Facebook Group that was willing to Test this for me leading up to its Release. Get the VPinball app for Android devices It’s time to “transform” the virtual pinball world with this new Transformers: Mega-Tracks PuP-Pack!Featuring over 250 videos, and a new “PuP-Tracks” music option that replaces the original SAM mono music with a new (high quality Stereo) Original Movie Soundtrack played from Pinup Player! A first for SAM based tables! A video preview of the PuP-Pack with the OST music can *The pup-pack sounds are still going to exist and play on top/over the table sounds (annoying) . Feel free to give it a try. v1. This is the only PUP pack that does not seem to work for me. 1. I hope we see this as a PuP-Packs are a combination of videos/media and config files to work with tables so that the media will play during gameplay. To enable the PuP-Tracks OST Music:-the OST Music option is turned off by default-edit the trn_174h PuP-Pack with the PuP-Pack Editor, and change Screen 15 (OST Music) to “MusicOnly”. comment. Merlin’s Magic Collect – Message for you sir Gilligan's Island Pup pack with layout options for everyone. 3. zip is a collection of the currently completed FX3 SSF PuP-Packs This newly updated Tron Legacy (Stern Ultimate) Future Pinball PuP-Pack has new videos with animated neon frames and titles. Cheers! This pup-pack provides eight different configurations This is my version of the new hd graphics film mod of Baywatch for Vp9 with video pup pack. Run the included . I hope you all enjoy. Start the table and let it sit idle and the trailers will play. 4. 7 we still had to use orange DMD color for the pup capture videos to play but 1. Copy the im_183ve folder into to your PuPVideos folder, choose one of the . The pup-packs are sometimes cheesy and a system There's a new option to run the pup pack on screen 5 for those who have FullDMD screens and don't want to give up the dB2s backglass. Best suited for 3 screen setups with a topper. I ended up adjusting the TV screen size in the Overlay PNG file. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file For those running this make sure you copy over your pup overlay, pup capture and 3. A huge thank you to John Memeo and Joey Beaulieu for all their help with setting this up and troubleshooting, as well as the great artwork on overlays and versioning, back and forth messaging, and just overall support as I attempted my 2nd pup pack. 0 VERSION Thanks To dscgoesgc METALLICA NEW PUP PACK AND MASTER OF PUPPETS TABLE 779 Downloads; DEADPOOL FX3 PUP PACK with SSF 287 Downloads; Aliens Vs Predator SSF -Nailbuster for testing and helping to eliminate memory leak issues. Just in case this game wasn’t distracting enough See if you can keep your eyes on the Playfield with this one. Extract sprk_103 into your pupvideos folder and enjoy! Huge props to DGrace for creating this PuPPack and Joey for the overlays! Jump to content. Be the first one to write a review. com/VPBdownloads Thank you to everyone from the Facebook Group that was willing to Test this for me leading up to its Release. 7 fixed that and we can use color now. IF As always thanks to David Paiva and Opeckie for their continual support! The "testers" Rik Laubach and Joshua Miller for giving it the final thumbs up before it was released! This is a 3 screen version, if you don't have a topper please turn it off in the pup pack editor. That said, its a work in progress that I plan to iterate on while I solicit feedback. IMHO, the table is better with the new sounds and a standard B2S backglass. Released April 13, 2021. le pup pack original est requis : https://vpinball. Play the FP PinEvent version. Thanks to Joey Beaulieu for creating the incredible artwork for this pack! Pup Pack includes 45+ triggered events Getting PuP Packs to Work - posted in Frontends and Addons: Hi all, I can get the tables to work, but for some reason I cant get the PuP videos to start playing. 3 Fixed issues with FullDMD This a updated Pup Pack for the amazing table from Mussinger (Thanks for you amazing work man) and thanks for give me the previlege to this. Edit the table script looking fir cGameName and setting the value to the name you used for new_rom_name RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. ***This is only for 2 screen users-Backglass Pup pack from one of my favorite movies so I'm not sure but I love the pup pack it gives a dimension to the table! Well done and thank you Bluebilly 46 October 29, 2021 Fantastic table and pack! gigalula 8 August 9, 2021 These files allow 2 screen users(Playfield/Backglass) to enjoy the new ACDC Pup Pack by hawkeyez88 without blocking any overlay or video with the DMD. colorized. You need to login in order to like this post: click here The Elvis pup pack has been a joy to create, Big shout out to those who helped in the process. 0:16 PuP packs intro. I think that table is worth to look more like 4K masterpiece. Warning adult content What's New in Version 1. The playfield, gameplay, sounds and PUP pack are filled with little details and are testimony to AstroNasty and the VPW teams love for the movies. 1 Pup Pack Table YOU ONLY NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE UPDATED TABLE V1. Sign Been wanting to do a pup for this for more than a minute! A sense of urgency hit me when I heard a rumor! This is my first crack at theming it, expect updates and changes. pup files from original pup pack as only video folders are obviously converted and sent to pup_resize. I haven’t finished all of the modes (mostly because I’m tired of re-watching the movie and theres only so much content that lends itself to the gameplay). Author: dgamboa1988; Version: 1. Reuploading since vpinball is gone. PROBLEMS: Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications. Compared to some my machine is a bit low powered and running the pup I Uploaded v1. name the pup pack folder to match new_rom_name for the bw version 3. At early stages i make copies from This Pup Pack is not perfect we had to use the score from GNR Rom, If someone knows a way to go around that and would like to help all of us that would be amazing. You need to login in order to like this post: click here. C:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables) PUP-pack This is a Pup Pack for Deadpool FX3 that supports SSF and was made for fun not for comercial use. ***This is only for 2 screen users*** A huge thanks to dgamboa1988 for his original PUP Pack and allowing me to release this conversion. Its a very funny movie and I used all the good parts in this pup pack is a non stop of craziness. Download Info. Overwrite or Delete your existing file or make a backup from your old altsound file. Copy the PuP-Pack “sttng_l7” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. 2,559 Views . This is for 2 screen users only (Playfield/Backglass). I started drawing this vp9 table long before the vpx table was published. This is a French PATCH For the Andrew Walsh’s Jurassic Park Pup Pack. This updates the Dungeons and Dragons PuP Pack and allows 2 screen users to have a full DMD without blocking any video or overlay. Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications. The pup-pack is designed to work with a five ball game so if you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to make a dip switch change to make Gremlins a five ball game. 45 or higher The Twilight Zone Pup-Pack featuring clips from the show. There are actually 3 different methods Pup-Pack authors can Thanks for the pup pack. now i am not positive but i think hawkeyez was part of the south park pup, i really hope to get that one eventually THANKS Digital Pinball Network - Beware of frauds! DPNetwork is a network of sites that are fully supported by the Virtual Pinball Community. Anyone else having the same issue? Thx for this pup!!! A nice feature of this pack is the the Overlay image/frame you see on the backglass is dynamic and you can select others or make your own. I'm sure there is one and I must just be blind. Edit: The Pup pack works fantastic on the newest table update by Chokee (VPW): HoganZeros 34 April 26, 2021 1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member This is so good! For my 3 screen set up I use option 3 Once you have COMPLETED the PuP-Pack, you can upload the “triggers. I can see Ryu bouncing in the frame, but that’s it. 1 table file!!!! TY for permission to reupload new version. PLEASE FOLLOW Reupload from Vpinball May the 4th well you get it . download the spideyPinup1. 0; Downloads: 1630; Updated: September 5, 2020; Login to download this file. am I missing something? Thanks in advance! Digital Pinball Network - Beware of frauds! DPNetwork is a network of sites that are fully supported by the Virtual Pinball Community. Build with PuP-Pack Editor v1. Thank You! Please do not modify or redistribute this pup pack without consent. 6. 2 beta or higher; DMD Extensions v1. the proper way is to take the pup_resize folder and copy/paste/overwrite into the original folder as that will keep all files and non-mp4 files (pngs/pup files Copy the PuP-Pack “twst_405” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. Log in with your credentials. All the key characters are done. Log in with your The content resides in the "MusicVideos" folder of each of the PUP-packs (i. I now want to learn how to properly install pup packs for a few tables and I haven't found a good explanation for doing that through pinup popper. Gman77 becomes a MASTER in the creation of pup packs. The scenes from the films are in perfect harmony with the table. INSTALLATION: Simply copy the “Jaws” folder from the PuP-Pack RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. 1 218 Downloads; GETAWAY 2 FX3 PUP PACK SSF 234 Downloads; Austin Powers PuP Pack-2 Screen Conversion 183 Downloads; Austin Powers Pup Pack 579 Downloads; Tron Legacy - "End of Line" PuP-Pack By: TerryRed The first PuP-Pack ever created is back again! The End of Line PuP-Pack is the latest version that includes an awesome OST Music option that replaces the rom's music Another great pup pack made by Gman77. PowerEngineer77 4 February 18, 2022 Great pup-pack with awesome amount of clips bring up great memories. 0 See changelog . Excellent ce pup pack réalisé autour I decided to do a PuP-Pack for my favorite comic hero ;) The updated table by sheltemke is already fun by itself, so the PuP-Pack makes the experience even greater. Optional “Text on Topper or Under Videos”: This “option” plays videos of all the animated text (and logo) with a nice castle stone backdrop Last Starfighter – Pup pack/backglass problem This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by centauri61032 . Support those people who create the content and download ONLY from the following sites. Copy the PuP-Pack “smanve_101c” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. aka “BATMAN PuP-Pack HD Special Final Remix” This is a reworking/re-imagining of the very first PuP-Pack I made. This pup pack seems to work just fine with me using freezys 1. 0 Pup Pack download only “lotr_Pup_Settings_1. I will then add them to a COMPLETED FX3 SSF So the pup-pack is not at fault, it was me!!, cheers! jwkramer61 1209 August 13, 2022 Excellent job! I love your mod to this table. Thanks to some members here that made/offered some alternative graphic files. Posted July 28, 2024. It’s an overview that goes over the F-14 Tomcat Pup-Pack. 19 Ratings Description; UPDATE 1. I also learned much from Terry Red´s tutorial on how to make a pup pack. Please don’t hesitate to send me feedback. I realize things have moved forward quite a bit since this original release in 2020. Family Guy PUP Pack based on the Stern 2006 VPX Table. I'm a big Stranger Things fan so that alone will hit a home run for me. so you can enjoy the high quality Thanxxx for this great pup pack and the cool music. Its pretty basic but I plan on adding to it in the future. the latest Williams™ Pinball: Volume 6 (Dr. This PuP-Pack does not require a modded Visual Thanks for putting this out, thought I need some help. By downloading from Copiez les dossiers du patch et collez les dans le dossier du pup pack , choisissez de remplacer les fichiers ( voir image ) This is a french patch for the stranger thing pup pack The original pup pack MUST be installed before ! Team America PuP Pack « Back to All Downloads. If you have a “square” backglass screen, then you can try the other two packs (“Max Pack” or “2 on 1”) and have the DMD below the PuP Apply the patch for the desired table(s): as a result, you should obtain a modified VPX file. PROBLEMS: If you have video stuttering or artifacts with PuP-Packs with VPX you most likely don’t have VSYNC properly setup in VPX. I don’t have Vpinball handles of those that helped and I want to be mindful of calling out specific names without their consent. I had a couple of days free Hi, I just tested your pup pack, it is really excellent! Congratulations for the work done with the good table, the animations accompany the different mechanics and it's just impeccable. com Super Mario Pinball PuP Pack? - posted in Visual Pinball: I am unable to find the PuP pack for super mario pinball (Gottlieb 1992) anywhere. In my point of view is the only thing keeping it from a perfect table. There is a different PuP-Pack available for users with Toppers. As the rom sends out Dxx commands I needed to use dummy trigger files to prevent unwanted movie clips Visual Pinball (2020 06 20) Hello everyone, the year is over and VPU has spoiled us with the increasingly magnificent and complex VPX tables, so thanks to all the creators. 7. Its way Hello, Small creation a PUP-PACK of the magnificent painting "RUSH 2112" If you like concerts and the band, you will love the pup pack included: The PUP-PACK PuP Pack Options (DMD and Topper on BG, DMD Transformers (Stern) - PuP-Pack By: TerryRed The PuP-Pack that transformed what was possible is back! This is the first PuP-Pack to replace SAM system music with a new OST music option that completely transforms this Copiez les dossiers du patch et collez les dans le dossier du pup pack , choisissez de remplacer les fichiers ( voir image ) This is a french patch for the stranger thing pup pack The original pup pack MUST be installed before ! Reupload from vpinball. I will then add them to a COMPLETED FX3 SSF PuP-Packs Collection! ===== The COMPLETED FX3 SSF PUP-PACKS. thanks, great pup however i’m having an issue, hope someone may suggest a fix: After i play this table/pup via popper, then exit back to popper, any other table i play with a pup doesn’t show the pup screens. The included Read "It Pinball Madness" - It was time for us to present a PupPack for this incredible table. pup file also) I have all of the other 70 or so puppack tables working. Thanks for reuploading this Pup Pack. Based on the very good work of Terry Red i developed a version with different positioning and updated/other sounds (in my recording studio). Copy the PuP-Pack “tmnt_104” folder from the archive into your PUPVideos folder. Enjoy . Hat Tip to Frank H. zip 1326 downloads (0 reviews) 25 comments Updated August 8, 2021. Those who have cabs with RealDMDs or SlimDMDs can The PUP Pack is spot-on, and I'm usually a person that avoids PUP Packs if there is a great DirectB2S instead. I'm Reupload from vpinball. Here is my first Pup-Pack contribution. Been hoping for a pup pack to come out for this awesome version of the table for a long time and you have delivered big time. There were some initial issues with using a rom like Robocop as source for screen triggering, but with the help of David we made it happen :). It was a great learning experience; and, while this has a lot of room for improvement, I am happy with being able to put this together and have it functioning for everyone to enjoy. com, looks like author never reuploaded anyplace once vpinball shut down Here’s my first version of my first pup-pack for Apollo 13. Sign in Remember me Lost For all who use SSF (Surround Sound Feedback) together with Pinball FX3, here´s my Version of the PUP-Pack. . It’s a fairly simple table so it only took a few daysbut I may update it later when I have more time. This Pup Pack its a little different from all others you play the table watching live and music videos during all game play (just dont lose the last Ball). I renamed the original pup pack, launched the Treehous table Once you have COMPLETED the PuP-Pack, you can upload the “triggers. Keep up the epic work my friend!!!! Pups 100% pupevent, its a good test to make BATMAN 66 Stern Tribute Daphishbowl, Mr H, MPT3k & Harlan Special Thanks: Harlan - Pup help, graphics, sounds MPT3K - Gameplay, videos, real table comparison, 2. Overwrite or Delete your existing rom or make a backup from your old rom. So to end the year in As expected this is perfect. All other tables with pup (stranger things, Clue, Tom and Jerry, Harry Potter) work fine, but with JP I get the overlays but I only see the video with the gate. ©2024 VPinBall. we cover the GNR the best we could keeping the objectives of the table. OST Movie Music To enable the PuP-Tracks music: if you don´t want to use the OST Music-edit the potc_600as PuP-Pack with the PuP-Pack Editor, and Don't forget to run the appropriate BAT file in the futurama pup pack directory for your particular screen setup. I realize us single screen users are in the minority and that most of these pup packs are probably never tested in that situation. exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME] pupdmdcontrol_alien_pupcaps. To ensure this PuP-Pack show videos properly you must ensure your “Other 1” screen in PinUp Player Displays is configured to match same size/location as your standard BackGlass. The BG background and DMD captures are from Nailbuster´s. So many brilliant clips RELUCTANTLY enabled site for everyone to view for historical reference only. 1 Added an "Easy Mode" for the dreaded and often fatal Gene Mouth Spit Back in the form of a Trust Post that This updates the Metallica PuP Pack and allows 2 screen users to have a full DMD without blocking any videos or overlay. I miss the 80s music on the old one Version: Batman '66 Pup Pack 1. This PuPPack requires Pinup Popper and Pinup Player installed and updated to 1. Perfect timing for this one right??! Huge thanks to Hursty for his amazing work on this one! Great compliment to a fun table! Super travail réalisé dans ce pup These files allow 2 screen users to enjoy the awesome Iron Maiden PuP Pack by Pedro Peres. Just remember - no topper turn off screens 0 and 11 in the pup pack editor. REQUIREMENTS: Visual Pinball X 10. WHAT’S THIS ALL ABOUT? I made this post to provide some solutions to: – get PuP-Packs to work with Visual Pinball X, Future Pinball, Pinball FX3 on a single screen Desktop setup – get PuP-Packs to work with Future Pinball on a The second collaboration between the amazing John Memeo and myself brings you The Avengers PuPPack! We are extremely proud to give you an awesome, original Puppack that will enhance your gameplay experience! Copy the PuP-Pack “trn_174h” folder from the download zip archive into your PUPVideos folder. Author: trochjochel; Version: 1. PinupPlayer experience for Playboy (Stern 2002). Author: Scottywic; Version: 1. This PuP-Pack relies on monitoring the freezy dmdext DMD for specific images to trigger videos and music (PuPCapture). conr yiev czgjq secxvfcx mqa uywuda xnhyiod mmivgi yovgv ltynte