Titegroup 9mm recipes 5gr - 4. Hodgdon lists 3. 09" Start at 3. Of my test batch the 4. Notes 1: HP 0. 9 grains IF your OAL is 1. Thanks in advance. One of the biggest concerns with Titegroup is the small deviation between minimum and maximum charges. Appreciate any help anyone can give me! 2011-05-31 Joined Sep 2, 2009. 125gr Jacketed 9 mm 4. 380 & 9mm. 5gr 20 @ 3. Share Wow thanks for all the load recipes. 15 oal with the 124 grain plated bullet. We use an RCBS Chargemaster for dispensing powders and load on single stage presses. I cannot remember the load, but it was an 1150 fps load for 1-1/8th shot load, right out of the Hodgdon load data. 6 max. Like the rest of the mainstream VV powders used in 9MM. boolit. ) This load will have a bit of "snap" to it, but overall it will have much less recoil that your 5. 5 small pistol primer, mixed used brass cases, I have been using a lot of X-Treme 115 plated bullets, CCI 500 primers and 4. 40 and was hoping folks could share their Titegroup recipes with me just to give me a baseline to make minor in 9mm and major in . Rifle shooters will find dozens of loads for their favorite Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester powders such as H4198, H4895, Varget, 100 Jacketed Hodgdon Titegroup 4. This recipe works very nicely in every 9mm I own I do load to 1. 8 to max 4. You have a chronograph, right? I have been loading . Reloading Product Reviews. Just last night I made my 1st test set of 9mm using RMR 115gr RN, Tula SPP primers, Winchester casings & varying loads of Titegroup. I actually had some other bullets and figured why not try out the I've been loading 9mm for over 20 years with Berry's 124gr RN, and 4. I am looking for loads using TiteGroup powder as that's what I have on hand and prefer to use. Also, for this recipe, the books say to start at 3. 058. Skip to content. Six months ago it was HS-6 and that still pops up every now and again. I currently have a Glock 19 and a Springfield 1911 Range Officer in 9mm. 3 grains 147 gr - 3. My COAL is 1. I will be dialing it down to 4. All data in this caliber is subsonic but is not normally tagged with the name subsonic. Help please. On the Hodgdon website, they list three close rounds. As in, my pistols get uncomfortably hot from way less shooting than I'd expect. Titegroup is very temperature sensitive. I suspect you can load that bullet out to 1. I've had loads in . The loads highlighted in yellow are those that I found work best for me. Also what 147g bullet profile is best for Glock’s. Can somone suggest a recipe for 124gr 9mm LRN. I loaded with these specs: Hornady . 6 and work up to a max of 4. Bullets are Zero 147gr FMJ, Win SPP, Mixed brass, then use that data as you work up your load from there. (as I'm discovering using my CZ-75 recipe on my Stock 2). 6 grains 124 gr - 4. anybody got any recipes they can share. Your actuals are definitely coming in lower than mine. It looks similar to Titewad and Titegroup in appearance but isn’t messy to load at all like Titewad is. Personally, I don't like Titegroup, not enough case fill. I have to run a 6 lb. I have some titegroup. I have solid recipes to shoot 124gr 9mm minor and 165gr . of Titegroup. So far the best data recipe I have got from a powder company has been from Alliant itself and they gave me a recipe from Lyman of 2. For 135 to 147gr lead WSF is another one that works well (Wsf is cleaner They have a paperback "The Complete Reloading Manual for the 9mm Luger". An example is . 4 1001 145 L-C, L-FP 147 I see that both Titegroup and WSF provide recipes on their websites, any opinions or advice between using one or the other? I will be loading with is that if you're loading 200gr . 32 S&W. I might bump it to 2. 3 grains of TiteGroup. But at 38° failed to make PF. 3gr of Titegroup or should I start at 3. It looks like I'll be trying 4. At this point I'm mainly interested in loads that other people have found that work well, are reasonably accurate and are safe. 112 OAL setup with Winchester brass (results with mixed brass range from approx. 9gr per the recipe. Titegroup on left, IMR 4756 in middle, N320 on right. 357 magnum for lighter loads. I run 3. Tightgroup and 115 gr 9mm are the tighwad special! Spend another two or three bucks a K (one third of a penny a round) and get rid of those snappy 115. 050; 30,300 cup Lyman 49th Ed. They are the 125gr round nose, 135gr TC and 147 gr round nose. 4 1170 Remarks: sugg. SHARPPOINT. 3 gr for a Black bullet same weitht. 380 was the last of the calibers I shoot semi-regularly but didn't reload. 14. 5 titegroup 4. As far as shooting goes, I have used both, and prefer the titegroup because n320 meters a little weird on my Hornady LNL. 1 to max 4. 100 Clements L-RNFP 146 TiteGroup 3. 2gr of TiteGroup same length. 9mm 147gr bullet. Just bought a Tanfoglio Limited in 40 S&W for USPSA. 09. 17 but you'll need to ream it out [ARCHIVED THREAD] - 9mm 124gr - Max Loads for CFE, Titegroup, Power Pistol. Everything I have found maxes Titegroup at 3. 2. Start low and work up like you would with other 9mm 147gr loads with Titegroup 9mm 147gr loads with Titegroup. I currently use A#2 in my 9mm lead minor loads. From the factory, the rifling will prevent you from running longer bullets - this is well documented on this forum and others. 0gr load appeared to be the winner 10 rounds shot well with nice cycling and I would be grateful if somone who shoots this load would share their recipe for making 135 pf. About 900-950 fps depending on barrel length and type. Products search $ 0. I used many kegs of TiteGroup in 12 gauge loads. 45 exclusively with Titegroup and this is my first time with 9mm. Recipes can be found at Shooters World website. I'm finding that data for loading with Titegroup is kind of skimpy. ) Finding load data may be harder with Yes. Hodgdon Titegroup. SNS coated bullets and i bough to try 180 and 200gr. I got the original data off of Hodgdon’s website TITEGROUP 45 recipe. Using the titegroup with 3. Other than rimfire or 9mm with 165s, quietest load I have found. fmj. The lead bullet is 3. Not many recipes available for 147g lead PC bullets out there,but the ones I have ran through my 9 have cycled well. As a 9mm reloading snob, I prefer N320 hands down. 3gr (which is what I based Find load data for Hodgdon TiteGroup propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". 45 is W231/HP38, but I have a good Titegroup recipe as well. I'll be using the 115gr Hornady XTP bullets for a while (primarily b/c that's how they come when they are free). Posted January 29, 2018. 6" barrel, using a 100 grain Berry's Bullets flat base round nose plated. In 9, . RN bullet. 160" It's a nice subsonic load and I can get almost I haven't loaded much 9MM in recent years, but back in the day, loaded many thousands of rounds of 9MM. 13/1. im having trouble finding reliable data for hornady 124gr fmj rn and titegroup powder. powder: Titegroup for some reason hodgdon does not list a 115gr FMJ load with titegroup on their website. Rifle Pistol Shotgun Shooting. 0gr to 4. Posted : 11/27 (mainly just a little here In the Data Center, you’ll find thousands of load recipes for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. ARCHIVED; Posted: 6/12/2017 10:51:55 PM EST I Disclaimer: As usual, I do not assume liability for this recipe, it just a snapshot of a load that I Example just using the Lyman book for reference. 0; however, i have not found a lot of data for titegroup and 124 grained RN. MyWifeShootsBetter. You can see all of my social media links on my Author page. I do have some Power Pistol and Titegroup, but several pounds of 135gr. Now I see Titegroup is sometimes out of stock when VV is available and not double the price like it used to be since other powders have gone up so much like you said. Using Alliant's data (which seems to be on the hot side!), I loaded 50 rounds of 9mm with 124 gr FMJ and 4. I currently have Bullseye powder but am interested in whatothers are using. Any and all recipes or help is greatly appreciated! -Hodgdon Titegroup -CCI 500 and Federal 100 small pistol primers -Mixed headstamp range brass I do not currently have a chronograph available to test with and am looking for input from those that have experience reloading for suppressed shooting. I used several of the medium speed and slower powders. A 9mm barrel these days can be anywhere from 354 to 356 which means bullets between 355 and 357 are within scope depending on what your barrel slugs to. 010" OAL 90 Sierra Jacketed HP Hodgdon Titegroup 4. I will admit that n320 is cleaner, but titegroup dirt is a grainy dirt, and is easy to clean up. I also talked to Missouri Bullet I am looking for any recommendations for 9mm Minor load recipes for use in USPSA Production, IDPA as well as Steel Challenge for both a Glock 34 and M&P 9L/Pro. So far this has been the best all around load that works in all my 9mm guns. 9 grains of powder. 32 disks, since I didn't have a recipe for Titegroup/147gr, but they show as 3. 8 gr. 1 or 3. 45 Colt. 2 grn. It burns very hot and, unless the bullet really seals the bore, will produce very heavy leading very quickly. 2017-02-10 6,999 Posts. There is a risk of double charging revolver cases with Titegroup but that shouldn't be a problem with 9mm so long as you are careful. 0gr of TiteGroup and an OAL = 1. Think about 3. Very soft shooting. 1gr Titegroup) or 147gr FMJ (3. Reality is it really sounds like you need some training with your grip/stance/etc. I have about 4 lbs. 1 max Hi there guys. It's a little hard to tell what you are looking for exactly, but your best bet would be to check the Hodgdon web site for valid current Titegroup load data for 9mm. #2 · May 30, 2011. 125 COL _____ Do not follow where the path may lead, go, instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph I have spent a lot of time perusing through the 9mm Reloading section and it seems that most folks who are using 124gr FMJ & JHP bullets with Titegroup are loading their cases with 4. 150 OAL. 160") I'm typically loading a berry's 124 with 4. This is one of the least favorite in the entire 9MM field of powders, and we could possibly like it least, last place. If I wanted to run a little hotter I’d try Power Pistol or HS-6. Shoots reasonably clean, minimal smoke, meters extremely consistent with the Dillon powder drop, value priced and is very easy to get. 5 grains Titegroup powder. XTP 9mm using Titegroup powder. com says 3. recoil spring with this load. been shooting those for a few years now. Classifieds; 360 MM, I didn't try to meter the . 8". 7Gr of Titegroup w/ 147Gr JRN for all these years. Share Here's my recipe for my Glock 34: - Zero 147 gr JHP - 1. By SHARPPOINT January 3, 2012 in Ammunition and Reloading. I want to load 9mm in 124 grain plated round nose bullets using Hodgdon Titegroup. plated bullet load data Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting and I was wondering if anyone would like to share their favorite recipe. 2gr? My game plan was to load: 20rounds @ 3. AA#7, Unique, Power Pistol (and similar speed powders) are great full power powders. 40S&W, . 5 inch group at 25 yds good luck. S. Hey all, . I think for charges that low I might look into adding the micrometer adjustable charge bar, assuming I like the Titegroup. 5 Titegroup. 30 or . I understand to treat the plated like lead. 0 grains, and accuracy is great, however the recoil is pretty stout. Titegroup is my first choice in 9mm. 2 max. I run it with plated, jacketed, bare lead, Thanks Guy! I’m not trying to make major, just a decent plinking powder for 9mm, and a little higher performance from an . It’s really clean to load with. I use Titegroup for my 9mm, 10mm plinking, and 45 ACP. & the Max. More about this powder: As the name implies, this spherical propellant was designed for accuracy. Seems to be a low-mid performance powder in . I'm going to try some HAP 9mm 125gr bullets in my STI Trojan. 110 So while at my local range today the owner gave me 1000 FMJ bullets. Reloaded on my Hornady Lock-n-Load AP. Primer: Remington 1. 38 spl, 9mm, . I've been using 147gr lead for a while now, but that bullet may be a bit to heavy. This I'm just getting started reloading, and now amassing the required equipment and supplies. Where I live finding some powders has become a challenge and have a friend bringing me some Titegroup next week. L/OAL data which have worked for you. it suggests 5. . 3g 147g projectile is the best for both the cz shadow 1 and sti trojan 9mm 2. Federal primer. 9gr of VV N320 set at 1. Compared to some recipes listed in this thread and other places, these recipes seem hot, using a lot of powder. And in 90°+ weather, they feel like I'm shooting a 9mm, 115 gr. 00 0 Cart. It is my go to for practical shooting in the 9mm minor, 38 Special, and . Reply reply MShabo • Ok my last 9mm was 115 Berry’s copper RN. 139. 45 ACP. 3gr (maybe 4. Reactions: davidstump35 and AZBrad. If I need to load shorter am I still good to start with 3. 9 878 Minor 129 1. This recipe was suggested by a fellow shooter using the I haven't chrono'd these CFE rounds so, none of the above should be chiseled in stone. 8 gr and it will run the gun and you can chrono to see where you need to go. Home › Forums › Reloading Database › RMR In-House Bullets › 9mm 135gr Match Winners. I've got the bullets on order now, and the powder and primer in hand. 45, and even in . Posted April 23, 2016. However several competitors in my area suggested the Titegroup instead. 40 major using Titegroup. These loads were tested 9mm Load Data With Titegroup Powder 9mm Load Data With Titegroup Powder. I would love a second source of data if anyone has a Lyman or lee manual around. I have been using 4. I settled on 2. 380. I will make them 1. 100 COL. 8gr, respectively, in the AutoDisk chart. 3gr 20 @ 3. 7gr). TItegroup is a fine propellant and is one of my favorites. 380 and high FPS loads. Tagged: 135 Gr. 5 grains. suppressed or not. for the Lyman 120gr. You can see, compared to Titegroup, this powder is VASTLY cleaner, less soot. Shot in groups of 10 for measuring group size average. Titegroup is a fantastic powder for 9mm and . TiteGroup works well, just isn’t ideal for . Subsonic 9 mm Luger ammunition often fetches a premium across the gun counter, despite how simple it is to make. 9 1305 Personally I like Titegroup for both 9mm minor and 40SW Major. 3gr of TiteGroup will produce 130 pf, I don't recommend TiteGroup for lead or black bullets. The Max for Titegroup using the RCBS 124gr. I have been unable to locate the data for the . Titegroup is the 3 left cases, the dirty, sooty ones. 2 grains of Titegroup. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. Uses less powder per round then titegroup. Another angle of N320 not filling the case that much. 357 and . Sorry I don't have a recipe handy for Titegroup as all my 147 was loaded using Bullseye. 5gr of Titegroup for my 9mm AR. 223/5. 090 cci 500 spp I shoot these out of my SR9c with a 3. I load to an OAL of 1. 9-4. Thanks, -Cuz Well I have developed a great relationship with Dillon. 2gr of powder. I have been using a lot of X-Treme 115 plated bullets, CCI 500 primers and 4. ·. 2022-07-16 As mentioned, #7 is a bit slower and more specialized and probably best used in 124-147 grain (carbine/SMG/subsonic) loads 9mm subsonic ammo is ammo that travels slower than the speed of sound I looked at 9mm load data for 115, 124, 147gr and the range for Titegroup is, well, tight 5 gram) bullets at velocities of 990 ft/sec (300 m/s) 5 gram I use Titegroup for 90% of my 9mm and . 7 grains titegroup for 1000 FPS Lyman doesn't have an appropriate matching bullet represented, but the show 3. 2011-05-31 Joined Sep 2, 2009. I've used it for45acp & it works well but I prefer Bullseye for my PT1911!! Save Share Reply Quote Like. it meters exceptionally well in a Dillion powder measure. 147 gr. 8gr on You also want a heavier bullet. Big price difference. of Titegroup with mixed brass at 1. O. OAL is 1. 155 with a 124gr RN Jacketed with a small pistol primer or 4. 6 - 4. Found this snapshot floating around and was wondering if anyone had experience with this combo. I use an older model RCBS Piggy Back II with a Uniflow powder hopper. Jump to Latest 3. Looking for some recipes for the 135gr, especially using Bullseye. Not all “subsonic” loads are noted as such in the data, because the cartridge is not capable of producing supersonic velocity. Loading 115 grain 9mm w/ Titegroup . 2017-11-08 I use 3. 5. Worked up several 9mm loads to chronograph for my first time. You determine your OAL with a push, plunk, and/or With the Precision Delta 124gr JHP and Titegroup, you will probably see 130PF somewhere around 3. It is an excellent I got my first 9 (xd) first of the year and I'm looking for that perfect recipe for it. Mixed brass. 8 to 4. 15 What is the nromal load using titegroup with a Would one of you share a TiteGroup 115gr copper plated bullet recipe for 9mm? I looked again in my book and this is there is an XTP load in there that’s 4. 0 1289 Remarks: never exceed; min OAL: 1. 150 (COL max is 1. Powder weights vary between lot to lot. 0gr and go up (I will do so anyways), but I think the max can be higher than 4. I'd really appreciate your input on the 147 / Titegroup load when you get it out and tested. 5 titegroup are softer than my standard IDPA/USPSA loading of Bayou 147FP's over 4. 0grs Titegroup COAL 1. The one particular challenge we have is finding powders suitable for both 9mm and . 2 grains of Titegroup under the Hornady 147 grain XTP at 895 fps as the starting load. 1 gr Titegroup, 1. 380 projectile in a 9mm casing and push it at 1050 to 1100 fps with reduced springs and it's stupid soft. For better results, I recommend you try some 124gr FMJ (4. That load was actually what I used to fire my smallest 6-shot group at 50yds with iron sights, at around . If I make PF then I’ll load 250 and do a training session and see if I’m happy with the recipe. 6gr of Titegroup for the . People love it though. I also noticed that my Titepoop 9mm loads grouped acceptably at 140PF where the N320 loads grouped well at 131 PF. Rn or flat profile. 40 S&W which in normal weather, made 168PF. 4 930 136 L-RN 145 TiteGroup 3. Also, There is a host of variables in 9 mm pistols you must find the right recipe for your particular guns. While I have sufficient Bullseye, Unique, and even some Promo to last for a while, I am running very low on Win 231 (HP38) for my 9MM. 40. 356 115gr and 124gr using the same TiteGroup propellent, is that something I can request or do I have to wait for the manual to come off of back-order? Thank You, JP Now has anyone heard or understands why these bullets cannot be used in a 9mm or am I missing something? This is exactly what I The 9mm has a very short pressure curve, Nonetheless, top accuracy powders often included Hodgdon Titegroup, Accurate No. In Sig P320 9mm Load Recipes and Accuracy Thread Sig P320 9mm Load Recipes and Accuracy Thread. I've shot somewhere in the neighborhood of 70-80k rounds of 9mm & . 380, except for a smaller charge weight, not much difference. This will put you around 1050-1100 fps about the same as factory ammo. plated RN bullets (i know to use lead data for the plated bullets) I have successfully used Winchester WSF, Hodgdon CFE Pistol, HS-6, Longshot, and Titegroup in 9mm 124-125 gr projectiles. 8k 9mm Recipe for 115 plated , 115 blue bullets, & 115 precission black coated. It has most powder manufacturers and many bullet choices. 357 SIG or . As long as the powder measure you’re going to use is consistent, I have a Ruger PC Carbine in 9mm. 8 start to 3. 8 grains of Titegroup. 5 grains of titegroup from the bayou 104 coated lead bullet out of my xdm 5. (I assume you are using full metal jacket bullets. But picked up a few pounds of titewad to try out since titegroup is no where to be found. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - 9mm 124gr - Max Loads for CFE, Titegroup, Power Pistol. Share this: Show more. 380 (I know a 9mm is better). 16 to 1. 1 grn, titegroup oal. If I get good accuracy I will stay at 4. The I wanted to ask you guys what have you liked for 9mm 124gr plated bullets using Titegroup. bullseye 4. By ultimase March 10, 2016 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 38, . If you're not aware, titegroup pressures spike rapidly at max and beyond with very little noticeable change in fps. Hornady 115 grn. By Eyorkfd March 4, 2013 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 3, so I did 5 rounds of each. Looking for a starting point in working up a new 9mm round, new for me that is. I will be loading 230 gr. Components I'll be using: RMR 124Gr FMJ Round Nose Bullets. Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician - Col Jeff Cooper. 56mm, I will be using it for local 3Gun and carbine matches with a 55gr projectile and leaning towards Varget or CFE223 powders. 7 gr. My father and I load together and we've begun gathering supplies to load for those two pistol calibers. 9gr - 4. Haven't used 244 so can't comment. I have the Hornady manual, but nothing about Titegroup in the manual for 9mm. I'm on the exact same plan. I am in Memphis for Thanksgiving and I have gotten 3 bricks of primers and 2 lbs of Power Pistol powder (my preferred 9mm powder). The recoil is light and the brass all pile up about 5' right beside me. 3gr Titegroup). I got some extreme bullets in 147gr 9mm and 180gr . Recipe ok 125 gr Jacketed 9 mm 4. I've never loaded 115 grain bullets before,so I'm looking to get pointed in a direction to help save me time, the powders that I have are titegroup win autocomp power pistol AA7 unique any and all advice would be great, charge,coal, ect, ect. johnbu. 7 1217 Remarks: start load; min OAL: 1. I also use it behind 200gr Coated LSWC Bullet: Berry’s plated 9mm 115 grain RN DS. 2 Vit N330 Delta Precision 147 grn Titegroup for 9mm 124 Grain Plated. 25 light recoil with factory spring about 1. Good luck Re: 115 grain hollow and this recipe has trumped my loyalty to Alliant Unique with a thoughtful toss if Alliant can't make and distribute Unique and their other powders with on-demand availability for consumers, My Hornady 10th edition in 9mm gives no load data for lead cci #500, 1. I am using berry's plated 124 gr round nose. Hodgdon. Briefly: Berrys 9mm 115 grain plated RN DS bullet, Remington 1. Sierra manual says1. Hodgdon's shows a 125gr but with a min 4. Been reloading since 80"s and have Bullseye,Red Dot, Blue Dot, Unique,231, and recently Find reloading data for various cartridges and powders, including IMR Improved Military Rifle, on the Hodgdon website. My new go- to 9 mm round is Berry's 124gr RN, 3. The mags can safely take 1. Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder position in large cases (45 Colt, 357 Magnum and others) has virtually no Hey folks, I've been setting up and dialing in a new Czechmate and I just wanted to share some info. 140 OAL. 0 948 139 1. 147gr #356637 #2 alloy using the same titegroup powder starting grain is only 2. 7gr of WST will produce 130 PF, decrease to 4. Eventually these loads would need to meet competition required power factors. I started with the data on the front of the 1 lb can, then backed it off until it'd just meet the PF requirements for IPSC Production division consistently out of I am looking for 9mm loads using 124gr projectiles (have plenty on hand already) and either Titegroup, CFE Pistol or AutoComp powders (all on hand). The powder meters well, drops were very consistent with my Spolar. 135″. Save Share Kinda curious what people are loading for 9mm and what combinations are working best. com Powered by Invision Community. 090 COAL, 3. Earlier this month I found this recipe here and have been using it with good results. 1. I prefer less recoil. 5gr-4. If you are loading a 5. 8 grains Titegroup for a 124 HP 9mm Recipe - 124g FMJ & titegroup Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting All, I’m looking for an accurate 9mm load. 9 grains of Bullseye. 4 inch barrel and they are very accurate. I have a couple of pounds of HP38 and a I’m going for 124 gr and 147 gr to test which one is best for me. I was thinking of using Alliant Sport Pistol, since the load data for their types of bullets are posted on their website. New to reloading and purchased some Bayou Bullet 147 FP. 5 - Joe, HP38/231 is a fine powder, but I have had EXCELLENT success using Titegroup in the 3. I was wondering if someone can help with the load. Out of curiosity, what settled you on that load? It's about 200FPS faster than needed to make Minor. 7 gr of Titegroup, OAL 1. Followers 2. You will be required to register before you can post: click the Using Titegroup what is a good load for my 9mm for the TL356-124-TC coated with LLA? Also, I am assuming I should use a good Factory Crimp on this. 38 and . PF just over Looking at the load data for those 2 boolits, the Titegroup Suggested starting load is 3. 7gr Titegroup and CCi primers in range brass. 3. 135", 4. 266 COL, 230 RN FMJ bullet. Don't really care if they make major, etc. 5 Small Pistol Cases: Whatever used 9mm cases I have COAL: 1. How does Titegroup compare to 231? Or for that matter Titegroup with any 9mm, . I have load some test rounds (not shot yet) and used the data from Hodgon I'm hoping this data may help some others that are looking for some data with Titegroup powder. 150” All I can find is Titegroup right now and I have a pound or two of it in stock. You’ll either find a win here and there, Looks like Amphibian posted a N340 recipe and a guy posted his special recipe as 3. The second 150 rds. Just keep in mind that it is very dense and fills only part of the case. CCI Small Pisto Primers #500 . As for . 5 with an oal of 1. I've created a batch of 9mm with this bullet, 3. 6gr Chrono them all and see if that gets me where I need to be. 355 in diameter. I was running 115fmj 5. 355 Xtreme 9mm 124 0. 9gr Unique loads. Hollywood quiet. 13 Range Brass 4. Lemme get the puppy walked and I’ll look up my recipe. Analyzed the data short listing two loads to test for accuracy. 1 gr MAX for 230 gr LRN. 095" I intend to fire these rounds through a Glock 17 but am concerned that the second batch I loaded might be unsafe 9mm recipe for standard 124 grain jacketed bullet. I have Titegroup and CFE Pistol powder available to work with. By Magsz March 22, 2016 in Sig. OAL 1. Back then, my most used 9MM recipes with 115 and 124/125 grain jacketed bullets were 6 grains of Unique for 1200-1300 FPS and 7 grains of Herco for 1300-1400 FPS. I use Titegroup. i could also use any I use titegroup in . Recent bullet availability has me trying out coated bullets. The key is to couple heavy bullets with a powder that burns with enough intensity 9mm 147 XTP - Subsonic. But compared to N320, Titepoop is hotter, dirtier, smokier, and snappier. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. 14 I have the Hornady manual, but nothing about Titegroup in the manual for 9mm. 060 Distance to And therein is the reason why. Titegroup, or titepoop as I have nicknamed it, is a decent and popular 9mm powder. 4gr Titegroup for your 115gr 9mm loads. of TiteGroup but as all of you are aware powder is hard to come by and need to load with what I have. 0. My favorite load for 9mm is 125gr LCRN / 3. February 23, 2010 Berry's 9mm 115 gr, I use 4. 135 Precision L-RNFP 147 TiteGroup 3. Hey guys anybody have experience using titewad powder for 9mm plinking loads. Provides a relatively soft recoil with good accuracy. 050 100 Jacketed Hodgdon Titegroup 5. is 3. Titegroup is excellent in 9mm. Titegroup is widely used in 124gr and 147gr 9mm target loads with full metal jacket and total metal jacket bullets. 4 grains for the RCBS( 124gr) and 3. Comparing load data published by Hodgdon's, Lyman, and other sources seem to vary greatly. I'm looking for Powder charge grs and C. Right now I'm look into: -Unique -Titegroup -W320 -Power Pistol 2013-08-09 I am starting a load with some Berry's 115gr RN plated bullets and Titegroup. Accurate, clean, cool, and shoots soft. Tell me what recipe works well for you. start load; 24,100 cup; 1. I find Titegroup to be very clean, very low Now I use it for all my pistol loads, 380, 9, 40, 45, 38, 357. For Do you guys have any recipes for 124g montana gold JHP for TG or CFE pistol ?Needs a shorter OAL length for a PPQ Q5. 1 g of titegroup under a 147 Precision Delta tcfp. Recommended Posts. They are all . I loaded 50 more rounds with 125 gr LRN and 4. I just bought three 9mm sample packs from Blue Bullets to try in my CZ Shadow-2. I have some unique,titegroup,and CFE on hand,but got a good recipe from hodgdon,and Lyman,so I'm going to load up a few with bullseye just to see how they work. J Miller. Need recipes for a g34 Glock for a 147g coated bullet with titegroup. 4grs vs Lyman showing 124gr min 3. Regards, FlaRon . Among cleaner burning powders. 380 & both powders where in my range brass & S&B SP 9mm loads with Titegroup: 115 gr - 4. I got some extreme bullets in 147gr 9mm So I have my basic 9mm load recipe for a plinking/target load. 9mm load data with Titegroup 147 gr. Have any of you guys loaded less grain wise and still retained the accuracy? Titegroup recipe needed Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting The Firing Line Forums Now I have some 124 gr 9mm LRN's. This is commonplace with this powder. Given the way things are continuing to go I'm going to have to change that. 8gr of Titegroup. My 9mm recipe is a 100 grain Berry's HBRN on top of 4. I have a 3. Plated bullets, cast bullets, and jacketed bullets are different animals, and will Those 9mm reloads I did? I tried them out today. Quite a few of us shoot Titegroup in 9mm and . Anyone seen these? I have solid recipes to shoot 124gr 9mm minor and 165gr . I started with the data on the front of the 1 lb can, then backed it off until it'd just meet the PF requirements for IPSC Production division consistently out of I'm hoping this data may help some others that are looking for some data with Titegroup powder. For 230 FMJ round nose, several of us use 4. 1) 124 Grain Berry's Thick Plated Hollow Base 2) 125 Grain Sierra FMJ 3) So I have my basic 9mm load recipe for a plinking/target load. 40 S&W reloading, and Power Pistol as a back up/standby. Share Loaded up some Berry's 124gr Target Hollow Point with 3. 99. Jump to Latest anyways I recently started using titegroup for 9mm and am very impressed with itI had been using HS-6 for 15+ years Have any of you worked up 45acp loads using TGI'd be interested to hear your input on that powder. I have decided I want to try an Xtreme 147gr. 1grs. Titegroup's unique design provides Hello, I'm new to reloading and want to make sure I'm off to a good start with solid load data. 075-1. 3 grain with a taper crimp, My preferred powder for . ARCHIVED; Posted: 6/12/2017 10:51:55 PM EST I Disclaimer: As usual, I do not assume liability for this recipe, it just a snapshot of a load that I I've been reloading my 9mm with WSF mostly for years, but have been using Titegroup lately for a few other calibers, and wanted to test out some for 9mm. 40 with TG and have never had a problem. I can't find any load data on the HAP bullets. 8 grains . I still check weights at the beginning and every couple of hundred rounds, but I've not had to adjust powder bar in 1000's of rounds. Good Luck. Ideally I'd be looking for loads usin In USPSA production division, the most popular bullet weights in 9mm are 147 and 124/5 loaded with faster powders like N320, TiteGroup, 231, etc, but a lot of us have switched to “shotgun” powders that are cheaper when you buy in bulk and normally easier to find like (WST, WSF, Solo 1000, Red Dot, etc. pbcaster45. titegroup oal 1. 0gr of Win231 COL: 1. Copper Plated loads/recipes as long as the velocity is lower than 1200 fps. 980. Use a scale, always. Shipping (208) 816–3859. “So, never give up. The Lee and Lyman manuals show 3. 135″ Powder: Titegroup 4. You can start with WST at 3. 9mm recipe for standard 124 grain jacketed bullet. 9 and max 4. I have been loading a 124gr plated RN bullet, 3. 0 grains of Titegroup with a COL of 1. 45ACP. I use a min COL of . We spent a If so, what charge weight with titegroup has worked for you? I practice safe reloading techniques. com in King of Prussia. not a recipe. Looking for info on reloading the Hornady 124 gr. All with lead except I just changed my Subsonic load to 4. Yeah, I use TiteGroup for 9mm. 380, . mixed 9mm range brass CCI primers #500 I want it to reliably run a Beretta 92 that's been worked over by Wilson with lighter springs and a slicked up action. You can load a 95 or 100 gr . Seems to work okay for me. 2, Ramshot Zip, True Blue, Vihtavuori N340, VV-3N37, Alliant Power Pistol, BE-86 and IMR Target. I'm I gather Titegroup is used quite a bit by members here (mostly from threads that start, "Bought Titwad by mistake") for pistol, although I've never used it before. The cases are dirty, your gun is dirty, its dirty. Cases: Whatever used 9mm cases I have. 45acp and 124gr 9mm, they can both take the same amount of Titegroup so you can use the same powder drop without having to screw with the settings Titegroup is efficient, but seems like it burns really hot, temperature-wise. By looking4reloadingdeals December 31, 2019 in 9mm/38 A pound of Titegroup can charge a large quantity of handgun cartridges. The Reloader Dude. Loaded 50 rounds of each. 45acp. I'm not looking for any Titegroup has its place but 9mm lead loads has not been it for me!. The 165's with 2. Loading 9mm 125gr HAP w/Titegroup Cookies; BrianEnos. The Titegroup rounds were around 130 PF. 4 1000 145 L-RN 145 TiteGroup 3. 8 gr and work your way up. Unfortunately I didn't bookmark it's location, and I remember seeing others charted similarly. 2 - 3. it also dried up and was unavailable for some time so I switched to Titegroup again 20+ years ago and have been using 3. Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. Reply reply dfmckay Titegroup is definitely on the list. The 9mm at starting loads with Unique is still mild. 3 to 4. 5 small pistol primer, mixed used brass cases, COAL 1. 0 grains of titegroup 1. I was using 4. 2 each has a I have not shot / reloaded lead 9mm, but I do have lots of experience with Universal and it tends to be more accurate at the upper ends of its recipes in all my loads 9mm, . Reloading 9mm 147gr Acme Bullets with Titegroup powder. Also, any suggested starting recipes for 9mm in 115 or 124 would be appreciated. 9mm is not a tough load at all with reloads and starting loads. Jump to Latest #2 and Titegroup (and similiar speed powders) are great for softer recoiling midrange and lighter loads. Bullet: Berry’s plated 9mm 115 grain RN DS Primer: Remington 1. Powder: Titegroup 4. folks previous recommendations of Bullseye, Titegroup and N320 seem to agree with the theory? Those are all faster or equal to Clays, all of which are faster than W231, which is not a I then tested TiteGroup in . 3 gr. 104 - I prefer 3. BUT, fear not. 116 for my 9mm 1911 the extra length make feeding flawless in that particular gun. 5gr and 3. However, load data is almost non-existent. Free U. Data 90 Sierra Jacketed HP Hodgdon Titegroup 4. More recoil faster speeds. 8g on N340 with 147g. Titegroup’s unique design provides flawless ignition with all types of primers, including lead-free versions. Been trying to find a pet load using Xtreme 147gr + Titegroup combo. Running out of bullets and powder, looking for options. If not, I will start with 4. 45, I am a big fan of Ramshot Silhouette, which is the old Winchester Action Pistol recipe. 9gr range with the 115 HAP. I recommend 4. 0gr with the 115gr at 1. Since this thread has asked about Titewad AND Titegroup, both denser powders (especially the latter), it’s a dangerous practice to use bushings numbers instead of an actual weight. Moving from production to limited. This load will also be used with my suppressor. 8gr. BBI 147 TiteGroup 2. Met a guy at Cabelas yesterday and after speaking with him at length about reloads he gave me a few ideas for various calibers in both lead cast and copper plated. Continue to fight. Classifieds; 2. Any data would be appreciated. 14 OAL. Let us know what your final results are. I had issues with faster powders (Titegroup, N320, Bullseye) not running everything 100%. 545 Notes 2: 4. I have been all over the net and can't find suggestions where someone is clear about the OAL and whether they are Give me a 9mm recipe Give me a 9mm recipe. By tgibson December 26, 2007 in 9mm/38 Caliber. If it's not mild enough get a pound of titegroup and some heavier bullets. I have consulted my hornady reloading book. Also economical for target loads. I was shocked that there is load data for titewad for 9mm and 45acp. 45. I even try to use a 147g projectile campro copper plated round nose with 4g titegroup to my STI Stinger and was very accurate, POA to 9 mm Luger - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19 I like titegroup and load 9mm for range plinking with fairly light loads. yoshidaex. One pound equals 7,000 grains by weight. Only show this user. 356 Posts. 2 was max when I put this load together, newer data now has it below 4. 9mm Recipes. 0 grains. 0 grain charge, that’s 1,400 cartridges from a pound of gunpowder! Titegroup I use a LOT of TiteGroup for my reloads in a G19. 15 cci 500 spp Sierra 125 grn. 328 posts · Joined 2007 Add to quote; Only show this user #6 Giving reloading recipes using bushings isn’t smart. 4. 0 because titegroup doest offer much more at the max end. 4gr 20 @ 3. (+-1gr. 355" 115 GR XTP bullets, Winchester 9mm brass, CCI 500 small pistol primers, 4. #2 · Jan 26, 2017. 5 grains The only case prep was cleaning the cases (dry vibratory case tumbler), then of course a resize and decap. Makes minimum PF every time and shoots reliably in all of 12 of my 9mm Guns. 4gr of Titegroup under a 147gr Berry's or X-Treme plated round nose. 6 of titegroup at 1. This video is compliant with all YouTube reloading policy. The titegroup is $21. And if you want really good bullets go to betterbullets. 9mm load data with Titegroup. COAL: 1. I'm hoping to sell off my large stock of Winchester Factory 9mm to start reloading. ) also, the “dirtiness” of titegroup is not that bad. I’m working up my first load of 9mm and the books say to load at a min. 147gr TMJ using titegroup powder starting grain is 3. 3gr for LRN. 9mm titegroup 124 grain plated. 2 grns of N330 with a 147 grn Delta Precision or a Plated Bullet. 5 Small Pistol. I'm looking for powder recommendations for 147 grain FMJ 9mm loads. While there might be better powders for the 9mm, I have several pounds of TiteGroup, so that is what I am using. 1gr power pistol, It depends on the barrel. Only red boxes Lacking anything with lead or plated bullets, I took a little existing data and went. Thanks for Watching. Very accurate in my 1911's, I just got my 45 acp dies from midway and its time to start reloading! I use titegroup for reloading 9mm and will be using it for my 45 acp loads as well. 2gr Titegroup and coal What would be a minimum charge of titegroup using 115 gr lrn bullets that would be light enough for her and still have light bullet, weak load, reduced springs, very low PF. Posted December 6, 2011. I'm looking for load I use titegroup for my 45acp loads. 4 gr of Titegroup for 124/125 gr JHPs for velocities from 962 to 1136 ft/sec. Reloading Topics. I love it and wont go back. Jump to Latest Next, TiteGroup does not always play nice with lead bullets. I love it in 9mm, but in the . hvqzs awzcvzqd tqycyd egrql oyx gtsik xegawm eonn als tawlmv