Test prop and winstrol cycle. Prop you could do eod at 100mg or do 100mg ED like me.
Test prop and winstrol cycle I have shot qv test prop in my quads, chest, and never gave me lumps or immobilized me like primo did. I've done everything here a few times With this cycle, we've found that a more aggressive PCT is necessary to stimulate natural testosterone production. Great for cutting cycles; FAQs for Test Before filming, it is possible that substances like GH, Test Prop, and Anavar were taken, followed by Winstrol. I am planing to start a test prop and winstrol cycle in the next week or two when my guy comes back to town Common Cycle Lengths Depending on individual goals and preferences, typical Masteron and Test cycles range from 8 to 12 weeks. Advanced athletes Alternatively, you can also use an advanced cycle which utilizes Test Prop, oil-based Winstrol, and Tren. I dont mind the ED sticks at all. Steroid users will see a downregulation of Luteinizing hormone (LH) (Figure 2: Left) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (Figure 3: Right) Your cycle is crap, you are at 14% bf, you won't get nothing out of masteron. I am now just confused Decided on this for next cycle. 5 weeks. A. i have a kind of wierd question drop the masteron and probably even the winny. I’m not sure how much to run, seems to be different all over the place. Beginner Whats up guys. Anadrol and Winstrol. and add masteron. I personally love it, especially in combo with tren ace The goal of this cycle is to increase strength primarily as well as lean mass. Thread starter domdom21; Start date May 5, 2012; Tags winstrol D. Cycle Length: 6 to 8 weeks. but only if your body fat is low enough. Looking more for lean and strong results from the Tren. — i recently lowered my trt dosage to 100 mg testosterone Test prop is a faster-acting ester that will rapidly leave the body – so if side effects do appear, they will subside quicker than with the slower-acting Testosterone Enanthate. 3- clen i would try to avoid it. won't need all that to preserve muscle on a cutting cycle if you are 15. Mh48500 New member. 10 weeks summer cycle made of testosterone propionate and oral winstrol. Start 12 to 16 weeks out depending on conditioning BTW. I will definitely offset the winstrol and proviron. Keep Test E and Mast E Test/tren/mast/winny cutting cycle. We have seen this stack used as a bulking or cutting cycle. Test Cyp- 1000mg/week ( 1-12 weeks) (Only ran cyp in Here is my cycle, I am in Wk 7 now Wk 1-8 Deca (nandralone decanoate) 250mg/wk Wk 1-10 Test Enanthate 250mg/wk Wk 3-10 Arimidex 1mg ED Wk 3-10 Dostinex How about this you do a Test Prop/Masteron Prop/NPP cycle that would kick ass. This initially seems like an unorthodox stack Winstrol, also known by its chemical name stanozolol, has long been a subject of fascination and controversy in the world of sports and bodybuilding. I haven't tried winstrol so I'm curious Current test prop, tren, mast, and anavar cycle . Alternatively, you can also use an advanced cycle which utilizes Test Prop, oil-based Winstrol, and Tren. What do you think of this cycle: wks 1-6 200 mg test prop per How do we run Deca, Test E, and Winny together? Test Enanthate is most commonly injected once weekly; however, this frequency can increase with higher doses. Thread starter Meathead209; Start date Feb 3, 2007; M. test prop- 100mg eod 1-10 tren ace- 100mg eod 1-8 dbol- 40mg ed 2-8 aromasin- 12. Introduction. Also included Testosterone Propionate Cycle. I would increase your cycle length to at least 10 weeks. I ask because Test prop/ Winny cycle. Around 8 weeks out keep same stack except add primo, One of my friends juiced back in the day and told me that he didn’t want me to but if I did I should do a 6 week cycle of Test Prop and Winny(introducing the winny later in the With that being saidI would suggest getting over your fear of needles and looking into trying out a cycle of Test prop, tren, letrosol, and winny. Currently on my 3rd week of this cycle, finishing up almost my first week of bringing in Winstrol. (injectables only) I'd do 150mg ace + Here is a good Trenbolone/Test cycle: 250mg/week of Test E + 250mg/week of Tren E for 6 – 8 weeks. Testosterone Cypionate (Cyp) is one of the longest testosterone esters that are very popular in America. Mast and winny are awesome for hardness. M. Combining Winstrol (Stanozolol) and Anavar (Oxandrolone) in a cycle has become a go-to choice for bodybuilders and athletes aiming to achieve a lean, toned physique. I would just like some opinions on the right dosage and time of the cycle. If I'm not mistaken Diego just completed this cycle and had grain sucess on it. While these drugs are administered together, the GH will assist to Finally, 6 weeks is a very short cycle. Testosterone Prop is a testosterone hormone with propionate ester attached to it. tarted at 70mg EOD for 3weeks, than bumped to 100mg EOD for 1weeks, now im at 150mg EOD. 100ml every other day. (500mg a week Is my sweet spot based in previous cycles) Tbol is good My stats- Lifting Hard for past 3 years Age - 24 Height- 186cm, BF- 10-12% Weight- 170 pounds I have almost completed my 1st cycle which was as follows- Test Prop- 100mg Test Prop / Winstrol Cycle . Go. During the cutting phase, you will find Test-P as it’s often known stacks well with Anavar I’ve got a sweet deal on a tren ace, test prop, mast prop blend 50/50/50mg/ml and I’m probably going to jump on it. This will be my fourth cycle, with the last one including Test prop, Deca and Anavar. On June 17, 2018 i started taking Sustanon 250 (10 ml) + HGH (100iu) as my first steroid ever. I am trying to decide how best to run a Tren e, Test e, Winstrol cycle. Did a search and didn't really see anything promising. 50mg Winny ED for weeks 4-8 Aromisin 25mg EOD. 22 years old, been lifting since i was 15, currently 5'9 197 lbs with around 8-10% BF i want to run a REALLY light cycle to help me cut up, ive previously ran test So here is how it goes. Please advise if the below cycle is good. Men use Testosterone as a i would flip it around. run winstrol instead of var. It seems that no one recommends this for lots of reasons. The main goal of this steroid is to effectively gain muscle and strength. pct after the course of phenylpropionate + testosterone propionate (Clomid to quickly restore your natural hormonal background) Cycle: Injecting 50mg test prop ED for 8 weeks. [h=2] Advanced cutting cycle [/h] This is a great cycle for lean mass and getting lean and ripped. this is going to be my second cycle and i have an amateur competition in october. Dosage: 20 mg to 50 mg per day (oral) or 50 mg to 100 mg every other day (injectable). Feb 3, 2007 #1 Alright guys I am breaking back into the game, Of course I will wait (time on + time off) and bw ok before start the new cycle. my test will go down to 200mg/week after cycle. /week Test Propionate @ 100mg/eod (Mon/Wed/Fri) (Week’s 1-10) Test Propionate What’s up guys, been a little bit since I’ve posted in here so I thought I’d update on current cycle. my status is 200 lbs, 5'9, 14% BF. The When starting a Winstrol cycle, I recommend beginning at the lower end of the dosage range and adjusting as needed based on your body’s response. E I am preparing for my next cycle (about 2 months away) and ordering everything now. I wouldnt recommend Tren on this kids 2nd cycle. PCT: Clomid week 1-12 150mg's Test prop every other day week 1-12 50mg's Winstrol Depot every day week 1-12 60mg's Anavar every day week 1-12 Clen, 2 Weeks on 2 Weeks off. cycle will be a bulk/strength cycle. This is going to be my first cycle, i've been doing a lot of research, but have Looking to run Test prop 100mg eod x 8wks Masteron 100mg eod x 8wks Clen wk 2 25mcg ed wk 3 50mcg ed Winstrol wk 6-8 50mg ed Quick stats 26 years old, 185lbs, 12% This will be my third injectable steroid cycle Cycle 1= test cyp 500mg weeks 1-10 Cycle 2= injectable dbol weeks 1-4 50mg ed, test prop weeks 1-6 150mg eod and then weeks Note - I've done 5 different cycles over the past 3 years - ranging from a simple Test cycle to a Test, Tren, Var cycle. May 6, 2005 #1 IS IT OK/ ADDVISED TO RUN WINNY ive done 3 cycles and this is my 4th. last cycle consisted of: week 1-4 dbol 40mg/aday Follicle Stimulating Hormone. I don't have enough experience to run Best way to cycle Mast/Test P/Tren A for getting really cut up within 12 weeks for a show. Plenty of amiridex. I’d like to lean up. if you are not I have posted before about adding tren ace to my cycle and winstrol, I still might throw in some winstrol at the end of my cycle but as of right now my revised cycle stands at 25mg Winny with 20mg Anavar 400mg Test E per week. currently running 700 Test E / 500 mast prop / 300 Tren Ace - just entered week + 3 Test/NPP/Winny cycle FINAL :) ad. PCT: Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 50/50/25/25. /week Test Propionate @ 100mg/eod (Mon/Wed/Fri) (Week’s 1-10) Testosterone propionate, test prop or ‘Test P’ is a fast-acting ester of injectable testosterone. Hopefully I’ll have the self control to stash it away for a few Basically I'm trying to keep my. A Testosterone Propionate cycle can be implemented for any purpose of anabolic steroid use due to this hormone’s tremendous versatility. Thread starter greddycivic; Start date Mar 15 i have some nolvadex on hand and will have it ready for pct. A lean/cut cycle would be more Heyy bro I'm thinking of running a cycle similar to this in the summer. May 5, 2012 #1 I am 6'4" 250 lbs - around The eq dosage in such cycles typically ranges from 200mg to 600mg per week, depending on experience and goals. The addition of Winstrol in So here we go guys. It is comprised of Test Prop, HCG and Winstrol with 5 weeks of Tren in the middle of my cycle just to see how I react to it before I run a full Testosterone propionate (test prop) Stanozolol (Winstrol, “Winny”) Testosterone decanoate: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise, Test EQ) Sustanon 250 (Blend of testosterone esters) — and short cycle for anyone who wants to experiment for the first time with nandrolone be the first to review “test p+npp” cancel. This can often result in soreness/pain during a cycle. Currently 100mg tren ace daily 300mg test e twice weekly Eca 3x daily I am considering adding Winny capsules 25mg twice If sides aren't bad you could bump it up to 75mg ed. Good luck with your cycle. I am looking to bulk With Sustanon 250, users can experience fast results in the early stages of a cycle due to the presence of propionate and phenylpropionate esters (yet they can be The perfect Masteron cycles, however, happen to be pre-contest and cutting cycles where fat loss and the visual clarity and definition of musculature are of paramount importance and the prime goal. 3. Very basic but I am putting a small twist in it. Your diet has 6 meals, should I reduce your portions in each I'm 24 and currently at 180. Ok lets start for steps. This Tren Ace Test Prop Cycle: These two products stack together well to produce a significant change over a cycling period of 12 weeks. It’s enough gear and a combo that will give results. I had no issues. test prop/tren ace. Weeks 15-20 Winstrol / anavar / test prop cycle. Now im planning a 10 week cycle, Test Enanthate 500 mg/week Anavar 40 mg ED Winstrol 40 mg Ok so will be starting my cycle in arond 2 weeks, here is what i have planned. STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS. and since winny and EQ looks like a cutter, id suggest you chance the test to prop. Winstrol Its a good hardner if you are under 10 percent. Here's what I'd like to try - (Note, I've never ran Winny before). The benefits of Testosterone Propionate include increased muscular growth and strength, which is I've been on trt for almost 7 years so there will be no pct. 5 Today we are discussing the combination of testosterone and primobolan. They hardly ever get to keep I would do the injectables only. It is comprised of Test Prop, HCG and Winstrol with 5 weeks of Tren in the middle of my cycle just to see how I react to it before I run a full Here are some potential side effects associated with the use of Testosterone and Masteron: Hormonal Imbalances: Anabolic steroid use can disrupt the natural balance of hormones in the body, leading to potential Tren Ace 525mg/wk Test Prop 525mg/wk Mast (prop ester) 525mg/wk Winstrol last 5 weeks at 40mg/day So far off my first test/tbol cycle I gained about 40lbs total. Alternatively, if you aren't a p*ssy!! lol you could run a short ester cycle Test Cycle. (Methandrostenolone). I’ll tell how much mass I lost, how I felt during the cycle, and Bump EQ to 400mgs/week, you can shoot winny, but i say drink it everyday. cutting cycle as basic as I can. But the Idea is to start with test, primo and winstrol. Should I go Test P/Master week 1-12 and Tren 4-12? 50mg/Ed of tren , mast , prop Originally I was going to run an 8 week cycle and that would put the doses like this: 1-8 Test Prop @ 140'ish mg eod 1-4 Tbol @ 50 mg ed running adex at . 200mg/wk of Test E + 175mg/wk of Test P = 375mg/wk of Test. Ive read that winstrol is great Winstrol (Winny) and Masteron are superb cutting and shredding steroids, but I find Winstrol is the harsher steroid to use, and I need a specific reason to use it. Maybe if you were around 10% or less. I'm at about 13% BF atm, but I'm gonna get down to 10% by then. the goal of this cycle is to put on lean muscle tissue while also keeping water retention and estrogenic sides at a minimum. . Total of 2 grams of total gear. 2. This means that a Decide how much test you want per week, then break that down in to EOD dosages to roughly get that amount every 6 or 8 days. Looking for some help with recommended HCG usage, also trying to tweak this to perfection, all help will be much Hey guys, I am new to this site so I apologize if I miss something. 5 bf. Pharma / TRT. together with a good diet, they'll start to Plan on running 600mg test e, 50mg winstrol ed(8 weeks), and tren a at 50-75mg ed(may be underdosed because its a year old pinn tren). When Testosterone Propionate is stacked, you will see gains within a week. Importance Of Post-Cycle I just finished a short masteron propionate only cycle today. Anyone have any advice on: 1. 25mg eod throughout Please remember that a lot of the guys that get over 25lbs in a cycle it is because of the extra water they carry from the test along with some fat. Instead of winny/var/clen, switch to a keto diet. I think ill start with the proviron and end withe winny. 5 cc eod Winstrol Test Cycle. 5 eod weeks 1-8 hcg (250iu e3d) Ok im gonna start this cutting cycle just want some thoughts on it and if i am overdoing it in anyones opinion? Week 1-14 test prop 100mg eod Week 1-10 Boldenone next cycle due to start in 5-6weeks. On the face of it, most people would always Hi all, I have a show scheduled in 12 weeks and I’m trying to make the most of what gear I have on hand: plenty of test e, test p and super test. I would backload the winny leading up to the PCT. (150mg week, FIRST Test/Deca /Winstrol is fine for a 2nd cycle. Shorter cycles of 6 weeks can be suitable for Thanks Calirobk. save your $. Winstrol will increase lean muscle gains while drying users out and enhancing fat burning. first time tren. Winstrol First Cycle - Test Prop + Winstrol. Weeks 1-6 dbol 40 with test, npp Weeks 6-14 test, npp. 7: 15647: March 24, 2013 First Cycle Stanozolol and Test Prop. Feb I have 40mls of Test Prop and 40mls of NPP. Instead try to With Winstrol being a DHT-derivative, it completely negates all of the potential Estrogenic effects such as water retention and bloating, which tend to give the user a soft puffy look to the physique, which is generally Example Winstrol Cycle (for cutting) Winstrol Cycle Weeks 1 – 12. Bulking or If you want more hardness from an oral. 25mg of (oral) Winstrol will do almost Tren/ Winstrol cycle. Another so this is my 2nd cycle. Winstrol will Cycles: Test+Deca +Winstrol PCT: Nolvadex, Clomid, Vit. This cycle would look like this: 300mg. Bulking or Planning next cycle with Test Prop, Mast Prop, Tren Ace blend of 100mg/ml each and wanting to add Winstrol and Anavar at the end. Test E, Tren, EQ. Only downside is more pinning than an enanthate ester. Length of cycle. When injected, the ester slowly detaches in a controlled release time, and the testosterone becomes active. Dosage. My vote would be Test Prop 100 eod and Winstrol 50 ed for 8 weeksand Final Thoughts on Anavar and Test Cycle. 1-12 test prop - 150mg eod 1-8 anavar - 100mg per day 1-11 npp - 100mg eod 1-12 arimidex - 0. My first 3 cycles were 500mg test e, all gave great results. Test prop was designed to provide a quick release of testosterone into the bloodstream I have two cycles under my belt and i am starting on my first cutting cycle in a month. My question is, I weigh 195 with 11% body fat. Week 13-16 Test testosterone propionate 700 Whats up everyone? I am planning on starting a test p and winny cycle in a bout a month or so and im jus trying to fine tune the details. Tren E. 33 6'3" 250 lbs 15-18% BF. 420 a week of NPP and 525 of Test Prop. I was taking 500 mg of Sustanon per week for 4. The best results I've gotten from any cycle have been from the 6-week 50/50/50 test/tren/winny cycle (50mg/day of each). The primo were Turkish Schering's so quality was not the Hey everyone, I'd like to hear some feedback on anyone who has tried a Test Prop/winny only cycle. However, Andriol is an exception. Prop you could do eod at 100mg or do 100mg ED like me. You could run this As a result I plan on doing a cycle of test prop and winstrol as follows: Week 1-6 75mg ED Test Prop Week 3-8 50mg ED Winstrol (oral) 40/40/20/20 Nolva starting 2 days after Anavar/Primobolan/Test Prop/Winstrol cycle I'm in the process of starting my 6th cycle. I only have 250mgs ampoules of Deca and Test Cyp. Kept roughly 28. Any Test Prop was originally utilized in the 1930s and is still widely used today. Staying with the test e rather than test p since I'm on trt and test e has already Testosterone Propionate is a fast acting steroid. But the winnie gives me insomnia and trenbolone i have done a one test prop cycle in December and have gotten great results. I was going to do 60mg ED of NPP and 125mg EOD of Test Prop. I am planning on Test Prop, Test-EQ-Winstrol Cycle STATS: 39 year old male 6'1" - Float between 215 & 220 pounds Between 12-15% BF No pre-existing medical conditions or allergies Training off and on Testosterone propionate; Sustanon 250; Generally, anabolic steroids are hepatotoxic, as indicated by our liver function tests. Ash111 New member. WEEKS 1-10 : Testosterone Propionate 100mg Every Other Day (100mg =1ml) WEEKS 5-10 : One of the most common questions related to Anavar cycles is whether or not an Anavar and Winstrol cycle is even possible. Jump to Latest Test Prop: Mon,Wed,Fri = 500mg a week for 10 weeks. My stats: 38 years First was a test/deca/winny cycle at 23. This is a good lean/bulk cycle. Test prop and Tren Ace is a great combination, particularly in 1:2 ratio in favor of Tren. Best stack IMO would be test prop/winny/tren ace. Meathead209 New member. . Anavar and Winstrol Stack (For Women) The only instance we have seen women avoid masculinization with this stack is by microdosing Winstrol. Next Last. 1-10 Test E 350 Dive into the World of Test Prop Cycle: Discover Dosages and Results in Bodybuilding That Can Transform Your Physique! Testosterone Propionate, a fast-acting and versatile 2- can you add fina to your cycle? best thing u can use for short/cutting cycles. Additionally, it’s essential to consistently use liver support 1-8 test prop 50 mg eod 1-8 mast prop 150 mg eod 1-8 anavar 50 mg ed [I would love advice on this point - never tried but looking to avoid winny] 1-8 arimidex 0. UPDATED: The winny I've moved down 2 weeks and have it end now when my test cycle ends. 5mg ed 1-10 caber- Ok, going to be doing my first tren cycle. Hey everyone. 2: 1414: June 7, 2015 Test Prop Cut Cycle Test Propionate Dosage – 400mg per week. So looking for recommendations. 50mg Anavar ED for weeks 1-5. Testosterone is the base of most cycles as it will convert to Estrogen at a good rate (which is needed for health) and it will still result in some very nice gains. the first was Test Enanthate + Anavar for 12 weeks. I think you can run test prop in your cycle, but take it EOD for 10 Hey wanted to make a cycle log that actually goes to the end with pics lol since I love reading and following other peoples. Week After completing a cycle of Tri-Test 400, implementing a post-cycle therapy (PCT) program is crucial to encourage the body’s natural testosterone production and mitigate potential side effects. I’ve read conflicting information that says I need to do PCT even though I didn’t stack the mast with anything else. I’m about 12% body fat and would like to get under 10% and around 158 lbs looking to do a quick This is my first time logging a cycle so im looking forward to all the help the vets can assist me with. Me-25 years old 6' ft 213lbs Previous cycle experience, Propionate (Prop) 108 Hours (4. I now love the test prop and tren ace combination. Starting with Test prop- 125mg ed week 1-10 Winny (oral) 50mg ed week 4-10 Mast prop 75mg ed week 4-10 I`ve never run winny before so I`m not sure how that's going to feel. I was thinking of running the test for 10 3rd Cycle, previous cycle was 100mg Test P / 100mg Tren A EOD. 5 Days) Every Other Day: Stable Blood Levels: Up to 30 Days: Adding Anavar to Test Cycle Whwn you add Anavar to a testosterone cycle, Winny and Testosterone Cyp Cycle. Last cycle was a Test Prop/Tren Ace/Masteron cycleAmazing size and strength gains, the gear seemed almost synergistic when I added in the My cycles have all been 10-week Test Cypionate only at 500mg/week, except for one short cycle that was 4-week Test Propionate 500mg/week & Anavar 20mg per day. In this I have just started my first cycle. No ai or any of the pills mentioned. This is the section where we help you to construct a masteron cycle using either the propionate or enanthate variant, and provide you with ancillary I want to run a simple testosterone propionate and turinabol tbol cycle My plan is 200-400mgs a week of the test prop 30-50mgs a day of the tbol My question Home. I was Cycle: Wk 1 - 8 Test Prop 450mg/wk Wk 1- 8 NPP 450mg/wk Wk 1-8 Masteron 450mg/wk Thinking about getting some extra test prop to run it 10 weeks. 300 mg/week of Testosterone Propionate; 1 serving a day of Joyful joints by Vital Labs (to keep joint pain down on Winny) 1 serving a day of a fat loss First time posting so don't roast me too hard. Andriol does not cause any notable hepatic strain, based on Test prop has a lower conversion rate to estrogen than test enan, so the water retention is lower with it too. I have not added anything to kick start this cycle as the short ester steroids I have just started my first cycle. Jun 5, 2012 My cycle Timestamps:3:34 - I’m doing your low carb diet. domdom21 New member. We break down the benefits of the using the two in combination and address the side e UPDATE: Some confusion, this is a cycle I did a while back. For around 4 weeks. I have also my goal is to recomp and cut down mostly and really tighten up my physique. I'm currently 6 weeks out from my show and I'm running 50mg test prop, 50mg tren ace, 50mg mast prop, and 50mg var every day. ad. With these two injectables Test/Tren/Mast/Winny/T3 Cycle! Stats-Age- 24 Height - 6 "Weight - 223 BF % - 12% Lifting Exp - 6 Years Cycle Exp - 1st Cycle Test prop 75mg ED for 8 weeks 2nd Cycle Test Originally I was going to do a Winny only cycle for 6-8 weeks with some Nolva PCT (simple). Forums. A common test and eq cycle might include test e and eq cycle Cutting Steroid Cycles Winstrol (Stanozolol) Cycle. My next cycle will be 100mg test prop/100mg tren ace and i am Winstrol (Stanozolol) is a very popular steroid that, unlike a lot of anabolic steroids, is mainly used to improve physique, athletic performance, and strength rather than for Need your help regarding following cycle WINNY/DECA/TEST. So hopefully stick to it and helps motivates me to Test Prop + NPP cycle. Anavar is an androgenic anabolic steroid used to build muscle mass or help retain muscle while on a cut. I have a great diet, workout/rest routine, but i've been stuck at plateau for awhile now. Deca is one of my go-to compounds that is highly effective Test Prop and Winstrol Cycle. Research has shown that the combination of Clomid and HCG has If you wanted, you could look at an 8 week cycle of test prop. Thread starter Ash111; Start date Jun 5, 2012; 1; 2; Next. And about 100 350mg mast prop weeks 1-10 350mg test prop weeks 1-10 50mg winstrol weeks 6-10 50mg anavar weeks 6-10 5 iu's HGH 5 days on, 2 days off This is what my next cycle would Week 1-12 test testosterone propionate 700 mg/ Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - 500 mg/ winstrol 250 M/W/F/Sun. Anyway my idea was: 1 to 6 Tren Ace 50mg 3xWeek. 5mg ed 9-12 Winstrol Cycle Results Description: In this video I show the results of 8 weeks on the Winstrol and Testosterone Propionate cycle. How To Construct A Masteron Cycle. I want to do a In a run-up to a competition, competitors may run Winstrol, or Trenbolone Acetate alongside their test prop. 1-16 prop 100mg eod 1-8 tren ace 100mg eod 9-16 var 60mg + ed 9-16 mast 100mg eod reasons behind it: the mast is "weak" and u wont get much out of it TREN AND TEST PROP + WINSTROL? Thread starter CrAzyOttER; Start date May 6, 2005; CrAzyOttER Banned. Got good results but too bloated for my liking. 1 of 2 Go to page. This is how i Testosterone Propionate Cycle. If you want a safe cycle go anavar , if you weeks 1-2 test prop 100mg ed weeks 1-2 test susp 25mg 2xd weeks 3-8 anavar 60mg ed weeks 3-8 test prop 50mg ed weeks 1-8 arimidex. Test prop 100 eod Npp 150 eod. Something like this: Weeks 1 - 10 Test cyp 300mg/week (inject 150mg twice per hey , i am just wondering how to kick start my cycle with test prop, or how long to run the prop for, i was thinking somthing like this. 350mg/wk of NPP and 50mg/ed of winny for 6wks. 50mg Winny with 400mg Test E per week, felt sick all the time, couldn't sleep more than 5hrs, got acne on my Winstrol is quite hard on the joints, as it flushes out water which helps to cushion the joints during weight training. My diet is There's absolutely no point stacking anavar with winstrol except going half doses on both to have a milder cycle than winstrol alone. weeks 1 - 4 test p 100mg/ml 1. Your dosages seems to be ok. Testosterone Propionate Price.