Telegraf processors Telegraf allows you to: Collect data. Matching upto first occurrence of "#" If tag does not have "#" then it should simply copy the same value The clone processor plugin create a copy of each metric passing through it, preserving untouched the original metric and allowing modifications in the copied one. The clone processor plugin create a copy of each metric passing through it, preserving untouched the original metric and allowing modifications in the copied one. This allows anyone to build and run it as a separate app using one of the execd plugins: inputs. Plugin ID: converter. For example, I wish to rename: kafka_controller_* by: kafka_controller. tail. - influxdata/telegraf Dec 21, 2020 · Telegraf Processor value to fieldname. In addition to changing field types it can convert between fields and tags. 2. In addition to changing field types, it can convert between fields and tags. [[processors. telegraf config. Similar to Metricbeat, processor plugins in Telegraf determine how metrics are handled and processed. The shim makes it easy to extract an internal input, processor, or output plugin from the main Telegraf repo out to a stand-alone repo. Jun 12, 2021 · Hi all, So I’ve semi-fixed the problem by restarting the system. - influxdata/telegraf There are three cases where this processor will insert a configured default field. win_perf_counters. In . 10. - influxdata/telegraf # Rotate multi field metric into several single field metrics [[processors. Jan 10, 2025 · TopK Processor Plugin. 笔者在最近的项目中遇到了需要将一个大型组织的全部交换机以及N7000核心交换机配置监控架构的需求。 # ReverseDNS does a reverse lookup on IP addresses to retrieve the DNS name [[processors. This plugin will store its state between runs if the statefile option in the agent config section is set. This gives me stuff like memory-status storage-status psu-status plus a few others. I've added the following block to my Telegraf configuration file: [[inputs. This behavior can be a bit surprising to new users and may cause weird behavior in metrics. - influxdata/telegraf Using Telegraf opens the door for lots of varied use cases. - influxdata/telegraf ⭐ Telegraf v0. regex and processors. As such a user might want to apply this processor to remove metrics from the processing/output stream. Dec 19, 2018 · Telegraf+SNMP+Grafana构建企业级交换机监控 1、架构功能需求. Telegraf大家有了基本了解了,但是能否用好,未必喽,今天我着重调研了一下Telegraf对CPU、内存、硬盘相关指标的采集,大部分指标还算容易理解,硬盘IO相关的有点麻烦,好,下面开始介绍。 CPU CPU相关的指标比较简单,配置也比较简单,在inputs. - influxdata/telegraf Supported Telegraf processor plugins Converter (converter) – NEW in v. The following config parameters are available for all processors: order: This is the order in which the processor(s) get executed. field = " " # # Timestamp Format # # This defines the time layout used to interpret the source timestamp field. conf][] config file with all available plugins. eg: # # namepass = ["my_metric_*"] # # cache_ttl is how long the dns entries should stay cached for. The Converter processor plugin is used to change the type of tag or field values. It will not work on any other data types, like an integer You can use the pivot processor to rotate single valued metrics into a multi field metric. * The following example with the rename Jul 27, 2022 · The Starlark Plugin is a programming language interface with Telegraf that allows advanced math and data manipulation on the incoming data stream. Now, I need to extract another part of the same string to create a new tag (Formula) and write it to Oct 30, 2020 · I’m trying to use the “merge” plugin to collect stats together as each values are sent per messages. The modifications allowed are the ones supported by input plugins and aggregators: name_override; name_prefix; name_suffix; tags Jan 10, 2025 · Converter Processor Plugin. The field is nil on the incoming metric; The field is not nil, but its value is an empty string. telegraf. runProcessors ( apu ) a . I can’t get the [[processors. Hello, I’m using telegraf as a receiver for Cisco Telemetry The template processor applies a Go template to metrics to generate a new tag. Values that cannot be converted are dropped. - influxdata/telegraf Jan 10, 2025 · all processors are streaming processors. filecount. Nov 4, 2021 · Rename multiple fields via Telegraf processor. See below for a quick example. The override processor plugin allows overriding all modifications that are supported by input plugins and aggregators: name_override; name_prefix; name_suffix; tags; All metrics passing through this processor will be modified accordingly. The json_query is a GJSON path that can be used to transform the JSON document before being parsed. Telegraf minimum version: Telegraf 1. Prior to Telegraf v1. As Telegraf is a plugin-driven agent, the configuration file provided when Telegraf is launched will determine which metrics to collect, if and how processing of the metrics should be performed, and the destination outputs. For various purposes, there are a number of input plugins that can collect metrics from various sources. Unlike the global_tags and agent tables, any plugin can be defined multiple times and each instance will run independently. - influxdata/telegraf processors – this section is used to define what processor plugin you want to use. enum. How to monitor CPU performance using the CPU Telegraf Plugin. execd; outputs. Some examples of this are the execd processor, which pipes metrics out to an external Discover how to configure processors and how they transform your data. The programs must accept influx line protocol on standard in (STDIN) and output metrics in influx line protocol to standard output Jul 4, 2022 · Hi All, Just started with InfluxDB, for collecting sensor data. Note: When converting tags to fields, take care to ensure the series is still uniquely identifiable The Enum Processor allows the configuration of value mappings for metric tags or fields. Aggregator plugins generate new aggregate metrics based on the Jul 8, 2020 · Hello, I’m collecting information from an iDrac server using snmp. # # generally longer is better, but if you Jan 18, 2022 · Telegraf has reached the ripe old age of V1. Basically, everytime I will have a null value I’ll like to set a default value instead. torch October 14, 2019, 1:12pm 1. Like InfluxDB, it compiles into a single binary. starlark and processor. 2. The default location that Telegraf can pick up configuration files is /usr/local/etc/ on macOS and /etc/telegraf/ on Linux Nov 22, 2021 · Processors)} // 执行插件的初始化,前提是插件实现telegraf. Existing Python code is unlikely Coverage. 7. Enum. This plugin parses defined fields or tags containing the specified data format and creates new metrics based on the contents of the field or tag. I am looking to change the tag name for "agent_host" example. Traffic Relayed ↑ 60 MB, ↓ 4 MB. Telegraf supports four categories of plugins – input, output, aggregator, and processor. These are commented out by default. 1. The telegraf plugins processors command prints available processor plugins. These Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. date_format = " Jan " # # If destination is a field Sep 25, 2023 · My use case is processing logs using inputs. Examples Extract timestamps from a time column using RFC3339 format Jan 10, 2025 · Dedup Processor Plugin. conf: System info: Centos 7 Telegraf version . The query is performed before any other options are applied and the new document produced will be parsed instead of the original document, as such, the result of the query should be a JSON object or an array of objects. Steps to reproduce: Place config for input. Processor processors are upgraded to telegraf. Note: When converting tags to fields, take care to ensure the series is still uniquely identifiable Aug 5, 2022 · The starlark processor will do this. cpu这个section,具体如下: # Read metrics about cpu usage Aug 16, 2019 · Hi, I’m looking for a way to avoid null values in my DB. Class is not supported by starlark. Configuring the CPU Telegraf Plugin is simple as there are only a handful of configurations to set. Here is the example updated for your case: [[processors. file]] data_format = "json" Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. For a basic walkthrough see quick start. Jan 31, 2022 · Then you can use metric filtering techniques as shown in the docs: telegraf/config at master · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub. Use the `execd` shim; Write an external plugin; Troubleshoot; Reference; Plugin directory; Template patterns; Telegraf commands. Dec 11, 2023 · convert (processor. I tried using the tag_limit processor but it didn't work. 15. 2: 2491: October 17, 2019 How to create a tag from a field name with Telegraf? Telegraf. If I use the influx api, the lines will write to database. Write it to a variety of data stores. conf also includes all available input, output, processor, and aggregator plugins. reverse_dns]] # # For optimal performance, you may want to limit which metrics are passed to this # # processor. The HttpClient works similarly, except that it issues requests via an HTTP POST. Sep 4, 2020 · View the default [telegraf. Need to add a new tag "custom_instance" from existing tag "instance". The filter processor plugin allows to specify a set of rules for metrics with the ability to keep or drop those metrics. Telegraf provides a number of processor plugins that can be used to further transform your data before storing it inside InfluxDB. With 300+ plugins, Telegraf is the way to start collecting metrics from cloud services, applications, IoT sensors, and more. Learn how Telegraf processor configurations can be relatively simple and straightforward. What is Starlark, you ask? Starlark (formerly known as Skylark) is a language intended for use as a configuration language. In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support additional global and plugin configuration settings. The result # # will replace the current field value. The Enum Processor allows the configuration of value mappings for metric tags or fields. tags is the same but went i try it on telegraf that in influxdb cloud the color of processor. Aggregator 接口。 Documentation for Telegraf, the plugin-driven server agent of the InfluxData time series platform, used to collect and report metrics. Jun 30, 2022 · Telegraf has over 300 plugins available in four different categories (input, output, aggregator, and processor). - influxdata/telegraf This document presents the input plugin to read Performance Counters on Windows operating systems. gatherLoop来 Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. telegraf [global-flags] plugins processors [flags] Flags. 0 Streaming processors are a new processor type available to you. filepath]] ## Treat the tag value as a path and convert it to its last element, storing the result in a new tag # [[processors. Processors should call processors. Working config based on the above scenario: Apr 20, 2021 · Hello, I am trying to figure out a way to run an aggregation & processor on a specific input. Filter metrics whose field values are exact repetitions of the previous values. My goal is to have the ```sensor_id`` being replaced with a tag that would name the sensor. Nov 2, 2021 · In Telegraf 1. Some differences from classic Processors: Streaming processors must conform to the telegraf. regex]] to create a replacement tag. Parse, aggregate, serialize, or process that data. The remaining portion is captured by %{GREEDYDATA:message}. basename]] # tag = "path" # dest = "basepath" # # Treat the field value as a path and keep all but the last element of path, typically the telegraf. - influxdata/telegraf A related issue is that a telegraf config command should default to writing the configuration stanza categories in this order: global_tags:agent:inputs:processors:aggregators:outputs Right now, we get this order instead: global_tags:agent:outputs:processors:aggregators:inputs which is of course quite confusing. Move the project to an external repo. The Starlark language is a dialect of Python, and will be familiar to those who have experience with the Python language. The field is not nil, but its value is a string of one or more empty spaces. Test the configuration The postgresql plugin provides metrics for your PostgreSQL Server instance. runAggregators ( startTime , au ) a . The Release Notes/Changelog has a list of new plugins and updates for other plugins. 19 we released a new JSON parser (json_v2). telegraf plugins inputs; telegraf plugins outputs; telegraf plugins parsers Apr 21, 2021 · Hi everyone, I am new to Telegraf and the influx community but am very impressed with the ease of use and the products. Plugin ID: enum Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. See the language overview with features are not supported: Jun 3, 2021 · I am using Telegraf's [[processors. HTTP introduces non-trivial overhead, so to avoid blocking the main thread, these POSTs are issued in the background. . object]] # Process metrics, Jul 30, 2021 · I have found the cause! From the telegraf docs. 5. The current measurement "Cisco-IOS-XR-procfind-oper:proc-distribution Aggregator and processor plugins; External plugins. converter won’t complain if a field doesn’t exists, so it’s won’t generate errors for the series without that data; use said tag as a filter (tagpass) for the processor. Config . enum]] to work. I set up Telegraf to collect data via MODBUS from an energy meter and it works fine. As of release 1. The original parser suffered from an inflexible configuration, and there were a handful of pretty common cases where data could not be parsed. Input configuration. Inputs:负责采集原始监控指标,包括主动采集和被动采集。 Processors:负责处理 Inputs 收集的数据,包括去重、重命名、格式转换等。 Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. The starlark processor calls a Starlark function for each matched metric, allowing for custom programmatic metric processing. The problem I’m facing is that the values for these fields are simply numbers from 1 - 6 In Grafana i can map these values to text values for my dashboards so 1 = other alert 2 = unknown alert 3= OK 4 = non critical alert 5 = critical alert Aug 12, 2024 · Override Processor Plugin. See the plugin README files for more details. Inputs ) a . The TopK processor plugin is a filter designed to get the top series over a period of time. The payload format is the same for each camera, generic payload format is listed below: Camera=&CAM,Alert_Type=&TYPE,AI Mar 13, 2022 · Telegraf is a powerful, plugin based metrics collector that also provides Prometheus compatible outputs. This plugin transforms tag and field values as well as renaming tags, fields and metrics using regex patterns. ## Generating a Configuration File A default config file can be generated by telegraf: ```sh telegraf config > telegraf. The Converter (converter) processor plugin is used to change the type of tag or field values. - influxdata/telegraf This plugin transforms tag and field values as well as renaming tags, fields and metrics using regex patterns. Telegraf : How collect Hexadecimal data and apply function before insert in influxdb? Hot Network Questions Aug 13, 2024 · Hello everyone, I am a newbie at Telegraf, as a matter of fact this is the first time I am trying to use it. I tried with processors. execd Extract a plugin using the shim wrapper Move the project to an external repo. No idea what happened there. The Telegraf agent then collects data from inputs at each interval and sends data to outputs at each flush interval. It looks like it should be pretty straight forward, but May 12, 2020 · processors:用于对数据的流式处理,processors 各插件之间按照顺序执行,需要实现 telegraf. AddStreaming in their init function to register themselves. 15 that gives you the flexibility of performing various operations in Telegraf using the Starlark language. omit_hostname: If true, do not set the host tag in the Telegraf agent. I tried with field and tag and also with and without dest. 27, the Telegraf parser ignored abbreviated time zones (for example, “EST”) in parsed time values, and used UTC for the timestamp location. # Convert a timestamp field to other timestamp format [[processors. These plugins sit in-between input plugins and output plugins, aggregating and processing metrics as they pass through Telegraf: I'm trying to get Telegraf to work with InfluxDB and I've just hit a wall. Default is false. The parser supports GJSON Path Syntax for querying JSON. The processors. Jan 10, 2025 · Starlark Processor Plugin. Oct 7, 2024 · Telegraf Process Diagram. I created a batch script, to activate and run, but when I point to it from the config file, this seems to cause the agent to immediately stop the inputs Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. override #Print all metrics that pass through this filter. - influxdata/telegraf Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. May 17, 2022 · I’m trying to get my head around the processors. With this in mind, I would like your advice on a problem I am facing. The first stage is to do the basic breakup of the log message which works just fine. The modifications allowed are the ones supported by input plugins and aggregators: name_override name_prefix name_suffix tags Select the Jun 18, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. What I have tried: Using processor. timestamp]] # # Timestamp key to convert # # Specify the field name that contains the timestamp to convert. Usage. ServiceInput // 注意input插件的init 和start区别, iu, err:= a. Jan 2, 2006 · # Performs file path manipulations on tags and fields [[processors. parser only creates fields, but filters can’t be applied on them; processor. This processor goes through the following steps when processing a batch of metrics: Behavior of processors and aggregators when used together. 2020-01-27T13:45:52Z I! Starting Telegraf 1. Feb 27, 2018 · Be the first to get the latest tutorials, trainings, and all things InfluxDB, Telegraf, and more—right in your inbox. Plugin ID: processors. enum]] [[processors. Aug 9, 2021 · Telegraf 中的实现. regex. The template has access to each metric's measurement name Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. telegraf config create; telegraf config migrate; telegraf plugins. This processor goes through these steps when processing a batch of metrics: Groups measurements in buckets based on their tags and name Oct 18, 2022 · Processors work on all plugins unless you specify a tag or metric name to pass into them. Processor 接口。 aggregators:用于对 period 时间内的数据做一些聚合处理,返回聚合后的结果给 output 端,需要实现 telegraf. Counter paths are refreshed periodically, see the Using Telegraf processor plugins. execd; processors. Recorded metrics are lightweight and use Dynamic Management Views supplied by PostgreSQL. conf configures a CPU input plugin that samples various metrics about CPU usage, and the PostgreSQL output plugin. Telegraf plugins are divided into 4 types: inputs, outputs, processors, and aggregators. date]] # # New tag to create tag_key = " month " # # New field to create (cannot set both field_key and tag_key) # field_key = "month" # # Date format string, must be a representation of the Go "reference time" # # which is "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006". It can be tweaked to calculate the top metrics via different aggregation functions. The plugin supports string, int, float64 and bool types for the field values. rename for a long tag that I’m receiving from inputs. Flag Description--deprecated: Telegraf commands. Metric name (field) Description Units; scaling_cur_freq: Current frequency of the CPU as determined by CPUFreq: KHz: scaling_min_freq: Minimum frequency the governor can scale to Relevant telegraf. Aug 20, 2022 · Is it possible in telegraf using a processor to drop a tag from a measurement? Using the cisco_telemetry plugin that takes in series and within one of the measurements not the whole plugin I want to only keep one tag. mapping]] ## Name of the field to map field = "instancId" ## Destination field to be used for the mapped value. It does not change the metric. The Telegraf agent and plugins are configurable through a single TOML Jan 10, 2025 · Regex Processor Plugin. If you have just a set of known values that you want to work with, I think enum would be the best option. conf ``` To generate a file with specific inputs and outputs, you can use the --input-filter and --output-filter flags: This file has been truncated. x). Allowing processors to run again after aggregators gives users the opportunity to run a processor on any aggregated metrics. topk]] # # How many seconds between aggregations # period = 10 # # How many top buckets to return per field # # Every field specified to aggregate over will return k number of results. The configuration is parsed and then tested for validity, such as whether the Object, Instance and Counter exist on Telegraf startup. startInputs (next, a. From both this diagram and Telegraf’s official documentation, there are key points to keep in mind: The execution order begins with inputs, then moves through intermediate components (processors and aggregators), and finally sends the data to outputs. Here is an example of using the Pivot Processor Plugin to turn a single value metric into multiple metrics: Example topics: Telegraf. defaults]] ) they work fine. Jan 27, 2020 · No sure if I am in the correct place for this ask. basename]] # tag = "path" # dest = "basepath" ## Treat the field value as a path and keep all but the last element of path, typically the path Nov 18, 2024 · Clone Processor Plugin. While a lot of edge cases for parsing can be resolved using the Starlark processor, it is still a more advanced approach that requires writing The default TelegrafClient uses UDP to send metrics to Telegraf. - influxdata/telegraf Aug 4, 2020 · Our Telegraf Starlark Processor Plugin is an exciting new processor in Telegraf 1. StreamingProcessor interface. The following will create a new field based on the values of Key and Value and then remove the original values: Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. Oct 28, 2024 · # Performs file path manipulations on tags and fields [[processors. Telegraf. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Telegraf provides a processor and aggregator version giving considerable flexibility as to how and where the transformations are applied. 4: 3372: Aug 21, 2022 · I’m not aware of a way to “debug” what happens at runtime inside a plugin, the best you can do is to keep trying until it works… From what I’ve seen the pattern should work correctly. 0, Telegraf has the concept of aggregator and processor plugins. Jan 10, 2025 · Parser Processor Plugin. Please be gentle… Background: I have a Blue Iris server which holds several cameras. topk Telegraf 1. They are particularly useful to implement processor types that use background processes or goroutines to process multiple metrics at the same time. Thanks to community feedback and contribution, there have been many features added over the years. starlark is the same as the rest as the line code. From the following: ds_stats,cachegroup=total,cdn=cdn1,deliveryservice=test tps_5xx=0 1604066460811000000 ds_stats,cachegroup=total,cdn=cdn1,deliveryservice=test tps_total=0 1604066460811000000 ds_stats,cachegroup=total,cdn=cdn1,deliveryservice=test kbps=0 1604066460811000000 I’m trying Jun 24, 2024 · we can see in this quote that the color between processors. regex, but this fails as I Dec 16, 2018 · Hello ! Is it possible to mass rename measurements with any of the processors plugins in Telegraf ? My goal is to make Prometheus to match a specific naming convention format that the target requires, where naming rules of Prometheus will do not allow a dot in the metric name. StreamingProcessor Functions ¶ #Dates measurements, tags, and fields that pass through this filter. override but with no luck. unpivot]] # # Metric mode to pivot to # # Set to "tag", metrics are pivoted as a tag and the metric is kept as # # the original measurement name. Supported Telegraf processor plugins Converter. Even more powerful are the processor plugins that allow metrics to be processed and manipulated as they pass through, and immediately output results based on the values they process. Here, developer Mya Longmire talks about two of those categories, aggregators and processors, covering what they do and how to use them. Note: Telegraf plugins added in the current release are noted with -- NEW in v1. The converter processor is used to change the type of tag or field values. The main use-case for this is to rewrite status codes such as red , amber and green by numeric values such as 0, 1, 2. The regex processor only operates on string fields. The 'pivot' example is what you are after. runOutputs ( ou ) a . 17, processor plugins process data and then pass it to aggregator plugins. filepath]] # # Treat the tag value as a path and convert it to its last element, storing the result in a new tag # [[processors. After aggregator plugins aggregate the data, they pass it back to processor plugins. Its not clear what you want to achieve with the second part of your starlark code, but have a look at the rename processor maybe? Or the regex one. Jul 18, 2017 · Take a look at the processors. It enables flexible parsing and serializing for a variety of data formats (such as JSON, CSV, and Graphite) and can serialize the data in InfluxDB line protocol and Prometheus, to name a few. Here’s the thing though, it’s only logging “data_epoch” as a field so not processing the other URLs in the list. I would like to extract the values for connections, upstream and downstream using telegraf regex processor plugin from this input: 2022/11/16 22:38:48 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 10 connections. Get Updates Collecting Running Process Counts with Telegraf Users define a TOML configuration with the plugins and settings they wish to use, then pass that configuration to Telegraf. My raw data ends up like this: Dec 9, 2024 · Filter Processor Plugin. file [[inputs. I now want a second pass of the newly created “message” field to enrich the metric with a number of tags (I am on telegraf 1. This transformation often results in data that is more easily to apply mathematical operators and comparisons between, and flatten into a more compact representation for write operations with some output data Processors are run first, then aggregators, then processors a second time. runProcessors ( pu ) // runInputs 主要就是通过a. When using both aggregator and processor plugins in Telegraf v1. To test your GJSON path, use GJSON Playground. telegraf secrets get The execd processor plugin runs an external program as a separate process and pipes metrics in to the process's STDIN and reads processed metrics from its STDOUT. The main use-case for this is to rewrite status codes such as red, amber and green by numeric values such as 0, 1, 2. Select the metrics to modify using the standard metric filtering options. It can be tweaked to do its top K computation over a period of time, so spikes can be smoothed out. Telegraf is an open source, plugin-driven collection agent for metrics and events. 26. 0+ The TopK processor plugin is a filter designed to get the top series over a period of time. Tag key name is set by tag_key value. Each camera is configured to send a MQTT payload whenever an alert is triggered. 4 Nov 18, 2024 · Hi everyone! I’m having trouble using the Telegraf regex processor to extract and write a new tag into a test bucket. skip_processors_after_aggregators: If true, processors do not run again after aggregators. Here’s an example of the current output > cpu,cpu=cpu1,host=somehost,index=telegraf,sourcetype=telegraf-hec usage_active=0,… Use the json_v2 input data format to parse a JSON object or an array of objects into Telegraf metrics. Hot Network Questions Isomorphism and bijection In what year is the TV series "From" set? How can I prevent shocks from an Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. Oct 14, 2019 · Rename multiple fields via Telegraf processor. execd processors. 5 🏷️ system 💻 all Global configuration options In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support additional global and plugin configuration settings. - influxdata/telegraf The converter processor is used to change the type of tag or field values. Jul 5, 2023 · I am attempting to use telegraf execd with a python script running inside a virtual environment in windows that outputs line protocol once per second (reading from a wss websocket). The following config parameters are available for all inputs: alias: Name an instance of a plugin. Enum Processor Plugin. They also run after an input plugin is run, so passing them the gjson syntax is not something they will recognize. aggregators – this section is used to tell Telegraf what aggregator plugins you want to use. The primary use case of this plugin is to create a tag that can be used for dynamic routing to multiple output plugins or using an output specific routing option. rename can have multiple instances, my issue was with the namepass argument should be an array. Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. - influxdata/telegraf Jul 28, 2024 · class Geolite2: If you count down to the 17th line, you will come across your class. I tried other processors (like [[processors. Starlark is a dialect of Python Processors are run first, then aggregators, then processors a second time. Current Situation: I successfully use the regex processor to extract a date from a string (OF) and convert it into a timestamp (timestamp_extracted) for our production bucket. - influxdata/telegraf Dec 5, 2018 · Telegraf Processor value to fieldname. Tag and field values can be transformed using named-groups in a batch fashion. Working config based on the above scenario: Apr 21, 2021 · Hi everyone, I am new to Telegraf and the influx community but am very impressed with the ease of use and the products. telegraf plugins inputs; telegraf plugins outputs; telegraf plugins parsers; telegraf plugins serializers; telegraf plugins processors; telegraf plugins aggregators; telegraf plugins secretstores; telegraf secrets. 21. Supported processor plugins Printer (printer) The json_query. execd outputs. But sometimes the result is “nan” and I would like to filter these with the help of a Telegraf processor before it Sep 5, 2019 · Ok, my mistake. execd; Extract a plugin using the shim wrapper. converter) any of your parsed results to a tag processors. Telegraf 采用了这种编程模式,其主要有 4 个 stage,分别为 Inputs、Processors、Aggregators 和 Outputs。 . filepath. However, there are major differences. zlhvs jvzy tbdshuv vofyswb ute vaj mfrzbj vmcip vhbgg jbzx