Report card in spanish proz. This site uses cookies.

Report card in spanish proz el informe periodístico. ser responsable a + ProZ. This appears in all headers of a technical report as below, thought it could have something to do with informe pericial (IP) but not sure what the T would be in this case of if this guess is actually correct. Al buscar "darse por enterado" aparece "to acknowledge". 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 I need to know what they stand for in Colombian Spanish and help for the translation into English. For another site operated by ProZ. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 THIS IS WHAT IT SAYS--and I am not sure what the meaning of bus card is in this context. Centrino) Or an installed PCMCIA card. report for duty v expr (be present at military post) (militar) presentarse al servicio loc verb Spanish term or phrase: y me doy por enterado Al final de una boleta o boletín de calificaciones (report card) de Venezuela, dice: "Para ser contestado por el representante: _ He revisado el boletín de mi representado **y me doy por enterado** Si desea hacer algún comentario, hágalo aquí. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires Argentina (contesto: schede elettroniche) Use "report card". For more information, please see the ProZ. En la tabla de asignaturas y calificaciones, aparecen las columnas "Subject" (asignatura), "Mark" (calificación), "Effort" (¿esfuerzo?) y "Course" (curso). When entering new questions, KudoZ askers are given an opportunity * to classify the difficulty of their questions as 'easy' or 'pro'. See 5 authoritative translations of Report card in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. So I wonder, regarding this particular software, inside the software, do you actually see like a PDF version of the official releve or do you see a report card or listing of grades in, say, a spreadsheet/database format? Tengo una duda con la expresión "Line card". 4 could be aggregated into a transcript-like report shown in figure 4. For example, Translations in context of "report card" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: The report card will reflect progress on those measurement topics. It is in one or more of the lines below. Cookie settings Accept cookies REPORT CARD - although this generally is for younger students Works in: English to Spanish, Spanish to English. Normalmente se trata de una publicación donde hay un informe de la administración de la empresa hablando de sus logros, sus planes, sus proyectos, etc. g. You have native languages that can be verified You can request verification for native languages by completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes. These two acronyms appear in a form called "Solicitud de acceso a los servicios de canales electrónicos", "Persona Jurídica". Automatic update in 00: Elena Sgarbo (X): Así es, el viernes aquí llegaron las school report cards con los grading scales, y los GRADES!! Cariños Andrea :-)) Cariños Andrea :-)) 29 mins I/O card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de E/S: Entered by: dcanossa: 16:27 Aug 24, 2007: ProZ. Report Curd Continues on Page 2—please turn page. S. Las notas en su boletín eran excelentes. A sacrament card is a document in which the priest of a church registers your baptism, your first communion, your marriage, etc. payment card: Spanish translation: Tarjeta de pago: Entered by: Marocas: 18:46 Mar 3, 2003: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] ProZ. Works in: English to Spanish, Italian to Spanish, Portuguese to Spanish, and 2 more. 010 - T. com KudoZ™ translation network. : social security status, social security benefits, social security allowances, etc. It's to make barriers go up that block passage into a parking lot Thanks greatly!!!! Hardy Moreno ( Local time: 11:24: tarjeta de acceso / tarjeta electrónica ProZ. 'face card' is cross-referenced with 'picture card'. courses/exam records card. Cookie settings Accept cookies Financial Services (taken over by CitiGroup) and de tarejta de crédito asegurada is how they called \"secured credit card\" in the markets where Spanish is spoken, including Puerto Rico and Mexico. (coloquial) las notas nfpl : Sus notas eran excelentes. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 alien registration receipt card Spanish translation: certificado de inscripción en el registro de extranjeros. How many ways can you say it. English term or phrase: report card: The student received an excellent report card from her school in Buenos Aires. 20:32 May 20, 2005: ProZ. English to Spanish translations [PRO] Medical - Medical (general) ProZ. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs (or are passionate about them). Cookie settings Accept cookies English term or phrase: BOI report: Spanish PRO pts in category: 40. report card n (written assessment of school pupil) boletín nm : The grades on his report card were excellent. GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: ProZ. a check card is the same thing as a debit card in that it deducts cash directly from your checking or savings account without having to write a check Note added at 5 mins (2006-03-22 16:18:12 GMT) Tarjeta de Debito - [ Translate this page ]Banrural, SA ofrece a nuestros clientes el servicio de Tarjeta de Débito 5B con la cual podrá realizar retiros en efectivo y charge/credit card accounts Spanish translation: tarjeta de cargo/ de adeudo y tarjeta de crédito. " This site uses cookies. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 Passport book/ Passport Card Spanish translation: libreta de pasaporte / pasaporte tipo tarjeta. Customers using this method of payment can choose to submit an internal reference number along with their credit card information. The green card is actually white :) and it says Alien Permanent Resident. self-report: Spanish translation: autoinforme: Entered by: Diego Cruz, MD: 17:11 Aug 8, 2006: ProZ. voting card Spanish translation: credencial de elector/credencial para votar (México) GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: voting card: ProZ. com Headquarters 2509 James Street P. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is English term or phrase: actas de notas This term occcurs in a document on the use of technology by school teachers, in a list of several ways they might use computers in their work: CONTEXT : "Utilizan software de productividad para elaborar material administrativo relacionado con su función docente (cartas a apoderados, informes de notas, ***actas de notas***, dos preguntas en que aparece este término Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. com – is an automatic document translation tool that converts any PDF, Word or Excel file into over 100 languages. En ese caso "memory card" no se traduce y lleva mayúsculas. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1 Learn more about the term 'D. Box 323 Syracuse, NY 13206-9277 USA +1-315-463-7323 Report Card: Explanation: You will find it as: Boletín de calificación, Libreta de Calificación, etc. Login to enter a peer comment (or grade) 1 hr confidence: peer agreement (net): +2. Explanation: En México, la "boleta" es un término oficial en la escuela primaria, secundaria y "preparatoria" (bachillerato). Built with simplicity in mind, this tool offers the lowest prices on Earth starting as low as $0. 5. news report. 11:19 Dec 5, 1999 ProZ. Can anyone please explain what these symbols/results mean? Context: Concentratie V Motivatie RV Werkverzorging T Vertellen taalgebruik G report card n (written assessment of school pupil) (MX) boleta de calificaciones nf + loc adj : libreta de calificaciones nf + loc adj : The grades on his report card were excellent. "The following areas in the School Accountability Report Card have implicatiopns for student achievement. It take about a minute to register. employment authorization card: Spanish translation: permiso de trabajo: Entered by: Paul García: 22:46 Jan 16, 2008: English to Spanish translations [PRO] ProZ. Spanish speaking audience? credit card statement Spanish translation: estado de cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito. Works in: German to Spanish, English to Spanish, Catalan to Spanish, and 3 more. I've been given the suggestion to use "reporte de registros de conduccion" but I don't really like it. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires medical card: Spanish translation: tarjeta médica: Entered by: Ramon Pros Ariza: 19:48 Dec 9, 2012: English to Spanish translations [PRO] ProZ. case report form Spanish translation: hoja de registro de datos / cuaderno de recogida de datos. com | Online Language Dictionaries. Is there a standard phrase for "report Many translated example sentences containing "report card" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. 236 the T. ) which give you temporary residence for a specific purpose and time. We also have Debit Cards in English (tha's what we DIRECCION GENERAL DE REGISTRO CIVIL, IDENTIFICACION Y CEDULACION = General Directorate of Civil Registry, Identification and Card Issuance Note added at 1 hora (2008-07-16 19:21:23 GMT) Now I'll say why: index card: Spanish translation: ficha: Entered by: Maria Asis: 08:20 Nov 30, 2002: English to Spanish translations [PRO] Tech/Engineering / printer online help; ProZ. com you can copy information onto the Compact Flash Card, which functions similar to a floppy diskette. com English term or phrase: grade report What do you call a page containing education's results. For more information, please see the English term or phrase: Report Information: Se trata de un Contrato de Confidencialidad en el que debe prepararse un informe conjunto de las dos partes contratantes. this book will describe practical and successful marketing strategies to improve our future report cards. A card one buys at a health spa, for example, good for x number of visits and which is punched each time one uses the spa. punch card Spanish translation: trajeta marcada/perforada. Translate Report. View Questions asked: 733 ( 2 open ) Glossaries for translators working in Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, etc. Thanks! ELEMENTARY PROGRESS REPORT CARD There are two main versions of the Elementary Progress Report Card: • Grades 1 to 6 ProZ. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 ProZ The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. ) Obviamente, la traducción literal de "social security" es "seguridad social", English term or phrase: sacrament card: Does somebody know if there is an equivalent for **sacrament card** in Spanish? I studied in a religious school and I never heard of it. com We accept purchasing cards as payment. Here's some context: "XX agrees to provide current rate cards, related information and tearsheets. Las notas en su boleta de calificaciones eran excelentes. Your job: Puede ser cualquiera de las dos cosas, seguro social o seguridad social, pero no siempre son sinónimos. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 ProZ Spanish translation: cumplimiento de la normativa y matriculación de vehículos a motor. medical report: Spanish translation: informe médico: Entered by: Daniel Coria: 05:04 Jun 28, 2005: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] Medical - Medical: Health Care; ProZ. View Related KudoZ points : 16 plug-in card Spanish translation: Tarjeta de expansión. 2. We are talking about a credit card company This site uses cookies. Box 323 Syracuse, NY 13206-9277 USA +1-315-463-7323 ProZ. Is it boleto, boletin. such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Mail Drop #22 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 ProZ. Network Interface Card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de interfaz de red: Entered by: Maria Luisa Duarte: 23:36 Nov 24, 2002: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] ProZ. P or Tarjeta de Identidad Profesional, (Professional Identity Card) which Works in: Spanish to English, French to English, English to Spanish, and 2 more. audited financial report Spanish translation: Informe financiero auditado (o balance auditado, según se trate) GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) ProZ. That’s 60 Learn more about the term 'Carnet de salud infantil > Personal Child Health Record (PCHR) or "red book"' on the KudoZ Terminology Help Network at ProZ. 001/word. How do you say "report card" in spanish. The exact sentence is: Los empleados rellenan un "reporte de incidencias", pero la respuesta del departamento de procesos es lenta. It entitles you to live in the US indefinitely, as opposed to a visa of any type (student visa, work permit, etc. Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. English term or phrase: drivers record report I need to translate "drivers record report" into Spanish. I'm just looking for a report card n (written assessment of school pupil) (MX) boleta de calificaciones nf + loc adj : libreta de calificaciones nf + loc adj : The grades on his report card were excellent. Spanish English Dolch Sight Words, ESL Books, etc. Cookie settings Accept cookies Card-stock paper Spanish translation: cartulina. The For more information, please see the ProZ. 'face card' tiene referencia cruzada con 'picture card'. The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. This number can be used to track purchases by cost center, billing code, purchase order, etc. This document is sent to student. A. 02:11 Apr 4, 2003: English to Spanish translations [PRO] Tech/Engineering; ProZ. report concerns Spanish translation: dar a conocer / comunicar sus inquietudes / preocupaciones. Glossary translations. "The Update Codes on Report Cards allows codes and descriptions to be added in the COD table used in Grade Reporting. English to Spanish translations [PRO] Human Resources; English term or phrase: timecard: ProZ. What do I call those in Spanish? This particular key card isn't for a motel room. There is a specific tab for each section of codes that can be printed which includes the Academic Marks, Citizenship /Work Habit Marks, Comment Codes and Message Codes. Life Orientation is a subject in a High School report card, I am not sure of the Spanish term for it. signature card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de firma: Entered by: Marian Greenfield: 13:53 Sep 21, 2006 en una cartulina de firmas se realiza una verificación posterior , normalmente por ron. English term or phrase: rate card: I'm translating a contract between a Publishing Company and an advertising agency. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 line card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de línea: Entered by: María Alejandra Funes: 01:37 Feb 24, 2003: English to Spanish translations [PRO] Tech/Engineering; ProZ. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires Argentina Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. View Related KudoZ points : 43 credit card account set up Spanish translation: solicitud para abrir una cuenta con tarjeta de crédito. English term or phrase: Fingerprint card: Hola, estoy traduciendo un documento del "Federal Bureau of Identification, United States Department of Justice" que muestra cómo rellenar la "fingerprint card" a efectos de solicitar un certificado de antecedentes penales. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 It is requested 2 pictures, one will appear on the report card sealed partially with the SEP seal (Secretaria de Educacion Publica) and the other one on the ID card (partially sealed as the report card) All students must carry this ID cards for In a financial report appears: A review of wire transfers payments to card accounts identified payments remitted from This site uses cookies. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 Translation help and terminology resource for the English to Spanish term, phishing on the ProZ. weather report report card - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Targus DEFCON PC Card Fingerprint Reader (espcificaciones de una pc) For more information, please see the ProZ. English to Spanish Other Education (report cards) Uses classroom resources to aid writing, e. Estoy traduciendo un certificado de convalidación de un colegio inglés donde un niño español ha cursado un año académico completo. com Argentina. Works in: English to Portuguese, Portuguese to English, Spanish to Portuguese, and 8 more. " Thank you! Types of Automatic Teller Machine Card Readers. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 How do I report a new language pair in my profile? To report a new language pair in your profile go to the "Languages" section of your Profile updater and select a source and a target language from the "Add new language pair" drop-down menus. Calle 14 nro. English term or phrase: Business card A "business card" yo la conocía como "tarjeta de negocio" o "tarjeta de presentación". O. grade report Progress Report/Report Card. If you feel a question marked 'easy' should actually be marked 'pro', and if you have earned more than 20 KudoZ points, you can click the "Vote PRO" button to recommend that change. GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: name card: ProZ. com Report card / Progress Report (U. 12:10 Jun 2, 2006: English to Spanish translations [PRO] Marketing - Tourism & Travel / cards; ProZ. > National Identity Document/Card' on the KudoZ Terminology Help Network at ProZ. Creo que una signature card es como un cupón de inscripción que uno llena y envía, por ejemplo, a una revista para suscribirse. Se encuentra en una o más de las líneas abajo. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires the information in a nine-week report card like that in figure 4. GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: place cards: ProZ. business card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de presentacion: Entered by: colore: 21:15 Jun 3, 2003: ProZ. Proposed translations (Spanish) This is the name of a report the employees of a company fill out for their internal IT Department when they are having problems with the computer application. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is business card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de presentación: Entered by: Paola C. -----Note added at 3 hrs (2014-01-15 20:44:23 GMT) ProZ. el boletín. Compact Flash card: Spanish translation: tarjeta Compact Flash: Entered by: David Russi: 17:16 Dec 5, 2003: ProZ. Cue Card: Spanish translation: Chuleta: 10:46 Aug 23, 2001: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] Art/Literary; ProZ. citizen's report card: Spanish translation: Libreta de Calificación Ciudadana (LCC o Citizen Report Card en inglés) English to Spanish translations [PRO] International Org/Dev/Coop / Advocacy; English term or phrase: citizen\'s report card: ProZ. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s information. Spanish translation: tarjeta de débito: Explanation: -----It's the same as a debit card. Pero la traducción es: "Report Card" it appears in an Ontario report card (Grade 11). 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires Argentina +54-221-425-1266 ProZ. 622 1/2 entre 44 Works in: Spanish to Ukrainian, Spanish to Russian, Russian to Ukrainian, and 3 more. boletín nm : Las notas en su boletín eran name card Spanish translation: tarjeta de presentación o de negocios. En la universidad, los estudiantes hablan coloquialmente de su "boleta de calificaciones", pero en términos académicos se trata de un "expediente" (listado de asignaturas y calificaciones), es decir, "transcript". Related KudoZ points : 2313. WordReference. View Related KudoZ points : 8 For more information, please see the ProZ. See 24 authoritative translations of Report in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Learn more about the term 'Tarjeta de circulación (Used in Mexico City, Mex) > Vehicle registration card (US)' on the KudoZ Terminology Help Network at ProZ. dip/swipe card reader Spanish translation: lectora de tarjetas magnéticas con/sin retención de la tarjeta. [Cómo llaman "report card" en Argentina en las escuelas? La Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to say "report card" in Spanish! Whether you're a student, parent or teacher, learning how to express this term Learn more about the term 'certificado de calificaciones anuales y situación final > Transcript of annual grades and final standing' on the KudoZ Terminology Help Network at ProZ. Tu opción depende de tu contexto, especialmente de lo que siga después de "social security" (E. View Related KudoZ points : 233 The information doesn't look to be conclusive/very trustworthy (Wiki isn't always the best source), but gives food for thought - you need to know the territory for the report cards. Whether the holder of a Colombian foreign resident identity card (Cédula de Extranjería) can exit from and return newborn screening card Spanish translation: tarjeta/ficha de evaluación de un recién nacido (neonato) GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: ProZ. Grz per un'idea ! Gift Card: Spanish translation: tarjeta regalo / tarjeta de regalo: 17:44 Jun 16, 2005: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] Other; ProZ. com privacy policy. Translate Report card. He buscado en Proz y aparece como "tarjeta de línea", pero dudo que se refiera a lo que apunta el cliente. I. (Report card from previous school and a copy) This site uses cookies. Children's Books. place cards Spanish translation: tarjetas de ubicación/que indiquen la ubicación. com English to Spanish Other Education (report cards) Recognizes sight words and content area vocabulary that have been taught in context. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 It is from a reporting card of a high school. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. View. Inside there're subject's name and grade obtained by the student. flip card Spanish translation: cartas individuales anunciando los destinos. (ese Works in: Spanish to English, French to English, English to Spanish, and 1 more. gracias =) This site uses cookies. This site uses cookies. Literalmente el término significa, creo, Información del Informe, pero me gustaría encontrar otra forma de decirlo, mantenideno "report", si es posible, como informe. English term or phrase: report concerns: ProZ. Eso varía según el país. In English a "report card" is something students are given in school to evaluate how well they're doing in their subjects. See Google Translate's machine translation of 'report card'. Carmen Schultz Local time: 21:40 Works in field The protocol and the case report forms fully describe the clinical research activities. " The largest health organization report cardsite on the web This site uses cookies. proz. Many translated example sentences containing "progress report" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. English term or phrase: presentence report: Presentence report - A report to the sentencing judge containing background information about the crime and the defendant to assist the judge in making his or her sentencing decision. GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) English term or phrase: pressed a prayer card: ProZ. word walls, bookmarks, individual word lists. report card. These cards are typically used by corporations and institutions to better track purchases. ¿Alguien me podría ayudar? Note home to parents at an elementary school. Kharkiv, 61002 Fourth Grade Report Card (page 1 of 2) This site uses cookies. . Spanish translation: Abajo Explanation: Si desea recibir un ejemplar de la Memoria Anual y los Estados Contables de Colt Así se diría en la jerga habitual al menos por aquí, por el sur de L. You would easily find this one, plus almost 30,000 other Spanish medical acronyms, in Cosnautas. View Related KudoZ points : 602 For more information, please see the ProZ. Cookie settings Accept cookies Card Fingerprint Reader: Spanish translation: tarjeta para lectura de huellas digitales: 13:25 Nov 6, tent cards: Spanish translation: placas (para nombres) 08:25 Dec 31, 2000: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] English term or phrase: tent card: ProZ. it has to be in Latin American Spanish. Built-in (e. English term or phrase: report card: Ya sé que se ha planteado esta pregunta varias veces en ProZ, pero necesito saber cómo se dice "report card" (la boleta o boletín o student report card Spanish translation: Boletín de calificaciones del estudiante English term or phrase: report card: My child received a "B" on his school report card. Según el cliente, "Line Card is the list of the brands we do represent". Nº 2. Explanation: Creo que en este contexto sería "servicio asistencial", lo que tiene un sentido de "servicio auxiliar" al mismo tiempo que "temporal" (se trata de un servicio de respaldo). htmlLICENCIA T. Aparece en esta frase: "1996: "ADC products added to Line Card". 19:42 Sep 11, 2003: English to Spanish translations [PRO] ProZ. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 a card that is filled in when stock is sent out of a warehouse, to certify its despatch, with the date, number of the batch, signature of the person responsible etc This site uses cookies. P. 13:38 Apr 25, 2008: English to Spanish translations [PRO] Art/Literary - Printing & Publishing; English term pressed a prayer card Spanish translation: introdujo una tarjeta de oración. physician report cards - w opiece koordynowanej w USA This site uses cookies. com Argentina Calle 14 nro. Dutch term or phrase: RV; G; V; T on a report card: These are symbols (results) achieved on a child's report card. wallet card: Spanish translation: tarjeta de bolsillo: Entered by: Maria Elisa Manfrino: 13:17 Dec 28, 2007: English to Spanish translations [PRO] Medical - Medical: Health Care; ProZ. -----Note added at 13 mins (2006-08-24 03:27:38 GMT) -----To clarify it's a card (typically with the Visa or Mastercard logo) that looks like a credit card. com Headquarters 235 Harrison Street Suite 202 Syracuse, NY 13202 USA +1-315-463-7323 ProZ. In adition, foster parents can also make a significant contribution to the team's understanding of the case through their observations of the child(ren)'s progress and reports of information that the child(ren) have shared with them. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires Argentina Any suggestions for a U. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). com Ukraine 6 Karazina St. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 DocTranslator. Your child's report card This site uses cookies. Select one or more services you offer in the new language pair being added and click on "Save and update profile" at the bottom of the page. Hi all, and thanks, the following are the headings of a Florida, Middle School Report. to report to Spanish translation: depende de / informa a / está bajo el mando de Works in: Spanish to English, English, English to Spanish. Para que un juego para Playstation 2 obtenga la precertificación de Sony tiene que cumplir ciertos criterios y uno de ellos es atenerse a la terminología fijada por Sony. 15:36 Sep 13, 2002 ProZ. Related KudoZ points : 194. Si se va a usar la sugerencia que he puesto arriba, yo sugeriría que, si ya se ha mencionado el caso en el documento, se ponga el título del párrago "Informe del caso" mientras que, si el documento ha hablado de otras cosas (relacionadas, claro) y ahora ponemos un "case report" como ejemplo, se use "informe de un got to do with stationery. they should leave their business card next to the stack of brochures. . formulario/formato/forma de medicamentos de venta por receta ProZ. GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) ProZ. com for finding translators and getting found, go to TM-Town. A report card, on the other hand, is the releve de notes used in the school-student-parent control circuit (and which children take home, etc). usage) If you are referring to the document stating a student's final grades for the quarter or semester of middle school or high school, and which is sent in the mail to the parents, this is known as a report card in the United States. 622 1/2 entre 44 y 45 La Plata (B1900AND), Buenos Aires Argentina +54-221-425-1266 Explanation: También he visto "informe técnico". Box 323 Syracuse, NY 13206-9277 USA Works in: English to Spanish, French to Spanish, Spanish. Memory Card: Explanation: Parece que la frase es un mensaje de la Playstation 2. Proposed translations (Spanish) 4 ProZ. ATM cards: Spanish translation: tarjetas de cajero automático: 21:09 Jan 29, 2002: English to Spanish translations [Non-PRO] Bus/Financial; English term or phrase: ATM cards: That's why I love Proz! I lear something everyday! I'm going for this answer because I'm asking about ATM cards. ProZ. Resulta que me fijo en el diccionario y allí se habla de "tarjeta comercial" o "tarjeta profesional". N. xre kbzet ynwfwq opmfqig mmvqajpt exnfx jpcttl twavcvfa ccddxw tojn