Pathfinder kingmaker wizard build reddit. There's a Bard, two Clerics (one tank, one.
Pathfinder kingmaker wizard build reddit At the moment only the old Kingmaker section is up but I m working on the Wrath one and It should be up by the end of next week. Get fire as your elemental damage. I will eloberate: start as elemental wizard. By answering it, you're helping us make DLCs the way you like them. I have no experience though with Pathfinder, just AD&D and D&D 3rd via CRPGs (BG, IWD II, NWN II), so I started looking around for builds and advice. (My Sor there reached level 19ish. I would lean towards putting all 20 levels into the evoker wizard so you can take advantage of the damage bonus for the entire game. What would be a good race, starting stats and the first couple levels of feats ect I should get. Join us on for more discussion on discord. The only summoner build that I enjoyed playing and was threatening at all was an Aeon Monster Tactician which was fun, but the summons only truly became scary beasts when I made mercenaries that supported her build well, including a second summoner (a wizard built to cast and abuse 24hr long Summons), a skald, a freebooter and other mass The problem with this build pure Wizard, is that you have low BAB progression and you'll get nuked the second anything touches you in the later game. since I love playing wizards in PnP, I started building one of Kingmaker as well. Normally, a wizard doesn't have access to weapons to make throwing one with hand of the apprentice worth it, not helped at all by their typical strength, and they have better projectile spells they'd rather use anyways. Aberration: Weak Fort & Reflex Saves, strong Will. So if you have only +4 Headband you need to start with 14 Int. On tabletop, this can only be accomplished by taking one level in an appropriate class (fighter, ranger etc. A Brown Fur Transmuter will benefit the party more as soon as transformation spells to share become available, which is usually at spell level 6. x and Pathfinder 1e mechanics, and played through much of Kingmaker until I got bored and moved on. I kinda love this concept, and wish I'd thought of it before today. This is pretty much the only source of initiative that increases with level. I was thinking about a 5 Wizard or 6 Sorcerer/2 Hellknight Signifier/1 Arcane Trickster/1 Loremaster/10 Eldritch Knight something build. Any Divine spells will ignore Arcane Spell Failure, so you can actually build this on Tower Shield Specialist. Wizard 6/Hellknight Signifer 4/Eldritch Knight 10 ends up considerably stronger, but cannot "do" combat for about 8-12 levels and cannot blend magic with martial prowess until Quicken allows you to throw spells as a Swift Action at level 10ish Keep in mind that wizard / sorcerer offer way less bugging option than the bard and cleric and that I don't believe you can build a better cc character than the kineticist. Any boss / miniboss that has buffs, take them away. You especially don't have to care about spell resistance if you go conjuration, nor do you need high Dex, so that would be fitting. So far, I've put together a list of spells that seem to stand out: lvl 1: Grease, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor. Another possibly good one could be enchantment zippy magic as a debuff Leaving aside the classic Hideous Laughter build with Best Jokes - good ol' fashioned Blaster Sorc is incredibly fun as Azata with zippy magic (casting double chain lightning and watching your entire screen fill up with arcing electricity is a real joy!), and since there are a couple ways to deal with elemental immunities outside of the starting class's class features, you're perfectly fine It does mean giving up the AoE negative energy bursts but Wizards have plenty of AoE spells to make up for it until you get the higher level necro ones. If you want to be a Good Wizard, going Angel doesn't make much sense. Just purchased kingmaker with wildcards dlc and will be starting my first ever pathfinder game! I've been playing dnd 5e for years, but that's it. I had great fun on my inquisitor of the Godclaw Aeon run. Fighter 1 (I find starting as a fighter is much more fun that starting as a wizard), Wizard 5, EK 1 (take arcane amour training as your bonus feat) , Hellknight Signifier 3, another 9 levels of EK and finally 1 more level of wizard. With the new game being released, I went back and redone my old builds collection. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker • A long-awaited DLC — The Lord of Nothing — will be released on November 21! Explore new and unique locations, make new friends, and face a powerful demon lord in order to bring Sendri and Rekarth's story to its epic finale. I’ve been checking this sub and elsewhere but all the builds seem to be prior to the recent changes (e. Can also sub in Witch or Arcanist if you want (though I wouldn't play Arcanist without Tabletop Tweaks mod to get Quick Study Arcana). Yes, your school slot will basically be useless. Magus is fine. Not just here, look at Underrail - an RPG much more hardcore than Pathfinder, there you have tons of ideas for builds and tactics, people help each other, discuss what happened to them, meme, use external char-builder to help newcomers make a character from scratch and survive through early game, but at the same time your builds are always Not true. But this is raw damage. Please take that into consideration if your internet access is limited. It even has synergy, since Aeon bane stacks with inquisitor bane. Like you said, wizard/sorc is the obvious choice. Use him to see if the class is for you. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. You will NEED to pick up Greater Dispel Magic. My last game my MC was a rogue so I went full wizard with her. Linzi could cover Trickery checks if need be, but I just don't know. lvl 3: Haste, Stinking Cloud. We then take 19 levels of elementalist wizard. A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Dec 7, 2023 · Hi New to pathfinder here, just wondering if anyone could share any tips and tricks with the Wizard? I heard they're the Sep 29, 2018 · I am looking to make a new game with my main as a Wizard. I wanted to make an evocation wizard but I'm struggling to make a good build. Trying to figure out if prestige classes after 20 contribute to caster level or have to switch back to base class (read conflicting information will need to test myself or see r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. ) I planned to go Sylvan Sor20 because I like animal companions and spontaneous, CHA-based arcane casting on this character. I think the big one is chain lightning zippy magic build. I would like to build a wizard and iam veering towards Conjuration or transmutation every build I see on web pushes you to towards a sylvan sorcerer 🧙♂️ but I want to play as a wizard. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker • We are tirelessly working to improve our games, but only you know what exactly makes them better. start with wizard, take a single level of rogue at 2, then go wizard again from 3 onwards and take the feat gives you an additional sneak attack die. The Winter patron in the TT game gives Unshakable Chill (target takes 1d6 nonlethal cold damage and must save every 10 minutes or take damage as from severe cold), Resist Cold, Ice Storm, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold, Freezing Sphere, Control Weather, Polar Ray, and Polar Midnight. 4v is here! Due to some critical issues, we had to reassemble some parts of the game’s resources, which increased the size of this patch to 3 Gb. Hi everyone. I would like to ask if this build would be viable on Hard. So you probably noticed that there are only really two cantrips worth anything at all, Daze (against humans early game) and Flare (against anything). I love things that go boom. Dragons: All good saves, but tends to go reflex > will > fort due to ability scores. Also Rank 7 Demon allows you to cast 2 spells per round while enraged. I immediately set my eyes on the Exploiter Wizard, however being my first time playing as a caster I am overwhelmed by the amount of choices I have to make, between choosing spells, feats and more. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. The new collection has been built now in such a way to allow for builds from different games. However, many opinions I found seem to contradict or were from right after the game released and could be outdated. Any help on building my wizard and party would be appreciated. For damage trying to figure what is more worth it, those or Heightened Scorching Rays, Helfire Rays, etc. ) as the feat only provides proficiency with a single martial weapon. CHA casters into a Lich is super strong for two reasons: Full arcane casters can merge their Lich spellbook with ther regular one for more spells and stronger ones, and Liches are undead, and undead use CHA instead of CON so any of the CHA sorcerers or Stigmatised Witch will get a huge health boost on becoming a Lich. If you don't mind a bit of work, Knife Master->Wizard->Arcane Trickster and Fighter->Wizard->Eldritch Knight are also excellent. Hard to argue against human. Lich is Evil and makes much more sense for a Wizard, but it's Evil and Necromantic. So I am very new and the game systems kinda confuse me. I finished kingmaker but I never made a spellcasting character. Animal: Weak Will. Your Caster Level will be high because it's Wizard Levels + Lich Levels but you can also boost that even higher with your Spell Master ability. The best late-game armor in Kingmaker for this sort of build IMO will be Oak's Pelt, a leather armor which grants Natural AC instead of armor AC, meaning it will stack with AC bracers. But how do you handle there being so few spell *types* to cast at a level? A lvl 20 Sorcerer can have a dozen or more lvl 9 spells to cast due to the way metamagic works with them. Going Azata doesn't make much sense either. In Kingmaker? You have a fairly good selection of companions available. May 6, 2020 · So does anyone here have good builds, ideas, suggestions? PS: Share some other magic user builds that are good too if they're better than wizards. Lawful evil sage sorcerer that focus on reaching insane DC and intelligence. For the new DLC: Kineticist. One thing WotR has over Kingmaker though are scrolls. This survey presents details about DLCs that we haven't asked you about before. You could make an Invulnerable rager to lvl 18 for 9 DR/-, 3 times rage power for 6 DR/-, add Sorcerer undead bloodline capstone via Mythic for 5 DR/-, lich mythic path for 10 DR/- and add some items such as the tower shield with 15 DR/- for at least 45 DR/- and healing via vampiric blade. I prefer hard scaling builds. So to fix this, I want to try and plan out properly what I want to build now and then follow through on that for my character. This is why you will be going first all the time. Which single class build makes a better blaster/nuker - Wizard, Sorcerer, or Kineticist? Kingmaker: Class Build Help I'm gonna start my first playthrough soon on normal difficulty, and I really want to be a character that deals big damage from a distance with AoE and DPS, but also having some utility for crowd control. Sorcerer isnt far superior to wizard on the face of it, though wizard is harder and more complex (but more flexible and faster at learning if youre skilled enough), but because of those things it has more options for scary builds whereas wizards generally want to stay a pure wizard, I dont know the class well enough to say too much but from r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker • Pathfinders! An update 2. Standard blaster meta magic feats: maximize, empower, intensify; and caster feats: spell focus, spel pen. Point Blank Shot + Precise Shot. For a wizard, the build should be sorcerer (crossblooded) 1/Wizard 5/Loremaster X-6 (you can become Loremaster as a sorcerer 1/wizard 4, but the Yeah, I think wizard is a better choice than sorcerer. gg/pathfinder2e or f. I played a blasting wizard in Kingmaker and generally level 8 is when I sold my crossbow and was able to do enough damage with evocation to snowball/missile anything. gg The gish build I used in wrath was roughly as follows. For sequent runs I either go for classes that rarely get used or make class based on a cool image I found. This build however does include those two potentially unnecessary feats, as some ray spells are pretty good and there is just enough room in the build to do it this way, but if you feel like you need an extra two feats for something else you can easily modify the build to drop those two (they are even slotted to be taken early on, which gives r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I like to plan my builds carefully though, maybe you could help me with that. The halfling divination wizard is a classic, but I'll lay it out here. I want this to be a place to post builds for different playstyles, a place to receive critique on builds and help making them, and a place just to talk ideas out. Never played an Arcanist, so this is Wizard slanted advice, but applicable. I wrote the below list for Pathfinder. Though it could equally just be a martial focused Archer just dipping Eldritch Archer for ranged spellstrike (due to the synergy with Devils free Hellfire Ray ability). Kingmaker has been out for a while and some classes can even solo the game on harder difficulties if you build them right. I like Wizard 5/Eldritch Knight 10/Hellknight Signifer 4/Wizard 1 as a Lich wielding the Bardiche Death's Consonant that uses Intelligence for Attack and Damage. Improved Initiative. Spells IIRC, school slot first: A good wizard build specs into loremaster. starstone. The goal with doing damage is to remove enemies from the fight as soon as possible, and there are wizard builds (see Nenio's Illusion build) that just outright kill enemies without doing any numbered damage. I am a big fan of builds and I intend to be posting some of my own as well as builds I have found. Thanks for the analysis. You will get a Magus as NPC Companion and while he is a specific type of magus (Eldritch Scion) the basic idea stays the same. It can access the full wizard spell list, not just the subset which Magus or bards get. Once you got your 3/5/7 burn for the extra stats you can spam incredibly powerful blasts (especially with the mythic talent to reduce burn cost by one which is active by just toggling a gather power, not even using it), you can cast walls that deal a shit ton of damage and knock back/trip enemies, you can use deadly earth A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. I recommend Lich, as it will merge with Wizard, and the 9th level Lich spell Corrupted Magic is easily the most powerful dispel/debuff in the game. My elemental wizard/arcane trickster can destroy entire armies. Not necessarily optimal, but I found it fun at all levels. As for the Thundercaller, Thunder Call ends up 9d8 damage in a 10' radius + stun with a DC of 30+. A subreddit for discussing character builds and optimisation in the CRPGs Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. It should apply for Pathfinder: Kingmaker with few changes. The class is one of the more complex classes to build and play in the game. From what I've played of the game (upto act 3) those do seem the best schools with evocation being where I'm leaning with this build. 1 dip of cross blooded sorceror for red and gold dragon bloodline (+2 damage for each die roll) 1 dip of rowdy than arcane trickster until lvl 10. 9 spells, I will be down two caster levels. Reply reply A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. This lets us change any spell to our chosen element. If you can make do with rapier, scimitar or kukri, you could just take a single level fighter at level 1, picking up weapon focus, weapon finesse and slashing/fencing grace all at first level. I would like to play a glass cannon so to speak. I don't love it, but that's a personal issue. Forewarned gives you ½ wizard level as initiative. ) Pure wizard, wizard / Loremaster, or wizard / Arcane Trickster are all viable options. I can write about playing a Wizard in this game for hours, but do you have any specific questions? I'd recommend you ignore the Magus for now. You need enough Int to get 18 total after equipping your best Headband. I can see a full rogue build with that 1 wizard level for the cantrips. Loremaster and Heckknight Signifer(if you get the first level of armor training and arcane armor mastery, you can cast in mithril full plate) won't lose you any caster levels. The build: 6 Wizard Thassilonian Specialist (Transmutation) 10 Eldritch Knight 2 Paladin 1 Bloodrager (Celestial bloodline) 1 Monk Scaled Fist Alignment - Lawful Good Start with 19 Str, rest in Cha. I was thinking specificaly to combine an evocation wizard with the legend path but any build suggestions will be great to hear. Spell Penetration + Greater. including fireball and the like. 1 Rogue Sorc 9 Arcane Trickster 10 > take a dragon bloodline for +1 damage per die rolled (for the element of the dragon) combine that with elemental ring for +1 damage per die roll (both stack with sneak attack die also) hit them with hellfire rays for 15d6 fire + 7d6 sneak (12d6 with sense vitals) = 27d6 rolled + 2 fire damage per d6 (54 damage) sooo that brings you to about 81-216 damage But what does work, or at least did work in kingmaker, was to stack DR/-. Class: Wizard, Pick Divination as arcane school. At level 11 now, so starting to get into spells like Sirrocco & Chain Lightening. If you want to play a Good character you are stuck with either being an Angel which is the Cleric/Paladin type or Azata which is the Bard/Druid type. You can build a "run into melee with stupid high AC, then cast all those Touch/Cone/Self AoE spells a Wizard can't use without dying" character. They're somewhat the reverse of the Kineticist issue you mentioned, where you start off more as a controller, and end up as a blaster late-game, around level 5-6 spells. The build concept is rooted in Pathfinder RPG boards generally and Brewer’s Blockbuster Wizard specifically. I'd probably go elemental specialist wizard just so i didn't have to worry about various energy resistances. There's a Bard, two Clerics (one tank, one not), a Sorcerer -> Arcane Trickster (blaster caster), a Barbarian, a Fighter (meant to be a tank), an Inquisitor (basically a Cleric with worse casting but some self-buffs), a Magus (Fighter/Wizard from 2e), an Alchemist (Touch attacks, buffs), a Ranger (high ranged damage A mythic merged spellbook will add your mythic rank to your caster level and give you earlier access to high level spells. Wizard is a good choice for a lot of magic prestige classes. You get extra spellcasting feats and if you take the abudnant casting feat line, you’ll have more spells than you’ll know what to do with It's a rogue / wizard hybrid with medium BAB and level 6 arcane spells. This build however does include those two potentially unnecessary feats, as some ray spells are pretty good and there is just enough room in the build to do it this way, but if you feel like you need an extra two feats for something else you can easily modify the build to drop those two (they are even slotted to be taken early on, which gives Like you said, wizard/sorc is the obvious choice. I'm personally not a huge fan of "multiclassing", especially when it comes to roleplaying my character. Sylvan sorcerer that overall is probably the best arcane caster and the strongest at low level by far. On my last playthru, I redid Octavia as Arcane Trickster 10 / Sage Sorcerer 9 / Vivisectionist 1 which worked a lot better IMO: way more spells per day than wizard but still INT-based for her Advisor role (Magister). g- instructing to go crossblooded sorcerer with 2 draconic bloodlines - something tha For first playthrough in such games I usually go full persuasion/skillmonkey builds, in Kingmaker's case it was a human Bard with several skill focus type feats. Previously beat Kingmaker with a Wizard and am currently playing a Spell Master Wizard in WOTR (at level 5 currently). I was going to start my first playthrough as some OP sorcerer and was hoping if anyone can point me in the direction of a good powerful (maybe even the most powerful?) current build. the thing about AT in this game is you already get sneak attack on attack roll spells; AT 10 lets you sneak attack on *any* spell. A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. In KM, higher level scrolls are only available as you level your Arcana - a tier two stat. I'm familiar with D&D 3. An arcanist, on the other hand, is still stuck with three—and if you metamagic, e. Actually on pnp, people prefer wizard X-1/crossblooded 1 builds over crossblooded X builds (for reasons that don't really apply in the video game But this show those builds are powerful enough). FYI you can use the Respec mod to redo Octavia and the other Companions so you can fix some of the more questionable choices that Owlcat made with the standard builds. then move r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I think the evoker wizard also gets a scaling damage bonus to their evocation spells. Base Tiefling Background Acolyte (Wis to Persuasion) Class - Shadowcaster Wizard Divination School Opp = Enchantment, Necromancy 10 Str/16 Dex/12 Con/ 20 Int/14 Wis/5 Cha r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. We start as a cross blooded double-dragon sorcerer for that sweet +2 per damage die on our chosen element. Halfing (for halfling luck) Wizard Divination school (for portent, more dice manipulation) - Feat: Lucky (for more rerolls) This build lets you reroll all nat ones from being a halfling, use portents to replace other bad rolls, and use lucky for everything else. , a 8th level spell into 9th, it eats r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. For example, a level 10 exploiter Wizard who picks school savant Foresight, you get to add 1/2 your level to initiative and always go in surprise rounds, which can combine with the Wizard discovery of the 1 round time stop to basically get to do some insane shenanigans at the start of any combat; unlike a normal Wizard though, there are no Spell combat is supposed to work only with your magus spells, not the wizard spells, though I haven't checked how it works in kingmaker. But you gain some of the best school abilities in exchange. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. It also comes online later as all the good ZM wombo combo spells are level 5 and up (Feeble Mind, Dominate Person, Hold Monster, Dominate Monster, Greater Heroism, Insanity and It's not like you can really code all the insane nonsense a Pathfinder Wizard is capable of, so it's understandable. 1. The cold patron needs a fixup IMHO. The Sorc level is Crossblooded for Fey + Undead Bloodline but, while I get lvl. But I wanted to try playing with Wizard: specifically, Wiz9/Sorc1/EK10, Race: Half-Elf (for the DC bonus). g. . A lot of narratives in these games involved finding out what the enemy is doing and getting to where they are, which in PnP a high level wizard solves by Divinations and Teleport/Plane Shift/whatever in a day. Though in WotR, you can use use Bolster Spell or apply sneak attacks to spells, but not both; so it's a good idea to decide which route you plan to take. Construct: No good saves, but loads of immunities and neutral alignment. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. For a long time, I've been curious about a Universalist strength wizard build. I usually build her Wizard 3 / Rogue 1 / Arcane Trickster 10 / Wizard X / Rogue 1 Feats: Accomplished Sneak Attacker to qualify for Arcane Trickster. Input wanted. RP wise, the best build for Aeon is a LN inquisitor, not a sorcerer/wizard. This build is pretty much pure Buff/Debuff build but you can change this to Buff/CC by going Enchantment instead of Necromancy although I think the combo is weaker. Worth noting that one difference between Kingmaker and Tabletop is that EK requires proficiency with all martial weapons. Jan 28, 2024 · Made a control caster / buffer wizard that slowly aims to also do damage. And it gets the major rogue features like free Weapon Finesse and Finesse Training. Elf is better as a wizard race for Spell Penetration, but spells resistance is pretty rare in Kingmaker so human might be better. I have just got the game on Xbox so this will be my first play through and I intend to play on normal. Hi Guys. So even as a dragon with decent damage, you'll never hit anything and the second anything gets past your moderate AC, you'll die. Of course, there are some downsides: ・At lv5, the build has a huge jump in power with Haste and Slow and access to a decent amount of spell slots per day; The wizard becomes capable of halving of most critical encounters, and shortly thereafter abundant casting more than doubles the versatility and consistency of the build thus far. It also stacks with Barkskin because Natural Armor and Natural Armor enhancement are different-type bonuses. The run of the mill Nenio build is Scroll Savant 10 > Loremaster 10. I also want to note the wizard build also lets you start with greater spell focus and nab spell specialization at level 1 (because you have 1 feats. Just curious about builds in pathfinder. Can provide direction for a build once you've decide what you want to pick :) Hey everyone, I'm looking to play Pathfinder WOTR for first time, after installing game and getting to creation i was amazed by so many different classes and sub-classes so i decided to look at youtube and other sites to get some sense of how different classes works and which ones are more to my styles so I want to play a charisma based class since i would really like my character to be the The build is something like Eldritch Archer 2/Wizard 3/Vivi 1/Arcane Trickster 4/Eldritch Knight 10. Theurge levels Cleric and Wizard simultaneously so the 3 lost Wizard levels more than pay for themselves in increased spell slots. Hi everyone, I will be starting a new campaign soon and after trying a few physical classes for the next one I was asked to play a magic class to balance the party. have 19 intelligence. Unfortunately it's almost a straight adaptation of the patron from the TT. Maybe switch into Legend. Empower + Heighten for metamagic. Exploiter wizard, later a Brown Fur Transmuter, with focus on conjuration, later evocation. Spell Focus Evocation + Greater. You're right the point of this build is to collect as many spells as possible, the use magic device is there to get hold of a wizard spell book without muliticlassing and fill out utility or situational spells. This game my MC is a Slayer, and as of right now I have no Rogues or Wizards in my party. lvl 2: Create Pit, Glitterdust, Web. Like the Inquisitor Monster Tactician. quly aznd ypjqkx cmx zbc viszk kwgifi cly auuas stleb