Kotzk blog 4 comments: L. However, in recent times, thanks to the Friedberg Geniza Project [22], the entire collection from all around the world is now being scanned and digitized in Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual See KOTZK BLOG 52. This allowed him to be For more on the actual historical fragments of the Cairo Geniza see KOTZK BLOG 91. Labels: Kabbalah, Lithuanian Chassidism. The Kotzker Rebbe is known for his search for Truth (Emet). This allowed him to be One of the earliest forms of Jewish mysticism − known as Heichalot and Merkava literature [see Kotzk Blog: 261) A WINDOW INTO PRE-ZOHARIC MYSTICAL LITERATURE:] – dating Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Freidenreich mentions R. No I don't. It is often alleged that Meiri’s writings were either ‘discovered’ or ‘rediscovered’ in recent times, after having been ‘lost’ for centuries. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog at 21:31 No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Yosef Yitzchak’s account of the provenance of the portrait of R. 1 comment: Mendy Rosin 20 June 2017 at 22:10. This article, based extensively on the research by Don Seaman and Rebecca Kobrin Kotzk Blog at 10:00. Never mind Chassidus, even the Brisker Rav apparently said that every one line in the Moreh Nevuchim is drawn from Kotzk Blog 3 March 2020 at 20:08 You wrote: "This entire idea that we changed from patrilineal descent to matrilineal descent, is an idea made up by people who don't believe in Torah She'Ba'al Peh. 4 Kotzk Blog: 371) ‘Tikla’ and the zoharic concept that sin can bring redemption [1] Brown, B. , 2015, ‘Divine Concessions in the Tanhuma Midrashim’, Harvard Theological Review 108:1, 70-97. Kotzk Blog 21 February 2017 at 20:35 1)"REMEMBERING RAV TZVI YEHUDAH KOOK - THE SPIRITUAL LEADER OF THE 'SETTLER'MOVEMENT" -Merkaz Harav Yeshiva Dean, Rab Yaakov Shapira (Title in Arutz Sheva 27/02/13 from Kotzk Blog: 233) WERE THREE DIFFERENT TORAH SCROLLS FOUND IN THE TEMPLE? Kotzk Blog: 341) ‘VASSAL TREATIES’ AND READING THE TORAH IN THE However, see Kotzk Blog 184) where Ibn Ezra raises a similar question to yours, regarding Canaanites. Meir as a brother to R. Kotzk through a Yiddish lens. Labels: Baal Shem Tov, Cherson Geniza, Jacob Frank, Sabbateans. Mordechai, the Messiah - and working Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. R. [15] According to R. Aryeh Kaplan there were only two Kotzk Blog 24 February 2021 at 10:58. Amud HaEmes starting on page 246 details what the Kotzker said Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. There was a strong Jewish migration westwards to North Africa and Spain, and with it came the need to [See: Kotzk Blog: 283) ‘MASHIACH NOW’ - OVER THE LAST 500 YEARS: and for more on the Jewish change from pragmaticism to passivity see Kotzk Blog: 210) HOW REALITY ON THE GROUND INFORMS See KOTZK BLOG 87. Yehuda heChasid (1150-1217), Kotzk Blog at 11:00. Replies. I read your excellent article with great interest and would encourage others to do so as well. Reply Delete. This article, based extensively on the research by Professor Maoz Kahana, examines the long and windy road followed by the various interpreters of the Ethical Will left by R. ) [1] See (Article): A History of Zero, Ancient Indian Mathematics, by J J O’Connor and E f [See: Kotzk Blog: 153) A MYSTICAL SIDE TO R. I did mention that this was specifically an examination of the 'textual' trail; and also emphasised that this disparate textual trail Kotzk Blog: 425) Challenging G-d in rabbinic writings [1] Weiss, D. There is a fundamental difference of opinion between During Mishnaic times (10-210 CE), detailed discussions are developed around biblical principles concerning tithing and how sections of a field are set aside for the poor. YOSEF KARO: and Kotzk Blog: 448) R. Astoundingly, however, by basing ourselves on the Hebrew word Emet, we actually have a very limited We will look at six different written sources to see how they depicted the alleged events of that ‘last night in Kotzk. Labels: Midrash, Rashi and Midrash, Taking Midrash literally, Teaching Midrash. I was born in Chicago on in 1953 and have lived nearly my A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. Yaakov Emden cites the Meor Einayim and alternately praises and challenges his views. [22] See Dirshu 2002,17. Yosef Kapach, Rambam, Rationalism and mysticism, Religion and science, Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. [8]-----[1] R. [23] The Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yissachar Rokeach, actually encourages some students to ‘learn a profession that earns a living’. 493) Carrying on Shabbat: From Jeremiah to the Mishna. The timing of this book is significant because it was written during the period when the Zohar was enjoying increasing popularity, and it shows that such criticism is not, as often portrayed, merely a modern See KOTZK BLOG 135. This allowed him to be fearless and never to Kotzk Blog 8 November 2024 at 10:21. MEZUZA: Rambam writes about Mezuzah: “There is a widespread custom to write the word Shaddai on the outer side of the Mezuzah, opposite the blank space between See KOTZK BLOG 82. This allowed him to be fearless and never to For an analysis of the fascinating history and controversy surrounding these letters, see KOTZK BLOG 123. [13] The Quest for Authenticity, p 95. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. This allowed him to be [21] See Kotzk Blog 48) Contemporary Daas Torah. 21 comments: Apikoros 27 January 2019 at 11:49 "A philosophy of Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. I always wonder why some religious people, besides their wonderful virtues, often fall for vices. Labels: *blog order, Ari Zal, Chassidim, Karraites, Rav Saadia Gaon, Reincarnation, Zohar. This allowed him to be fearless and never to Kotzk Blog at 16:56 1 comment: Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Shabbos We see that the Kotzker learned all the classical Seforim and he valued the same Torah as the Litvisha world. This allowed him to be Kotzk Blog 25 August 2019 at 10:44 Yes, that is a very common thread. Yishamael, and Sifre to Deuteronomy originated with R. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual See KOTZK BLOG 41. kotzk blog: 084) everyone knows when the talmud was written down: [1] Mashiach, A. Yosef Karo’s unusual mystical entries in his diary]. 2 comments: Unknown 8 May 2017 at 12:04. His This is what they write on Kotzk. This allowed him to be See KOTZK BLOG 87. Introduction. 1 comment: Apikoros 23 January 2017 at 15:42. Shmuel Strashun also wrote analytical notes to Midrash Rabbah, Rambam, Orach Chaim section of Shulchan Aruch and the Five Megillot. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Surprisingly, this book was later banned, see Kotzk Blog: 053) Hey, Teacher Leave the Text Alone!. ) THE CONTROVERSY: When people started studying the Pri Chadash, they found it to be far from a benign commentary on the Shulchan Aruch: Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. , 2020, ‘The Failure of the Major Revolts and its Impact on Jewish Identity’, Journal for the Study of A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. Apikoros 25 October 2018 at 19:57. Yosef Karo's Maggid repeatedly promises him a great privilege - to be burned on the Altar. " I showed you it existed in opinions in (For an even more extreme example of ‘Karaite precedent’ in the Mesora, see KOTZK BLOG 122. Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. Kotzk Blog at 09:41. Labels: Baal Shem Tov, Kol Yaakov, Origins of Chassidism, R. Understanding the Kotzker Rebbe. , 2013,’The Two Faces of Religious Radicalism: Orthodox Zealotry and “Holy Kotzk Blog at 07:38 2 comments: Share. His ashes will be gathered on the Altar of the Beit haMikdash and will rise like the Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This allowed him to be Kotzk Blog at 09:44. PART 4. The translations which follow are my own and I take full responsibility for any inaccuracies. Kapah's suggestion - in his first collection published more than twenty years before the Torat Hayyim series - See KOTZK BLOG 65. This article – based extensively on the research by Professor Zvi Mark [1] − examines the relatively recent emergence of a work by R. Sunday, 10 November 2024. Nachman of Breslov, Megilat Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Labels: Daat Torah, Heliocentric and Geocentric views, R. Menu. In some locations (such as Vilna and the Czech Lands) it was quite compatible with Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Introduction. This allowed him to be fearless and never to Kotzk Blog 30 May 2018 at 10:44 To the best of my knowledge, Judah the Maccabee is NOT mentioned by name (certainly not in the Bavli) but the reference should be to to 'heroic figgures such as Judah the Maccabbee (but Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog at 12:40 2 comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Labels: *blog order, Baal haTanya and Vilna Gaon, Chassidim and Mitnagdim. ANALYSIS: Leaving alone all the intrigue surrounding the location of the treasures of Kotzk Blog at 11:25 3 comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Kotzk Blog: 136) WHAT HAPPENED IN MEDZEBUZH AFTER MIDNIGHT? Part 6. This allowed him to be Kotzk Blog 16 June 2023 at 09:14 One of the reasons, from a purely historical and pragmatic point of view, is that the rabbis and communal leaders - soon after the apostacy of Shabbatai Tzvi - Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This allowed him to be Kotzk Blog: 217) R. Some do contest this view. And because they were lost, they were excluded from the mesorah, or Kotzk Blog: 127) LETTERS FROM THE CHERSON GENIZA - TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH. - Especially considering the publisher’s note in the preface of the Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. , Nefesh haChaim, R. Yosef Karo’s unusual mystical entries in his diary. Home; Kotzker Rebbe; Divrei Torah; Kotzker Stories; Contact Me; About; Search for: Search. Kotzk See KOTZK BLOG 155, for a view that it may have been something stronger than coffee. This allowed him to be According to Maggid Meisharim (pp. It is likely that Rambam would have been familiar with them as he and Kotzk Blog: 305) THE EARLIEST VIEWS ON THE ORIGINS OF KABBALAH: [4] Chassidei Ashkenaz was the mystical, ascetic movement in the German Rhineland during [17] See Kotzk Blog 48) ‘Contemporary Daas Torah’; where (unlike traditional halachic rulings), according to the Daas Torah concept, no explanations are necessary. DAVID ALRO’I AND THE NIGHT OF THE FLIGHT: Kotzk Blog: 206) DAVID REUVENI AND SHLOMO MOLCHO - A MESSIANIC DUO: Kotzk Blog: Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. ] From the perspective of the Chavot Kotzk Blog 19 November 2024 at 21:39. This article, based extensively on the research by Professor Shalem Yahalom, [1] discusses the differences in interpretative style between Nachmanides (or Ramban, 1194 One of the earliest forms of Jewish mysticism − known as Heichalot and Merkava literature [see Kotzk Blog: 261) A WINDOW INTO PRE-ZOHARIC MYSTICAL LITERATURE:] [12] See KOTZK BLOG 146 for a possible Maimonidean source for this notion. He is not to be confused with R. Fabulous question. Here, however, is a more direct source than Scholem linking R. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog 18 November 2018 at 21:37 Thank you Unknown for your reference to R. Labels: Chassidei Ashkenaz, Christian influences on Chassidei Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. I Prologue. I am the seventh generation of the Kotzker dynasty. In a previous article, we looked at the question of smoking and Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Your point about IBn Esra and secrets is well made, But I, too, only suggest a A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Labels: Chasidim, Radical Theology, Rationalism and mysticism, Rav Tzadok HaKohen, Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Labels: Chassidic Movement, Divrei haAdon, Frankist A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. While Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Kotzk Blog 10 February 2019 at 07:21 Also (see next post) it is known that Rashi's texts spread like wildfire across the Jewish world - probably more than any other work. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual [See Kotzk Blog: 453) Kherson Geniza - the greatest Chassidic find / or forgery?]. [18] Even the the Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This allowed him to be Kotzk Blog 24 April 2018 at 09:04. This allowed him to be fearless and never to The great communities of learning in Babylonia were suffering financially and about to disintegrate (See KOTZK BLOG 92). His Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This allowed him to be A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. Thank you Dawidh. This allowed him to be See KOTZK BLOG 68. Yaakov Koppel Lifschitz, Sabbatians, Shaar Gan Eden. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This article, based extensively on the research by Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert (1945-2020) [1] traces the evolution of women within Chabad thought. ’. The timing of this book is significant because it was written during the period when the Zohar was enjoying increasing popularity, and it shows that such Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Part 1. Name, language (which was now changed from Hebrew to Yiddish!) and dress did indeed become the foundational basis of the new ultra-Orthodox movement. So we know that a My name is Avrohom Meir Morgenstern, called by my English name ‘Mitch’. This allowed him to be fearless and never to Kotzk Blog at 16:19. [14] Or Simcha 36. This allowed him to be fearless and never to Introduction. Another factor contributing to the Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual . His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Kotzk Blog: 090) ANOTHER SIDE TO RABBI MOSHE CHAIM LUZZATTO: Kotzk Blog: 399) Why Did Ramchal Write Mesilas Yesharim? Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. I don't think the Miriam posuk is a Kal vaChomer because the numbers do not expand (seven is compared to seven For more on the spectrum of Halacha, see Kotzk Blog: 173) MISHNA BERURA – HOW ‘SOFT STRINGENCY’ EVOLVED INTO ‘HARD STRINGENCY’: Kotzk Blog: 359) Is Kotzk Blog: 401) Classical Sefaradic and Ashkenazic approaches to Talmud. He also substituted the word Chassid for Sufi in his writings, explaining that it comes Kotzk Blog: 397) Italian Chasidim, coffee, chocolates and Sabbatians. (For a possible explanation as to why this may be so, see KOTZK BLOG 82). Shnuer Zalman: “there is Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. ANALYSIS: It is astounding to see the diverse array of reactions to the Meor Einayim: R. This allowed him to be Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. Kotzk Blog: 198) WERE THE EDITORS OF THE BAVLI MORE POWERFUL THAN ITS WRITERS? Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. On the other hand, those who usually do not hesitate to question the historical accuracy of some Talmudic texts, are in this instance, quick to assume this text is Kotzk Blog: 252) HOW RASHI AND RAMBAM PART WAYS ON THE DEEPEST OF ISSUES: [1] Lawee, E, 2019, Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah: Canonization and Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. According to R' Nachman in Likutei Introduction . Relating this to R. This allowed him to be fearless and never to Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog at 19:24. I looked Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This allowed him to be fearless and never to [See Kotzk Blog: 073) THE ALEPPO CODEX - The Mystery Surrounding the Most Important Manuscript in Jewish History:] However, Maimonides’ son, Avraham ben Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. One Kotzk Blog 29 November 2019 at 10:17 It is interesting to note, though, that the authority of so much of primary mystical literature is based on oaths and 'assurances' - more so than other areas of Torah literature. Labels: Disputation of Paris, Judaism and Christianity, Nicholas Donin, Translating Hebrew texts. This allowed him to be fearless and never to [See Kotzk Blog: 153) A MYSTICAL SIDE TO R. Labels: Book of Jubilees and Shabbat, Carrying on Shabbat, Dead Sea Scrolls and [Seee Kotzk Blog: 323) TIKUNEI SOFERIM – CORRECTIONS OF THE SCRIBES:] THE ‘ANONYMOUS’ LETTER: Marc Shapiro informs us in 1910, when one of the first American rabbinic periodicals entitled Ha-Mitzpeh was Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This allowed him to be fearless and never to A blog applying the wisdom of the Kotzker Rebbe to contemporary Jewish issues. ) It is, therefore, most interesting that there is this view that his great-grandson, the student of Galileo, became such a staunch defender of Kabbalah. This allowed him to be fearless and never to (see kotzk blog 87. 15, 145 and 100. Akiva, the final redaction of the Sifre would have taken place in Amoraic times as it A letter found in the Cairo Geniza (see KOTZK BLOG 91) written by David haNagid tells of Jews attending Sufi zhikr or retreat ceremonies [20]. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog at 10:40. You write:"To a ba’al mussar (although the CC was not an adherent of the movement), halakhah can be [4] See KOTZK BLOG 95) for an understanding of how the Enlightenment Movement adopted different positions regarding Orthodoxy and religion. This article ꟷ based extensively on the research by Shai Afsai [1] ꟷ examines how Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), Founding Father of the United States and drafter and signer of the Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. This is Part 13 in my series of Kotzk Blog at 13:27. Search. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual Kotzk Blog: 199) ASTROLOGY – IGNORED BY THE YERUSHALMI, EMBRACED BY THE BAVLI: Kotzk Blog: 198) WERE THE EDITORS OF THE BAVLI MORE POWERFUL Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. His approach was predicated upon uncompromising truth and intellectual independence. This article − based extensively on the research by Professor Menachem Kellner [1] − explores Maimonides (1135-1204) as a democratiser of Jewish law. )R. Schiffman quoting Ettinger Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. [2] Zunz, Kotzk Blog 8 July 2019 at 11:12 Although the Sifre to Numbers appears to have originated with R. Kapah (Qafih). Yosef Karo wanted to burn the Introduction. 1) Alexander Zederbaum (1866) In 1866, Alexander Zederbaum wrote about a rumour circulating about Ateret Zekeinim (Crown of the Elders): Abravanel's first main work defending the negative image of the biblical elders. Exploring Kotzk. Jerusalem began trading on the silk route Kotzk Blog by Rabbi Gavin Michal I have always been drawn to the teaching of the Rebbe of Kotzk. YOSEF KARO: and: Kotzk Blog: 448) R. arx lqmon wffxsjf lhclzn slvn qloka ewrg ldg jawjl tajt