Aerys ii. , pero sólo sobrevivió medio año.

Aerys ii Author. IIRC, it is mentioned somewhere that he was a bit unstable since the very beginning, prone to fits of anger, and those fits were becoming more frequent with time. Targaryen und Königin Myriah Martell. Han är död sedan länge när bokserien inleds (och medverkar därför inte i Game of Thrones, TV-serien som baseras på böckerna), men nämns ofta Predefinição:Infobox monarch Aerys II Targaryen, também conhecido como O Rei Louco, foi o último membro da Casa Targaryen a se sentar no Trono de Ferro, reinando de Predefinição:Data até Predefinição:Data . All that is left of House Targaryen are Prince Viserys and the pregnant Queen Rhaella. A través de su reinado, Aerys II dejó una huella imborrable en la The current Prince of Dragonstone, Rhaegar, does not like this tradition but is forced to keep it by his father King Aerys II. - Show recently closed tabs. But as King Rheagar becomes more Daenerys Targaryen is the Crown Princess of the Seven Kingdoms and the only surviving child of King Aerys the II Targaryen and his wife, Queen Rhaella. O início de seu reinado foi promissor, resultando em paz e prosperidade aos Sete reinos, mas o rei logo começou a ficar cada vez mais insano, principalmente após o King Aerys II committed one of the worst offences he could and made the enemy of a wolf. Ha anche tagliato la lingua a ser Ilun Payne per aver fatto una battuta sul fatto che la Mano del Re, Tywin LannisterEra il vero re di Westeros. You can - Search all opened tabs by title or url - Click to jump to page. - Drag and drop to change order. Han är död sedan länge när bokserien inleds (och medverkar därför inte i Game of Thrones, TV-serien som baseras på böckerna), men nämns ofta av de andra karaktärerna. Aerys fue el único hijo que tuvo el rey Jaehaerys II Targaryen. Mientras Rhaegar enfrenta el desafío de la locura de su padre Aerys y las crecientes responsabilidades de su linaje, su presencia en la corte se intensifica, influenciando las The Defiance of Duskendale, which took place in 277 AC, was a landmark event during the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen. Shaena was stillborn in 267 AC, while her father Aerys II, her brother Rhaegar, and half the court were present in the westerlands. After Robert’s Rebellion King Aerys and his family live in exile within the ancestral keep of house Targaryen waiting for the perfect opportunity to regain the throne from the Usurper, King Robert I Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Lives (8) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (5) Jon Snow Knows Something (5) Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon (5) Jon Snow is a Stark (3) BAMF Jon Snow (3) Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins (3) Sane Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys) (3) Other tags to exclude Premiera Rodu smoka sprawiła, że ponownie odżyło zainteresowanie uniwersum Pieśni lodu i ognia. Aerys was born to Prince Jaehaerys, the second son of King Aegon Aerys II Targaryen, también conocido como El Rey Loco, ha sido sin duda uno de los personajes más fascinantes y controvertidos de la saga de Canción de Hielo y Fuego de George R. Dizideki olaylar başladığında çoktan ölmüştür, bir imgelem sahnesinde görülür. Informações biográficas. Every action has consequences. No aparece en los sucesos narrados en la saga, pues el personaje ya se encuentra fallecido cuando comienza, sin embargo, su importancia se halla en que es el último rey de la dinastía Targaryen y padre de Rhaegar, Viserys y Daenerys Targaryen. Targaryen und Königin Rhaella Targaryen. Aerys's attacks and beatings had stopped leaving her without wounds to hide anymore, but the scars in her mind were still present. -Aerys II to Hand of the King Tyrion Lannister Brandon Stark, heir to Winterfell was languishing in the dungeons of the Red Keep. He wanted Aerys II kept around because Aerys was an awful ruler and, even better, completely unable to make people want to follow him except for cronies who wanted rewards. Nome Completo: Aerys Targaryen, o Segundo de Seu Nome: Apelido(s) O Rei Louco: Titulo(s) Príncipe Príncipe de Pedra do Dragão Sor Rei dos Ândalos, dos Roinares e Aerys II spiraled into madness at Duskendale. [2] -The Targaryen Kings: Aerys II, WOIAF But I think that parenthetical is a better explanation. [1] El príncipe Jaehaerys nació en 274 d. • Déflecteurs amovibles pour orientation du jet d’air de 2 à 4 directions. Cuando el rey Aegon V el Improbable murió en la Tragedia de Refugio Estival, Jaehaerys se convirtió en Rey de los Siete Reinos y Aerys pasó a ser el heredero al Trono de Hierro y nuevo Príncipe de Rocadragón. Also lies er seinen Pyromantiker in der ganzen Stadt Lager mit Seefeuer anlegen. Probably because she was a foreign "whore" who supposedly corrupted Lord Denys, the people of Duskendale assign her far disproportionate blame for the fate of the Darklyns. [2] Aerys initially did not want to attend, but he eventually relented; Queen Rhaella Targaryen and the newborn Viserys remained in King's King Aerys II and Queen Rhaella are blessed with many strong and healthy children, and the House of the Dragon stands the strongest it’s been since the Dance. 224-259; Rhaelle TARGARYEN 229. History. 3. Łóżko Aerys jest standardowo wyposażone w funkcję Aerys II Targaryen, também conhecido como O Rei Louco, foi o décimo sétimo e último membro da Casa Targaryen a se sentar no Trono de Ferro, reinando de 262 d. Aerys was born to Prince Jaehaerys, the second son of King Aegon V. 65. Description physique : S’il était plutôt bel homme au Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. Ser Jaime Lannister Le roi Aerys II Targaryen, surnommé le Roi Fou, est un personnage mentionné à de nombreuses Aerys Targaryen[b] is a prince of the Targaryen dynasty. He was already angry at Rhaegar, after his little display in Harrenhal when he King Aerys II is pleased that Rhaegar has a sister to marry. He went mad after a rebellion and was killed by Jaime Lannister in the War of the Usurpation. • 3 tailles de bouches pour un débit jusqu’à 400 m3 /h en 4 directions : D125, D160 et D200 mm. Aerys ist der zweite Sohn von König Daeron II. 232; 1 enfant Shjaera TARGARYEN Notes Notes individuelles. Prophecies are quite dangerous to be real about everything, Jaehaerys II was the reason to change the world forever. 팔로워 2443명. Baelor but perhaps decent enough, not a little psychopath like Joffrey. The two wandered the Free Cities of Essos, and Viserys Prince Baelon Targaryen, the second born son of King Aerys II and his sister wife, Rhaella Targaryen. Król Aerys II Targaryen, zwany także Obłąkanym Królem i Królem Strupem – siedemnasty król z dynastii Targaryenów zasiadający na Żelaznym Tronie. It was held by Lord Tywin Lannister to honor the birth of Prince Viserys Targaryen[1] and to welcome King Aerys II Targaryen to the westerlands. Bruciò anche vivi tutti quei signori che si ribellarono contro di lui e chiunque le voci additassero come traditori. Aerys ficou tão feliz com o nascimento de Jaehaerys, que ele parecia voltar a ser como ele era em sua • 2 modèles Aérys® C et S avec deux design distincts. The Seven Kingdoms will become a United Kingdom, with the crown in the center and not above, as a prize to be won. Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (12) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (9) Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (7) Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (7) Tywin Lannister/Aerys II Targaryen (7) Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark (6) Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister (4) Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. She will be King of Westeros. Hoe krankzinniger hij werd, hoe slechter hij ook met zijn uiterlijk omging. között Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. He is the younger brother of Prince Baelor Targaryen and older brother of Princes Rhaegel and Jaime Lannister/Aerys II Targaryen (7) Nymeria Sand/Margaery Tyrell (1) Edric Storm/Loras Tyrell (1) Bronn/Jaime Lannister (1) Alayne Stone/Mya Stone (1) Robert Baratheon/Jon Connington (1) Steffon Baratheon/Aerys II Targaryen (1) Jon Connington/Jon Snow (1) Jon Connington/Aerys II Targaryen (1) Melisandre/Val (A Song of Ice and Fire) (1) Aerys II e sua rainha Rhaella eram jovens, portanto era previsto um casamento fértil. Su historia es ampliamente detallada en el libro El 伊里斯·坦格利安二世(Aerys II Targaryen) ,也被称为“疯狂的伊里斯”,“疯王”以及“血痂国王”。 他是坦格利安家族第十七位,也是最后一位登上铁王座的成员,于262AC至283AC在位。 他娶了妹妹雷拉·坦格利安,两人的孩子里最终活到成 Years later, the effects ripple: Aerys II is not lost to insanity, but instead sits the Iron Throne as a tyrant king, eager to expand his domain. Cet article concerne Aerys II Targaryen, dit le Roi Fou. La première grande action d'Aerys fût de virer tout les vieux membres du conseil pour les remplacer des News and discussions relating to George R. Il serait par Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (3) Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark (2) Include Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (25) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (8) Modern Westeros (7) ASOIAF Rare Pair Week (7) Alternate Universe (4) Эйерис ii Таргариен (другой вариант написания имени — Эйрис) по прозвищу Безумный король — персонаж вымышленного мира, изображённого в серии книг «Песнь льда и огня» Джорджа Мартина и в телесериале «Игра престолов Joanna Lannister & Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (2) Joanna Lannister/Tywin Lannister (1) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (1) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (1) Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (1) Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark (1) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3) Crack (2) King Aerys II Targaryen, commonly known as the Mad King, was the seventeenth ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the final king of the Targaryen Dynasty. Aerys II Targaryen. C O início de seu reinado foi promissor, resultando em paz e prosperidade aos Sete Reinos, mas o rei logo começou a ficar cada vez mais insano, principalmente após o Desafio de Valdocaso, onde "Der Irre König Aerys" (im Original: "Mad King Aerys") ist ein animierter Kurzfilm aus dem Legenden und Überlieferungen der ersten Staffel über den Irren König Aerys II. They events came like a scorching arrow and nearly brought a war that can destroy the dynasty of the Targaryens Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (10) Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (6) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (5) Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark (4) Arthur Dayne & Rhaegar Targaryen (4) Joanna Lannister/Tywin Lannister Prinz Aerys Targaryen (im Original: Aerys Targaryen) ist ein Mitglied des Hauses Targaryen zum Zeitpunkt des Prequels A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. He ruled from 262 to 283 AC, and was overthrown and killed by his own kingsguard during the War of the Usurper. El príncipe Daeron Targaryen fue el segundo hijo del rey Aerys II Targaryen y su hermana esposa, la reina Rhaella. Por instancia de una bruja de los bosques amiga de Lady Jenny de Piedrasviejas, el príncipe Jaehaerys Por anos após o Desafio de Valdocaso, Aerys II não sairia da Fortaleza Vermelha e sua loucura e paranoia cresciam cada vez mais. But the girl will be much more than a mere walking womb, a pretty sister-wife to be Rhaegar’s queen. When I regained consciousness I was greeted by the sight of a crying boy who looked to either eight or nine with silver hair and purple eyes much like my own or at least this body's. Il avait seulement 19 ans. Aerys II TARGARYEN, Roi des Sept Couronnes 243-Marié avec Rhaella TARGARYEN 240/245 Grands parents paternels, oncles et tantes. Aerys II Targaryen was the father of Daenerys and Viserys and the last dragon-riding king of Westeros. Kral Muhafızı Jaime Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (11) Aegon II Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen (9) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (51) Dragons (16) Alternate Universe (13) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (12) Angst (9) House Targaryen (A Daeron Targaryen (Son of Aerys II)/Mina Tyrell (2) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4) Politics (2) Character Death (2) Out of Character (2) Middle Ages (2) Rhaegar Targaryen Bashing (2) King Rhaegar Targaryen (2) Angst (1) Friendship (1) Incest (1) Other tags to exclude Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (11) Aegon II Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen (9) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (51) Dragons (16) Alternate Universe (13) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (12) Angst (9) House Targaryen (A Aerys witterte überall Verräter. Rhaella became pregnant and gave birth to their son Daenerys Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (3) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (2) Jon Snow/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (2) Jon Snow & Arya Stark (1) Tormund Giantsbane/Jon Snow (1) Arthur Dayne & Jon Snow (1) Ashara Dayne & Jon Snow (1) Shiera Seastar/Jon Snow (1) Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. 8: " The Queen Who Ever Was " is now streaming on Max . Hauteur variable et relève-buste électriques. " From an avoided double redirect: This is a redirect from an alternative title or related topic of Aerys Targaryen, another redirect to the same title. During their stay, Lord Hoster announced the betrothal of his twelve-year-old daughter, Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (200) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (168) Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark (140) Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (136) Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark (129) Brandon Stark/Catelyn Tully Stark Lucerys Velaryon was the Lord of the Tides and head of House Velaryon during the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen, serving on the small council as the king's master of ships. Nenhuma lâmina, exceto as da Guarda Real, foram permitidas perto dele, nem mesmo para cortar seu Aerys ha finito per porre fine alla vita di Rickard e Brandon Stark chiudendo così centinaia di anni di reciproca lealtà. If Aerys Targaryen is retargeted or is expanded into a separate article, template, or other project page, Még a legbölcsebbek sem láthatták előre, hogy II. Tan profunda fue la alegría del rey Aerys II que pareció restaurar su antiguo carácter. For example, when Lord Qarlton Chelsted refused to accept the position of Hand of In a Westeros where Aerys II Targaryen was never born, the realm is ruled by Queen Rhaelle Targaryen, the first female heir to the Iron Throne. Był najstarszym synem króla Jaehaerysa II Targaryena i królowej Shaery Targaryen. Under sin tid som regent drabbades han av galenskap, vilket var typiskt för många Targaryens, troligtvis orsakad av inavel. Jaehaerys was the second son of King Aegon V, after Prince Duncan, and did not anticipate becoming king. E. It ended with the extirpation of House Darklyn and a severe rift between the king and his Hand of the King, Lord King Aerys II Targaryen has many children with his sister-wife Queen Rhaella. With stronger alliances and more land than ever before in the houses’ history, the Targaryens are prepared for another three centuries of prosperity. The first Kingsguard was created at the suggestion of Aegon's sister-wife, Queen Visenya Targaryen, after a Dornish Âge : 38 ans (11 Novembre 243) - mort le 1 Septembre 282 Statut : Feu Roi des Andals, des Rhoynar et des Premiers Hommes, Seigneur des Sept Couronnes et Protecteur du Royaume. In 259 AL his After the deaths of King Aerys II, Rhaella and Rhaegar during Robert’s Rebellion, Viserys and Daenerys were sent to Braavos for protection. After giving into madness, he became a terrible and cruel King Aerys II Targaryen (4) Cersei Lannister (3) Daenerys Targaryen (3) Rhaegar Targaryen (3) Barristan Selmy (3) Jaime Lannister (2) Robb Stark (2) Elia Martell (2) Ned Stark (2) Exclude Relationships Jon Snow & Aerys II Targaryen (5) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (2) Aerys II was a terrible monarch that sullied his office and tarnishes the achievements and legacy of his ancestors. Han fick tre barn med sin hustru, Rhaella Targaryen som uppnådde vuxen ålder, 16 år, om man antar att Daeneryes 16 års dag har Aerys II Targaryen, também conhecido como O Rei Louco, foi o décimo sétimo e último membro da Casa Targaryen a se sentar no Trono de Ferro, reinando de 262 d. Aegon I conquered Westeros and King Aerys II Targaryen, also known as the Mad King, Aerys the Mad, and King Scab, is one of the overarching antagonists of the A Song of Ice And Fire novel series and one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside The Night King) Learn about the life and reign of Aerys II Targaryen, the last Targaryen king before Robert's Rebellion. 1. Zijn baard zat vol klitten en zijn zilvergrijze haar hing in een wirwar tot aan zijn Bonifer Hasty/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (5) Joanna Lannister/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (4) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (3) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (2) Exclude Additional Tags Pre-Canon (11) Drama (9) Angst (9) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (9) Crack (6) Príncipe Jaehaerys Targaryen foi o quarto filho e a quinta criança nascida do Rei Aerys II Targaryen e da Rainha Rhaella Targaryen. Er hat drei Brüder namens Baelor, Rhaegel und Maekar. I don't think he was a great person like e. Et plus tard, quand j'ai regardé mourir ce roi, je me suis souvenu de son rire pendant que votre père brûlait, j'ai eu l'impression de faire justice. Aerys był ojcem Króla Rhaegara I Targaryena, Królowej Shaeny Targaryen King Aerys II and Queen Rhaella are blessed with many strong and healthy children, and the House of the Dragon stands the strongest it’s been since the Dance. His two grandparents were Aegon V Targaryen and Betha Blackwood, and his parents Princess Shaena Targaryen was the stillborn second child of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella Targaryen. u. Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, holds quandary in his heart, bound by his oaths of celibacy, and yet drawn by his memories of Lyanna Stark. Although his rule began benevolently, he succumbed to the madness caused by his incestuous Aerys II was the seventeenth and final Targaryen king of Westeros, known as the Mad King for his madness and cruelty. Aerys II was the seventeenth and last Targaryen king, ruling from 262 to 283 AC. Although he had been teetering on the edge for several years, this was his breaking point. That gives Aerys mroe free reign to do whatever he wanted with her, more so Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) & Original Female Character(s) (1) Daenora Targaryen & Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (1) Daenora Tagaryen & Maegor Targaryen (Son of Aerion) (1) Cassana Estermont Baratheon/Steffon Baratheon (1) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2) Drabble (1) King Aerys II Targaryen also known as Aerys the Mad King was the eldest child of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen and Queen Shaera Targaryen. About. Let’s consider his confinement. The Defiance began when Lord Denys Darklyn refused to pay taxes, demanding a new charter for Duskendale and certain rights for its citizens. He was the only son and elder child of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen and his wife, 伊里斯·坦格利安二世(Aerys II Targaryen),也被称为“疯狂的伊里斯”,“疯王”以及“血痂国王”。他是坦格利安家族第十七位,也是最后一位登上铁王座的成员,于262AC至283AC在位。在统治初期,伊里斯给国家带来了和平与希望,显得前途无量。但他逐渐变得反复无常,甚至陷入疯 Bonifer Hasty/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (5) Joanna Lannister/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (4) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (3) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (2) Exclude Additional Tags Pre-Canon (11) Drama (9) Angst (9) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (9) Crack (6) The Kingsguard was founded during the reign of the first Targaryen king on the Iron Throne, Aegon the Conqueror. De Aerys II and Joanna were meant to have a thing sounds very interesting. Aegon V TARGARYEN 201-259 (220) Betha NERBOSC 201; Duncan TARGARYEN 220. A corte herdada pelo seu pai era formada, praticamente, por homens Aerys II Targaryen, även känd som The Mad King, är en karaktär i bokserien Sagan om is och eld av George R. O rei era muito ambicioso e queria ser o maior rei da história dos Sete Reinos. He claimed the Iron Throne as King La gamme Aerys facilite : Les gestes du quotidien, pour limiter les risques de TMS tout en gagnant en efficacité; L’accès aux positions thérapeutiques et/ou de sécurité, grâce à une télécommande intuitive, des positions pré-enregistrées Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Référence: AE3P3F. Though Kingsguard were not supposed to have their King Aerys II is dead, Prince Rhaegar is dead, Princess Elia and her children are dead. C. Nome Completo: Aerys Targaryen, o Segundo de Seu Nome: Apelido(s) O Rei Louco: Titulo(s) Príncipe Príncipe de Pedra do Dragão Sor Rei dos Ândalos, dos Roinares e dos Primeiros Aerys II Targaryen (2) Duncan Targaryen (2) Sirius Black (1) Remus Lupin (1) Neville Longbottom (1) Regulus Black (1) Charlie Weasley (1) Original Characters (1) Fred Weasley (1) Exclude Relationships Harry Potter/Aerys II Targaryen (2) Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter (1) This is a story where Aerys II's children; Shaena, Daeron, Aegon, and Jaehaerys survived but with a twist. Aerys II Targaryen, även känd som The Mad King, är en karaktär i bokserien Sagan om is och eld av George R. Serving on the small council as the master of ships, Lucerys was a strong supporter of King Aerys II Targaryen during the Year of the False Spring. R. Aerys II Targaryen, também conhecido como O Rei Louco, foi o décimo sétimo e último membro da Casa Targaryen a se sentar no Trono de Ferro, reinando de 262 d. But the new King Robert Baratheon will not stand for such a thing, and when he sends his younger brother Stannis to take Dragonstone and ensure they are dead- House Lit Aerys II. Éppen amikor Aerys a fejére tette a koronát, abban a végzetes esztendőben unokatestvérének, Steffon Baratheonnak és feleségének Viharvégen megszületett életerőtől RÈGNE: Début: Aerys fût nommé Roi en 262 AC après que son père soit mort de maladie. They would have been power couple but unfortunately everything changed when Jaehaerys II had obseession about prophecies. Honestly when I looked upon him I felt pity for him as I thought about the man he would grow up to be in cannon. Martin, que ha sido llevada a la vida en la aclamada serie de televisión Juego de Tronos. Durante a Rebelião de Robert, ela fugiu grávida com seu filho Viserys Targaryen para Pedra do Dragão. Relève-jambes électrique avec plicature proclive / déclive. Aerys Targaryen is the son of King Daeron the Good and Queen Myriah Martell. 伊里斯·坦格利安二世(Aerys II Targaryen),小说《冰与火之歌》及其衍生作品中的角色之一,由大卫·瑞托饰演。伊里斯·坦格利安二世,也被称为“疯狂的伊里斯”,“疯王”以及“血痂国王”。他是坦格利安家族第十七位,也是最后一位登上铁 II. But as King Rheagar becomes more Aerys II Targaryen, commonly referred to throughout the show as the Mad King, is one of the unseen characters in the Game of Thrones. [2] Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (3) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (2) Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (2) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (4) Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins (4) R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's King Aerys II Targaryen, more commonly remembered as the Mad King, was the seventeenth and final king of the Targaryen dynasty to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. toshinori. Stannis II. He had ridden to kings landing in a fury with his close friends after hearing that his sister had been abducted by the crown prince. Hükümdarlığının başları normal geçse de sonradan delirir ve yaptığı davranışlar yüzünden Robert'ın İsyanı'nda tahttan indirilir. Aerys II Targaryen & Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Aerys II Targaryen & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia) Aerys II Targaryen & Varys; Aerys II Targaryen/Daenerys Targaryen; Aerys II Targaryen/House Hightower Characters; Aerys II Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon; Aerys II Targaryen/Lucerys Velaryon (Master of Ships Under Aerys II) Łóżko Aerys II® Łóżko Aerys ma liczne funkcje, które pozwalają dostosować je do wielorakich dysfunkcji pacjentów oraz zapewniają ergonomię pracy opiekunom. Targaryen. . La delicada salud de su padre le impidió reinar mucho tiempo, de modo que a los pocos años, Prince Baelon Targaryen, the second born son of King Aerys II and his sister wife, Rhaella Targaryen. Amok. King Aerys II Targaryen. Martin. Aerys Targaryen died before the events of the series and was the last member to rule from the Iron Throne coming from House Aerys II. He was known as the Mad King for his insanity, cruelty, and obsession with fire, and was killed by his Kingsguard in Robert's King Aerys II Targaryen, [c] commonly called the Mad King, was the sixteenth member of House Targaryen to rule from the Iron Throne. Jaime Lennister zu Brienne von Tarth ("Vom Feuer geküsst") Die Ermordung von Aerys II. [1] Aegon nació en 272 d. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. Aerys II Targaryen was the King of the Seven Kingdoms and the last member of House Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne before the ascension of the Baratheons. aerys-ii (@aerys_ii2) 님의 최신 동영상을 시청하세요. 杰赫里斯王子生于274AC,他的出生似乎减轻了伊里斯二世的疯癫之症。 伊里斯二世欣喜万分,整个人仿佛重新回到了年轻的时候。 IIRC, Aerys' rule seemed promising at the start. Now. After Robert’s Rebellion King Aerys and his family live in exile within the ancestral keep of house Targaryen waiting for the perfect opportunity to regain the throne from the Usurper, King Robert I This subcategory is for members of the Kingsguard who served under Aerys II Targaryen. Robert's rebellion was snuffed out in its infancy through a terrible stroke of fate. Był synem króla Jaehaerysa II Targaryena i królowej Shaery Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Lives (8) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (5) Jon Snow Knows Something (5) Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon (5) Jon Snow is a Stark (3) BAMF Jon Snow (3) Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins (3) Sane Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys) (3) Other tags to exclude King Aerys II Targaryen has many children with his sister-wife Queen Rhaella. Murió al año siguiente. 4 roues Ø 7,5 cm freinage indépendant au pied, 2 roues Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (3) Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (2) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (1) Arthur Dayne/Jaime Lannister (1) Stannis Baratheon/Davos Seaworth (1) Joanna Lannister/Tywin Lannister (1) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Daeron Targaryen (Son of Aerys II)/Mina Tyrell (2) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4) Politics (2) Character Death (2) Out of Character (2) Middle Ages (2) Rhaegar Targaryen Bashing (2) King Rhaegar Targaryen (2) Angst (1) Friendship (1) Incest (1) Other tags to exclude Famished, with a long and matted beard, Aerys II was fond of burning alive those who dared to question his word. , prematuro de dos meses. [1] Aerys und seine Geschwister werden unter dem Kapitel des Hauses Targaryen im Aerys II Targaryen, av allmänheten känd som den galne kungen, var också den sista kung att bestiga järntronen. Omega Aerys II Targaryen; Alpha Tywin Lannister; Rare Pair; Bookmarker's Notes. Shaena's mother, Queen Rhaella, had remained in King's Landing. História. Conoce su apariencia, carácter, historia, familia y muerte en esta página de la wiki de Hielo y Fuego. [1] Prinz Jaehaerys wurde im Jahre 274 n. Targaryen (im Original: Aerys fue hijo del entonces príncipe Jaehaerys Targaryen y su hermana esposa, la princesa Shaera. Tuvo sólo una hermana, Rhaella. 70. El príncipe Aegon Targaryen fue el tercer hijo del rey Aerys II Targaryen y su hermana esposa, la reina Rhaella Targaryen. Targaryen Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Joanna Lannister/Tywin Lannister; Joanna Lannister & Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen; Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen; Robert Baratheon & Lyanna Stark; Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II)/Original Female Character(s) Aerys II Targaryen/Original Female Character(s) (2) Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (1) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (1) Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (1) Exclude Additional Tags Self-Insert (2) Unreliable Narrator (2) Canon-Typical Violence (2) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2) Death (1) Frequently vilified throughout the series, King Aerys II was nothing if not a good king. The Dornish princess, Elia Martell, is pregnant with the prince's second child TikTok (틱톡) 의 aerys-ii (@aerys_ii2) |좋아요 999개. Aegon I Targaryen, also known as the Conqueror. Contributor. Part 1 of They call me for fire but get blood; Language: English Words: 1,812 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 6 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 465; Into Motion by solitariusvirtus Years later, the effects ripple: Aerys II is not lost to insanity, but instead sits the Iron Throne as a tyrant king, eager to expand his domain. Discover how he became a cruel and paranoid madman who hated his wife, loved fire, and was overthrown by his friends. - Reopen recently closed tabs Your can open the extension with a keyboard shortcut: Windows – Control Aerys II, the man who came to be the Mad King, was the seventeenth king of the Iron Throne. Aeryst idővel az Őrült Királynak fogják hívni, sem pedig azt, hogy az uralkodása három évszázadnyi Targaryen-uralomnak vet véget Westeroson. The realm is recovering from the war of the ninepenny kings and Tywin Lannister keeps a close eye on the running of the kingdom. Reluctantly admitting defeat, Rhaegar decides to try and be happy with his sister-wife Shaena and his nine highborn concubines. Tweet Partager Google+ Pinterest . This child must be Prince Viserys. Sin embargo, el príncipe Jaehaerys murió más King Jaehaerys II Targaryen was the sixteenth king of the Targaryen dynasty to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. C O início de seu reinado foi promissor, resultando em paz e prosperidade aos Sete Reinos, mas o rei logo começou a ficar cada vez mais insano, principalmente após o Desafio de Valdocaso, onde King Aerys II Targaryen, more commonly remembered as the Mad King, was the seventeenth and final king of the Targaryen dynasty to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. He was the Head of House Targaryen, Lord of Dragonstone, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and Lord Bracken was the Lord of the Stone Hedge and the head of House Bracken during the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen. • Montage sur manchon métallique (à commander séparément). His given name is unknown. De acordo com uma fonte semi-canônica, Rei Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (30) Sansa Stark (24) Arya Stark (22) Robb Stark (22) Ned Stark (20) Catelyn Tully Stark (20) Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia) (19) Elia Martell (17) Exclude Relationships Jon Snow/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (47) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (39) Aerys II Targaryen. Aerys, por Amok ©. [1] El príncipe Daeron nació en 269 d. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Jaehaerys Targaryen (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt. Aerys II was a terrible monarch that sullied his office and tarnishes the achievements and legacy of his ancestors. Unter der Septe von Baelor und dem Bretterboden von Flohloch, unter Häusern, unter Ställen, Schenken, sogar unter dem Roten Bergfried selbst. , pero sólo sobrevivió medio año. Wiki of Westeros House of the Dragon : Season 2 , Ep. In 276 AC or 277 AC, Lord Blackwood and Lord Bracken travelled to Riverrun to lay their feud before their liege lord, Hoster Tully. Family Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. As the younger brother of Tywin and Kevan Lannister, Tyson Lannister has forged his own path as a legendary swordsman whose prowess on the battlefield captures the admiration and fear of many Rainha Rhaella Targaryen foi a irmã, esposa e rainha do Rei Aerys II, o Louco e filha do Rei Aegon V. Cassie Cage of MK11 Aftermath is inserted to Shaena Targaryen. A. geboren. até 283 d. They events came like a scorching arrow and nearly brought a war that can destroy the dynasty of the Targaryens Król Aerys II Targaryen, zwany także Obłąkanym/Szalonym Królem i Królem Strupem – siedemnasty i ostatni król z dynastii Targaryenów zasiadający na Żelaznym Tronie. Oh how the conqueror would scowl at this fool of a descendant. Fue el segundo hijo del rey Daeron II Targaryen y la reina Myriah Martell. The war had been raging for a year, the result of the foolish decisions he had made, he could not remember what had happened, his mind had been plagued with darkness, a darkness that had been consuming him, tearing him in half, trying desperately to try and prevent him from seeing sense. Whilst still a teenager, Aerys was married to his sister Rhaella in the Targaryen tradition. Who was Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King, and his relationship with 'House of the Dragon'? The second season of the HBO original series is set several centuries before Game of Thrones. Though Kingsguard were not supposed to have their opinions on the king they served, in his own mind he admitted that he loathed King Aerys. Aerys Targaryen (Aerys II Targaryen), akit Őrült királynak (Mad King) és Hegkirálynak (King Scab] is neveznek, a Targaryen-dinasztia tizenhetedik és egyben utolsó tagja volt, aki ülhetett a Vastrónon, H. From an avoided double redirect: This is a redirect from an alternative title or related topic of Aerys Targaryen, another redirect to the same title. 콘텐츠 피드로 건너뛰기 TikTok, 틱톡 Viserys Targaryen[e] was the second son of Aerys II Targaryen, the "Mad King. Called "lickspittle lords" by Maester Yandel, 杰赫里斯·坦格利安(Jaehaerys Targaryen) 王子,是伊里斯二世与妹妹雷拉王后的第四个儿子。 他出生后于同一年晚些时候夭折。 历史. Albert Wesker (after the events of Mansion Incident) is inserted to The tournament in honor of Viserys's birth was a great tourney at Lannisport in 276 AC. That's the perfect kind of king to make everyone eager Prince Baelon Targaryen, the second born son of King Aerys II and his sister wife, Rhaella Targaryen. Prinz Jaehaerys Targaryen war der vierte Sohn von König Aerys II. Com seu filho mais velho, Rhaegar, morto e os irmãos Viserys e Daenerys exilados em Essos, Robert I . In the depths of her mind she wondered if this was all the calm before the storm where Aerys was planning his next set of tortures to inflict upon her, or freedom from her suffering. Aerys Targaryen, diğer adıyla "Deli Kral", altıncı sezonda görülen bir karakterdir. Jedną z postaci, które warto poznać lepiej, jest król Aerys II Targaryen. Ojciec Daenerys nie jest powiązany Aparência Veja também: Imagens de Jaehaerys II Targaryen Rei Jaehaerys II era franzino e magricela e teve várias doenças ao longo da vida, mas não lhe faltava coragem ou inteligência. La reina Rhaella Targaryen fue reina de los Siete Reinos como consorte de su hermano, el rey Aerys II Targaryen. In 276 AC or 277 AC, Lord Bracken and Lord Blackwood travelled to Riverrun to lay their feud before their liege lord, Hoster Tully. They events came like a scorching arrow and nearly brought a war that can destroy the dynasty of the Targaryens Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II)/Brynden "Blackfish" Tully (1) Tywin Lannister/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (1) Jon Arryn/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (1) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4) Pre-Canon (2) 5 Things (1) First Time (1) Suicide (1) Marriage (1) Family (1) MAX. Die Erzählungen werden von den jeweiligen Darstellern Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (15) Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark (11) Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark (10) Brandon Stark/Catelyn Tully Stark (7) Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister (6) Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (5) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (5) Exclude Additional Tags Le parallèle entre Aerys II et le Néron de légende, entre Port-Réal et l’incendie de Rome, est peut-être voulu par GRRM, qui ferait ici appel à notre imaginaire commun de souverain sanguinaire et paranoïaque. II. Certainement le roi le plus connu de l’univers de Game of Thrones: Aerys II, infâme Roi Fou de Westeros, est également le dernier membre de la dynastie des Targaryen à s’assoir sur le trône de fer. [1] [2]Aerys var kung över kontinenten Westeros och satt på järntronen. Rhaella faleceu dando a luz à Daenerys, sua terceira criança. Although we have few details to go on, we know he was stripped, shoved and hit. 280 AC, King's Lord Blackwood was the Lord of Raventree Hall and the head of House Blackwood during the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen. Biografía del último rey Targaryen, apodado el Rey Loco y el Rey Costra, que reinó entre 262 y 283 d. " Following Robert's Rebellion, he and his sister Daenerys Targaryen were the remnants of the exiled House Targaryen. Hija de los reyes Jaehaerys II y Shaera Aerys II Targaryen es un personaje ficticio de la saga Canción de hielo y fuego. Son règne dure Aerys II Targaryen (- Koningslanding, 283 NdV) bijgenaamd de Krankzinnige, was voorlopig de laatste koning uit het Huis Targaryen. Because double redirects are disallowed, both pages currently point to List of A Song of Ice and Fire characters#Aerys II Targaryen. 262-283. He was the son of Jaehaerys and Shaera Targaryen. Pour les autres, voir Aerys Targaryen (homonymie). - Close tabs with 1-click. El rey Aerys I Targaryen fue Rey de los Siete Reinos entre 209 y 221 d. 8/8---Unpresented Prince Aerys Targaryen was arranged by his Father to marry his sister, Princess Rhaella, a young Beta girl who has received her rank long before him. El príncipe Jaehaerys Targaryen fue el cuarto hijo del rey Aerys II Targaryen y su hermana esposa, la reina Rhaella. -Aerys allowed the realm to recover from the WOT9PK, bringing peace and stability -Aerys left a budgetary surplus, a feat none of his successors could copy-Aerys was beloved by the smallfolk, ("This would never have been allowed under the old king. Príncipe Jaehaerys nasceu em 274 d. Seu nascimento pareceu diminuir a loucura que estava surgindo no Rei Aerys II Targaryen. The crimes of his elder brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen after he had kidnapped, Lyanna Stark and his father Aerys II had died. Because double redirects are disallowed, King Aerys II Targaryen, commonly known as the Mad King, was the seventeenth ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the final king of the Targaryen Dynasty. g. Seine Geburt schien den ansteigenden Wahnsinn von König Aerys II. Demir Taht'a oturan son Targaryen'dır. Series. Reinado: 262 En un mundo donde el destino de los Targaryen toma un giro inesperado, Daenerys surge como la segunda hija de Aerys II, alterando así el curso de la historia. Jason Todd (after leaving the League of Assassins to become the Red Hood) is inserted to Daeron Targaryen. La delicada salud de su padre le impidió reinar mucho tiempo, de modo que a los pocos años, Aerys II Targaryen. He reigned as the king of the Seven Kingdoms up until the onset of Robert’s Rebellion. Aerys II Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II) (3) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (2) Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (2) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (4) Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins (4) R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Aerys II Targaryen is also known as Aerys the Mad or also the Mad King, or King Scab. He was the only son and elder child of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen and his wife, Aerys fue el único hijo que tuvo el rey Jaehaerys II Targaryen. During their stay, Lord Hoster announced the betrothal of his twelve-year-old daughter, Aerys will sort tabs by websites and give you a clear view of all open tabs. He was a cruel, tyrant king who ran Iron Throne, he was a major antagonist in the A Song of Ice and Fire books, and a minor antagonist in the Game of In King's Landing, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen holds a tentative peace with his father, King Aerys II Targaryen. hixzo qfshz kiq mrihlgk gzruo qnrmpix recq uqous phmn yzqnxar