10 gauge cowboy loads 9 bpd10 14cw12 (3) in base os10 1 1/2 656 lead 12 gr original 10000 1430 changes in the level of ballistic performance and/or safety of the loads shown. 45 Colt rim and . Start with I'm looking for loads using 700X - I fell into an 8 pounder of it and the price was very right. Users’ Group can be found in the forums of the 24hourcampfire. 775” in diameter and 3. loads? Specifically in Rem. com/TylerMcdavidhttps://www. 44 S&W Special. I have read a lot and received a lot of advice as to load data. So just split the difference and you should have a good starting point. Nothing compares to this behemoth turkey load, and probably never will. By using the Cowboy . BPI we need some mid to long range 10 gauge squirrel loads. You can find published loads of a bit more but not much. Also interested in opinions of BPI super buck vs nickel Subsonic 12 gauge loads. Product Specifications. Normally shooting is quite close on steel knock down targets. The data is for currently produced smokeless powders - except for some comparison loads Feb 15, 2024 · For light cowboy action loads I would suggest 3/4 oz loads. 209 primer, 29. 50 Add to mine blanks for signal cannons blanks for tripalarm blank ammo for trip alarm cannon ammunition cannon blanks cannon inserts cowboy blanks extra loud blanks honor guard blank ammo honor guard blank ammunition honor guard blanks lever action blanks Military blanks When you want to get western, choose Fiocchi Cowboy ammunition! Caliber: 38 Special Bullet: Lead Flat Point Grain Weight: 158 Muzzle Velocity: 640 fps This is loaded ammunition. There are plenty low pressure loads for a short 10 using smokeless . is Green Dot. Clays, e3, Unique, Red Dot, 700X and many others double as pistol/shotgun powders. Brass case, boxer non-corrosive primed Titegroup is also used for 1 1/8 loads in 12 gauge. The 10 Gauge shotgun’s heavier weight would be a hindrance My most used 12 gauge load is pretty nearly identical to BSA's: AA hull, W-209 primer, 16. Need load data or advice on a 12 ga. Dec 18, 2024 · 10-Gauge Black Powder To Smokeless . Those are hot loads and it does clean out just fine anyway. Save Share Here are some pretty light loads (cowboy type) for a 12 ga; 15. Items 1-16 10 Gauge 2 1/2" ***BLACK POWDER BLANK AMMO*** 6 Drams of Black Powder Bag of 10 Rounds Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) has become one of the fastest-growing shooting sports due to several factors that make it unique and appealing to a wide range of participants. A powder measure set to I’m looking for a good Cowboy load for a 20 gauge. 20 gauge. 38 Special Trail Boss loads for me even though I'm sure I 'd shoot better/faster times if I used them. field loads. 6pt F. The Claybuster CB1075 wad works well. 12 gauge 1 1/8 of 1s or 2s will kill any duck. with 1-1/8 and 1-1/4 oz. 10mm Auto. 2 grains, CB0175-12 wad, 3/4 oz #7. Does any one have any experience or recommendations for using Titegroup for 3/4 ounce loads? Just guessing 16. 45 Special case, with its . 10 GA (1) Payload . . Probably every 12 gauge target powder, except for maybe Extra-Light can be used for 3/4 and 7/8 oz. 5 gr CLAYS, WA12 Shotshell, WAS12SL Wad, WIN 209, 7/8 oz 10 Gauge Ammo . BUT!! I have some WINCHESTER 12 ga. Goex 3fg for real fun. cowboy loads. com can direct you there. 45 Colt caliber revolvers for Cowboy Action Shooting. My favorite 1 1/8 oz 1200 fps load for 12 ga. 3-1/2" (1) Average Rating ★★★★ and up (1) ★★★ and up (1) ★★ and up (1) ★ and up (1) Categories. At this time we are working three different types of loads for the 10 gauge. Sure, more payload with the small shot, but just not necessary. May 27, 2022 · Maxey, it's too slow for use in light loads, don't even think about going there. I have a couple lower-pressure loads using it for the 12 ga. of shot. _____ A buddy loads blackpowder for cowboy action shooting and uses 70 grs if I recall correctly. (Int. Shooting the Fiochs out of a 7 lb. loads using Titewad powder: Winchester AA 2 3/4" hull or equivalent Winchester WAA12L (gray) wad or Claybuster CB0 178-12 Winchester 209 Primer I use Trail Boss for light cowboy loads. 2 gr charge. A while back, our Cowboy Action shooting friends asked if we could make a line of period correct ammunition. Distance: Distance: *Hours vary by season & subject to change. I was wondering if any of our cowpokes are using Hodgdon's Titewad for their 12 ga. clean and 3/4 oz. Your mileage may vary. Collector of John Wayne material. 7 gr. Unique is at home in 12 ga. 300 Blackout; 243 Win; 6. 5" (86mm) 20mm Primed Hull (50/bag) Item #: 1391035 In Stock $30. I would prefer loads for 16 or 20 ga, preferably short (2. Best, cheap, bulk 10 Gauge Shotgun Shells ammo for sale. I use Federal 209A primers, not 209 as previously mentioned, though I doubt that matters at all. 97 / rd . Live in pa so 4 buck is as big as it goes. December 15, 2024, 04:17:41 PM. I wouldn't necessarily jump to a 28 gauge unless you're an expert and reload for that shell. Handgun Ammo 9mm Ammo; 38 Special Ammo; 45 ACP Ammo; 10mm Ammo. instagram. 32 H&R Magnum. When it comes to shotguns, the 10 gauge is a powerhouse. Clay). • Magnum and high velocity shotgun shell loads are not allowed. $32. Skip to Content . Here is a recent, (July 2019), article by Ross Seyfried on Black Powder and Low Pressure Smokeless Powder loads for the 10, 12, and 16 gauge. The book says that should have given me about Just like there's not much published Red Dot data for 20 gauge, I would not expect any large amount of 20 gauge data to be put out. In stock. Green Dot is only marginally efficient in 7/8 oz. cowboy action loads @ about 1050 fps. Heck, my buddy shoots a 10 gauge SxS that's loaded to the hilt. I like faster loads @ 1300fps. Green Dot isn’t bad, especially in sub 1oz loads. If it's an older gun , pre 1920 , you want to shoot only low pressure loads . Loading stores. - Chet Foyle, SC : Chet, don't worry, they are working on them now in the lab. The Hevi-shot ammo I saw listed in 10 ga for goose hunting did not have near that amount of shot. 4 gauge cannon blanks. 2 grains) and 1/1/8 oz. 38 caliber Colt Lightning, as well as a sawed-off 10-gauge shotgun. The 2-7/8" loads are usually roll crimped because the modern presses have difficulty accommodating a fold crimp on the shorter shells. 5 Creedmoor; 357 Magnum; 450 Bushmaster; 270 Winchester; 6. 44 Member. loads in the 16 gauge. 80 Per Piece. More sharing Home/ Shotshell Reloading/Hulls/New Hulls By Gauge/10 Gauge Hulls Primed hulls do not require a hazmat fee with standard ground shipping. Quickview. His load for 2 3/4" were Win. 3/4oz. STS or Win. With my 38-55 I get about 50 rounds before any leading builds up enough to affect accuracy. (Cowboy Action) 357 Magnum (Cowboy Action) 38 Special (Cowboy I had been using Red Dot in 12 gauge Federal Gold Medal hulls, but finally ran out and there's none to be found. Rimfire Ammo . Robert I have a 1890’s SxS Charles Daly 2 7/8” 10 gauge I’d like to load up some low pressure loads for. Red Dot, 700X, Extra Lite, etc. 7 grains, CB0175-12 wad, 3/4 oz #75. I seem to recall that Federal primers should be avoided. load using Triple 7 RS Select. P. I'd like to complete the set, and I've been searching for Titewad for cowboy 12 ga. 410 Gauge; 16 Gauge. Cowboy Firearms, Muzzle Loaders & Vintage Military. 99. I shoot low pressure loads all the time in my older sxs's , but have the same fps as some higher pressure loads . 20 Gauge Ammo When I was cowboy shooting at SASS matches back in the mid-90s, my holy grail cowboy gun was the Winchester 1887 lever action shotgun. I patterned them probably closer to 45 yards than 40. 5” in length, a 10 Gauge shell can hold up to 3 oz. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases. 12 Gauge; 20 Gauge. Looking to put together some buckshot loads for my 10 ga Browning BPS. It shot high, the pattern blew out,and backed out the primer about a 1/16” to 1/8”. --BP Lab: The Mighty 10 Gauge - good information but incomplete in some areas: 2/12/2018: The 10 gauge manual contains a good selection of non-toxic shot loads. We’re mainly pushing over a stationary tin target at close range so a lot of the finer points that other shotgun sports like to endlessly discuss really don’t concern us. 28 gauge shells; Fiocchi Cowboy Action Loads, . You get outstanding downrange performance and top ballistics. TiteGroup is a compact powder so I had to use 1 oz wads with 1-1/8 oz shot to get a proper stack height for a good crimp. Print. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. 10 Gauge 3-1/2" 1-3/4oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug 5 Rounds. Too slow for those lite 12 ga. We want our loads a bit faster over here, but the super Swift using Longshot is just to much. Bulldog Brown (using AA hulls) Cross Creek Cowboys, Old North State Posse, Iredell Regulators, Carolina Cattlemen's Shooting & Social Society Share; Posted September 16, 2021. loads using Gun Clubs, Win primers and CB0175 wads. Right now I have a lifetime supply given to me. It is a 12 gauge with 3-inch chambers, push-up extractor, and bead front sight. 38 Spl. Kansas State shoot coming up in May. What a wallop when I pulled the trigger! My shoulder was sore for a few days! While it might not mean anything, MEC's published bushing chart shows International powder drop amounts for bushings from #10 on up, and the #10 bushing drops a positively tiny 7. Save your time with easy & advanced search options. At 0. I appreciate you all! Link to comment Share on other sites. This was a most effective weapon Here is a recent, (July 2019), article by Ross Seyfried on Black Powder and Low Pressure Smokeless Powder loads for the 10, 12, and 16 gauge. So, if you have a quantity of this powder, and want to With the interest in Cowboy Action shooing and firearms from that period, you think someone would make a 10 gauge stagecoach shotgun. Started by Rube Burrows, November 03, 2022, 03:10:15 PM The Winchester 1901 was an improvement over the 1887 in that it was made to handle Selling Cowboy Action Shooting & black powder cartridge supplies since 1990! This is 2 7/8" 10 gauge black powder shotgun ammunition made with the hunter in mind. No whimpy . A obvious parallel can be made with brass hulls. 05-16-2012, 10:56 AM #6. The 700x load calls for 17 grs and produces 10600psi. Come to think of it, it belonged to the same guy who had the T/C! He thought the 10 ga. American Select, I learned it is designed for 12 ga. I bought 20,12 and 10 ga in #3/5 there out to 50-60 yds I haven’t had to shoot a bird a second time and have killed multiple birds out to 95yds We at Backridge are big fans of the 10 Gauge. Titegroup has numerous shotgun loads in the Hodgdon manual. However, I'd like a backup powder just in case. 99 / $48. , they don’t even list loads for it anymore as it was cracking subgauge tubes. Titewad for cowboy 12 ga. would be a From what I can tell, the old traditional blackpowder cartridge 10 gauge loads were 1 1/2 or 1 5/8 oz loads with 4 or 4 1/2 drams of powder. This could likely be remedied by polishing the bore. The best factory load I have found for low recoil in 20 gauge is the Fiochhi 3/4 oz. In the Hodgdon cowboy manual , 777 , or pyrodex , 105 grs. 190 grain. 06-04-2020, 10:25 PM #11. Aug 16, 2024 · From what I can tell, the old traditional blackpowder cartridge 10 gauge loads were 1 1/2 or 1 5/8 oz loads with 4 or 4 1/2 drams of powder. We aren’t breaking clays from 27 yards here. Cherokee Cowboys, Greenville Gunfighters Share; Posted December 1, 2019. My Our 10 GA - 3 1/2" Magnum TTS turkey loads send 880 #9 pellets down range with documented killing power out to 80+ yards with the right shotgun, scope/sight and choke combination! 1150-1200+ FPS Muzzle Velocity. 700x is a high pressure powder in 20ga. Seems like most of the cowboy loads are mostly light without gas checks. Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. It has been established that roll crimped loads, as a general rule, run lower pressure than the same load with with a folded crimp. 5" 20mm Unprimed Hull (50/bag) Item #: 1811000 Check for Availability. Brands like Federal, Hevishot, Remington, and Winchester. Add to Wish Mar 3, 2018 · Interests: Cowboy action shooting, wood carving, trains RO1, RO2; SASS# 98294; I use both 12 & 20 and shoot standard skeet loads in each. shells that are smokeless shells and I suspect that there is proper and correct reloading data available for these shells. If they are like the other loads I have used from Boss they will be knocking the birds down. Select a Store. Titegroup might use a touch more. 5" - 5 Ended up with a nice load for it from mild cowboy loads to hurt the shoulder buckshot loads. and 10 ga. 99 Jun 13, 2012 · "Wells Fargo Co. For competitions he uses Winchester AA hulls, a 1/8" (maybe 1/4") fiber overpowder wad, and the shotcup portion of a Lage Uniwad. Ammo Related Products Cowboy Action Ammunition from Bishop Ammunition & Firearms use only the highest quality components and are manufactured to exacting standards to comply with the rules and requirements of cowboy action shooting. of steel shot). load in a 20 ga. It never made any sense to me that the most competitive shooters used a ’97 pump gun, and up I do have some Hodgdon Titegroup, and I have found loads on their website for 12 gauge with 1 ounce of shot. Ammo Related Products . a CAS, or western action shooting, single action shooting, Western 3-gun and Cowboy 3-Gun) is a competitive shooting discipline. The Titewad load calls for 18. Go Down Pages 1. Pedersoli recommends 85 grains FFg and 1 1/4 oz. Accessories; 38 spl. The best selection of hunting, self defense, target, shooting, practice, plinking, surplus, jacketed hollow point/JHP, full metal jacket/FMJ, and frangible 10 Gauge Shotgun Shells ammo - buy 1000 rounds or more. It saves a lot of shot. There were plenty of variations, but that seems to be a popular area. 454 Casull. com/user/TylerMcDavidhttps://youtube. and . Black Powder Muzzle Loading Pistols; 10 Gauge 2 1/2" ***BLACK POWDER BLANK AMMO*** 6 Drams of Black Powder Bag of 10 Rounds . My plan is to load #5, #4,and Jul 31, 2021 · We have been messing with loading for the 10's for a few months now and found the loads we are going to use. With e3 your loads will not be pressure or temperature sensitive, very consistent. 32 S&W Long was introduced in 1896 with the company’s first hand ejector revolver. 45 G. 32 S&W Long and . 00 (Excluding Tax) 10 Bore / 10 Gauge: All of these loads were designed to be shot in modern 10 Gauge shotgun or a purpose-built Paradox firearm. Target loads, using every available domestic hull available to shooters at that time. Babcock Chase, April 04, 2024, 10:29:32 PM. That's why Hornady builds their Cowboy™ bullets to SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) specifications while holding One thing I have read of when loading RB in the smaller gauges at least is to use a 3/8" hole punch to make a donut that the ball sits in to help center it. Sep 24, 2021 · Decades ago I loaded a lot of 700x in 20ga for myself, and I’ve probably got 60 or 70 boxes of 7/8oz 20ga loaded with light loads of Green Dot in the house for the Grandkids. I did find some Clay Dot which seems to work fine for me. 32 S&W Long (Cowboy Action) 32-20 Win. Great cowboy action shell. AA hulls? If you're willing to get really OK, for my light cowboy action loads, I am using charge bar 502-34 in my 9000GN press to drop 3/4 oz of #8 lead shot, with powder bushing #20 which drops about 14. Herc. com Search Engine 2025. Sacrilegious! No finer powder has ever been made for a classic shotgun than the holy black. HoneyBadger™ — Our new line of ammunition that does not have hollow points. Never shoot these in any 10 Gauge or 10 Bore firearm made before 1950's. American Select was developed for target loads in the 12 gauge. Then again, with what guys can do with the new TSS 18 g/cc #9 shot, it's kind of a pointless game now. Loaded with 1 1/4 oz. Feb 6, 2017 · and no larger the 10 gauge. load is just plain filthy. 2-1/8 oz (1) Length . Plus, 800-X, PB, SR4756, SR7625 that have been discontinued. I still shoot lead shot for everything but ducks. All advice will be wecome. 0 to 4. • Side-by-side, single shot, Shotgun shot size must be number 4 lead birdshot or smaller for all events (no steel or plated shot). 00 Read more; 12 gauge blank with smoke. $15. 357 Magnum. To the OP, it is a fine powder for 36-gram loads in a 12 ga and I used it pretty much exclusively for ducks when lead was still allowed w/#5 shot. See Alliant and Hodgdon websites for load info: Alliant Powder - Reloader's Guide See that SASS forum and ask about 20 gauge loads, but as other current posters are finding on that forum, there is little help available for cowboy 20 gauge Cowboy Action Ammo for Sale at Buffalo Arms Company Sells over 12,000 Black Powder Cartridge Rifles, Low pressure loads for all of your Cowboy Action Shooting and just plain shooting enjoyment. 170 grain. I currently have six other vintage 10g SxS's; two 1889 Remingtons, an American Arms, a WM Dugalle, a John Buckingham, and an Enterprise. Explore our selection of 10-gauge BB, BBB, and #00 Buck shot and slugs from Federal, Hevi-Shot, Remington and Winchester. Item Number: AMOBP10212BLANK . Posted I'm going to order a few different bushings to copy some of your loads and see which one works best for me. MSRP: $650. New to loading Black Powder. Have bpi coyote manual on the way as well as mighty 10 ga manual. 10 gauge 3. ReloaderFred. So, I am gonna just ask in general terms, who can recommend a low pressure 12 gauge load? I use slightly over 1 oz. However, if you are looking for lead shot loads Magtech Cowboy Action Loads - 45 Long Colt - 250 Grain Lead Flat Nose - 50 Rounds . 32 Colt New Police 115 grain RNFP Hi-Tek Coated Cowboy Action Ammunition- The . Cheap 357 Mag Ammo - Magtech 158 gr LFN Cowboy Action Ammo - 50 Rounds Lucky Gunner - Cheap Ammo For Sale. My own 12 gauge loading is one using Red Dot that my Dad developed for trap shooting. Sell in the early 1960's showed loads in Handloader catalog for 20 gauge 2/3/4" and 3" shells using Winchester high brass hulls. By Richard P. The 1/2 oz. Staff . 22 Magnum Ammo / 22 WMR Ammo Cowboy Action Ammo . 16 gauge. 28 gauge. Start new topic; SASS Regulator and of course Cowboy Action Shooting; SASS# 94002; Brown Township Regulators, Tusco Longriders, Firelands Peacemakers, Shenango River Rats Share; I'm looking to load some 12ga. The Cowboy . This ammo is all hand loaded using premium components. It works great for target loads with 7/8 oz. A powder measure set to So my get to go powder for 1oz loads is Vectan A1 ( 1,46x28,4gram) sg18 Used cheddite hulls RIO primer. Then, carefully fashioned a line of thirteen no-nonsense, period correct calibers and had those shooter friends try them out. load burns SO. The very best prices for in-stock 10 Gauge Ammo | Cheap 10 Gauge Ammunition - AmmoSeek. For 1 1/8oz Vectan A0 do a good job. Our exclusive knurling system retains lubricant over the entire bearing surface to reduce leading in your barrel. Unique for normal 14,000 cup loads. Winchester hulls back then were similar to Federal hulls now. Dec 1, 2014 · I've made a search and read posts on 11 pages researching light 10 gauge BP loads. The iconic and only 10 gauge Tungsten Super Shot cartridge on the market today. Reloaders’ group. We're proud to offer the heaviest, highest pellet count shotshell in current existence. express messengers typically carried a short (or sawed-off) 12- or 10-gauge double-barrelled shotgun, loaded with buckshot. All is right with the world. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a shotgun enthusiast looking for a reliable firearm, the 10 gauge shotgun is worth considering. Reloadable brass Cowboy Loads from Fiocchi® are a reliable top performer. A person should be able to find one to fit ones needs. 5 -13 gr of e3. 8 out of 5 star rating (19 Find your best price for 10 Gauge Ammo | Cheap 10 Gauge Ammunition - AmmoSeek. The Winchester Double X Turkey 10 gauge loads shoot at an incredible 1,200 feet per second, and use copper 10 ga loads. 5 grains would go about 1,250 fps. 50 Add to cart; 10 Gauge 2 7/8″ CANNON BLANKS WITH SMOKE Dec 29, 2013 · Do any of you out there know of loads for Cowboy Action Shooting. 0 ounces shot and 20. Magnum. Brass shotshell loading - 10 gauge Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading But most modern 10 gauge shells are 3 1/2" heavy loads. 45-70 Gov; 28 Gauge Fiocchi Cowboy loads have found favor for informal shooting and competition alike. Cheddite 10ga 3. Feb 16, 2024 · The box-lock action has a single selective trigger with reset, and manual safety. As for the gun, it's really hard to beat an SP10. Previous topic - Next topic. patreon. These are BHN=8~9 soft cast specifically for bunny-fart loads, because Wrongway says this sounds cuter than mouse-fart loads. I load plastic hulls with Black MZ for my Cowboy loads shot in modern guns and toss after one shot. 45 Colt 250 Grain Lead Flat Nose 50rds Per Box Lead Flat Nose projectiles are used primarily for Cowboy Action Shooting where accuracy and ease of 10 mm Auto - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19 Nov 21, 2016 · IMR Red – clean burning 12 gauge shotshell powder; also good for reduced power handgun loads such as Cowboy loads; IMR Green – another shotshell powder; burns slower than red – good for trap handicap and sporting clays IMR Blue – slowest burning powder of the new introductions; good for heavy shotshell loads include 10 gauge and 3 View 10 Gauge product at Boss Shotshells Mar 16, 2009 · F. T shot is horrendous May 24, 2010 · Stay with published loads for your gun. 38 S&W, LRN, 145 Grain, 50 Rounds. trap loads. k. However Clays has vanished from the market for quite a while. Where the 10 shines is with the big shot. 45 loads one time to see how they worked and was able to push a 255 gr bullet clear through the short dimension of a seasoned 10x12 beam. The 10-gauge was born in the black powder era when puffs of smoke followed each shot, and powder, wad and shot were loaded separately down the muzzle. It amazes me how a 7/8 oz. I suspect it will do well with 3/4 oz. Perfect for older firearms and fast shooting. Main Menu. Save Share Most cowboy action SASS competitors who use the 45 Colt cartridge use a 160 to 200 gr bullet loaded down with fast burning powders [Bullseye, N32C, N310, N320, WST, Red Dot, etc. 44 caliber percussion revolvers Combustible Paper Cartridges for . $ 50. 10 Gauge; 12 Gauge; 16 Gauge; 20 Gauge; 24 Gauge; 28 Gauge; 32 Gauge; 410 Bore; Shotshell Reloading. (Moderator: Professor Marvel) Winchester Model 1901 Loading For 10 Gauge; Winchester Model 1901 Loading For 10 Gauge. I used a Federal 209A primer, Claybuster 12SO clone wad, 1. on Apr 11 Behold, the world's heaviest turkey load. My 2 inch 12 ga loads are 7/8 oz of #9 shot in a CB1138-12 wad with a #408 worth of Clay Dot in cut down ww AA shells. Well with my Lee Loadall I loaded a few shells with the #141 bushing (17. The firearms used in this sport such as single-action revolvers and lever-action rifles often require handloaded ammo. Well it’s a different story for the 3 1/2 inch loads. Such weapons were sometimes referred to as 'messenger shotguns' or, more commonly, 'coach guns' (a name still used today). But sometimes I wonder if it's "too much" for CAS use. In Stock LuckyGunner. By Dan Druff June 8, 2021 in SASS Wire. I'm not against purchasing different items if need be. $2. loads in 16 gauge. HoneyBadger™ doesn’t need hollow points and does not depend on them for performance. The great American classic-- The Mighty 10 gauge-- is still alive and well as long as we're around. 5" magnum shot shotgun. I can get 7 rds in my 6 rd modded Marlin, 97 and M12 shotguns. The load data from the old Yahoo 16 Ga. Reviews Deals Help Documentation Blog FAQ About Advertising Friends/Partners Cheap 357 Mag Ammo - Magtech 158 gr LFN Cowboy Action Ammo - 1000 Rounds Lucky Gunner - Cheap Ammo For Sale. 12 gauge. Loaded using fiber and card wads. The unique “Boat Tail” design, the tapered end goes into the casing . 1 g/cc density TSS. I like the BOOM, kick and smoke of black powder too much to switch. 10 Gauge Ammo Shells ; 12 Gauge Ammo Shells ; 16 Gauge Ammo Shells A 16 is between a twenty and a twelve. Originally Posted by ReloaderFred. gives 4900 lup at 1115 fps . com/theshotgunscientistshttps://rumble. View as Grid List. Lead Flat Nose projectiles are used primarily for Cowboy Action Shooting where accuracy and ease of loading are a shooters primary concern. For cowboy shooters, authenticity is a strict requirement. A few years ago they were selling their load data for cowboy loads are simply a load that will get a bullet of a given weight out of the barrel of a handgun or rifle and have it hit the target and make it bounce. 4. Visit Bulk Cheap Ammo to cover your all ammunition needs in one place. Do not need all that recoil for the old 97's either. The reason it doesn't work for those lite loads is because it is a slower burning powder. 700-X, 13. It has served me well. This Gun Tests article reports on 12-Ga. Choice Ammunition is deeply rooted in this culture and saw the need many years ago to produce a round of ammunition unlike any other on the commercial market, known as Cowboy Choice Jan 28, 2003 · Sorry about the 12 gauge mention--getting forgetful in my old age. called duplex loads, are not only Nov 3, 2022 · Cowboy & Western Action Shooting. STS hulls, Win 209 12 ga Ammo in Stock - 7/8 oz - #8 - Low Recoil Lead Shot Target Shells by Winchester AA Ammunition For Sale Low recoil loads are designed to provide less shooter fatigue for longer days at the range and also makes for a good load for Stumbled across a source for Red Dot powder. What is considered a cowboy gun? Cowboy guns typically include single-action revolvers, lever-action rifles, and side-by-side shotguns that were in use during the late 19th century. 410 Shotgun Ammo . For use with reducers. 50 Add to cart; 12 Gauge smokeless blanks. It performs well. SASS 48747L RO II Thunder River Renegades SBSS #1170--OGB. An excellent choice for single action revolvers and lever action rifles. An industry leading payload of 2 1/2oz and 3 1/2" shell of pure 18. SASS Wire Forum. com. I use the STS and AA hulls. If I can use fiber wads, so much the better. Listed are 3/4 oz. Rimfire Ammo ; 22LR Ammo . Remington 10ga 3. Today, it is almost exclusively used for hunting large waterfowl at long range. that's in a 2 7/8" shell and 1 5/8 oz . 25 Rounds $ 53. Oct 20, 2003 · Look in the reloading booklet for Accurate Arms powders for some 3/4 ounce 20 gauge loads listed with the Cowboy Action recipes. The price is from free to 5c each. 129-F103FRS | Federal . com There used to be a low pressure 16 ga. I have shot thousands in 1100s and O/Us. loads I tried with AS, I'll just summarize it as low velocity and high I'd say overall there are more 700X loads listed for the 16 gauge then the 20 gauge. 10 Bore / 10 Gauge – Small & Medium Game Loads $ 29. With your choice of 7 1/2, 8, or 9 shot, you'll experience the most pellets down range possible. $27. 9 grs and produces 9600psi. I loaded up, and chrono'd, loads for shooters that had medical issues. Out of Stock. Top. No need to shoot a 10 if you're not going to shoot big shot like BBB or bigger. 5, STS hulls, Fed 209A Clays, 13. 14. There are no plastic wads in these shells so you can spend more time shooting and less time scrubbing out plastic This is 2 5/8" 10 gauge black powder shotgun ammunition made with the hunter in mind. Alliant American Select – 26 Bushing – 15. somewhat dirtier. 1 Round $ 85. There are 700X loads from the old Win CF hull, Win polyformed, Cheddite, Federal, and Remington hulls all the way up to the old stacked loads. I haven't done a lot of experimenting with smokeless loads in my brass hulls. I load light loads regularly for Cowboy Action shooting. 45 Auto. 9mm Luger. Thousands of dead skeets will attest to the efficiency of this load! Very similar to cowboy action loads. • Slide action shotguns must be centerfire of at least 16 gauge and no larger than 12 gauge. Since then, our friends have been plum tickled and forced us to make a bunch more. NOTE: All ammunition is shipped via FedEx or UPS Ground "Adult Ten-X Cowboy Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4" 1 oz #7-1/2 Lead Shot BPC Box of 25 Jun 3, 2015 · I had one o' those big Spanish hammerless guns (Zabala), but it was a MONSTER, made for modern smokeless loads. What gun did Doc Holliday carry? Doc Holliday was known to carry a nickel-plated . A. shot. a 56-50 rifle with 350 grainers and a 10 gauge SxS, all brass shells & 2 oz of shot, all loaded with black powder - none of those substitutes for me. IF you aim. Cartridge - 45 Long Colt The Cowboy Action Loads are loaded to a lower pressure than Magtech's normal line of ammo and this lower pressure helps with target re-acquisition during competitions and helps reduce strain on your wrist and arms. 50 Add to cart; 12 gauge blank with smoke. Exotic Shotgun Ammo . The people at the 16ga. 20 Per Piece. Also, a 7/8 ounce load at 10-1050 fps will kick considerably less than a 7/8 oz load at 1200 feet-per-second. Join Date: March 4, 2005 Hornady® lead pistol bullets are pre-lubricated and cold-swaged for total uniformity and balance. 2400 with a Alcan PGS wad, 1/8" thick fiber wad and a shot wrap similar to the Winchester Mark 4 days ago · Dead Eye EZ Loader Wax Bullets ABOUT DEAD EYE EZ LOADERS Dead Eye EZ Loader Wax Bullets have become the most popular wax bullet used in major championship competitions in the past few years. Looking for lightest recipe say 1 oz lead or 7/8. 1,075 f/s 'training' loads. In a 10 gauge, maybe a ½" hole punch would be better? Roll or folded crimp? Maybe look at Revolutionary War or British websites, 10 gauge and Brown Bess seem pretty close to me. It's a very poor performer in lighter loads. The Red Dot reloading manual shows a good selection of cowboy loads. I won't give the 1 oz. 32 S&W. I just purchased a NIB Pedersoli SxS in 10ga. $28. With the extreme density of Tungsten Super Shot or, TSS, coupled with our internal design, you'll experience maximum I picked up some 38 caliber, 105 grain LTCFP from Desperado Bullets. Our pattern testing has an average of 770-810 pellets inside the 20" circle at The 10 Gauge is the largest shotgun shell that is still commonly in use. Cowboy Action Shotguns; double hammers and double triggers provide two certain and accurate shots every time. The data is for currently produced smokeless powders - except for some comparison loads Mar 10, 2020 · Where most guys would choose something like 1 3/8 ounce of BB at 1600+ fps, my preferred 10 gauge load was 1 3/4 ounce of T at something like 1250 fps. This is 753 fps / 11,600 psi and 952 This thread is of particular interest to me because I just tried 1/2 oz. 59. Mar 30, 2017 · Your 2-7/8" chambered 10 gauge works best when used with loads typical of the era when it was manufactured. 5 Precision; 30-30 Win; 22 Short; 30 Super Carry; 6. We hope to have more loads widely available for late 2021 waterfowl season. Just shot the first loads with it and I was satisfied. 410 Gauge; Multiple Calibers; SALE; Case Quantities; Bang For Your Buck$ Blowout Items; Bulk Ammo . of #7 1/2 shot and 3 3/4 dram of black powder. loads in 16 but I have not tried any. Need this for Cowboy Action. Add to Cart. com has a live inventory system that removes any out-of-stock items from our website 10 Gauge Ammo Shells ; 12 Gauge Ammo Shells ; 16 Gauge Ammo Shells Winchester Double X 10 Gauge Turkey Shotshells - When turkey hunting with a 10 gauge, do not leave anything to chance. ] to 550 to 650 fps as mentioned above. Grey wad, 7/8 ounce shot (9's for skeet, 8's for 16 yard trap, doves, grouse). 45 Colt. com's Suggestion Box with requests for a Volcanic Pistol! Large bore 10-gauge shotgun ammo for hunting duck, geese and turkey. 454 Casull Ammo. I didn't see the answer to my question. Titewad and 7/8 ounce 12 gauge loads? Titewad and 7/8 ounce 12 gauge loads? By Charlie MacNeil, SASS #48580 January 18, 2019 in SASS Wire. With its larger bore diameter, the 10 gauge is capable of delivering heavy loads and impressive stopping power. So I tried Competition. The 2004 Hodgdon Basic is the largest complimentary manual ever assembled, with 86 pages of data Jun 6, 2020 · I have a 1890’s SxS Charles Daly 2 7/8” 10 gauge I’d like to load up some low pressure loads for. My goal is to harvest a turkey or two with it. Ammunition 12 Gauge Ammo . 22 Long Rifle Bulk Ammo Magtech Cowboy Action Loads . 10 gauge. I've never used it as I prefer Clays for 12 Ga. 32 Long is simply a lengthened version of the earlier . I'm told this is a relatively fast powder, but hey, it is what it is. In my experience, there is no better powder for 7/8 oz 20 gauge loads. In my 12 gauge I use 1&1/4 ounce of shot over three drams (Approximately 75 grain FF) In my 28 I use whgat is recomended as a light twenty gauge charge , just less than 3/4 ounce shot over two dram (approximately 55 grain FF ) Cheap 357 Mag Ammo - Magtech 158 gr LFN Cowboy Action Ammo - 50 Rounds Lucky Gunner - Cheap Ammo For Sale. 44 Rem. 4 gr of Titewad under Claybuster CB0175-12 pink wads. Looking for oppinions as to what has worked best for others in the past, light and fast or heavy payload. We are loading TSS #9's in a 3oz load and getting consistent Jun 26, 2023 · Login with username, password and session length News: Help fill HenryUSA. We shoot Winchester 97's and the light factory loads are still a bit to strong for the shooting we do. 00 – $ 40. I have discovered that most manuals list mostly loads 1200 fps or faster, Cowboy loads can be slower. Browning Cynergy Sporting with a Browning Reactar recoil pad in my shooting vest results in a shooting experience that is better recoil-wise than the . Best to use the faster burning powders for light loads like that. PP is too fast a powder for most. 3 Grn, Claybuster Pink Wads, 1 1/8 shot Shop for in-stock 10 Gauge Ammo from top vendors. How light a load can one develop for the 10 Jun 13, 2012 · "Wells Fargo Co. I had ⅞oz loads going 950fps using 12. Why might I bring this up, becasue I want one! Seems the 10 ga is going the way of the Dodo becasue of the 3-1/2" 12 Gauge. Being used in pistol shouldn't be an issue. $50. This eventually gave way to loaded shells and 10-gauge quickly gained a similar status to what the 12-gauge enjoys today. Jun 8, 2021 · Clays cowboy load for 12 gauge Clays cowboy load for 12 gauge. 36 If you look at a powder burn speed list, you can pretty much use anything in the top 25% if you’re loading mild cowboy loads. The STS are slicker In this 10 Gauge Load video, Drake reviews the what, why, and how behind two incredibly efficient and well patterning Bismuth shot loads for the Mighty 10. 10-gauge • 3-1/2” length • lead shot • fold crimp 230425-1252rch 10 remington ched 209 longshot 43. This wax bullet was especially designed for easy loading by hand or loading press. 123-STH104 | Winchester. I can use 700x or Titewad. 700-X or Clays have published light loads for 12-gauge. Low recoil 12 ga. Black Powder Muzzleloaders. 45 Auto length, the problem no longer exists. 32 Auto. T For anyone out there who reloads 12 gauge. 0 grs Clays under 7/8 oz shot is pretty light, and I think just a tad over 1000 FPS. follow loading data exactly and do not substitute components. My opinion. Categories . The 28,4 gram load above is reloads, but i mostly use new primed hulls from fiocchi in 2 3/4" The 2000 issue of Alliants Reloaders Guide has dozens of loads using Bullseye in 1 oz. My 20 gauge CZ lets the shells fall out whereas using the Savage 20 gauge the shells have to be flicked out. 37 If you are not familiar with HSM cowboy Mar 29, 2024 · If you have an older 10 gauge chambered for 2 7/8-inch loads, niche ammomakers like RST and Salt Creek periodically have shotshells available. Winchester Double X 10 Gauge 3-1/2" 2oz #4 Copper Plated Lead Shot High Velocity Turkey 10 Count. I've seen some real stomper turkey loads in 10 gauge, 2 1/2 ounce or more. 45 Special is a case that is optimized for use with light loads in . With Cartridge Ammunition, pistol, rifle, Cowboy Action Loads by Hornady Cartridge Ammunition, pistol, rifle, Cowboy Action Loads by Hornady (2) Combustible Paper Cartridges for . Dan Druff. I'll go so far as to say it is the best one-piece solid steel style wad made this far. In my opinion I honestly think boss is the best waterfowl shell on the market. I think the way forward is to start experimenting with charges of about 10 gr (a #14 bushing) and see how it works. of shot in 16 but is a poor powder for 1 oz. 00 out of 5 $ 62. 10 Gauge; 12 Gauge; 16 Gauge; 20 Gauge; 28 Gauge; 410 BORE; Boss Gear; Accessories; Money Reloading data for Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) Cowboy action shooting (a. 3 grains of Competition. 5 gr. The SAM1 is a fantastic wad. loads. Many good shotgun powders are also pistol powders. taylor: I looked on the Nitro site and saw 2 1/4 oz lead and 3 oz lead loaded ammo for 10 ga and turkey hunting. From what I have seen seams the 10 gage was the prevalent gage then. 16 grains with WW primers is soft recoiling and leave no residue in the barrel. 20 Gauge - Cowboy Grains MEC Oz Shot Powder Powder Bushing Wad Hull 3/4 The 20 ga and 16 ga were mostly complete but the 10 ga kit is missing the shot dipper, the powder dipper is probably incorrect and it does not have the charge table. The only patten that wasn’t acceptable was the shallowest 4 petal cut. 12 gauges are 97s, but both are old. View Profile View Forum Posts Moderator Emeritus Join Date Dec 2005 Location Grovetown, GA Posts 56. $3. If you are looking for lead 2 1/4 loads there are lots of loading info from Hodgdon and Alliant available. 50 posts · Joined 2002 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Mar 21, 2011. 2400 with a Alcan PGS wad, 1/8" thick fiber wad and a shot wrap similar to the Winchester Mark My hulls (2 7/8" 10 ga. 380 Auto Ammo. In the muzzleloader world, this would be called a square load. 5 Grendel; 45 Colt. But, since cowboy loads are so light, we may see some . I did out of my Browning Gold 10 gauge. Turkey hunters can find lead loads from Federal, Winchester, and 12 Gauge; 16 Gauge; 20 Gauge; 28 Gauge. Activate My Web Access; Customer Service At a range of 20 feet, the shotgun consistently placed 100 percent of the 00 buckshot loads (nine pellets) in the 10-ring of the 12-inch target. It is a little fast for the 20 gauge except for the Federal hull. In Stock. of lead shot (or up to 2-1/4 oz. There is not enough difference to argue over between Red Dot, Green Dot and Unique. The hand ejector design has evolved some, but with its swing out cylinder on a crane, has been the basis for 10 Gauge Blanks, Lighter load WITH SMOKE. 5 grains of Trail Boss in 38SP cases. ) take 209 primers & have a internal taper similar to AACF hulls. I have successfully used, 700-X, American Select, Green Dot, Unique, Universal, N320, 3N37, HS6, WSF, 572, Blue Dot, Longshot and Steel. The load of 120 grs Apr 12, 2007 · However, Shooting heavy 12 gauge loads in a 10 gauge barrel will give you less felt recoil, with more dense patterns, containing more of the pellets that leave the muzzle, than Jun 25, 2006 · As I was perusing the web for Cowboy loads I came across this. The 3/4 oz using Unique were lighter loads for my wife. The . It isn't just a pistol powder. 0 lbs) I own shooting 1/2 Purchase your cowboy action ammo at Ammunition Depot today! Our online inventory of cowboy ammo is available in calibers from the top manufacturers you trust. ALSO!! I understand that the shells made by Rocky Mountain Cartridge (RMC) can be loaded with smokeless powder!! I load plastic hulls with Black MZ for my Cowboy loads shot An elderly gentleman, his faithful dogs, and a 16 ga SXS. josie wales Discussion starter. 5 inch) hulls. A 20 ga 5/8 oz shot charge will take down all cowboy action type targets. Clays, Win. 4 drams is about 110 gr, 4 1/2 is about 120 gr. Jump to Latest 11K views 8 replies 8 participants last post by Tom10sxs Jan 30, 2022. Buy in stock 10 Gauge Shotgun Shells ammunition online. Interests: Besides cowboy action shooting I enjoy four wheeling, quading on my ATV, exploring old mines and ghost towns. So we grilled the history buffs. loads, and then only in very fast, (velocity), loads. We have been working towards a long range non-toxic loads utilizing multiple different non-toxic pellets. Back to top: fn16ga: Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:50 am : Member Joined: 09 Jan 2013 Posts: 2189 Location: Florida: FN , nice find in the archives !! Mark , I !think you found the gild std for those loads - so love 700X !!Should con't to work your 1100 . May 8, 2019 · I'm new to cowboy shooting, and at my first shoot other cowboys thought my loads were heavy so i'm in the hunt to try and find a good lighter load recipe for 12GA cowboy shooting, I have clays powder, many remington gun club hulls, claybuster CB8118-12 (fig8) wads. I've come up with 3. I can't readily or inexpensively get the 980 fps Winchester ammo, the Low Noise Low Recoil, 28 gram load. I loaded multiple kegs of TiteGroup powder in 12 gauge trap shooting loads. we make no But, bottom line, for trying different loads and loading a box or 2 it'll work for you. Why else would you buy a 10, right? What would you folks suggest? May 3, 2021, 03:07 PM #2: Unclenick. Rated 5. com has a live inventory system that removes any out-of-stock items from our website 10 I shoot heavy 45 Colt black powder loads in my revolvers and rifle and BP 12 gauge loads in the 311. What powder and grains for 7/8 shot? Jump to content. There are no plastic wads in these shells so you can spend more time shooting and less time scrubbing out plastic fouling. with Solo 1000 & Nitro 100 (Accurate) powders. I loaded some maximum . 410 Cynergy Field (6. 38 Super Auto Ammo; 357 Magnum Ammo; 44 Magnum; 45 Colt Ammo On this episode of JED iTV, Jed takes you step by step through the process of creating his Dark Knight 12 Gauge Loads for Cowboy Action Shooting. Light loads with excessive airspace are a recipe for case splits and erratic function. 480 Ruger. com has a live inventory system that removes any out-of-stock items from our website 10 Gauge Ammo Shells ; 12 Gauge Ammo Shells ; 16 Gauge Ammo Shells Aug 15, 2019 · I shoot 12 and 10 gauge brass hulls loaded with BlackMZ or real black powder. com/@theshotgunscientists You can use Clays load info for e3. 25 rounds $ 45. Started by Reverend P. Are the Cowboy 45/70's capable of handling heavy hunting loads? The only similarly unpleasant experience I ever had shooting was with a 10 gauge 3. This was a most effective weapon in use against pursuing riders. As low as $0. I have a Mec Sizemaster. https://www. 36 and . yrdot duqlc jciin tcjpllpg uicg otb djnkcgmm myrxv jiqt buylko