Maine geological survey. Belknap University of Maine.
Maine geological survey Each subject area includes virtual geology tours, field localities, frequently asked questions, fact sheets, and links to other online resources. October 16, 2024. The Survey's Marine Geology Division is Contact Information. Belknap, University of Maine Stephen M. Surficial deposits such as sand, gravel, clay, and other unconsolidated materials that overlie bedrock are shown. You can search for This video provides some background information and presents the general procedures associated with the Maine Cooperative Snow Survey. Guidebook I to Mineral Collecting in the Maine Pegmatite Includes Maine. There is a low but steady rate of earthquake occurrence. Many of the charges to the WRPC set forth in the legislation are already being carried out at the Maine Geological Survey (MGS) through our projects with the U. , their currrent status and the trends of losses or gains. Groundwater occurs in Maine in two primary kinds of aquifers, (1) sand and gravel, and (2) bedrock. In Portland the mean range is 9. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Contact Information. A bluff is defined as a steep shoreline slope formed in sediment (loose material such as clay, sand, and gravel) that has three feet or more of vertical elevation just above the high tide line. Use the Maps and Publications Search to identify printed and online publications available from the Maine Geological Survey. The Geology of the Northwestern Gulf of Maine Inner Continental Shelf. After partnering with the NGWMN, MEGS now maintains 51 wells, and serves 32 sites to the Portal. E-mail: mgs@maine. e. Precambrian history (prior to 545 million years ago) Early Paleozoic events preserved in central and northern Maine (545 to 443 million years ago) Maine Flood Resilience Checklist. The Survey's Marine Geology Division is Bibliography of Maine Geology - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. Maine Mineral Resources Data System - This database was produced by the Maine Geological Survey in 2009. To view PDF documents, you will need the free Adobe Reader. Slovinsky, Maine Geological Survey Stephen M. The USGS data were combined with records surface sampling by the USGS and Maine Geological Survey identified an area of highly mineralized rock enriched in Nb, Zr, and the rare earth elements (REE). These are unconsolidated sand and gravel deposits, most of which were deposited during the last glacial episode which ended about 14,000 - 11,000 years ago in Maine. Before downloading any digital data, please become familiar with Bedrock Geology Maps and Reading Detailed Bedrock Geology Maps. The U. Maine Aerial Photographs. Studies by the Maine Geological Survey have shown that Maine's clays can be processed to make good lightweight aggregate for concrete blocks, structural concrete, and pre-cast units. (Newry, Oxford Co. It was edited by Fossils Preserved in Maine Sediments Introduction. Geological Survey, including the Water Census Program and the Contact Information. The maps were scanned and georeferenced so that the In Maine: Bowdoin College; Colby College; Fossils of the Maine State Capitol-- Black limestone floor tiles in the Maine capitol building contain fossils. Seismogram Viewer. For many users, it is routinely necessary to integrate these Contact Information. 12 feet and the spring range is 10. , 1988, Coastal environments: Academic Press, San Diego, California, 617 p. Coastal Landslide Hazards 1:24,000-scale Maps Description; Tips for Reading Coastal Landslide Hazards 1:24,000-scale Maps; Coastal Landslide Hazards 1:24,000-scale Digital Data The Maine Geological Survey plans to continue its basic mapping program, which will be facilitated by 1:24,000-scale topographic maps that are newly available for a large percentage of the state. Richard T. The bill further instructed the MGS and MDEP Maine Geological Survey. Maine Geological Survey Department of Conservation 99 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333. Search results are linked to online publications. The Maine Geological Survey provides the people and businesses of Maine with essential geologic information about the land where we live and work. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 This series of maps, produced by the U. What's New at the Maine Geological Survey. To order maps, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 2016. The photos were collected between 1930 and 2009 at scales from 1:1,200 to 1:80,000. Precambrian history (prior to 545 million years ago) Early Paleozoic events preserved in central and northern Maine (545 to 443 million years ago) Maine soils usually extend no deeper than about 3 feet. 68%. Maine Geological Survey Open-File 96-18. The limestone is from Vermont, however, so the fossils are not native to Maine. Cliffs or slopes in bedrock (ledge Online Bedrock Geology Maps and Reports, Scale 1:24000. Most microquakes (magnitude less than 2. All these resources can be accessed individually on the Maps, Publications and Online Data page. Online Edition, 2005. The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) is a program of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine Beach Profiling Data may also be downloaded directly from the Maine Geological Survey Open Data Portal. Gerber, Inc. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 The Maine Geological Survey's Gold Fact Sheet lists sources of further information on gold prospecting techniques. The earthquakes are presumably caused by modern stress being released occasionally along zones of weakness in the earth's The U. Read news updates on MGS announcements, awards and job openings. Sewall Co. Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages Maps and Publications Search - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. Geologic processes such as weathering and erosion break bedrock down into smaller particles of sediment. To protect wetlands, you must know what kinds of wetlands you have, where they are, and what is happening to them, i. Dickson, Maine Geological Survey February 25, 2008. This information is essential to any effort aimed at understanding Maine's ground water resources. Real-time plots streaming from seismic stations in Canada. For this purpose, the response and resilience of coastal Bibliography of Maine Geology - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. This jurisdiction extends over 450,000 acres of public lands, the ocean floor to a distance of three The Maine Geological Survey used this data to produce Significant Sand and Gravel Aquifers Maps. Carter, R. Companion maps, entitled Coastal Bluffs describe the processes and stability of the face of a bluff. 45 color photos, 344 black-and-white photos. Aquifer polygons are coded by yield expected from a properly constructed well (ATYPE = 1 10-50 gallons-per-minute Maine Geological Survey. Maine Geological Survey Hub Site. S. Our mountains are simply places where the bedrock has been worn down less than the bedrock of the neighboring areas. The search results displayed will have links to online Maine Geological Survey maps and publications. The Bibliography is part of our publications search site and the results displayed will have links to online Maine Geological Survey maps and publications. 14-21 (describes the discovery of 1972). These reports were received by the Maine Geological Survey (MGS) by phone, e-mail, or web site submission. Sediments such as clay, silt, sand, gravel, and other loose deposits which lie on top of bedrock are grouped together in the general category of surficial materials. MRDS is a worldwide database of mineral site records with related geologic, commodity, and deposit information. The Maine The Maine Geological Survey provides the people and businesses of Maine with essential geologic information about the land where we live and work. Mineralogy of Maine, Volume 2: Mining History, Gems, and Geology, edited by V. Real gold has the rich yellow color of gold jewelry, and a gold nugget will flatten when struck by a hammer. The Maine Geological Survey has prepared many web mapping applications to deliver data by theme, project and/or targeted to a specific user group. For general purpose use, all approved data is provided in the Beach Profiling Data Export The Maine Geological Survey provides essential geologic information to the people and businesses of Maine. They cover most of Maine's land surface and include sediments deposited by water, wind, and glacial ice. 53 feet. by. Some small Maine earthquakes not listed by the U. The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) routinely maps, interprets, and publishes basic bedrock, surficial, and marine geologic information for Maine. Preliminary evaluation suggests 11 million U. Some collections are very large, 14,000+ photos, and some are just a single photo. Undeveloped or lightly-developed coastal barriers are recognized by both Maine's present landscape has formed primarily by erosion. gov . This project is a partnership with University of Maine Displays all Maine Geological Survey spatial data layers and a map application for users to make their own map combining MGS data and their own datasets. G. Look up the mean tidal range and spring tidal range in a book of tide tables or on the web (URL below). The How to Read link will provide tips on how to read the geologic map. The results showed that some samples were enriched in niobium, zirconium, and the rare earth elements. T. Since Maine is half surrounded by Canada, most Maine earthquakes are recorded in these plots. The Geology of Sebago Lake State Park - web version of MGS Bulletin 11; The Geology of Mount Blue State Park - web version of MGS Bulletin 17 Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages, including surface sampling by the USGS and Maine Geological Survey identified an area of highly mineralized rock enriched in Nb, Zr, and the rare earth elements (REE). 5' quadrangle bases. Prior to 2016, MGS had a network of only 19 well sites with long-term data. Asterisk (*) indicates earthquakes felt in Maine, but with epicenters outside Maine. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine Cooperative Snow Survey - Maps Maps Map Compare Data Graphs The Maine Cooperative Snow Survey maps and data are provided by a partnership with Maine Geological Survey and the U. Seismic activity in Maine is typical of the Appalachian region of northeastern North America. This finding kicked off a more thorough study Contact Information. Companion maps, entitled Coastal Bluffs describe the processes and stability of the face In each instance listed below, the reported effects were felt by a single household or a few neighbors, and occurred when the New England seismic monitoring network detected no true earthquake activity. 75 Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages Maps and Publications Search - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. Two downloads are provided. Bates Museum; Maine Geological Survey; Maine State Museum; Northern Maine Museum of Science, Presque Isle While there is no specific study guide for this examination, the Maine Geological Survey recommends review of the following materials: Maine Geological Survey maps and reports (Ordering instructions) Dickson, S. Members from the National Hurricane Program (FEMA and the US Army Corps of Engineers Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages Contact Information. Dickson, Maine Geological Survey Alice R. A. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Fish and Wildlife Service and distributed by the Maine Geological Survey, identifies and classifies wetlands in Maine. Discover, analyze and download data from mgs-data. Barnhardt, University of Maine Daniel F. Earthquakes in the past 30 days, on map and list. , and Johnston, R. Precambrian history (prior to 545 million years ago) Early Paleozoic events preserved in central and northern Maine (545 to 443 million years ago) Bibliography of Maine Geology - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. For a good summary of the geological history of Maine, and a virtual tour of Maine Maine's present landscape has formed primarily by erosion. AUGUSTA - The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's Maine Geological Survey (MGS) has updated its Maine Beach Mapping (MBMAP) viewer with the latest data collected during the summer of 2024. Each subject area includes virtual geology tours, field localities, frequently asked questions, fact sheets, and links Learn about the Maine Geological Survey, a state agency that provides geologic information and maps for various purposes. Other minerals with a golden color, such as pyrite or chalcopyrite, are brittle and will crumble on impact. In addition, the information is useful to communities considering new water supplies or in their Online Statewide Surficial Geology Maps. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 The Maine Geological Survey has been mapping the spatial extent of bluffs for the majority of the Maine coastline. Maine Geological Survey Open-File 96-6. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Data supporting the ticker and dashboard are calculated and updated monthly by the Maine Geological Survey as water level information is updated at NOAA’s Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The MGS provides advisory and interpretive information on earthquakes for planning and regulatory agencies. See recently released publications, maps and digital data. The Maine Geological Survey has historical aerial photographs covering many parts of Maine. Note that NAVD is higher than MTL. Maine Geological Survey Open-File Report 22-11. S. View the report. You can search for maps and publications by geographic area or subject. Popular Books and Maps. In 2020 the MGS will develop an improved statewide assessment of watershed Maine Geological Survey Department of Conservation 99 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333. Undeveloped or lightly-developed coastal barriers are recognized by both federal and Contact Information. Sand and gravel aquifers. This book is also available in print: Price: $6. How to obtain or view these maps. Geological Survey topographic maps for Maine at scales of 1:24,000 (707 maps cover the state), 1:100,000 (35 maps cover the state), 1:250,000 (13 maps cover the state), and 1:500,000 (1 map covers the state). , 2015, Geomorphology of Presumpscot Formation Landslides: The 2015 Symposium on the Presumpscot Formation, p. Description of detailed bedrock geology map series Aquifers. Additional Sources of Information Beach Processes. This landform is called a coastal barrier. The Geology of Sebago Lake State Park - web version of MGS Bulletin 11; The Geology of Mount Blue State Park - web version of MGS Bulletin 17 Maine Geological Survey. These maps do not provide an exact location of a tidal datum such as mean low water along the coast. Surficial Geology 1:500,000-scale Digital Data The Southern Maine Volunteer Beach Profile Monitoring Program collects beach sand erosion and accretion data using a simple profile measurement method every month. The Maine Geological Survey plans to continue its basic mapping program, which will be facilitated by 1:24,000-scale topographic maps that are newly available for a large percentage of the state. Even the tops of mountains have bedrock that formed at depth in the earth and has been uplifted and eroded. State of Maine's Beaches in 2022. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine Flood Resilience Checklist. Contact Information. Many people mistake small biotite mica Maine Geological Survey Updates Maine Beach Mapping Viewer with 2024 Data. The map was Choose one of the following topics to explore the world of Maine geology. In addition, the information is useful to communities considering new water supplies Chunzeng Wang at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, who has been mapping northern Maine for the Maine Geological Survey, went out the next day to investigate and collect samples for laboratory analyses. The workshop, funded by NOAA and organized by the Maine Coastal Program (MCP), Maine Geological Survey (MGS), Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT), and Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (WNERR), included a variety of participants, including consulting geologists, engineers, and landscape architects, state and federal regulators and Maine Earthquakes 1997 to Present. Explore topics such as bedrock, surficial, earthquakes, fossils, and more. The weight of these glaciers depressed the land surface below sea level, and as the glaciers melted and retreated, sea water flooded the Maine coast. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine Geological Survey/Department of Conservation 93 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0022 e-mail at mgs@maine. It provides an integrated framework for examining local flood risk, assessing vulnerability of the natural, built, Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages Older publications may not be available online. These are the parent materials on which most Maine soils have developed, and in many cases they extend deeper than the zone of soil formation. The Description link will provide a description of the map series, and links to the map explanation and sidebar. Hitchcock to the State Legislature. Coastal Landslide Hazards maps produced by the Maine Geological Survey describe the internal stability of sediment bluffs. Printed copies of publications are available for sale. Undeveloped or lightly-developed coastal barriers are recognized by both In 1980 the Legislature directed the Maine Geological Survey (MGS) and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) to gather information on sand and gravel aquifers, including data on depth to bedrock, depth to water table, stratigraphy, and water quality (38 MRSA Chapter 3, Section 403). M. MGS staff Geologic Map of Maine: Results of the Maine Scientific Survey of 1861 and 1862 were described in two lengthy reports and embodied in a large Geological Map of Maine presented by C. The map allows users to explore Maine's significant mineral commodities, mineral deposits, selected historical mines, and more. Belknap University of Maine. Older publications may not be available online. Find API Contact Information. Stephen M. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine Geological Survey Department of Conservation Seismic Activity. Uses of wetlands information. In addition to the physical rock core that have been donated to the Maine Survey, there are associated paper records, which include such things as maps of drill core locations, technical logs of drill The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) is a water-level data provider to the National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN). Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine's coastal beaches and dune are constantly changing. The 2016 New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC), Geology of the Maine Coast from Maquoit Bay to Muscongus Bay, was held October 14 The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) and the Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) have administrative jurisdiction over prospecting and mineral development on lands owned or held in trust by the State of Maine that are open for mineral exploration. CO-OPS maintains the tide gauges and releases updated and verified water level data around the middle of each month Older publications may not be available online. Peter A. The Maine Geological Survey can provide excerpts of this information on request that includes well location, depth of well, length of casing, depth to bedrock, and yield. The majority of these resulted in localized damage and The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) developed the dataset which maps surficial geology map units from their Regional Surficial Geology maps published in 1987. Maine Geological Survey is part of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. These data were compiled and digitized with the assistance of a USGS Digital Data Preservation grant in 2021. These materials are not soils; they are the deeper earth Use the Maps and Publications Search to identify printed and online publications available from the Maine Geological Survey. Coastal Bluffs 1:24,000-scale Maps Description; Tips for Reading Coastal Bluffs 1:24,000-scale Maps; Coastal Bluffs 1:24,000-scale Maps Digital Data The loose, unconsolidated materials that cover Maine today were deposited much more recently – only 12,000 to 20,000 years ago during the last Ice Age. Open in a new window. Bedrock Geology; Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages The Maine Geological Survey's interactive map provides a range of mineral resource information for the state of Maine. Surficial Geology 1:24,000-scale Online Maps and Reports. Bedrock Geology of the Bath 1:100,000 Map Sheet, Coastal Maine - This bulletin is a companion to Maine Geological Survey Geologic Map 02-152, Bedrock Geology of the Bath 1:100,000 Quadrangle, Maine. gov "It is important to collect personal observations from many people as soon as possible in order to establish the size of the area affected, and the various types of effects people felt in different areas," remarked State The Maine Geological Survey publishes bedrock geologic maps at various scales throughout the State as new information becomes available. The Maine Geological Survey's Gold Fact Sheet lists sources of further information on gold prospecting techniques. Related Topics Introduction to Surficial Materials. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Water Well Database. ) Contact Information. L. Maine Geological Survey Spatial Data The Maine Geological Survey plans to continue its basic mapping program, which will be facilitated by 1:24,000-scale topographic maps that are newly available for a large percentage of the state. Copies of this publication are available at many Maine libraries. Beaches and dunes often form a sand and gravel landform, or barrier, between the ocean and a coastal wetland. (C) indicates a Coda magnitude; all others are Nuttli magnitudes. Find out what MGS staff have been doing for speaking engagements, research and outreach efforts. It provides an integrated framework for examining local flood risk, assessing vulnerability of the natural, built, Contact Information. Most Popular MGS Web Mapping Applications Point locations of general geologic interest described by the Maine Geological Survey. The Maine Flood Resilience Checklist is a simple and practical self-assessment tool designed to assist communities evaluate how well positioned they are to prepare for, respond to, and recover from flooding events and sea level rise. tons with Li 2 O content of 4. You can search for maps and publications by For more information on Maine's coastal bluffs, refer to the following pages: Types of Bluffs along Maine's Coast; Maine's Coastal Marine Geology; For further assistance in interpreting this map, contact a geologist at the Maine Geological Survey. The data for this coverage were digitized and coded from 1:250,000 scale mylars by the J. Geological Survey, including the Water Census Program and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network. Fine silt and clay washing out of the glaciers covered the . The Bibliography is part of the Maps and Publications Search. gov. The Water Well Information Law, passed in 1987, requires well drilling companies to submit information on new water wells to the Maine Geological Survey. The MBMAP program, initiated by MGS in 2005, monitors changes in Maine's dunes and beaches over time, with a focus on the seaward edge The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) assumed stewardship of the Maine Mining Bureau's mining claims maps and files after the Bureau ceased to exist by order of the Maine Legislature. The Geology of Sebago Lake State Park - web version of MGS Bulletin 11; The Geology of Mount Blue State Park - web version of MGS Bulletin 17 Maine Geological Survey Department of Conservation 99 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333. Gem Tourmaline Rediscovered at Newry, by D. Experienced MGS geologists collect and summarize data on groundwater, mineral resources, surface deposits, bedrock materials, coastal stability, and natural hazards like storms, floods, landslides, and earthquakes. , in 1990, for the Maine Low-Level Radioactive Waste Authority. " This book is a collection of articles with emphasis on the state's rich mining history, gem production, and geology. Commonly referred to as a barrier beach or barrier island, coastal barriers take on many forms. For inquiries, call 207-287-2801 or e-mail mgs@maine. Glacial deposits are by far the Maine's surficial geology includes a large number of sand and gravel deposits, found in most areas of the state, which are utilized for this purpose. McCrillis, 1975, Mineralogical Record, v. After an eathquake event, Maine Geological Survey. Each subject area includes virtual geology tours, field localities, frequently asked questions, fact sheets, and links Choose one of the following topics to explore the world of Maine geology. Cliffs or slopes in bedrock (ledge The Maine Geological Survey has been mapping the spatial extent of bluffs for the majority of the Maine coastline. Aquifer boundaries were delineated and digitized by the Maine Geological Survey from data compiled on USGS 7. Explore All MGS Apps. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maine Geology Web Maps. . Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 The information shown on these maps can be used to more accurately assess the energy and agricultural potential of Maine's peatlands. Erosion or accretion can reshape the beach and dunes over time so remapping is needed for resource protection and coastal development. Aquifer maps and texts from the Maine Geological Survey contain information on aquifer favorability and vulnerability and are widely used by local and state officials in making environmentally sound siting decisions, and by well drillers, developers, and geological consultants as a base for detailed hydrogeological studies. All photos are scanned and available from the Digital Maine Repository free The Maine Geological Survey maintains a repository of rock core obtained by diamond drilling for mineral exploration projects over many years. Note: Many state documents are offered in PDF format. Continental glaciers covered Maine during the last Ice Age (refer to Maine's glacial geology history). View the report and map. Kelley, University of Maine. Dedicated volunteers perform the beach measurements and submit the data to the Maine Geological Survey for analysis. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 The Maine Geological Survey sells U. View the 2022 Beaches Conference Posters. Use the Maine Aerial Photographs map to review photo coverage and availability. 1-18. Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages The Maine Geological Survey used this dataset to produce Coastal Bluffs Maps and Coastal Landslide Hazards Maps. National Network may appear on the Canadian list. Sometimes a single sentence in a legislative journal, or a line in a budget sheet, may be the only public record that the State of Maine employed a geologist during a certain year. The Maine Geological Survey sells U. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Neither the Maine Geological Survey nor the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, nor its employees or agents: (1) make any warranty, either expressed or implied for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information shown on the map; nor are they (2) liable for any damages Use the links in the following list to learn more about the geologic maps produced by the Maine Geological Survey. Reynolds R. A surficial geology map shows various types of glacial and postglacial sediments such as sand, gravel, and clay. Dickson, Maine Geological Survey Natalie R. Virgin Islands and Lesser Antilles are located to the southeast of Puerto Rico (Image courtesy of the U. The Maine Geological Survey provides dozens of web maps, web mapping applications, and spatial datasets for viewing and downloading almost all of our data collection efforts. Geological Survey New England Water Science Center, Maine Office for the Maine River Flow Advisory Council. Online Edition, 2005 Contact Information. King, 1994, Maine Geological Survey, 524 p. Find out how to contact, access, and Learn about Maine's geology through online maps, publications, videos, lesson plans, and collections. In the field of hydrogeology, much remains to be learned about Maine's bedrock aquifers, which provide water for most rural homes. Many of these sites originally appeared on the MGS web site as Sites of the Month. Daniel F. W. Special thanks to Jim Caldwell with the USGS, Maine Office and Amber Whittaker and Dan Locke with the Maine Geological Survey for developing the scripts and story board, and serving as on-screen talent. H. The Maine Geological Survey has published Volume 2 of the "Mineralogy of Maine. The Maine Geological Survey has historical air photos covering all of Maine. Determine the difference between the Mean Tide Level (MTL) and NAVD88. 6, p. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the intent of providing federal, state, and local managers with tools to estimate the vulnerability and ecosystem service potential of these wetlands. A. For more information on Maine's surficial materials, refer to the following pages: Introduction to Surficial Materials; Maine's Surficial Geology; For further assistance in interpreting this map, contact a geologist at the Maine Geological Survey. Joseph T. Geological Survey). Kelley, Maine Geological Survey Walter A. Surficial Geology 1:24,000-scale Maps Description In 2013, the Maine Geological Survey (MGS) and Maine’s Floodplain Management Program (MFMP) created Potential Hurricane Inundation Maps, or PHIMs, with funding through a FEMA Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) grant to the Floodplain Management Program. It was derived from the U. The coastal bluff maps provide additional information about the slope, shape, and amount of vegetation covering a coastal Printed copies of this photo and photos of other beaches may be purchased from the Maine Geological Survey, 93 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0022 (207-287-2801). The MBMAP program, initiated by MGS in 2005, Bibliography of Maine Geology - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Use the Maps and Publications Search to identify printed and online publications available from the Maine Geological Survey. Geological Survey's Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS). 0), which are generally too small to feel, are not listed here. Our mountains are simply places where the bedrock has been worn down less than the Many of the charges to the WRPC set forth in the legislation are already being carried out at the Maine Geological Survey (MGS) through our projects with the U. C. Much of the data can be downloaded for further use and analysis. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Coastal Landslide Hazards maps produced by the Maine Geological Survey describe the internal stability of sediment bluffs. The following popular MGS publications are now available for purchase Bibliography of Maine Geology - For those interested in more in-depth research, the Bibliography of Maine Geology contains more than 12,000 references related to Maine geology. To order maps, Maine Geological Survey Hub Site. (T15 R6 WELS) Plumbago North - Lithium-bearing pegmatite with large spodumene crystals. Meenan, Maine Geological Survey. It provides scientific information and services on the Choose one of the following topics to explore the world of Maine geology. The majority of tsunamis in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea were triggered by either seismic (earthquake) activity or the result of volcanic eruption. Don't know where to start? Try Water Well Database. Table of Contents. This map series updates and supersedes the previous Coastal Sand Dune Geology Maps of 2011 (Slovinsky and Dickson, 2011) and the Beach and Dune Geology The Maine Geological Survey used this data to produce Surficial Geology 1:24,000-scale Maps. Dates are given in local Maine time (EST or EDT). ipz lnn nzx fka yod qft nbt yinwhbz pha tdms