Shoulders after back day. It’s the body’s natural .

Shoulders after back day Oct 31, 2023 · Legs are a much better choice than back for the day after chest day. You could literally have an entire workout of just back. Tendons and ligaments not so much. In most cases, the soreness will diminish over this period. Personally, lat pulldown targets the top part of that particular back muscle. Since the traps are activated with these major movements, it makes sense for you to target traps as a part of your back day Sep 23, 2024 · Hopefully you never suffer a shoulder injury after a fall, but it’s a reality for thousands of Americans every day. My routine back when I did a five day split was similar to what you listed, just your Tuesday and Wednesday are swapped. Jan 31, 2023 · Grasp the handle using an overhand grip about shoulder-width apart. The intensity and duration of pain can differ significantly among individuals, influenced by the type of surgery, the patient’s pain tolerance, and their overall health. ” And now you know why. You can definitely train chest and shoulder muscles after back and bicep day. It’s also getting trained pretty heavily each time you bench press or work your back, and even play a stabilizing role when you After undergoing shoulder surgery, managing pain and discomfort becomes a top priority for a swift recovery. Day 1: Chest + Abs; Day Aug 6, 2024 · Chest day is tiring, so working on shoulders after a chest day with low motivation and energy is not recommended. One night you go to bed feeling fine and the next day you have severe shoulder pain. Chest/Arms B. I learned the hard way to ease back in even though muscle memory may Mar 20, 2023 · The weekends are rest days, and on Monday you perform your back and biceps workout as part of the cycle. 4 days ago · Day 1 – Upper body day: Chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. OHP and similar upwards pushing movements hit the lateral deltoids somewhat. Here are some FAQs about chest day workouts: Can I Train Triceps After Chest Day? To perform a workout safely and prevent injury to your shoulders and lower back, follow these rules: Hold the rope firmly but do not grip it extremely hard. Jun 13, 2020 · I train traps with BOTH back and shoulders; so I train them twice a week. I feel hella sore after legs and I can always feel soreness in my bis and tris but I never am sore in my shoulders. That’s about it. Oct 15, 2023 · Yes, you can train shoulders and back on the same day. Every other leg workout, instead of that first set of back squats, do deadlifts. And though most shoulder problems are relatively short-lived, the pain is sometimes indicative of a more complex issue. Make sure your ears are over your shoulder. Is It Advisable to Workout Shoulders Every Day After a Shoulder Day? Anterior deltoids are synergists with lots of chest movements. Shoulder day follows, with leg day wrapp Should I train traps on shoulder day or back day? Training Traps with the Back The traps are involved in major movements for the back like deadlifts with both a barbell and hex bar, rack pulls, and bent over barbell rows. On back day I do deadlifts and a few other compound lifts that hit the lower back (bent over rows, t bar rows). com. I'm sometimes sore in my traps but only occasionally. 1-2 days on legs, 1 day for shoulders and rear delts, but i'm torn between doing chest and back on the same day and arms on a different one, or chest and triceps on one day and back and biceps on another. As some of the push and pull movements will exhaust your muscles, you will get a better cumulative load on your shoulder muscles in a push or pull day compared to a shoulder only day. Posterior deltoids on back/bi day. You have to do traps everyday, at least twice for growth. In fact, you can even feel your front delts after benching and your rear delts and traps after pulling. I wouldnt make these a common back to back workout because it wont allow your shoulder muscles to recovery effectively, and it may not allow you to do the maximum amount of weight you can do on chest day. A must-do on shoulder day, this stretch targets your deltoid muscle. From a tendon, ligament, etc standpoint, I hate it even more. I had some bruising on my back that now started to fade away slowly after 24 hours. I always left a day in between chest and shoulders. My second push day is 3 days after my first and I typically can't hit the same volume with that little rest, so I focus more on chest the first day (bench & mild incline) and more on shoulders (OHP & steep incline plus DB raises) the second day. In addition to rest days, any Stronglifts workout that includes barbell rows is followed by a workout that focuses on your shoulders and lower body. It works for me. I think both approaches have their pros/cons. Most lifters like to start their training week by hitting their pectorals. Sep 10, 2024 · What’s A Shoulder Day Workout? “Shoulder Day” is a workout focused on the shoulders: the front delts, side delts, and rear delts. On push day you can prioritize chest or shoulders. It is crucial to listen to your body and adjust your exercises Jul 26, 2018 · So that is day 1 and day 2 out of the way, next you don't have a have a range of choices, I suggest that you train legs, this is because your chest may still be sore and wouldn't want to train SHOULDERS on a sore CHEST and that your arms need a bit of recovery from the CHEST and BACK workouts. If you don't target a muscle group at least twice a week you aren't going to see real gains because there is simply too much time between training sessions for that group. 3 is shoulders/tris, but I do some close-grip benching and a very high incline press that sneak some chest work in. To build the muscle back, rest is needed. When It’s Bad: Like the bench press, the dip exercise can hurt your shoulders if you let your elbows wing out too much. After a shoulder workout perform a back workout, leg workout, or take a day off from This might not be the reason, but it's worth checking your form. You can do it is your shoulders arent to sore, but a lot of chest workouts incorporate shoulder muscles. This exercise targets the back of your deltoids, a muscle in your shoulder. It’s the same story on back day. As I've increased my weights, the next arm day I might still be a tad sore, I just take that day off and do some walking, then continue like normal the following day. The simple reason is that on back and bicep day you have used the flexor muscles (involved in pulling) and on chest and shoulder or triceps day you would be using the extensor muscles (involved in pushing). Squats and Deadlifts: Don't train squats and deadlifts on back to back days. Not PPL. Anterior/lateral deltoids on chest/tri day. Because you must perform distinct workouts for each of the three deltoid heads, you should train your shoulder muscles individually from other large muscle groups. but that was because thats how that routine was designed. Does doing overhead seated shoulder press work the back enough where it would not be a good idea to do it the day after a back day? Feb 27, 2024 · Squeeze your shoulder blades to create mid-back tension to help support the load. i dont know. If you’re choosing between adding shrugs to a back day or shoulder day routine, opt for shoulder day. Asked by: Michael Weaver. And yes my form is correct, i keep my chest out and shoulders back when Jan 17, 2024 · According to current research, 12–20 weekly sets per muscle group is the sweet spot. I started by diagnosing the problem. Nov 6, 2023 · Unrack a barbell in the back rack position (bar behind your neck and along the tops of your shoulders). It was the first time I had ever had a shoulder impingement and it happened after I finished an obstacle course race. the key for me is to do exercises that dont overlap too much, nothing overhead on thursday, nothing involving heavy use of chest on friday. What is the Best Workout After Shoulder Day? Following shoulder day, wait 48–72 hours before working your chest, shoulders, or triceps again. So I wouldn't do all of your shoulders on one day or the other. Bit of a mixed bag. I want to gain muscle everywhere of course, but especially my arms right now. This can pull your shoulder joints and back into positions where harmful strain is placed on them. Most serious people do it 4+ times a day. Gripping too hard can lead you to lean back on the ropes. This is at least what's working for me. That's one way to do it at least. Oct 14, 2016 · When it comes to training muscle groups of your body, everything usually has a place. Poor posture can be a pain in the neck, back and shoulders. However, you never seem to get sore shoulders following Aug 7, 2004 · I've come across a few routines that work the back the day after shoulders are worked. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So if anything your biceps will take the hit from your back day. Should You Work Shoulders After Back Day? 5 Causes of Upper Back Pain After a Chest Workout Fitness Day One is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Keeping your shoulders back and down and your core engaged, plant your feet shoulder-width apart and bend slightly forward. If you like doing shoulders and back do shoulders and back. If you work biceps the day before back, your biceps will be fatigued and could limit your back workout productivity. i dont think it really matters. Your upper trap muscles will be warmer and less prone to injury if you do shrugs on shoulder day instead of back day. Chest/Back B. Yo, I just recently did a chest workout. wheni did a split id do them on shoulders. “Day 75 of rebuilding back after minor knee surgery. And if you roll on the shoulder or lift your arm over your head during the night – BAM you are awa Mar 2, 2024 · Shoulder Pain Post-Surgery. Oct 29, 2010 · Sometimes when i train my back my chest is still a little sore from the day before but i havent had any problems associated with it. However on back day I also do rear delt isolations and therefore felt it wouldn't be wise to have a shoulder day the day after back. Nov 14, 2023 · These great upper-body stretches loosen up your chest, shoulders, traps, back, biceps, and triceps. Absolutely. You get the double benefits of them already being slightly fatigued from the compounds movements too. They change the creature that is you in a way that is almost spiritual. Legs C. Pain happened today during back workout but rested the day before and the day before that did posterior leg day (included trap bar deadlifts). on back day: bis,back,core,legs,delts. This also prefaces on doing pplppl rest. However for the reasons you just listed, I prefer to do triceps on a primary push day, following chest or shoulders and biceps following a back workout. Shoulders/Arms 2 weeks ago, and I switch between shoulders and triceps as my 1st exercises every other day so it usually goes something like Ohp, Facepulls, Lateral/Front Raises, Shrugs Close grip bench, Tricep Extension, Dips Way back when I thought I had any idea what I was doing, I designed my own routine which was back/bi, chest/tri, legs/shoulders. Oct 4, 2024 · Lastly, we are going to perform rear-delt flys. I used to do those "running the rack" sets of dumbbell lateral raises, where you start with a heavy weight, do as many reps as possible then after failure immediately start on the next set with a lighter weight with no rest, going down in weights until you can barely lift your arms. Day 1: Chest + Arms; Day 2: Legs + Abs; Day 3: Back + Shoulders; 4-Day Workout Split. Brace your core. Back/Shoulders to A. I don’t really do that much shoulder isolation work. Incorporate exercises such as rows, pull-ups, and deadlifts to target these specific muscle groups. There is nothing wrong with this and is completely up to the discretion of the athlete. It’s sort of a middle ground between your shoulders and your back. It’s the body’s natural Rotator cuff tendinitis produces shoulder impingement that can pinch shoulder nerves, too. The Importance of Recovery Time for Muscles After Workouts and Its Effect on Shoulders On Back Day Routine Performance and Growth Potential . However as you can see I also additionally do triceps along with Chest - I usually throw in 2 tricep workouts after doing about 5 chest workouts. Switching to the lower body allows your upper body a much needed break. Don't do specific days like that. You automatically space out the next upper body workout, regardless of whether it’s back or shoulders by 48-hours at least. Step back one or two steps from the machine. Before you descend into the squat, take a deep breath and brace your core. Keeping your arms straight, use your lats to pull the bar down. Check your posture. i think that routine also had upright rows on back day, so maybe they split it up. Common Complaints About Shoulder Pain. Following back day you get DOMS in your lats, biceps, and forearms. When selecting shoulder and back exercises to target, you will need to consider your areas of weakness. Tag Archives: back day. I like to superset the glute machine then the back extension machine. STAY STRONG! Aug 31, 2024 · Switching up your rep schemes like this is a good option. I had a shoulder impingement for the first time around November 2019. Do not lean back on the ropes. I therefore didn't think a leg day would be wise after back day. Latest stories. It's what people call a "bro split" because it is scientifically inadvisable. What do you guys think? Training back the day after chest/shoulders Help Just changed my 3 day split from A. Dec 13, 2023 · Pull-ups and chin-ups engage the shoulders and upper back extensively, potentially leading to overexertion. After shoulder surgery, patients commonly experience varying degrees of pain, which is a natural part of the healing process. The way I workout is arms/chest (sometimes back) one day, abs and legs the next. Quick Fix: Go deep enough until your shoulders are just below your elbows. Think of pressing exercises like overhead presses and incline bench presses, pulling exercises like wide-grip rows and face pulls, and isolation exercises like lateral raises and reverse flyes. With some of the compound lifts you will end up working shoulders on both push and pull days anyway. Day 3 – Rest day. These are the muscles on the front and sides of your shoulders. On push day 2, hit shoulders hard and heavy, and chest for volume. You’re hitting those rear delts pretty hard when you do rows or any kind of pulling exercise I have 4 days. Overtraining a group of muscles increases the chances of muscle injury. Training shoulders and back is safe and effective and can increase strength and mass when programmed properly. Understanding Postoperative Pain Postoperative pain is a common experience following shoulder surgery. I really like the "bro split" and have seen results, so I just stuck with it and made sure I hit every muscle group twice a week. Most rowing movements will involve the rear delts and traps to an extent. 5 days a week. It’s time to get to work! Let’s look at each exercise in your back day workout, including what makes each special and how to perform them safely and Sep 27, 2022 · Training back and shoulders on the same day makes for a versatile training session you can fit into almost any workout routine. Behind-the-Neck Movements; Exercises like behind-the-neck presses or pull-downs can strain the shoulder joint and should be avoided when shoulder muscles are fatigued. OHP, dummbell press, seated, standing, cuban press, arnold press, curl and press, squat and press etc. The biceps are heavily involved with pulling/rowing movements used to blast the back. This can cause both right shoulder pain after a chest workout and left shoulder pain after a chest workout depending on which arm (or both) is lifting with improper mechanics. Laying off push due to an injured tricep, still work chest from floor flys, cables etc. Your shoulders are doing some major work there, which is why they often feel sore along with your chest muscles. Often people stain their neck on trap, shoulder, or back day because they are shoving their head forward. I can do handstand shoulder press. If you find yourself in need of care for a shoulder injury after a fall, a sports collision or another traumatic incident, reach out to Dr. Avoid exercises that work your rear deltoids. . When you are doing shoulders after chest day, you are overtraining your shoulder muscles as these muscles contribute to chest Day 2: Legs + Abs Day 3: Shoulders Day 4: Back Day 5: Arms So obviously on Arms day, I do triceps, biceps and forearms. I'm sure I'll catch some flack for combining legs and shoulders, but a 3-day split lets me work everything twice per week, and I've gotten good results from it. Dec 13, 2023 · What Areas Should I Focus on for My Workout After Chest Day? To optimize your fitness routine, consider working out after back day. Your training will have caused micro-tears in the muscle fiber, resulting in fatigued muscles and muscle strain. After warming up, do 4 sets of 6. Here’s a guide to what might be wrong and whether or not it’s a you aren't doing anything wrong. This article offers insights and practical strategies for postoperative pain relief, encompassing both medication management and alternative therapies. Angle your toes to a 45-degree angle outward. Face pulls and lateral dumbbell raises. Ended up straining a shoulder after a week back at it. Jun 25, 2015 · The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. Overtrain Your Shoulder Muscles. While rest and recovery are key to healing, there are several simple home remedies you can try to alleviate the discomfort and get back to enjoying your ski vacation. Muscle twitching and difficulty in raising the arms is another symptom of a pinched shoulder nerve. Cycle 2: Day 1: Chest/Tris Day 2: Legs/Shoulders Day 3: Back/Bis DAY 4: Rest. Took a break and muscle memory could take it. Knocked me out a few weeks of training and had to have acupuncture to help reset my shoulder. Here are examples of 3- and 4-day workout splits using this back and shoulder workout: 3-Day Workout Split. have neck or back pain after a massage or on an ongoing basis, especially if you’re unsure of the cause Oct 6, 2020 · by Adam Brown MScPT, MClScPT updated Oct 6, 2020. Apr 1, 2024 · You can do shoulders the day after back, although it isn’t ideal. I try to get to the gym 4-5 times a week. After focusing on your chest muscles, shift your attention to other key areas like your back, shoulders, and arms. Day 2 – Lower body day: Quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. I keep back day and shoulder day as far apart as possible to allow time to heal. Try these exercises to get back Sep 21, 2019 · Think about chest day, especially when you’re doing bench press and incline bench press. but 2 sets of different workouts each day. Every other part of you will get stronger if you do deadlifts. like on shoulder day ill do behind the back shrugs using the smith machine and dumbbell shrugs, then on back day ill do the shrug machine and barbell shrugs. Is this okay to do? How much are the shoulders involved in back exercises (like pullups, rows, etc)? Jul 28, 2016 · Try subtracting it and see how that feels (you will definitely see the difference and know what is best for you). Some people prefer to perform this exercise during back day. However, incorporating specific workout routines for shoulder day recovery can help promote muscle growth and aid in the recovery process. Because of its extensive range of motion, it’s susceptible to injury and pain. Then on my back/biceps day I do deadlift variations to get in some more leg work. Is this a big no no? I know it doesnt seem optimal because you’re hitting front delts on consecutive days, but my problem is after benching my shoulders are fatigued and i end up getting less reps when i do something like military press afterwards. Not exactly the same, but I used to do the Arnold Split (chest/back, shoulder, legs, chest/back, shoulders, legs) and it worked for me because I liked being able to focus on shoulders without the fatigue of doing chest and tris on the same day. Went on YouTube to research the issue and verify that I actually had a shoulder impingement. My 5 day split was back Monday, chest Tuesday, legs Wednesday, shoulders Thursday, tricep/bicep friday We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I do front and side delts on push day, rear on pull day. most important is a good rest day on saturday, my traps and delts are typically the most sore, my triceps can suprisingly handle it very well considering im a Jun 13, 2020 · Day 1: Chest/Back Day 2: Legs/Shoulders Day 3: Arms Day 4: Rest. 2 days later my delts feel more sore than my chest. Dipping too low at the bottom can also be damaging. From a muscle standpoint, I'm not a fan. Jul 26, 2017 · Who knows; starting with back might actually be good for your shoulder health and pressing power! Rear-delt isolation work still belongs at the end: If you train rear delts with back, add single-joint rear-delt moves after you're done all your multijoint back exercises, just like you would on shoulder day. I recently started feeling sore in shoulders because i used to do shittons of volume on a 'shoulder' day now i do more of a 'push' day and feel alot more sore the day after: Apr 5, 2024 · You probably remember the adults in your life telling you to “stop slouching. Oct 14, 2016 · Who knows; starting with back might actually be good for your shoulder health and pressing power! Rear-delt isolation work still belongs at the end: If you train rear delts with back, add single-joint rear-delt moves after you're done all your multijoint back exercises, just like you would on shoulder day. I have had zero problems doing it so far. I posted it on a mens health forum after following it for a year or so, and they kindly pointed out that I WAS WORKING SHOULDERS LITERALLY EVERY DAY. back day. Shoulder pain from bench pressing with arms externally rotated Typically, DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness begins the day after a workout and lasts for 2–3 days. Tuesday chest day, Wednesday leg day, Thursday shoulder day. The combo of multijoint rows and the Sep 18, 2024 · Think: chest, back, legs, arms, shoulders, and abs You may have heard these body parts further divided down into smaller muscles or muscle groups, such as: lats, traps, quadriceps, hamstrings Dec 13, 2023 · Are the same exercises suitable after a shoulder day workout as after a back day workout? It depends on individual preference and goals. Back and bis, chest and tris, shoulder and traps, legs. Sep 1, 2022 · It all goes back to the intro: The shoulder is a delicate joint. Do Deadlifts Work Rear Delts? Do Face Pulls Work Rear Delts? [Rear Delt Exercise Guide] Barbell Bent Over Row We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I keep it simple and do shrugs, since I usually hit the other two parts of the traps on back day. Btw when training shoulders I do Both days. That’s more than adequate rest. It seems unfair. I do the same for any particular muscle group that I am focusing on for growth. You are training your shoulders and shoulder girdles two days in a row when doing back and shoulders right after chest and triceps. 1 StrengthLog’s back day workout has you covered. Most of your shoulder volume will come on push days. Recovery time cannot be overlooked when discussing effective training routines incorporating shoulders on back day workouts. i do both. And even your pecs and triceps are on fire following chest day. So on push day 1, hit chest first hard and heavy, and do volume for shoulders. I have the "problem" of naturally huge shoulders, so I try not to get a crazy shoulder pump as they grow faster than everything else and makes me look a little silly. on chest day: you'll hit shoulders,triceps,chest,core and if you're doing it right even your legs. You should also be taking in 20-30 grams of protein every 3 hours the day after your workout. You can work your shoulders the day after back day provided your shoulder workout focuses on the front deltoids and lateral deltoids. After that, it’s on to back day for most people. Jun 21, 2024 · 40 likes, 3 comments. Oct 15, 2022 · The day after working out should be a day of rest for the worked muscle group as much as possible. He essentially suggests training shoulders EVERY DAY, in some different way. He makes a good point which relates to me which is that I'm just damn weak at overhead pressing and my shoulders are unimpressive. Replace masturbating with shrugs and do more between every meal and make sure you get up at least once in the middle of the night to do farmer carries. The traps are mostly responsible for moving your shoulder blades. One day truly hard, fresh, and with a big movement and 1 day in between just pumping some blood into the muscle with some isolation. 12 votes, 49 comments. Plus, your lats and erector spinae are stabilizing muscles during overhead pressing movements. This means that your options for a workout the day after shoulders are back and biceps, legs, or taking a rest day. Chest day always seems like the best way to start a training week. For example, a weight i Sep 13, 2011 · My workout split looks like this, Day 1- Chest/bis Day 2- Legs/abs Day 3- Shoulders/Traps Day 4-Back/Tris Day 5-Rest Repeat Would doing conventional deadlifts on my back day interfere with any other muscle training? My traps seem to get really sore when I do deadlifts and I’ve always wondered if thats over working them. I just alternate between them with no real days off. Shoulders & back today 🥵” Jan 9, 2025 · After a long day on the slopes, you may experience shoulder pain due to overexertion, falls, or just general fatigue. There are other ways like pulling back volume and/or intensity on bench so you can perform better at the press. Day 2 is obviously legs. For example, I have found that not having a separate shoulder day, but isolating front shoulders after chest exercises on chest day and isolating back shoulders after back exercises on back day works best for me. Both Basically comes out at hitting each muscle 1. Keep in mind that I used to train shoulders like a crazy person, and for up to 3 hours at a time on weekends. Jun 7, 2008 · Just wondering if anybody doing a 4 day a week split (2 on, 1 off, 2 on)has chest and shoulders on back to back days. First day is mostly chest focused with a little bit of back and biceps, and delts/tris get hit by doing the chest work. I do chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/legs, repeat. Arms, back, shoulders, spine, butt, legs. StrengthLog’s Back Day Workout: The Exercises. I felt good during it, but as usual my Anterior delts (Front of shoulder) was burning a lot. The back is a complex area with multiple muscles in play. true. Back exercises do not warm up the upper traps well. These muscles on the back of your shoulders are recruited heavily during back workouts. That final legs day you could add in your shoulders from push day. I myself have had problems where I would do biceps the day before back and noticed my biceps actually becoming sore after the back day implying they had not been sufficiently recovered from the day before. Position your feet so that they're somewhere between hip-width and shoulder-width. I work front side and rear delts hard and never get sore. I do my shoulder presses/front raises on chest day, and do rear delt/trap/lateral raises on back day. Holloway and his team today at (865) 410-7887. Posterior deltoids with back movements. i do this every week, monday: bi/back tuesday:legs thurs:chest/tris and friday:shoulder/arms. Mar 9, 2024 · It’s a given that after leg day your legs are sore. This will help you to avoid tipping too Nov 12, 2021 · Use an ice pack on any painful areas for 15 minutes at a time a few times per day. This pain now happens with several movements, including hammer curls, dumbbell curls, overhead presses, face pulls, and lateral raises. Immediately after the massage I felt fine like not incredibly sore that I couldn’t handle it, however 6 hours later the soreness kicked in more and I started to feel it on one side of my back. Military presses are a common cause of pinched nerves, as are dips and other rigorous shoulder exercises capable of stressing nerves. Sunday is my day off. Not just when your shrugging, or pulling, but throughout the day. Then, keeping a tall chest, sit your hips back into a squat on one side. The shoulder can hurt after it has been injured or for no apparent reason. People frequently describe the pain in the front of the shoulder or front and slightly to the side. Nov 30, 2010 · Back and Biceps: Don't train back the day after biceps. Another great way to switch things up is keeping relatively similar rep schemes as the earlier workout I showed but use different exercises. Keep in mind the following isn't push/pull but I'm sure you can do that part yourself. that's why many say its unnecessary for a separate shoulders or biceps or triceps day. Think about aiming your elbows back, but avoid keeping your arms right next to your body. The pain started after my heavy chest press push day (Tuesday) after my chest press and continued throughout the workout. However, if you are new to working out your abs, have not worked them out in a while, or did an especially taxing workout the soreness can last for up to a week. They often have a poor ability to sleep and find a comfortable position and stay comfortable throughout the night. After your rest day, your next workout will focus on lower body and shoulders, giving more time for your back to rest. Oct 13, 2023 · Both of these conditions can trigger pain during or after doing chest exercises. please read the FAQ. Rear delts and side delts can be done on any day, most common to do Rear on pull and side delts on push But, search athlean x PPL on YouTube. drqvh tsyusd yaqeeakz cmglagf vdpjz zocd tptr fejlicej vfnb fnafe