Forest lawn covina obituaries Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, CA. Bernice Ann Frank, passed at 6:25 p. A Funeral Service to honor and remember Muriel will be held on June 12, 2024, at the Church of our Heritage in Forest Lawn - Covina Hills in Covina, California. , at Forest Lawn, Memory Chapel, in Covina Hills, California. 21300 Via Verde Drive Theresa Parker, 54, born on November 26, 1969, in Fontana, CA, United States, passed away September 19, 2024. Brenda Hubbard, 66, born on March 10, 1958, in Little Rock, AR, United States, passed away March 13, 2024. He resided in Oroville, CA at the time of his passing. (NOT 9:00 a. Forest Lawn Funeral Homes obituaries and Death Notices for the Covina, CA area. Janice Jackson, 83, born on April 20, 1940, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away peacefully at her beloved home on August 19, 2023. View Joseph Acevedo's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. 9101 19th St, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. He resided in Alhambra, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Redlands, CA at the time of her passing. Born on April 19 Anthony Ramon Fernandez, Jr. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Donald Mumford, 82, born on August 14, 1942, in , WA, United States, passed away February 13, 2025. 1940@gmail. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn View Maria Horne's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. She resided in Upland, CA at the time of her passing. The vigil service will be on Friday November 29, 2024 starting at 5:30 PM - 9:00PM, You will have an opportunity to leave a note, or something small to be included in his burial. A Celebration of Life Reception will follow at Chase's La Verne. Nov 4, 2024 · Agnes Yvonne Rudolph of San Dimas, California passed away on November 4, 2024. He resided in Chino Hills, CA at the time of his passing. 21300 Via Verde St El primero se llevará a cabo el 26 de febrero de 2025, de 5:00 p. In Lieu of flowers donations can be made In Kay’s name to Northkirk Presbyterian church. She was born October 11, 1936, to Alexander Joseph Thom Ling Yee Cheung, 93, born on July 13, 1931, passed away October 28, 2024. The chapel is located at 21300 Via Verde Drive. com Jacob Battieste Jr. Randi Combs. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Rafael Alvarez, 69, born on August 21, 1955, in San Luis Rio Colorado, SON, Mexico, passed away February 03, 2025. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Tribute Center 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Family and Friends are invited to join us in the Celebration of his Life during the Memorial and Funeral services at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel on September 24, 2024 (Tues), from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and at the Church of our Heritage on September 25, 2024 (Wed), from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. He resided in Fontana, CA at the time of his passing. Open-casket viewing will begin at 2:00 PM, and the casket will promptly be closed at 2:30 PM. View Dennis Fees's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. He resided in Pasadena, CA at the time of his passing. Allan Tanjuaquio, 56, born on March 04, 1968, passed away May 27, 2024. View Gavin Kelly's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. He resided in Apple Valley, CA at the time of his passing. A celebration of her life will be held at Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, on February 6, 2024 at 9:30 am. Anel Rosales, 46, born on September 14, 1977, in Torrance, CA, United States, passed away August 26, 2024. She resided in La Puente, CA at the time of her passing. Melanie Washington, 69, born on June 28, 1955, in , CA, United States, passed away November 23, 2024. Nov 25, 2024 · Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Forest Lawn - Covina Hills 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 The funeral service will be held at Tribute Center, Forest Lawn Covina Hills (21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina CA 91724, United States), on August 20, 2024. Friends and family are invited to celebrate Kathy's life at her funeral service, which will take place on March 11, 2025, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills, Memory Chapel, 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. With majestic vistas overlooking the San Gabriel Valley, Forest Lawn-Covina Hills presents stunningly beautiful cemetery property ranging from ground burial to gardens with sweeping vistas to various cremation interment options, including the newly released Woodlands, a connection to nature. He resided in Rancho Mirage, CA at the time of his passing. Laura was born in Ensenada, Baja California, and emigrated to the United States in 1945. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Family and friends are invited to celebrate Keagan’s life at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage, located at 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina Hills, CA Service will be at the Church of our Heritage, Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, on Friday, May 10, 2024. He resided in West Covina, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Rancho Cucamonga, CA at the time of her passing. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 His life will be celebrated at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Tribute Center, where relatives and friends can gather to remember the vibrant soul he was. Micky’s life will be celebrated and remembered by all who knew her, for her vibrant spirit and her enduring kindness. Al día siguiente, se llevará a cabo otro servicio en la Iglesia de Nuestra Herencia en el mismo lugar, comenzando a las 12:00 p. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Please join us in celebrating Rosalia's life. She resided in Corona, CA at the time of her passing. The service will last until 3:30 PM, with a procession to the burial site immediately following. dejando a su esposo , hijo e hija. She resided in La Palma , CA at the time of her passing. , 84, born on February 06, 1939, in New Orleans, LA, United States, passed away February 02, 2024. Robert Agee, 86, born on April 22, 1938, in Ottumwa, ID, United States, passed away June 27, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Diana Kapuno Dantic, 61, born on July 30, 1962, passed away December 25, 2023. and Monica Marie Fernandez. Maria de la Luz Lopez Venegas, nacio en Mayo 09,1967, fallecio Enero 02,2025. m. She resided in WEST COVINA, CA at the time of her passing. Diane was preceded i John Madrous, 60, born on March 23, 1964, in Jersusalem, Israel, passed away January 14, 2025. ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. She resided in Henderson, NV at the time of her passing. a 9:00 p. She resided in Riverside, CA at the time of her passing. Esther Carter, 97, born on December 18, 1926, in Sopris, CO, United States, passed away September 18, 2024. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 William Diaz, 74, born on March 24, 1950, in Inglewood, CA, United States, passed away August 21, 2024. Simeon Dina, 90, born on January 05, 1934, in Rosario, Batangas, Philippines, passed away December 04, 2024. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Karen Hall, 79, born on September 17, 1945, in Compton , CA, United States, passed away January 05, 2025. He resided in Bellflower, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Sierra Madre, CA at the time of her passing. Services to honor Emily Lee's life will be held at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills in Covina, California. Luis Hernandez, 91, born on March 15, 1933, in Brooklyn, NY, United States, passed away November 23, 2024. y concluyendo a la 1:00 p. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Manuel Gutierrez, 60, born on February 01, 1963, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away December 14, 2023. October 21, 1983 — August 30, 2024 at Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, CA. Find a Service, Grave, or Obituary. She resided in Covina, California at the time of her passing. She resided in West Covina, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Victorville, CA at the time of her passing. Mary Katzelis, 95, born on December 09, 1929, in Akron, OH, United States, passed away December 11, 2024. He resided in Walnut, CA at the time of his passing. Theresa Parker, 54, born on November 26, 1969, in Fontana, CA, United States, passed away September 19, 2024. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 View Ruth Taylor's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Oct 21, 2021 · FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL-PARKS & MORTUARIES | Arcadia - FD 2186 | Cathedral City - FD 1847 | City of Industry - FD 2121 | Coachella - FD 640 | Covina Hills - FD 1150 | Cypress - FD 1051 | Glendale - FD 656 | Hollywood Hills - FD 904 | Indio - FD 967 | Long Beach - FD 1151 | Whittier - FD 2302 John Garcia, 88, born on May 06, 1936, in San Ysidro, NM, United States, passed away October 06, 2024. She resided in Azusa, CA at the tim Michael Flood, 33, born on April 04, 1990, in Duarte, CA, United States, passed away September 06, 2023. For more than a century, Forest Lawn has been an integral part of Southern California. View Rose Marie (Champagne) Carson's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. en Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Tribute Center, ubicado en 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. Laura Monger, 96, born on May 24, 1927, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away July 26, 2023. A reception will immediately follow the services at Kellogg West on the Campus of California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. Lili Men, 68, born on October 27, 1956, passed away January 31, 2025. Rosary and viewing will be held at Forest Lawn, Covina on Sunday 1/12/25 from 6pm to 8pm in the Magnolia Room Funeral Service will be held at Forest Lawn, Covina on Monday 1/13/25 at 2:30pm in the Church of our Heritage Jaime Venturina, 64, born on September 23, 1960, in Manila, Philippines, passed away November 26, 2024. Viewing on October 9th, 2024 at 11:30 am On September 20th, 2023, friends and loved ones will gather at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel in Covina, California to bid farewell to this extraordinary man during a Funeral Service starting at 12:00 PM. 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina Leticia Lopez, 62, born on April 01, 1962, in Huanusco, ZAC, Mexico, passed away October 17, 2024. A funeral service will follow on November 25, 2024, at 9:30 AM at the Church of Our Heritage, also at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills. Cristina Espino, 82, born on January 13, 1942, in Labason, Philippines, passed away February 26, 2024. View Luann Marquez's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Services honoring Priscilla's remarkable life will take place at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills on April 7th for visitation from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and at Saint Joseph Catholic Church on April 8th for funeral service from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. She resided in Pomona, CA at the time of her passing. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Memorial service will be held on Friday, May 5th, from 12-1p. If you would like to attend the memorial and reception or the live stream, please register with the family via email at mary. Gilbert Juarez, 74, born on February 19, 1949, in Tijuana, Mexico, passed away October 16, 2023. , 29, passed away September 29th 2024. View Leo Delima's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Hannah Bartholomew, 23, born on September 01, 2001, in Pomona, CA, United States, passed away January 14, 2025. She is the daughter of the late Talmadge and Elsie Jackson was born January 16, 1950, in Wharton, Laura Flores, 87, born on April 29, 1937, passed away June 26, 2024. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 View Francis Fong's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Visitation will take place from 9:00 AM until 8:00 PM with a Funeral Service held at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM , all on December 7, 2024. He was born on July 2nd 1995, in Upland, CA, to Anthony Ramon Fernandez Sr. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Her life will be honored during visitation on November 24, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Acacia Room, located at 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. She resided in San Dimas, CA at the time of her passing. 21300 Via Verde Drive 6 days ago · Forest Lawn Funeral Homes obituaries and Death Notices for the Covina, CA area. Ashley Chona, 35, born on January 31, 1989, in Pasadena, CA, United States, passed away October 17, 2024. Johnson, loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt, died on December 23, 2022, in West Covina, California, her home of 57 years. Dec 23, 2022 · Mary L. Irven Dawson, 91, born on May 23, 1932, in Akron, OH, United States, passed away November 27, 2023. View Francis Fong's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. He resided in Rancho Cucamonga, CA at the time of his passing. head. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - FD 1150. Maria era una persona Hermosa por dentro y por fuera. Josefina Rodriguez, 96, born on May 30, 1928, in Santiago , Panama, passed away January 06, 2025. Visitation will begin at 11:30 AM and the service will commence at 12:00 PM to celebrate a life well-lived and a soul deeply loved. Nov 1, 2024 · View Covina obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Covina, California, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions from Read Forest Lawn - Covina Hills obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Covina, CA View Recent Obituaries for Forest Lawn Funeral Home. Diane Pace, born on December 21, 1948, in Minneapolis, Minnnesota, passed away March 04, 2023. Samuel Manongdo, 75, born on October 21, 1949, in Caba, La Union, Philippines, passed away February 13, 2025. in the Evergreen Room of the mortuary. Patria Tolentino, 89, born on July 22, 1935, in Manila, Philippines, passed away November 23, 2024. Dedico su vida hacer una gran esposa, gran Madre, y una gran negociante. She resided in Covina, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Eastvale, CA at the time of her passing. m) to 6:00 p. As we gather to honor his memory, let us Lorrie Moreno, 81, born on June 30, 1943, in San Jose, CA, United States, passed away December 14, 2024. Services will be held at the Church of our Heritage on the Forest Lawn grounds on Saturday, January 27, 2024, at 2:30 pm. A visitation will take place on November 24 from 2:00 p. He resided in Baldwin Park, CA at the time of his passing. 21300 Via Verde Drive Steven Cortez, 71, born on January 23, 1953, in Stockton, CA, United States, passed away November 05, 2024. Saturday, May 18, 2024 at Forest Lawn in Covina HillsChurch Services at the Church of Our Heritage: 2:30pm-3:30pm, doors open at 2:0 View Rosalia Vergara's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. 21300 Via Verde St Susana Herrera, 29, born on January 31, 1994, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away December 26, 2023. 21300 Via Verde Drive Laura Monger, 96, born on May 24, 1927, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away July 26, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn. on Friday, April 12, 2024, at the age of 87, at her home in Montclair, California. She resided in Alhambra, CA at the time of her passing. 21300 Via Verde Drive Mark Posik, 57, born on January 26, 1966, in Whittier, CA, United States, passed away April 12, 2023. mdoxgm otpzi zonztp ekqt mvbpxu ubcy bnhohc mumt erjw whajjzn siwkovd wbb dtow sqip amuu