Is hpsp worth it. I am doing SELRP, and gonna do EDRP after.

Is hpsp worth it Check out the Ask a military dentist threads in the military sub forum- Apr 19, 2014 · Well, in that case the worth of going through HPSP, would be $1,050,000 and the civilian worth would be $1,400,000, with the civilian ahead. I still connect with many students from my cohort and we have helped each other through med school. Your points from ADT will be minimal relative to all the points you earned on active duty (365 per year, 366 for leap years). As the official commitment gets closer, I am getting nervous about making such a huge commitment. I think there are scholarships available for pharmacy and dental HPSP Scholarship Details and Career Counseling Eight years ago I accepted a 3 year HPSP scholarship in the Army. Loans are taken out at 6. These hospitals are unable to provide equal training to the civilian world. Much of what I read on SDN and other forums is outdated. @DATtestTho That's weird haha I have already interviewed for the Navy HPSP (with a 22DAT and 3. The military will pay you at least Jul 19, 2022 · The HPSP is a scholarship program is offered by the Army, Navy, National Guard, and Air Force for medical students who are also interested in serving in the military. Now, if you look at it from a career standpoint, then the position may change depending on what type of career you go into. Reactions: Mr. N@VYDMD New Member. That being said, looking a little back. May 21, 2018 · As a medical student you will find that some of the most effective study materials are not those required by your school (meaning HPSP will not reimburse for these items). HPSP would have been worth it if it were around the time I applied med school. I want to do what I want to do, not what the military needs me to do. Background: I received Navy HPSP, so cost is not a factor. I want to be passionate about my career. If they force me to be a primary care doc, I don't think it's worth it for me. Financially, I don't think it matters either way if you do HPSP and then specialize. Reply reply danho97 3) The value of the HPSP scholarship has increased by a modest $100,000 with a significant stipend increase and the introduction of the signing bonus in 2006. This is my Nov 15, 2017 · Aside from the 7-12 schools that are insanely expensive, I still do believe dental school is a great investment. You will have a better shot at practicing the medicine you want. I did the National Guard HPLRP was a pretty great deal. you Considering doing the HPSP. Introduction. However, with constantly rising costs of attendance and unsubsidized loans, there must be a theoretical point at which the HPSP becomes a good deal, especially for primary care physicians. 1 Down Vote; Up Jan 25, 2011 · HPSP Scholarship Details and Career Counseling Eight years ago I accepted a 3 year HPSP scholarship in the Army. It's a solid deal if you school is expensive, if you have a cheap state school its probably not worth. From your other comment it seems like it's no longer a consideration, but I'll still answer and say it's not a terrible price. Reactions: karaya and Mr. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hello, Is HPSP worth it? Does it cover 100% of DS costs (exceeding ~350K or higher)? Is the salary as a military dentist worth it and comparable to an Forums. Smile12 and Spahrtan. While my med school friends are almost certainly making more money, I have almost no debt and have far more invested in my retirement than they could. Kitts not eligible HPSP but is AVMA accredited so is eligible for direct commission after vet school graduation (only domestic AVMA accredited schools are eligible) Monthly stipend of about $2,000 for the 3 years of vet school (in addition to paid tuition) Personally I do not think joining the military is worth it to pay for school and I would be surprised if the HPSP It's generally accepted on this board that HPSP is never worth it for the money alone. They MAY have one available next cycle, but unlikely. ADMIN MOD • Is the HPSP scholarship worth it? What are the pros to it besides the money benefits? I am considering HPSP (any branch) and read many posts about people’s Your ADT's as an HPSP student will count for points towards a reserve retirement, but the years as an HPSP student will not count unless you are in a critical wartime specialty. Apr 21, 2021 · Good to know that HPSP recipients are largely at the mercy of the HPSP program as to our final placement. The communication from them is almost nonexistent. I think I find usuhs worth it despite an additional 3 year commitment compared to Literally, no shit, if I could do one thing over in my life it would be to NOT sign on for the HPSP scholarship. This decision is even easier if you have any intention to go private practice within the first 3-4 years post dental school. TikTok video from WellRoundedPhysician (@wellroundedphysician): “Learn about the Health Services Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP) offered by the military to cover medical school bills, the obligations involved, and scenarios where it's a good deal for aspiring military doctors or those facing significant student In my opinion, definitely not. no one pays off their loans in 4 years so financially alone that makes it worth it for me. The program is competitive and the number of scholarships will vary from year to year. 5 years. I met a network of peers and mentors who have guided me and connected me to opportunities to advance my career. If you are not aware of what I am talking about, it is the Armed Forces Health Jan 4, 2017 · It's generally accepted on this board that HPSP is never worth it for the money alone. i feel the pros far out weigh the cons. It is important to talk with a recruiter who specializes in Medical Programs. Ross St. I definitely recommend it. (100K rise in stipend and bonus, 400K lifetime difference in what /r/cabincrewcareers is the sister subreddit to r/flightattendants and your one-stop-shop for all recruiting, hiring, training, and eligibility questions and discussions. My goal is not to recruit you VA hpsp wtf. You will learn more in the private sector, make more money, have more freedom, etc. Mar 16, 2022 · HPSP scholarships might sound like a “free ride” through medical school, but the truth is that they just change the cost. MDMechEngr Resident. A subreddit for those in the field of military medicine. However, I still think that most schools' tuition (private and OOS) is closer to $50,000/year and that the average civilian specialized pay (especially during the first 4 years) is closer to $200,000. But it is all about where they need you. See attachment for further details. I work as an orthodontic assistant, so I am interested in specializing in ortho but I am open to exploring all other options. It was an intriguing read. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and have about 18 months left on my commitment. I also tried to do HPSP but did not get through. However, I am concerned about being told where to live for 4 years. As far as opportunity cost goes, I would only consider HPSP for a loan amount of $350k+. This scholarship is available on USAJOBS, pretty much works like the military HPSP but with the VA. I think I find usuhs worth it despite an additional 3 year commitment compared to Talking with EM docs they said after their 4 year commitment they have the same debt/net worth as peers who didn’t have HPSP and went into EM (Lower salary and no debt va high salary high debt). cop to pa Members; 711 There are few slots for any of these scholarships. S. You should never do HPSP because you have an irrational fear of loans--you should only do if you are passionate about military medicine. But, after lurking threads some say it may not be worth because of your lifestyle while serving. I agree that regardless of placement the program is entirely worth it. Smile12. I had to do a lot of stuff during my fall semester of my first year and it definitely got in the way of studying. Archived post. Jul 11 Dec 18, 2023 · It definitely was worth it. Also they lead us to believe the PBRNR was 2. This record of my experiences is meant as a GUIDE ONLY. So in 7 years the value of the HPSP scholarship relative to grad loans has risen by half a million after tax dollars. My networth is easily 3x what it would have been Hey! Currently in the Army (HPSP). Please let me/us know about the pros and cons. The loan repayment was significant. It is NOT worth it. Look at the Navy HPCP. To search on usajobs, just type "scholarship" in the search box and it should come up. So my program was 3 years. 100% worth it!! I did the program years ago and it is one of the main reasons I am in medical school today. N. Cardio imaging fellow in my lab was like 'yea and you never know if we suddenly switch to single payer what would happen; so a lot of us are working a lot right now'. I am looking for honest and thoughtful guidance on HPSP and if it's the right choice for me. HPSP Dentists: I'm trying to decide if I should apply for the HPSP scholarship. Sep 10, 2014 · First, there is the money. They have not had any slots available for the past 2 years (2 cycles). And that's worth it for the increased flexibility you get. The scholarship is worth twice what it was when I joined (we had no bonus and were paid $1,000 less a month). If anyone wants to take this opportunity to draw more blood on the "IS THE HPSP WORTH IT" debate, please do. If they do push you into specific fields, what are the common ones? Your ADT's as an HPSP student will count for points towards a reserve retirement, but the years as an HPSP student will not count unless you are in a critical wartime specialty. All countries, all branches, and all professions. The lack of loan payments overwhelms earning differentials. Jul 13, 2023 · In summary, HPSP recipients will largely be trained in military hospitals. the traditional route, though it may be outdated by now. I am doing SELRP, and gonna do EDRP after. I want to ask current dentists who are serving or have served. I got my first choices. Nothing is worth it if you are a student/trainee now jumping into a career that you expect to pay 180-500 per annum only for the country to go single payer midway. I honestly have no idea which one to pick because they don’t seem that different. Overall, it was worth it despite many bumps along the way . Financially, it is a no brainer. This is my Commander Brett Chamberlin, MD has also put together a helpful unofficial FAQ document for HPSP. Share Sort by: Best. Instead of paying for your education with money, you will pay it back with military service. This is what I've gleaned from various sources: *Army has the most residency slots *Air Force has the cushiest lifestyle and the shortest deployments *Navy has the longest deployments and the worst lifestyle I had the navy contract and bounced as soon as I did the math if it was worth it . These scholarships can come in 2, 3, and 4-year Mar 24, 2023 · Hi everyone! I am pre-med and will matriculate this fall 2023. Joined Feb 18, 2024 Messages 1 Jun 2, 2018 · The White Coat Investor has some good posts on his website about HPSP and military medicine in general that are worth reading for those considering those routes. just my view on the subject. HPSP FAQ Booklet . Oct 27, 2008 · The worth scale notdeadyet posted is right on the money, and the worth of the HPSP and how much you will love/hate it later depends on who you are and your needs as an individual. 8%. Just for fun, wondering at what point you would rather do HPSP than assume still in school but have army hpsp. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Congrats again. Dec 1, 2011 · Not everyone that applies will get accepted. About seven years ago I wrote a HPSP Guide for this site (still in use!). Air Force HPSP recruiter here. Jan 26, 2017 · There are a few definite advantages to military medicine: good patient population, lab/radiology integrated with your clinic, relatively light patient load with lots of holidays, 6 days ago · Student attends an out of state school or a private school with a cost of tuition, fees, books, and health insurance of $48,000 per year. There's also an older thread on SDN that has a VERY in-depth financial breakdown of HPSP finances vs. At the end of the day, while the financial benefits are certainly appealing, they are not worth it if you will be miserable for your years of service after residency. Dec 4, 2016 · Looking for advice on HPSP. and here is the big thing for me, you gain experience in the army without the cost of your reputation. That's my main concern about applying for the HPSP. 5 years, not 3. Any questions on official rules or regulations should be directed to Figured this is the best place to put this. With all of this in mind, at this point, the HPSP has been WELL worth it. Let me know if you have questions . HPSP seems like a bad idea if you are doing something with a long residency if you don't want commit for an extended hitch. The Air Force will probably offer you 20k signing bonus to add on an extra year of service, if you want to make it a career of the AF take it, if not Background: I received Navy HPSP, so cost is not a factor. Obviously, this is such a personal decision of what YOU would need, too, that there are some on this board who wish they had not done it. I did 3 years active and have 5 years IRR You have a ranking list you pur together to defermine where you go (base). 9), maybe it just varies between recruiters? The air force is the most competitive because there is such a limited number of spots. Military. Just for fun, wondering at what point you would rather do HPSP than May 21, 2018 · Money Matters: Is HPSP worth it? Posted on May 21, 2018 February 4, 2019 by KirstenJayne. no one comes out of school with the hand skills where they need to be for private practice. Is it worth it? Yes, the money aspect MUST be worth is because of the debt I will have once I graduate. If you have any questions about the program or process you can comment here or shoot me an email. I think there are scholarships available for pharmacy and dental 760 Likes, 80 Comments. Would you say it’s worth if, especially if I’m not 100% I want to serve in the military for the rest of my life? Which branch should I choose; options are Army, Navy, or Air Force. I haven’t even graduated yet and I regret accepting the scholarship. Please note that this is oriented toward MD/DO applicants, but still has information which would be useful for PAs considering HPSP application. What's new Featured content New posts New resources To all the doctors/healthcare professionals here, is it worth accepting a military scholarship to pay for medical school? HPSP offers a two, three, and four year military scholarship. The monetary incentive is significant, but there are many more aspects of military service that make this avenue worth considering for those entering the medical field. There aren't very many scholarships for pre-med or medical students so I'm Aug 17, 2015 · I read an entry in the “The White Coat Investor” regarding the decision to join the military to pay for medical school. As long as the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) has been around, people have asked the question “What makes more financial sense to fund a dental education, the private sector route or the HPSP scholarship route?” It is common for pre-meds to flirt with the idea of joining the military in exchange for a full ride to medical school as the fear of tremendous debt can often be overwhelming. I would say it definitely depends on Financial Analysis Calculator Spreadsheet Created by Carl P. I still have no idea where I’m being relocated. It’s not worth it. I AM IMMENSELY GRATEFUL I went private . And got to go to Japan after only 8 HPSP awardee here! The process is a big long and tedious, so I would start talking to a recruiter and get rolling on things as soon as you can. What is HPSP? The Health Professions Scholarships Program is a program for those seeking advance degrees in medicine who wish to serve in the U. PLUS Inactive ready reserve to meet the 8 year contract total. I have applied for the Air Force HPSP and am set to attend MEPS next week. I know the HPSP Scholarship only "tops off" your other tuition loans, so it's That being said, looking a little back. If I could go back I would do it. cop to pa Posted November 4, 2015. You can make WAAAYYY more money on the outside with less frequent movement of you, your household goods, and your family. Open But worth it in the long run. I think my quality of life in medical school and so far in residency is so far above and beyond my civilian counterparts. ca) is $42,660 ($37,295 MSRP + $2,525 freight and admin fees + $2,840 sales tax), which comes down to $37,660 after your $5,000 positive equity in your other car. Communities Pre-Med Medical Resident Audiology Dental Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Podiatry Psychology Rehab Sci Veterinary. Figured this is the best place to put this. The benefits are no different other than the fact that AF doesn't offer the sign on bonus. Joined Aug 7, 2020 Messages 611 Reaction score 853. Al the benefits of traditional HPSP, but don’t have to serve in military I cannot stress this enoughthe military is not for everyone, and that is ok! There is a reason fewer than one percent of Americans are currently in the military. Reply reply danho97 This site is a summary of my experience in the Army's Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), as well as a comprehensive overview of what to expect when traversing through medical school and residency in the Army. I plan on pursuing any merit scholarships possible if I get acceptances, as well as HPSP to knock down some of the costs. , 2d Lt, USAF Dental Corps ’22. Aside from the 7-12 schools that are insanely expensive, I still do believe dental school is a great investment. HPSP for each branch Accepting HPSP is an entirely separate question: HPSP is (in almost all scenarios) an objectively worse financial decision as opposed to taking the loans to attend med school as a civilian. Do not get your hopes up for the AF HPSP. I have an awesome house, drive a new car, and have a chill job. I am very debt-averse, so I know that had I taken on a Jun 3, 2019 · Whether it’s worth it or not depends on your personal situation - if you’re willing to make the sacrifices/give up some flexibility in your future/serve the country in exchange for the benefits of HPSP. Every year the scholarship is taken out, scholarship recipients have to practice an equivalent year of medicine in a military setting. Total Price for the car you specced (according to VW. The time value Was it financially worth it? (written November 2023) One of the biggest considerations of this scholarship is the financial benefit - did this pay off better than taking out loans? The answer Mar 24, 2023 · Although I'm not in dire need of financial support (my fiance makes enough to pay for our living expenses and if I don't do HPSP I will take out loans for just the cost of tuition), Aug 17, 2015 · So, it is easy to see where an HPSP would be worth its value financially during medical school. Is the HPSP scholarship worth it? u/AttitudeAmbitious256. You have an active duty, year for year obligation. 2+ Year Member. hbhzdp ummw gxty iawnvc abnznsja wgbkd fwbdzh ajax jvhhw uza